#!/bin/bash # Author: klaxalk (klaxalk@gmail.com, github.com/klaxalk) # # Dependencies: # - vim/nvim : scriptable file editing # - jq : json manipulation # - rofi : nice dmenu alternative # - xdotool : window manipulation # - xrandr : getting info of current monitor # - i3-msg : i3 tui # - awk+sed+cat ... # # vim: set foldmarker=#\ #{,#\ #} # #{ CHECK DEPENDENCIES VIM_BIN="$(whereis -b vim | awk '{print $2}')" NVIM_BIN="$(whereis -b nvim | awk '{print $2}')" JQ_BIN="$(whereis -b jq | awk '{print $2}')" XDOTOOL_BIN="$(whereis -b xdotool | awk '{print $2}')" XRANDR_BIN="$(whereis -b xrandr | awk '{print $2}')" ROFI_BIN="$(whereis -b rofi | awk '{print $2}')" if [ -z "$NVIM_BIN" ] && [ -z "$VIM_BIN" ]; then echo missing vim or neovim, please install dependencies exit 1 fi if [ -z "$JQ_BIN" ]; then echo missing jq, please install dependencies exit 1 fi if [ -z "$XDOTOOL_BIN" ]; then echo missing xdotool, please install dependencies exit 1 fi if [ -z "$XRANDR_BIN" ]; then echo missing xrandr, please install dependencies exit 1 fi if [ -z "$ROFI_BIN" ]; then echo missing rofi, please install dependencies exit 1 fi # #} if [ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]; then if [ -e "${HOME}/.layouts" ] && [ -n "$(command ls -A ${HOME}/.layouts)" ]; then LAYOUT_PATH=${HOME}/.layouts else LAYOUT_PATH="${HOME}/.config/i3-layout-manager/layouts" fi else LAYOUT_PATH="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/i3-layout-manager/layouts" fi # make directory for storing layouts mkdir -p $LAYOUT_PATH > /dev/null 2>&1 # logs LOG_FILE=/tmp/i3_layout_manager.txt echo "" > "$LOG_FILE" # #{ ASK FOR THE ACTION # if operating using dmenu if [ -z $1 ]; then ACTION=$(echo "LOAD LAYOUT SAVE LAYOUT DELETE LAYOUT" | rofi -i -dmenu -no-custom -p "Select action") if [ -z "$ACTION" ]; then exit fi # get me layout names based on existing file names in the LAYOUT_PATH LAYOUT_NAMES=$(ls -Rt $LAYOUT_PATH | grep "layout.*json" | sed -nr 's/layout-(.*)\.json/\1/p' | sed 's/\s/\n/g' | sed 's/_/ /g') # layout names LAYOUT_NAME=$(echo "$LAYOUT_NAMES" | rofi -i -dmenu -p "Select layout (you may type new name when creating)" | sed 's/\s/_/g') # ask for selection LAYOUT_NAME=${LAYOUT_NAME^^} # upper case # getting argument from command line else ACTION="LOAD LAYOUT" # if the layout name is a full path, just pass it, otherwise convert it to upper case if [[ "${1}" == *".json" ]]; then LAYOUT_NAME="${1}" else LAYOUT_NAME="${1^^}" fi fi # no action, exit if [ -z "$LAYOUT_NAME" ]; then exec "$0" "$@" fi # #} # if the layout name is a full path, use it, otherwise fabricate the full path if [[ $LAYOUT_NAME == *".json" ]]; then LAYOUT_FILE=`realpath "$LAYOUT_NAME"` else LAYOUT_FILE=$LAYOUT_PATH/layout-"$LAYOUT_NAME".json fi echo $LAYOUT_FILE if [ "$ACTION" == "LOAD LAYOUT" ] && [ ! -f "$LAYOUT_FILE" ]; then exit fi # get current workspace ID WORKSPACE_ID=$(i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq '.[] | select(.focused==true).num' | cut -d"\"" -f2) # #{ LOAD if [[ "$ACTION" = "LOAD LAYOUT" ]]; then # updating the workspace to the new layout is tricky # normally it does not influence existing windows # For it to apply to existing windows, we need to # first remove them from the workspace and then # add them back while we remove any empty placeholders # which would normally cause mess. The placeholders # are recognize by having no process inside them. # get the list of windows on the current workspace WINDOWS=$(xdotool search --all --onlyvisible --desktop $(xprop -notype -root _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP | cut -c 24-) "" 2>/dev/null) echo "About to unload all windows from the workspace" >> "$LOG_FILE" for window in $WINDOWS; do # the grep filters out a line which reports on the command that was just being called # however, the line is not there when calling with rofi from i3 HAS_PID=$(xdotool getwindowpid $window 2>&1 | grep -v command | wc -l) echo "Unloading window '$window'" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $HAS_PID -eq 0 ]; then echo "Window '$window' does not have a process" >> "$LOG_FILE" else xdotool windowunmap "$window" >> "$LOG_FILE" 2>&1 echo "'xdotool windounmap $window' returned $?" >> "$LOG_FILE" fi done echo "" >> "$LOG_FILE" echo "About to delete all empty window placeholders" >> "$LOG_FILE" # delete all empty layout windows from the workspace # we just try to focus any window on the workspace (there should not be any, we unloaded them) for (( i=0 ; $a-100 ; a=$a+1 )); do # check window for STICKY before killing - if sticky do not kill xprop -id $(xdotool getwindowfocus) | grep -q '_NET_WM_STATE_STICK' if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "Killing an unsued placeholder" >> "$LOG_FILE" i3-msg "focus parent, kill" >> "$LOG_FILE" 2>&1 i3_msg_ret="$?" if [ "$i3_msg_ret" == 0 ]; then echo "Empty placeholder successfully killed" >> "$LOG_FILE" else echo "Empty placeholder could not be killed, breaking" >> "$LOG_FILE" break fi fi done echo "" >> "$LOG_FILE" echo "Applying the layout" >> "$LOG_FILE" # then we can apply to chosen layout i3-msg "append_layout $LAYOUT_FILE" >> "$LOG_FILE" 2>&1 echo "" >> "$LOG_FILE" echo "About to bring all windows back" >> "$LOG_FILE" # and then we can reintroduce the windows back to the workspace for window in $WINDOWS; do # the grep filters out a line which reports on the command that was just being called # however, the line is not there when calling with rofi from i3 HAS_PID=$(xdotool getwindowpid $window 2>&1 | grep -v command | wc -l) echo "Loading back window '$window'" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $HAS_PID -eq 0 ]; then echo "$window does not have a process" >> "$LOG_FILE" else xdotool windowmap "$window" echo "'xdotool windowmap $window' returned $?" >> "$LOG_FILE" fi done fi # #} # #{ SAVE if [[ "$ACTION" = "SAVE LAYOUT" ]]; then ACTION=$(echo "DEFAULT (INSTANCE) SPECIFIC (CHOOSE) MATCH ANY" | rofi -i -dmenu -p "How to identify windows? (xprop style)") if [[ "$ACTION" = "DEFAULT (INSTANCE)" ]]; then CRITERION="default" elif [[ "$ACTION" = "SPECIFIC (CHOOSE)" ]]; then CRITERION="specific" elif [[ "$ACTION" = "MATCH ANY" ]]; then CRITERION="any" fi ALL_WS_FILE=$LAYOUT_PATH/all-layouts.json CURRENT_MONITOR=$(i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq '.[] | select(.focused==true).output' | cut -d"\"" -f2) # get the i3-tree for all workspaces for the current monitor i3-save-tree --output "$CURRENT_MONITOR" > "$ALL_WS_FILE" 2>&1 # get the i3-tree for the current workspace i3-save-tree --workspace "$WORKSPACE_ID" > "$LAYOUT_FILE" 2>&1 # for debug # cp $LAYOUT_FILE $LAYOUT_PATH/ws_temp.txt # cp $ALL_WS_FILE $LAYOUT_PATH/all_temp.txt # back the output file.. we are gonna modify it and alter we will need it back BACKUP_FILE=$LAYOUT_PATH/.layout_backup.txt cp $LAYOUT_FILE $BACKUP_FILE # get me vim, we will be using it alot to postprocess the generated json files if [ -x "$(whereis nvim | awk '{print $2}')" ]; then VIM_BIN="$(whereis nvim | awk '{print $2}')" HEADLESS="--headless" GOT_NVIM=true elif [ -x "$(whereis vim | awk '{print $2}')" ]; then VIM_BIN="$(whereis vim | awk '{print $2}')" HEADLESS="" GOT_VIM=true fi # the allaround task is to produce a single json file with the description # of the current layout on the focused workspace. However, the # i3-save-tree --workspace # command only outputs the inner containers, without wrapping them into the # root container of the workspace, which leads to loosing the information # about the initial split .. vertical? or horizontal?... # We can solve it by asking for a tree, which contains all workspaces, # including the root splits and borrowing the root split info from there. # I do it by locating the right place in the all-tree by mathing the # workspace tree and then extracting the split part and adding it back # to the workspace json. # first we need to do some preprocessing, before we can find, where in the # all-tree file we can find the workspace part. # remove the floating window part, that would screw up out matching if [ -n "$GOT_VIM" ]; then $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/floating_con/norm [{d%' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" else # when scripting d% to delete to the next in pair, it actually leaves one of the pair characters there $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/floating_con/norm [{d%dd' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" fi # remove comments $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/\/\//norm dd' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/\/\//norm dd' -c "wqa" -- "$ALL_WS_FILE" # remove indents $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/^/norm 0d^' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/^/norm 0d^' -c "wqa" -- "$ALL_WS_FILE" # remove commas $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%s/^},$/}/g' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%s/^},$/}/g' -c "wqa" -- "$ALL_WS_FILE" # remove empty lines in the the workspace file $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/^$/norm dd' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" # now I will try to find the part in the big file which containts the # small file. I have not found a suitable solution using off-the-shelf # tools, so custom bash it is... MATCH=0 PATTERN_LINES=`cat $LAYOUT_FILE | wc -l` # get me the number of lines in the small file SOURCE_LINES=`cat $ALL_WS_FILE | wc -l` # get me the number of lines in the big file N_ITER=$(expr $SOURCE_LINES - $PATTERN_LINES) readarray pattern < $LAYOUT_FILE MATCH_LINE=0 for (( a=1 ; $a-$N_ITER ; a=$a+1 )); do CURR_LINE=0 MATCHED_LINES=0 while read -r line1; do PATTERN_LINE=$(echo ${pattern[$CURR_LINE]} | tr -d '\n') if [[ "$line1" == "$PATTERN_LINE" ]]; then MATCHED_LINES=$(expr $MATCHED_LINES + 1) else break fi CURR_LINE=$(expr $CURR_LINE + 1) done <<< $(cat "$ALL_WS_FILE" | tail -n +"$a") if [[ "$MATCHED_LINES" == "$PATTERN_LINES" ]]; then MATCH_LINE="$a" break fi done # lets extract the key part, containing the block with the root split # load old workspace file (we destroyed the old one, remember?) mv $BACKUP_FILE $LAYOUT_FILE $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%s/\\\\//g' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" # delete the part below and above the block $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c "normal ${MATCH_LINE}ggdGG{kdgg" -c "wqa" -- "$ALL_WS_FILE" # rename the "workspace to "con" (container) $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/type/norm ^Wlciwcon' -c "wqa" -- "$ALL_WS_FILE" # change the fullscrean to 0 $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/fullscreen/norm ^Wr0' -c "wqa" -- "$ALL_WS_FILE" # extract the needed part of the file and add it to the workspace file # this part is mostly according to the i3 manual, except we actually put there # the information about the split type cat $ALL_WS_FILE | cat - $LAYOUT_FILE > /tmp/tmp.txt && mv /tmp/tmp.txt $LAYOUT_FILE # add closing bracked at the end $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c 'normal Go] }' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" # now we have to do some postprocessing on it, all is even advices on the official website # https://i3wm.org/docs/layout-saving.html # uncomment the instance swallow rule if [[ "$CRITERION" = "default" ]]; then $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c "%g/instance/norm ^dW" -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" elif [[ "$CRITERION" = "any" ]]; then $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/instance/norm ^dW3f"di"' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" elif [[ "$CRITERION" = "specific" ]]; then LAST_LINE=1 while true; do LINE_NUM=$(cat $LAYOUT_FILE | tail -n +$LAST_LINE | grep '// "class' -n | awk '{print $1}') HAS_INSTANCE=$(echo $LINE_NUM | wc -l) if [ ! -z "$LINE_NUM" ]; then LINE_NUM=$(echo $LINE_NUM | awk '{print $1}') LINE_NUM=${LINE_NUM%:} LINE_NUM=$(expr $LINE_NUM - 1) LINE_NUM=$(expr $LINE_NUM + $LAST_LINE ) NAME=$(cat $LAYOUT_FILE | sed -n "$(expr ${LINE_NUM} - 4)p" | awk '{$1="";print $0}') SELECTED_OPTION=$(cat -n $LAYOUT_FILE | sed -n "${LINE_NUM},$(expr $LINE_NUM + 2)p" | awk '{$2="";print $0}' | rofi -i -dmenu -no-custom -p "Choose the matching method for${NAME%,}" | awk '{print $1}') # when user does not select, choose "instance" (class+1) if [ -z "$SELECTED_OPTION" ]; then SELECTED_OPTION=$(expr ${LINE_NUM} + 1) fi $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c "norm ${SELECTED_OPTION}gg^dW" -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" LAST_LINE=$( expr $SELECTED_OPTION) else break fi done fi # uncomment the transient_for $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/transient_for/norm ^dW' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" # delete all comments $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/\/\//norm dd' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" # add a missing comma to the last element of array we just deleted $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/swallows/norm j^%k:s/,$//g ' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" # delete all empty lines $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/^$/norm dd' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" # pick up floating containers and move them out of the root container if [ -n "$GOT_VIM" ]; then $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/floating_con/norm [{d%GA p' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" else # nvim has a bug currently: # when scripting d% to delete to the next in pair, it actually leaves one of the pair characters there $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c "%g/floating_con/norm [{%ma%d'aGA p" -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" fi # delete all empty lines $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%g/^$/norm dd' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" # add missing commas between the newly created inner parts of the root element $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c '%s/}\n{/}, {/g' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" # surroun everythin in [] $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c 'normal ggO[Go]' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" # autoformat the file $VIM_BIN $HEADLESS -nEs -u NONE -c 'normal gg=G' -c "wqa" -- "$LAYOUT_FILE" rm "$ALL_WS_FILE" notify-send -u low -t 2000 "Layout saved" -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:anything fi # #} # #{ DELETE if [[ "$ACTION" = "DELETE LAYOUT" ]]; then rm "$LAYOUT_FILE" notify-send -u low -t 2000 "Layout deleted" -h string:x-canonical-private-synchronous:anything exec "$0" "$@" fi # #}