# should be run as root and only on Ubuntu 18/20 versions!
echo"Welcome to the MediacMS installation!";
if[`id -u` -ne 0]
thenecho"Please run as root"
while true;do
read -p "
This script will attempt to perform a system update, install required dependencies, install and configure PostgreSQL, NGINX, Redis and a few other utilities.
It is expected to run on a new system **with no running instances of any these services**. Make sure you check the script before you continue. Then enter yes or no
" yn
case$yn in
[Yy]* )echo"OK!"; break;;
[Nn]* )echo"Have a great day"; exit;;
* )echo"Please answer yes or no.";;
if[[`lsb_release -d`== *"Ubuntu 20"* ]];then
echo'Performing system update and dependency installation, this will take a few minutes'
echo"This script is tested for Ubuntu 18 and 20 versions only, if you want to try MediaCMS on another system you have to perform the manual installation"
read -p "Enter portal URL, or press enter for localhost : " FRONTEND_HOST
read -p "Enter portal name, or press enter for 'MediaCMS : " PORTAL_NAME
[ -z "$FRONTEND_HOST"]&&FRONTEND_HOST='localhost'
echo'Creating database to be used in MediaCMS'
su -c "psql -c \"CREATE DATABASE mediacms\"" postgres
su -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER mediacms WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'mediacms'\"" postgres
su -c "psql -c \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE mediacms TO mediacms\"" postgres
echo'Creating python virtualenv on /home/mediacms.io'