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Overview of features
Operators: +, -, *, /, !, %
Groups: (), ⌈⌉, ⌊⌋, []
Vectors: (x, y, z, ...)
Matrices: [x, y, z; a, b, c; ...]
Pre-defined functions and constants
User-defined functions and variables
Understands fairly ambiguous syntax. Eg. 2sinx + 2xy
Complex numbers
Piecewise functions: f(x) = { f(x + 1) if x <= 1; x otherwise },
pressing enter before typing the final "}" will make a new line without
submitting. Semicolons are only needed when writing everything on the
same line.
Different number bases: Either with a format like 0b1101, 0o5.3, 0xff
or a format like 1101_2. The latter does not support letters, as they
would be interpreted as variables. The "base" command can be used to
tell the REPL to also show output in another number base. For example,
"base 16" would make it show results in hexadecimal as well as decimal.
Root finding using Newton's method (eg. x^2 = 64). Note: estimation and
limited to one root.
Derivation (prime notation) and integration (eg. integral(a, b, x dx)
The value of an integral is estimated using Simpson's 3/8 rule,
while derivatives are estimated using the symmetric difference
quotient (and derivatives of higher order can be a bit inaccurate as of now)
Syntax highlighting
Completion for special symbols on tab
Sum/prod functions
Load files that can contain predefined variable and function declarations.
(you can also have automatically loaded files)
+, -, *, /
! Factorial, eg. 5! gives 120
% Percent, eg. 5% gives 0.05, 10 + 50% gives 15
% Modulus (remainder), eg. 23 % 3 gives 2
and, or, not
Completion for special symbols
You can type special symbols (such as √) by typing the normal function or constant name and pressing tab.
* becomes ×
/ becomes ÷
and becomes ∧
not becomes ¬
or becomes ∨
[[ becomes ⟦⟧
_123 becomes ₁₂₃
asin, acos, etc. become sin⁻¹(), cos⁻¹(), etc
sqrt becomes √
deg becomes °
pi becomes π
sum becomes Σ()
prod becomes ∏()
integrate becomes ∫()
tau becomes τ
phi becomes ϕ
floor becomes ⌊⌋
ceil becomes ⌈⌉
gamma becomes Γ
( becomes ()
Variables are defined with the following syntax: name = value
Example: x = 3/4
Predefined variables
ans - receives the value computed of the most recent expression
Functions are defined with the following syntax: name(param1, param2, etc.) = value
Examples: f(x) = 2x+3; A(x, y) = (xy)/2
They are used like this: name(arg1, arg2, etc.)
Example: f(3) + 3A(2, 3)
Predefined functions
sin, cos, tan, cot, cosec, sec
sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, cosech, sech
asin, acos, atan, acot, acosec, asec
ashin, acosh, atanh, acoth, acosech, asech
abs, ceil or ⌈⌉, floor or ⌊⌋, frac, round, trunc
sqrt or √, cbrt, exp, log, ln, arg, Re, Im
gamma or Γ
asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth, acosech, asech
bitcmp, bitand, bitor, bitxor, bitshift
comb or nCr, perm or nPr
gcd, lcm
min, max, hypot
log - eg. log(1000, 10) is the same as log10(1000)
root - eg. root(16, 3) is the same as 3√16
average, perms, sort
matrix - takes a vector of vectors and returns a matrix
integrate - eg. integrate(0, pi, sin(x) dx)
sum Eg. sum(n=1, 4, 2n), example below
Sum function
The sum function lets you sum an expression with an incrementing variable.
It takes three arguments: start value, end value, and expression.
If you press tab after typing out "sum", it will be replaced with a sigma symbol.
The expression is what will be summed, and will be able to use the variable defined
in first argument (eg. n=1). The value of the variable increments by one.
Example: sum(n=1, 4, 2n) will be the same as 2*1 + 2*2 + 2*3 + 2*4 = 20
This can for example be used to calculate e: Σ(n=0, 10000, 1/n!) = 2.7182818284590455
More precision can be gotten by changing the "--precision" flag. Run `kalker --help` for more info.
The sum function can also be used to sum vectors, eg. sum(1, 2, 3) or sum(v) or sum[1, 2, 3].
Prod function
The prod function works the same way as the sum function but performs
multiplication instead of addition.
pi or π = 3.14159265
e = 2.71828182
tau or τ = 6.2831853
phi or ϕ = 1.61803398
A vector in kalker is an immutable list of values, defined with the syntax (x, y, z)
which may contain an arbitrary amount of items. Generally, when an operation is
performed on a vector, it is done on each individual item. This means that (2, 4, 8) / 2
gives the result (1, 2, 4). An exception to this is multiplication with two vectors,
for which the result is the dot product of the vectors. When a vector is given to a
regular function, the function is applied to all of the items in the vector.
A specific item can be retrieved from a vector using an indexer, with the
syntax vector[[index]]. Indexes start at 1.
Vector comprehensions (experimental)
Vectors can be created dynamically using vector comprehension notation, which is
similar to set-builder notation. The following example creates a vector containing
the square of every number between one and nine except five: [n^2 : 0 < n < 10 and n != 5].
A comprehension consists of two parts. The first part defines what should be done to each
number, while the second part defines the numbers which should be handled in the first
part. At the moment, it is mandatory to begin the second part with a range of the
format a < n < b where n defines the variable which should be used in the comprehension.
Several of these variables can be created by separating the conditions by a comma,
for example [ab : 0 < a < 5, 0 < b < 5].
A matrix is an immutable two-dimensional list of values, defined with the syntax [x, y, z; a, b, c]
where semicolons are used to separate rows and commas are used to separate items. It is also
possible to press the enter key to create a new row, instead of writing a semicolon. Pressing
enter will not submit if there is no closing square bracket. Operations on matrices work the
same way as with vectors, except that two matrices multiplied result in matrix multiplication.
It is also possible to obtain the transpose of a matrix with the syntax A^T, where A is a matrix
and T is a literal T.
A specific item can be retrieved from a matrix using an indexer, with the
syntax matrix[[rowIndex, columnIndex]]. Indexes start at 1.
Kalker looks for kalker files in the system config directory.
Linux: ~/.config/kalker/
macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/kalker/ or ~/Library/Preferences/kalker
Windows: %appdata%/kalker/
If a file with the name default.kalker is found, it will be loaded automatically every time
kalker starts. Any other files in this directory with the .kalker extension can be loaded
at any time by doing load filename in kalker. Note that the extension should not be included here.