🔨 refactoring and becoming more classy

This commit is contained in:
Michael Straßburger 2016-09-21 19:47:20 +02:00
parent 1effed33d9
commit 1acde4d1d3
5 changed files with 406 additions and 370 deletions

src/Renderer.coffee Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
termap - Terminal Map Viewer
by Michael Strassburger <codepoet@cpan.org>
The Console Vector Tile renderer - bäm!
x256 = require 'x256'
Protobuf = require 'pbf'
VectorTile = require('vector-tile').VectorTile
zlib = require 'zlib'
triangulator = new (require('pnltri')).Triangulator()
Canvas = require './Canvas'
LabelBuffer = require './LabelBuffer'
Styler = require './Styler'
utils = require './utils'
module.exports = class Renderer
fillPolygons: true
language: 'de'
drawOrder: ["admin", "water", "building", "road", "poi_label", "place_label", "housenum_label"]
car: "🚗"
school: "S" #{}"🏫"
marker: ""
'art-gallery': "A" #"🎨"
attraction: ""
stadium: "🏈"
toilet: "🚽"
cafe: ""
laundry: "👚"
bus: "🚌"
restaurant: "R" #🍛"
lodging: "B" #🛏"
'fire-station': "🚒"
shop: "🛍"
pharmacy: "💊"
beer: "H" #"🍺"
cinema: "C" #"🎦"
minZoom: 1.5
color: 8
minZoom: 3.8
color: 8
color: "yellow"
minZoom: 3
color: "yellow"
color: 15
color: "green"
color: "blue"
color: "red"
isDrawing: false
lastDrawAt: 0
labelBuffer: null
constructor: ->
@labelBuffer = new LabelBuffer()
loadStyleFile: (file) ->
@styler = new Styler file
setSize: (@width, @height) ->
@canvas = new Canvas @width, @height
_parseTile: (buffer) ->
# extract, decode and parse a given tile buffer
new VectorTile new Protobuf zlib.gunzipSync buffer
_getFeatures: (tile) ->
features = {}
for name,layer of tile.layers
continue unless @config.layers[name]
features[name] = for i in [0...layer.length]
feature = layer.feature i
type = [undefined, "Point", "LineString", "Polygon"][feature.type]
properties = feature.properties
properties.$type = type
id: feature.id
type: type
properties: properties
points: feature.loadGeometry()
draw: (@view, @zoom) ->
return if @isDrawing
@isDrawing = true
@lastDrawAt = Date.now()
# TODO: better way for background color instead of setting filling FG?
# if color = @styler.styleById['background']?.paint['background-color']
# @canvas.strokeStyle = x256 utils.hex2rgb(color)...
# @canvas.fillRect 0, 0, @width, @height
# else
@canvas.clearRect 0, 0, @width, @height
@canvas.translate @view[0], @view[1]
@write @canvas._canvas.frame()
@isDrawing = false
write: (output) ->
process.stdout.write output
_drawLayers: ->
drawn = []
for layer in @config.drawOrder
scale = Math.pow 2, @zoom
continue unless @features?[layer]
if @config.layers[layer].minZoom and @zoom > @config.layers[layer].minZoom
@canvas.strokeStyle = @canvas.fillStyle = @config.layers[layer].color
for feature in @features[layer]
if @_drawFeature layer, feature, scale
drawn.push feature
_drawFeature: (layer, feature, scale) ->
# TODO: this is ugly :) need to be fixed @style
return false if feature.properties.class is "ferry"
feature.type = "LineString" if layer is "building" or layer is "road"
toDraw = []
for idx, points of feature.points
visible = false
projectedPoints = for point in points
projectedPoint =
x: point.x/scale
y: point.y/scale
visible = true if not visible and @_isOnScreen projectedPoint
if idx is 0 and not visible
return false
continue unless visible
toDraw.push projectedPoints
if style = @styler.getStyleFor layer, feature, 14
color = style.paint['line-color'] or style.paint['fill-color']
# TODO: zoom calculation todo for perfect styling
if color instanceof Object
color = color.stops[0][1]
@canvas.fillStyle = @canvas.strokeStyle = x256 utils.hex2rgb color
@canvas.strokeStyle = @canvas.fillStyle = @config.layers[layer].color
switch feature.type
when "LineString"
@_drawWithLines points for points in toDraw
when "Polygon"
unless @config.fillPolygons and @_drawWithTriangles toDraw
@_drawWithLines points for points in toDraw
when "Point"
text = feature.properties["name_"+@config.language] or
feature.properties["name"] or
feature.properties.house_num or
#@config.icons[feature.properties.maki] or
wasDrawn = false
# TODO: check in definition if points can actually own multiple geometries
for points in toDraw
for point in points
x = point.x - text.length
#continue if x-@view[0] < 0
if @labelBuffer.writeIfPossible text, x, point.y
@canvas.fillText text, x, point.y
wasDrawn = true
_drawWithTriangles: (points) ->
triangles = triangulator.triangulate_polygon points
return false
return false unless triangles.length
# TODO: triangles are returned as vertex references to a flattened input.
# optimize it!
arr = points.reduce (a, b) -> a.concat b
for triangle in triangles
@canvas.fillTriangle arr[triangle[0]], arr[triangle[1]], arr[triangle[2]]
return false
_drawWithLines: (points) ->
first = points.shift()
@canvas.moveTo first.x, first.y
@canvas.lineTo point.x, point.y for point in points
_isOnScreen: (point) ->
point.x+@view[0]>=4 and
point.x+@view[0]<@width-4 and
point.y+@view[1]>=0 and

src/Termap.coffee Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
termap - Terminal Map Viewer
by Michael Strassburger <codepoet@cpan.org>
keypress = require 'keypress'
TermMouse = require 'term-mouse'
mercator = new (require('sphericalmercator'))()
Renderer = require './Renderer'
utils = require './utils'
module.exports = class Termap
styleFile: __dirname+"/../styles/bright.json"
zoomStep: 0.4
width: null
height: null
canvas: null
mouse: null
mousePosition: [0, 0]
mouseDragging: false
lat: 49.019855
lng: 12.096956
zoom: 2
view: [0, 0]
scale: 4
constructor: ->
_initControls: ->
keypress process.stdin
process.stdin.setRawMode true
process.stdin.on 'keypress', (ch, key) => @_onKey key
@mouse = TermMouse()
@mouse.on 'click', (event) => @_onClick event
@mouse.on 'scroll', (event) => @_onMouseScroll event
@mouse.on 'move', (event) => @_onMouseMove event
_initRenderer: ->
@renderer = new Renderer()
@renderer.loadStyleFile @config.styleFile
process.stdout.on 'resize', =>
@zoom = Math.log(4096/@width)/Math.LN2
_resizeRenderer: (cb) ->
@width = Math.floor((process.stdout.columns-1)/2)*2*2
@height = Math.ceil(process.stdout.rows/4)*4*4
@renderer.setSize @width, @height
_onClick: (event) ->
if @mouseDragging and event.button is "left"
@view[0] -= (@mouseDragging.x-@mousePosition.x)*2
@view[1] -= (@mouseDragging.y-@mousePosition.y)*4
@mouseDragging = false
_onMouseScroll: (event) ->
# TODO: handle .x/y for directed zoom
@zoomBy @config.zoomStep * if event.button is "up" then 1 else -1
_onMouseMove: (event) ->
# only continue if x/y are valid
return unless event.x <= process.stdout.columns and event.y <= process.stdout.rows
# start dragging
if not @mouseDragging and event.button is "left"
@mouseDragging = x: event.x, y: event.y
# update internal mouse tracker
@mousePosition = x: event.x, y: event.y
_onKey: (key) ->
# check if the pressed key is configured
draw = switch key?.name
when "q"
process.exit 0
when "z" then @zoomBy @config.zoomStep
when "a" then @zoomBy -@config.zoomStep
when "left" then @view[0] += 5
when "right" then @view[0] -= 5
when "up" then @view[1]+= 5
when "down" then @view[1]-= 5
if draw
# else
# # display debug info for unhandled keys
# @notify JSON.stringify key
_draw: ->
@renderer.draw @view, @zoom
@renderer.write @_getFooter()
_getBBox: ->
[x, y] = mercator.forward [@center.lng, @center.lat]
width = @width * Math.pow(2, @zoom)
height = @height * Math.pow(2, @zoom)
mercator.inverse([x - width/2, y + width/2]).concat mercator.inverse([x + width/2, y - width/2])
_getFooter: ->
"center: [#{utils.digits @center.lat, 2}, #{utils.digits @center.lng, 2}] zoom: #{utils.digits @zoom, 2}"
# bbox: [#{@_getBBox().map((z) -> utils.digits(z, 2)).join(',')}]"
notify: (text) ->
return if @renderer.isDrawing
@renderer.write "\r\x1B[K#{@_getFooter()} #{text}"
zoomBy: (step) ->
return unless @scale+step > 0
before = @scale
@scale += step
@zoom += step
@view[0] = @view[0]*before/@scale + if step > 0 then 8 else -8
@view[1] = @view[1]*before/@scale + if step > 0 then 8 else -8

View File

@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ utils =
angle / Math.PI * 180
hex2rgb: (color) ->
if not color?.match
console.log color
return [255, 0, 0] unless color?.match
unless color.match /^#[a-fA-F0-9]{3,6}$/

View File

@ -87,10 +87,11 @@
"hide": true,
"type": "line",
"id": "waterway",
"paint": {
"line-color": "#a0c8f0"
"line-color": "#303090"
"source-layer": "waterway",
"filter": [
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@
"type": "line",
"id": "waterway_river",
"paint": {
"line-color": "#a0c8f0"
"line-color": "#303090"
"source-layer": "waterway",
"filter": [
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
"type": "fill",
"id": "water",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#a0c8f0"
"fill-color": "#303090"
"source-layer": "water"
@ -1652,6 +1653,19 @@
"type": "line",
"id": "ferry_road",
"paint": {
"line-color": "#303090"
"source-layer": "road",
"filter": [

View File

@ -1,371 +1,9 @@
termap - Terminal Map Viewer
by Michael Strassburger <codepoet@cpan.org>
keypress = require 'keypress'
TermMouse = require 'term-mouse'
x256 = require 'x256'
Protobuf = require 'pbf'
VectorTile = require('vector-tile').VectorTile
fs = require 'fs'
zlib = require 'zlib'
mercator = new (require('sphericalmercator'))()
triangulator = new (require('pnltri')).Triangulator()
Canvas = require __dirname+'/src/Canvas'
LabelBuffer = require __dirname+'/src/LabelBuffer'
Styler = require __dirname+'/src/Styler'
utils = require __dirname+'/src/utils'
class Termap
language: 'de'
styleFile: __dirname+"/styles/bright.json"
fillPolygons: true
zoomStep: 0.4
drawOrder: ["admin", "water", "building", "road", "poi_label", "place_label", "housenum_label"]
car: "🚗"
school: "S" #{}"🏫"
marker: ""
'art-gallery': "A" #"🎨"
attraction: ""
stadium: "🏈"
toilet: "🚽"
cafe: ""
laundry: "👚"
bus: "🚌"
restaurant: "R" #🍛"
lodging: "B" #🛏"
'fire-station': "🚒"
shop: "🛍"
pharmacy: "💊"
beer: "H" #"🍺"
cinema: "C" #"🎦"
minZoom: 2
color: 8
minZoom: 3.8
color: 8
color: "yellow"
minZoom: 3
color: "yellow"
color: 15
color: "green"
color: "blue"
color: "red"
mouse: null
width: null
height: null
canvas: null
styler: null
isDrawing: false
lastDrawAt: 0
mousePosition: [0, 0]
mouseDragging: false
lat: 49.019855
lng: 12.096956
zoom: 2
view: [0, 0]
scale: 4
constructor: ->
@_onResize =>
_initControls: ->
keypress process.stdin
process.stdin.setRawMode true
process.stdin.on 'keypress', (ch, key) => @_onKey key
@mouse = TermMouse()
@mouse.on 'click', (event) => @_onClick event
@mouse.on 'scroll', (event) => @_onMouseScroll event
@mouse.on 'move', (event) => @_onMouseMove event
_initCanvas: ->
@width = Math.floor((process.stdout.columns-1)/2)*2*2
@height = Math.ceil(process.stdout.rows/4)*4*4
@canvas = new Canvas @width, @height
unless @lastDrawAt
@zoom = Math.log(4096/@width)/Math.LN2
@labelBuffer = new LabelBuffer()
@styler = new Styler @config.styleFile
_onResize: (cb) ->
process.stdout.on 'resize', cb
_onClick: (event) ->
if @mouseDragging and event.button is "left"
@view[0] -= (@mouseDragging.x-@mousePosition.x)*2
@view[1] -= (@mouseDragging.y-@mousePosition.y)*4
@mouseDragging = false
_onMouseScroll: (event) ->
# TODO: handle .x/y for directed zoom
@zoomBy @config.zoomStep * if event.button is "up" then 1 else -1
_onMouseMove: (event) ->
# only continue if x/y are valid
return unless event.x <= process.stdout.columns and event.y <= process.stdout.rows
# start dragging
if not @mouseDragging and event.button is "left"
@mouseDragging = x: event.x, y: event.y
# update internal mouse tracker
@mousePosition = x: event.x, y: event.y
_onKey: (key) ->
# check if the pressed key is configured
draw = switch key?.name
when "q"
process.exit 0
when "z" then @zoomBy @config.zoomStep
when "a" then @zoomBy -@config.zoomStep
when "left" then @view[0] += 5
when "right" then @view[0] -= 5
when "up" then @view[1]+= 5
when "down" then @view[1]-= 5
if draw
# else
# # display debug info for unhandled keys
# @notify JSON.stringify key
_parseTile: (buffer) ->
# extract, decode and parse a given tile buffer
new VectorTile new Protobuf zlib.gunzipSync data
_getFeatures: (tile) ->
features = {}
for name,layer of tile.layers
continue unless @config.layers[name]
features[name] = for i in [0...layer.length]
feature = layer.feature i
type = [undefined, "Point", "LineString", "Polygon"][feature.type]
properties = feature.properties
properties.$type = type
id: feature.id
type: type
properties: properties
points: feature.loadGeometry()
_draw: ->
return if @isDrawing
@isDrawing = true
@lastDrawAt = Date.now()
# if color = @styler.styleById['background']?.paint['background-color']
# @canvas.strokeStyle = x256 utils.hex2rgb(color)...
# @canvas.fillRect 0, 0, @width, @height
# else
@canvas.clearRect 0, 0, @width, @height
@canvas.translate @view[0], @view[1]
drawn = @_drawLayers()
@_write @canvas._canvas.frame()
@_write @_getFooter()
@isDrawing = false
_drawLayers: ->
drawn = []
for layer in @config.drawOrder
scale = Math.pow 2, @zoom
continue unless @features?[layer]
if @config.layers[layer].minZoom and @zoom > @config.layers[layer].minZoom
@canvas.strokeStyle = @canvas.fillStyle = @config.layers[layer].color
for feature in @features[layer]
if @_drawFeature layer, feature, scale
drawn.push feature
_drawFeature: (layer, feature, scale) ->
# TODO: this is ugly :) need to be fixed @style
return false if layer is 'road' and feature.type is "Polygon"
feature.type = "LineString" if layer is "building"
toDraw = []
for idx, points of feature.points
visible = false
projectedPoints = for point in points
projectedPoint =
x: point.x/scale
y: point.y/scale
visible = true if not visible and @_isOnScreen projectedPoint
if idx is 0 and not visible
return false
continue unless visible
toDraw.push projectedPoints
if style = @styler.getStyleFor layer, feature, 14
color = style.paint['line-color'] or style.paint['fill-color']
# TODO: zoom calculation todo for perfect styling
if color instanceof Object
color = color.stops[0][1]
@canvas.fillStyle = @canvas.strokeStyle = x256 utils.hex2rgb color
@canvas.strokeStyle = @canvas.fillStyle = @config.layers[layer].color
switch feature.type
when "LineString"
@_drawWithLines points for points in toDraw
when "Polygon"
unless @config.fillPolygons and @_drawWithTriangles toDraw
@_drawWithLines points for points in toDraw
when "Point"
text = feature.properties["name_"+@config.language] or
feature.properties["name"] or
feature.properties.house_num or
@config.icons[feature.properties.maki] or
wasDrawn = false
# TODO: check in definition if points can actually own multiple geometries
for points in toDraw
for point in points
x = point.x - text.length
if @labelBuffer.writeIfPossible text, x, point.y
@canvas.fillText text, x, point.y
wasDrawn = true
_drawWithTriangles: (points) ->
triangles = triangulator.triangulate_polygon points
return false
return false unless triangles.length
# TODO: triangles are returned as vertex references to a flattened input.
# optimize it!
arr = points.reduce (a, b) -> a.concat b
for triangle in triangles
@canvas.fillTriangle arr[triangle[0]], arr[triangle[1]], arr[triangle[2]]
return false
_drawWithLines: (points) ->
first = points.shift()
@canvas.moveTo first.x, first.y
@canvas.lineTo point.x, point.y for point in points
_isOnScreen: (point) ->
point.x+@view[0]>=4 and
point.x+@view[0]<@width-4 and
point.y+@view[1]>=0 and
_write: (text) ->
process.stdout.write text
_getBBox: ->
[x, y] = mercator.forward [@center.lng, @center.lat]
width = @width * Math.pow(2, @zoom)
height = @height * Math.pow(2, @zoom)
mercator.inverse([x - width/2, y + width/2]).concat mercator.inverse([x + width/2, y - width/2])
_getFooter: ->
"center: [#{utils.digits @center.lat, 2}, #{utils.digits @center.lng, 2}] zoom: #{utils.digits @zoom, 2}"
# bbox: [#{@_getBBox().map((z) -> utils.digits(z, 2)).join(',')}]"
notify: (text) ->
return if @isDrawing
@_write "\r\x1B[K#{@_getFooter()} #{text}"
zoomBy: (step) ->
return unless @scale+step > 0
before = @scale
@scale += step
@zoom += step
@view[0] = @view[0]*before/@scale + if step > 0 then 8 else -8
@view[1] = @view[1]*before/@scale + if step > 0 then 8 else -8
Termap = require __dirname+'/src/Termap'
termap = new Termap()
# TODO: abstracing this class, create loader class
data = fs.readFileSync __dirname+"/tiles/regensburg.pbf.gz"
termap.features = termap._getFeatures termap._parseTile data
termap.renderer.features = termap.renderer._getFeatures termap.renderer._parseTile data