use crate::ast::Expr; use crate::ast::Identifier; use crate::ast::Stmt; use crate::interpreter; use crate::kalk_num::KalkNum; use crate::lexer::TokenKind; use crate::parser::CalcError; pub fn derive_func( context: &mut interpreter::Context, name: &Identifier, argument: KalkNum, ) -> Result { const H: f64 = 0.000001; let unit = &argument.unit.to_string(); let argument_with_h = Expr::Literal(argument.clone().add(context, H.into()).to_f64()); let argument_without_h = Expr::Literal(argument.sub(context, H.into()).to_f64()); let f_x_h = interpreter::eval_fn_call_expr( context, &Identifier::from_full_name(&name.pure_name), &[argument_with_h], unit, )?; let f_x = interpreter::eval_fn_call_expr( context, &Identifier::from_full_name(&name.pure_name), &[argument_without_h], unit, )?; Ok(f_x_h.sub(context, f_x).div(context, (2f64 * H).into())) } pub fn integrate( context: &mut interpreter::Context, a: &Expr, b: &Expr, expr: &Expr, ) -> Result { let mut integration_variable: Option<&str> = None; // integral(a, b, expr dx) if let Expr::Binary(_, TokenKind::Star, right) = expr { if let Expr::Var(right_name) = &**right { if right_name.full_name.starts_with("d") { // Take the value, but remove the d, so that only eg. x is left from dx integration_variable = Some(&right_name.full_name[1..]); } } } if integration_variable.is_none() { return Err(CalcError::ExpectedDx); } // "dx" is still in the expression. Set dx = 1, so that it doesn't affect the expression value. context.symbol_table.set(Stmt::VarDecl( Identifier::from_full_name(&format!("d{}", integration_variable.unwrap())), Box::new(Expr::Literal(1f64)), )); simpsons_rule(context, a, b, expr, integration_variable.unwrap()) } /// Composite Simpson's 3/8 rule fn simpsons_rule( context: &mut interpreter::Context, a_expr: &Expr, b_expr: &Expr, expr: &Expr, integration_variable: &str, ) -> Result { let mut result = KalkNum::default(); const N: i32 = 900; let a = interpreter::eval_expr(context, a_expr, "")?.value.to_f64(); let b = interpreter::eval_expr(context, b_expr, "")?.value.to_f64(); let h = (b - a) / N as f64; for i in 0..=N { context.symbol_table.set(Stmt::VarDecl( Identifier::from_full_name(integration_variable), Box::new(Expr::Literal(a + i as f64 * h)), )); let factor = match i { 0 | N => 1, _ if i % 3 == 0 => 2, _ => 3, }; // factor * f(x_n) result.value += factor * interpreter::eval_expr(context, expr, "")?.value; } result.value *= (3f64 * h) / 8f64; Ok(result) }