Canvas = require 'drawille-canvas-blessed-contrib' VectorTile = require('vector-tile').VectorTile Protobuf = require 'pbf' keypress = require 'keypress' fs = require 'fs' zlib = require 'zlib' TermMouse = require('term-mouse') class Termap config: drawOrder: ["admin", "water", "landuse", "building", "road", "poi_label"] icons: car: "🚗" school: "🏫" marker: "⭐" 'art-gallery': "🎨" attraction: "❕" stadium: "🏈" toilet: "🚽" cafe: "☕" laundry: "👚" bus: "🚌" restaurant: "🍛" lodging: "🛏" 'fire-station': "🚒" shop: "🛍" pharmacy: "💊" beer: "🍺" cinema: "🎦" layers: poi_label: color: "red" road: color: "white" landuse: color: "green" water: color: "blue" admin: color: "red" building: color: 8 mouse: null width: null height: null canvas: null isDrawing: false lastDrawAt: 0 mousePosition: [0, 0] mouseDragging: false view: [-400, -80] scale: 4 constructor: -> @_initControls() @_initCanvas() @_onResize => @_initCanvas() @_draw() _initControls: -> keypress process.stdin process.stdin.setRawMode true process.stdin.resume() process.stdin.on 'keypress', (ch, key) => @_onKey key @mouse = TermMouse() @mouse.start() @mouse.on 'click', (event) => @_onClick event @mouse.on 'scroll', (event) => @_onMouseScroll event @mouse.on 'move', (event) => @_onMouseMove event _initCanvas: -> @width = Math.floor((process.stdout.columns-1)/2)*2*2 @height = Math.ceil(process.stdout.rows/4)*4*4 @canvas = new Canvas @width, @height _onResize: (cb) -> process.stdout.on 'resize', cb _onClick: (event) -> if @mouseDragging and event.button is "left" @view[0] -= (@mouseDragging.x-@mousePosition.x)*2 @view[1] -= (@mouseDragging.y-@mousePosition.y)*4 @_draw() @mouseDragging = false _onMouseScroll: (event) -> # TODO: handle .x/y for directed zoom @zoomBy .5 * if event.button is "up" then 1 else -1 @_draw() _onMouseMove: (event) -> # only continue if x/y are valid return unless event.x <= process.stdout.columns and event.y <= process.stdout.rows # start dragging if not @mouseDragging and event.button is "left" @mouseDragging = x: event.x, y: event.y # update internal mouse tracker @mousePosition = x: event.x, y: event.y _onKey: (key) -> # check if the pressed key is configured draw = switch key?.name when "q" process.exit 0 when "a" then @zoomBy(.5) when "z" then @zoomBy(-.5) when "left" then @view[0] += 5 when "right" then @view[0] -= 5 when "up" then @view[1]+= 5 when "down" then @view[1]-= 5 else false if draw @_draw() else # display debug info for unhandled keys @notify JSON.stringify key _parseTile: (buffer) -> # extract, decode and parse a given tile buffer new VectorTile new Protobuf zlib.gunzipSync data _getFeatures: (tile) -> features = {} for name,layer of tile.layers continue unless @config.layers[name] features[name] = for i in [0...layer.length] feature = layer.feature i type: [undefined, "point", "line", "polygon"][feature.type] id: properties: points: feature.loadGeometry() features _draw: -> return if @isDrawing @isDrawing = true @lastDrawAt = @canvas.clearRect 0, 0, @width, @height #@_write @canvas._canvas.frame() @canvas.translate @view[0], @view[1] for layer in @config.drawOrder continue unless @features?[layer] @canvas.strokeStyle = @canvas.fillStyle = @config.layers[layer].color for feature in @features[layer] for points in feature.points visible = false points = for point in points p = [point.x/@scale, point.y/@scale] if not visible and p[0]+@view[0]>=4 and p[0]+@view[0]<@width-4 and p[1]+@view[1]>=0 and p[1]+@view[1]<@height visible = true p continue unless visible switch feature.type when "polygon", "line" @canvas.beginPath() @canvas.moveTo points.shift()... @canvas.lineTo point... for point in points @canvas.stroke() when "point" @canvas.fillText (@config.icons[] or "X"), point... for point in points @canvas.restore() @_write @canvas._canvas.frame() @_write @_getFooter() @isDrawing = false _write: (text) -> process.stdout.write text _getFooter: -> "TerMap up and running!" notify: -> return if @isDrawing @_write "\r\x1B[K#{@_getFooter()} #{text}" zoomBy: (step) -> return unless @scale+step > 0 before = @scale @scale += step @view[0] = @view[0]*before/@scale + if step > 0 then 8 else -8 @view[1] = @view[1]*before/@scale + if step > 0 then 8 else -8 termap = new Termap() # TODO: abstracing this class, create loader class data = fs.readFileSync __dirname+"/tiles/regensburg.pbf.gz" termap.features = termap._getFeatures termap._parseTile data termap._draw()