🎊 multi tile support! endless left/right scroll, promise refactor

This commit is contained in:
Michael Straßburger 2016-11-03 04:29:50 +01:00
parent c5ae3a4963
commit 6c2819a89c
2 changed files with 39 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ x256 = require 'x256'
mercator = new (require('sphericalmercator'))()
tilebelt = require 'tilebelt'
MBTiles = require 'mbtiles'
Promise = require 'bluebird'
Canvas = require './Canvas'
LabelBuffer = require './LabelBuffer'
@ -99,40 +100,52 @@ module.exports = class Renderer
# TODO: tiles = @_tilesInBBox @_getBBox()
z = Math.max 0, Math.floor zoom
xyz = tilebelt.pointToTileFraction center.lon, center.lat, z
tile =
size: tileSize
x: Math.floor xyz[0]
y: Math.floor xyz[1]
z: z
.resolve @_visibleTiles center, zoom
.map (tile) => @_getTile tile.xyz, tile
.then (tiles) =>
for tile in tiles
@_renderTile tile.data, zoom, tile.meta.position
tileSize = @config.tileSize / @_scaleAtZoom(zoom)
position = [
@_getTile tile
.then (data) =>
@_renderTile data, zoom, position
@isDrawing = false
@lastDrawAt = Date.now()
_getTile: (tile) ->
cacheKey = [tile.z, tile.x, tile.y].join "-"
_visibleTiles: (center, zoom) ->
z = Math.max 0, Math.floor zoom
xyz = tilebelt.pointToTileFraction center.lon, center.lat, z
# if data = @cache[cacheKey]
# console.log cacheKey
# console.log data
# return Promise.resolve data
tiles = []
tileSize = @config.tileSize / @_scaleAtZoom(zoom)
for y in [Math.floor(xyz[1])-1..Math.floor(xyz[1])+1]
for x in [Math.floor(xyz[0])-1..Math.floor(xyz[0])+1]
tile = x: x, y: y, z: z
position = [
tile.x %= Math.pow 2, z
tile.y %= Math.pow 2, z
if position[0]+tileSize < 0 or
position[1]+tileSize < 0 or
position[0]>@width or
tiles.push xyz: tile, position: position
_getTile: (tile, meta = {}) ->
.getTile tile.z, tile.x, tile.y
.then (data) =>
@cache[cacheKey] = data
data: data
meta: meta
_renderTile: (tile, zoom, position) ->
@ -160,6 +173,7 @@ module.exports = class Renderer
if @config.layers[layer]?.minZoom and zoom > @config.layers[layer].minZoom
# TODO: reimplement tree based lookup
#features = tile.layers[layer].tree.search box
#@notify "rendering #{features.length} #{layer} features.."

View File

@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ module.exports = class Termap
.draw @center, @zoom, @rotation
.then =>
@renderer.notify @_getFooter()
.catch =>
@renderer.notify "renderer is busy"
_getFooter: ->
# features = @renderer.featuresAt @mousePosition.x-1-(@view[0]>>1), @mousePosition.y-1-(@view[1]>>2)