[package] name = "kalk_cli" version = "0.3.10" authors = ["PaddiM8"] edition = "2018" readme = "../README.md" description = "A calculator that supports user-defined functions, variables and units, and can handle fairly ambiguous syntax." repository = "https://github.com/PaddiM8/kalk" license = "MIT" keywords = ["math", "calculator", "cli", "command-line"] categories = ["mathematics", "command-line-utilities"] build = "build.rs" [[bin]] path = "src/main.rs" name = "kalk" [dependencies] kalk = { path = "../kalk", version = "^1.4.0" } rustyline = "7.0.0" ansi_term = "0.12.1" regex = "1" lazy_static = "1.4.0" seahorse = "1.1.1" [target.'cfg(windows)'.build-dependencies] winres = "0.1" [package.metadata.bundle] name = "kalk" identifier = "net.strct.kalk" icon = ["../res/icon*"] short_description = "A calculator that supports user-defined functions, variables and units, and can handle fairly ambiguous syntax." [package.metadata.bundle.bin.kalk] name = "kalk"