2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
import json
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
import logging
import os
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
import random
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
import re
import tempfile
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
import uuid
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
import m3u8
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.postgres.indexes import GinIndex
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchVectorField
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
from django.core.files import File
from django.db import connection, models
from django.db.models.signals import m2m_changed, post_delete, post_save, pre_delete
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
from django.dispatch import receiver
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
from django.urls import reverse
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
from django.utils import timezone
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
from django.utils.html import strip_tags
from imagekit.models import ProcessedImageField
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
from imagekit.processors import ResizeToFit
from mptt.models import MPTTModel, TreeForeignKey
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
from . import helpers
from .stop_words import STOP_WORDS
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RE_TIMECODE = re.compile(r"(\d+:\d+:\d+.\d+)")
# this is used by Media and Encoding models
# reflects media encoding status for objects
("pending", "Pending"),
("running", "Running"),
("fail", "Fail"),
("success", "Success"),
# the media state of a Media object
# this is set by default according to the portal workflow
("private", "Private"),
("public", "Public"),
("unlisted", "Unlisted"),
# each uploaded Media gets a media_type hint
# by helpers.get_file_type
("video", "Video"),
("image", "Image"),
("pdf", "Pdf"),
("audio", "Audio"),
("mp4", "mp4"),
("webm", "webm"),
("gif", "gif"),
(2160, "2160"),
(1440, "1440"),
(1080, "1080"),
(720, "720"),
(480, "480"),
(360, "360"),
(240, "240"),
("h265", "h265"),
("h264", "h264"),
("vp9", "vp9"),
ENCODE_EXTENSIONS_KEYS = [extension for extension, name in ENCODE_EXTENSIONS]
ENCODE_RESOLUTIONS_KEYS = [resolution for resolution, name in ENCODE_RESOLUTIONS]
def original_media_file_path(instance, filename):
"""Helper function to place original media file"""
file_name = "{0}.{1}".format(instance.uid.hex, helpers.get_file_name(filename))
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
return settings.MEDIA_UPLOAD_DIR + "user/{0}/{1}".format(instance.user.username, file_name)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
def encoding_media_file_path(instance, filename):
"""Helper function to place encoded media file"""
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
file_name = "{0}.{1}".format(instance.media.uid.hex, helpers.get_file_name(filename))
return settings.MEDIA_ENCODING_DIR + "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(instance.profile.id, instance.media.user.username, file_name)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
def original_thumbnail_file_path(instance, filename):
"""Helper function to place original media thumbnail file"""
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
return settings.THUMBNAIL_UPLOAD_DIR + "user/{0}/{1}".format(instance.user.username, filename)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
def subtitles_file_path(instance, filename):
"""Helper function to place subtitle file"""
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
return settings.SUBTITLES_UPLOAD_DIR + "user/{0}/{1}".format(instance.media.user.username, filename)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
def category_thumb_path(instance, filename):
"""Helper function to place category thumbnail file"""
file_name = "{0}.{1}".format(instance.uid.hex, helpers.get_file_name(filename))
return settings.MEDIA_UPLOAD_DIR + "categories/{0}".format(file_name)
class Media(models.Model):
"""The most important model for MediaCMS"""
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
add_date = models.DateTimeField("Date produced", blank=True, null=True, db_index=True)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
allow_download = models.BooleanField(default=True, help_text="Whether option to download media is shown")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
category = models.ManyToManyField("Category", blank=True, help_text="Media can be part of one or more categories")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
channel = models.ForeignKey(
help_text="Media can exist in one or no Channels",
description = models.TextField(blank=True)
dislikes = models.IntegerField(default=0)
duration = models.IntegerField(default=0)
edit_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
enable_comments = models.BooleanField(default=True, help_text="Whether comments will be allowed for this media")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
encoding_status = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=MEDIA_ENCODING_STATUS, default="pending", db_index=True)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
featured = models.BooleanField(
help_text="Whether media is globally featured by a MediaCMS editor",
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
friendly_token = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=12, db_index=True, help_text="Identifier for the Media")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
hls_file = models.CharField(max_length=1000, blank=True, help_text="Path to HLS file for videos")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
is_reviewed = models.BooleanField(
help_text="Whether media is reviewed, so it can appear on public listings",
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
license = models.ForeignKey("License", on_delete=models.CASCADE, db_index=True, blank=True, null=True)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
likes = models.IntegerField(db_index=True, default=1)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
listable = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="Whether it will appear on listings")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
md5sum = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True, null=True, help_text="Not exposed, used internally")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
media_file = models.FileField(
"media file",
help_text="media file",
media_info = models.TextField(blank=True, help_text="extracted media metadata info")
media_type = models.CharField(
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
password = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, help_text="password for private media")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
preview_file_path = models.CharField(
help_text="preview gif for videos, path in filesystem",
poster = ProcessedImageField(
processors=[ResizeToFit(width=720, height=None)],
options={"quality": 95},
help_text="media extracted big thumbnail, shown on media page",
rating_category = models.ManyToManyField(
help_text="Rating category, if media Rating is allowed",
2021-09-27 14:07:17 +02:00
reported_times = models.IntegerField(default=0, help_text="how many time a media is reported")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
search = SearchVectorField(
help_text="used to store all searchable info and metadata for a Media",
size = models.CharField(
help_text="media size in bytes, automatically calculated",
sprites = models.FileField(
help_text="sprites file, only for videos, displayed on the video player",
state = models.CharField(
help_text="state of Media",
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
tags = models.ManyToManyField("Tag", blank=True, help_text="select one or more out of the existing tags")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
title = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text="media title", blank=True, db_index=True)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
thumbnail = ProcessedImageField(
processors=[ResizeToFit(width=344, height=None)],
options={"quality": 95},
help_text="media extracted small thumbnail, shown on listings",
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
thumbnail_time = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True, help_text="Time on video that a thumbnail will be taken")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
uid = models.UUIDField(unique=True, default=uuid.uuid4, help_text="A unique identifier for the Media")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
uploaded_thumbnail = ProcessedImageField(
processors=[ResizeToFit(width=344, height=None)],
options={"quality": 85},
help_text="thumbnail from uploaded_poster field",
uploaded_poster = ProcessedImageField(
verbose_name="Upload image",
help_text="This image will characterize the media",
processors=[ResizeToFit(width=720, height=None)],
options={"quality": 85},
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
user = models.ForeignKey("users.User", on_delete=models.CASCADE, help_text="user that uploads the media")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
user_featured = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="Featured by the user")
video_height = models.IntegerField(default=1)
views = models.IntegerField(db_index=True, default=1)
# keep track if media file has changed, on saves
__original_media_file = None
__original_thumbnail_time = None
__original_uploaded_poster = None
class Meta:
ordering = ["-add_date"]
indexes = [
# TODO: check with pgdash.io or other tool what index need be
# removed
def __str__(self):
return self.title
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Media, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# keep track if media file has changed, on saves
# thus know when another media was uploaded
# or when thumbnail time change - for videos to
# grep for thumbnail, or even when a new image
# was added as the media poster
self.__original_media_file = self.media_file
self.__original_thumbnail_time = self.thumbnail_time
self.__original_uploaded_poster = self.uploaded_poster
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.title:
self.title = self.media_file.path.split("/")[-1]
strip_text_items = ["title", "description"]
for item in strip_text_items:
setattr(self, item, strip_tags(getattr(self, item, None)))
self.title = self.title[:99]
# if thumbnail_time specified, keep up to single digit
if self.thumbnail_time:
self.thumbnail_time = round(self.thumbnail_time, 1)
# by default get an add_date of now
if not self.add_date:
self.add_date = timezone.now()
if not self.friendly_token:
# get a unique identifier
while True:
friendly_token = helpers.produce_friendly_token()
if not Media.objects.filter(friendly_token=friendly_token):
self.friendly_token = friendly_token
if self.pk:
# media exists
# check case where another media file was uploaded
if self.media_file != self.__original_media_file:
# set this otherwise gets to infinite loop
self.__original_media_file = self.media_file
# for video files, if user specified a different time
# to automatically grub thumbnail
if self.thumbnail_time != self.__original_thumbnail_time:
self.__original_thumbnail_time = self.thumbnail_time
# media is going to be created now
# after media is saved, post_save signal will call media_init function
# to take care of post save steps
self.state = helpers.get_default_state(user=self.user)
# condition to appear on listings
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
if self.state == "public" and self.encoding_status == "success" and self.is_reviewed is True:
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
self.listable = True
self.listable = False
super(Media, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
# produce a thumbnail out of an uploaded poster
# will run only when a poster is uploaded for the first time
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
if self.uploaded_poster and self.uploaded_poster != self.__original_uploaded_poster:
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
with open(self.uploaded_poster.path, "rb") as f:
# set this otherwise gets to infinite loop
self.__original_uploaded_poster = self.uploaded_poster
myfile = File(f)
thumbnail_name = helpers.get_file_name(self.uploaded_poster.path)
self.uploaded_thumbnail.save(content=myfile, name=thumbnail_name)
def update_search_vector(self):
Update SearchVector field of SearchModel using raw SQL
search field is used to store SearchVector
db_table = self._meta.db_table
# first get anything interesting out of the media
# that needs to be search able
a_tags = b_tags = ""
if self.id:
a_tags = " ".join([tag.title for tag in self.tags.all()])
b_tags = " ".join([tag.title.replace("-", " ") for tag in self.tags.all()])
items = [
2021-10-01 16:49:41 +02:00
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-10-01 16:49:41 +02:00
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
items = [item for item in items if item]
text = " ".join(items)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
text = " ".join([token for token in text.lower().split(" ") if token not in STOP_WORDS])
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-10-01 16:49:41 +02:00
text = helpers.clean_query(text)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
sql_code = """
UPDATE {db_table} SET search = to_tsvector(
'{config}', '{text}'
) WHERE {db_table}.id = {id}
db_table=db_table, config="simple", text=text, id=self.id
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
except BaseException:
pass # TODO:add log
return True
def media_init(self):
"""Normally this is called when a media is uploaded
Performs all related tasks, as check for media type,
video duration, encode
if self.media_type == "video":
elif self.media_type == "image":
return True
def set_media_type(self, save=True):
"""Sets media type on Media
Set encoding_status as success for non video
content since all listings filter for encoding_status success
kind = helpers.get_file_type(self.media_file.path)
if kind is not None:
if kind == "image":
self.media_type = "image"
elif kind == "pdf":
self.media_type = "pdf"
if self.media_type in ["image", "pdf"]:
self.encoding_status = "success"
ret = helpers.media_file_info(self.media_file.path)
if ret.get("fail"):
self.media_type = ""
self.encoding_status = "fail"
elif ret.get("is_video") or ret.get("is_audio"):
self.media_info = json.dumps(ret)
except TypeError:
self.media_info = ""
self.md5sum = ret.get("md5sum")
self.size = helpers.show_file_size(ret.get("file_size"))
self.media_type = ""
self.encoding_status = "fail"
if ret.get("is_video"):
# case where Media is video. try to set useful
# metadata as duration/height
self.media_type = "video"
self.duration = int(round(float(ret.get("video_duration", 0))))
self.video_height = int(ret.get("video_height"))
elif ret.get("is_audio"):
self.media_type = "audio"
self.duration = int(float(ret.get("audio_info", {}).get("duration", 0)))
self.encoding_status = "success"
if save:
return True
def set_thumbnail(self, force=False):
"""sets thumbnail for media
For video call function to produce thumbnail and poster
For image save thumbnail and poster, this will perform
resize action
if force or (not self.thumbnail):
if self.media_type == "video":
if self.media_type == "image":
with open(self.media_file.path, "rb") as f:
myfile = File(f)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
thumbnail_name = helpers.get_file_name(self.media_file.path) + ".jpg"
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
self.thumbnail.save(content=myfile, name=thumbnail_name)
self.poster.save(content=myfile, name=thumbnail_name)
return True
def produce_thumbnails_from_video(self):
"""Produce thumbnail and poster for media
Only for video types. Uses ffmpeg
if not self.media_type == "video":
return False
if self.thumbnail_time and 0 <= self.thumbnail_time < self.duration:
thumbnail_time = self.thumbnail_time
thumbnail_time = round(random.uniform(0, self.duration - 0.1), 1)
self.thumbnail_time = thumbnail_time # so that it gets saved
tf = helpers.create_temp_file(suffix=".jpg")
command = [
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
str(thumbnail_time), # -ss need to be firt here otherwise time taken is huge
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-27 16:40:52 +02:00
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
if os.path.exists(tf) and helpers.get_file_type(tf) == "image":
with open(tf, "rb") as f:
myfile = File(f)
thumbnail_name = helpers.get_file_name(self.media_file.path) + ".jpg"
self.thumbnail.save(content=myfile, name=thumbnail_name)
self.poster.save(content=myfile, name=thumbnail_name)
return True
def produce_sprite_from_video(self):
"""Start a task that will produce a sprite file
To be used on the video player
from . import tasks
return True
def encode(self, profiles=[], force=True, chunkize=True):
"""Start video encoding tasks
Create a task per EncodeProfile object, after checking height
so that no EncodeProfile for highter heights than the video
are created
if not profiles:
profiles = EncodeProfile.objects.filter(active=True)
profiles = list(profiles)
from . import tasks
# attempt to break media file in chunks
if self.duration > settings.CHUNKIZE_VIDEO_DURATION and chunkize:
for profile in profiles:
if profile.extension == "gif":
encoding = Encoding(media=self, profile=profile)
enc_url = settings.SSL_FRONTEND_HOST + encoding.get_absolute_url()
args=[self.friendly_token, profile.id, encoding.id, enc_url],
kwargs={"force": force},
profiles = [p.id for p in profiles]
tasks.chunkize_media.delay(self.friendly_token, profiles, force=force)
for profile in profiles:
if profile.extension != "gif":
if self.video_height and self.video_height < profile.resolution:
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
if profile.resolution not in settings.MINIMUM_RESOLUTIONS_TO_ENCODE:
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
encoding = Encoding(media=self, profile=profile)
enc_url = settings.SSL_FRONTEND_HOST + encoding.get_absolute_url()
if profile.resolution in settings.MINIMUM_RESOLUTIONS_TO_ENCODE:
priority = 9
priority = 0
args=[self.friendly_token, profile.id, encoding.id, enc_url],
kwargs={"force": force},
return True
def post_encode_actions(self, encoding=None, action=None):
"""perform things after encode has run
whether it has failed or succeeded
# set a preview url
if encoding:
if self.media_type == "video" and encoding.profile.extension == "gif":
if action == "delete":
self.preview_file_path = ""
self.preview_file_path = encoding.media_file.path
self.save(update_fields=["listable", "preview_file_path"])
self.save(update_fields=["encoding_status", "listable"])
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
if encoding and encoding.status == "success" and encoding.profile.codec == "h264" and action == "add":
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
from . import tasks
return True
def set_encoding_status(self):
"""Set encoding_status for videos
Set success if at least one mp4 exists
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
mp4_statuses = set(encoding.status for encoding in self.encodings.filter(profile__extension="mp4", chunk=False))
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
if not mp4_statuses:
encoding_status = "pending"
elif "success" in mp4_statuses:
encoding_status = "success"
elif "running" in mp4_statuses:
encoding_status = "running"
encoding_status = "fail"
self.encoding_status = encoding_status
return True
def encodings_info(self, full=False):
"""Property used on serializers"""
ret = {}
if self.media_type not in ["video"]:
return ret
ret[key] = {}
for encoding in self.encodings.select_related("profile").filter(chunk=False):
if encoding.profile.extension == "gif":
enc = self.get_encoding_info(encoding, full=full)
resolution = encoding.profile.resolution
ret[resolution][encoding.profile.codec] = enc
# TODO: the following code is untested/needs optimization
# if a file is broken in chunks and they are being
# encoded, the final encoding file won't appear until
# they are finished. Thus, produce the info for these
if full:
extra = []
for encoding in self.encodings.select_related("profile").filter(chunk=True):
resolution = encoding.profile.resolution
if not ret[resolution].get(encoding.profile.codec):
for codec in extra:
ret[resolution][codec] = {}
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
v = self.encodings.filter(chunk=True, profile__codec=codec).values("progress")
ret[resolution][codec]["progress"] = sum([p["progress"] for p in v]) / v.count()
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
# TODO; status/logs/errors
return ret
def get_encoding_info(self, encoding, full=False):
"""Property used on serializers"""
ep = {}
ep["title"] = encoding.profile.name
ep["url"] = encoding.media_encoding_url
ep["progress"] = encoding.progress
ep["size"] = encoding.size
ep["encoding_id"] = encoding.id
ep["status"] = encoding.status
if full:
ep["logs"] = encoding.logs
ep["worker"] = encoding.worker
ep["retries"] = encoding.retries
if encoding.total_run_time:
ep["total_run_time"] = encoding.total_run_time
if encoding.commands:
ep["commands"] = encoding.commands
ep["time_started"] = encoding.add_date
ep["updated_time"] = encoding.update_date
return ep
def categories_info(self):
"""Property used on serializers"""
ret = []
for cat in self.category.all():
ret.append({"title": cat.title, "url": cat.get_absolute_url()})
return ret
def tags_info(self):
"""Property used on serializers"""
ret = []
for tag in self.tags.all():
ret.append({"title": tag.title, "url": tag.get_absolute_url()})
return ret
def original_media_url(self):
"""Property used on serializers"""
return helpers.url_from_path(self.media_file.path)
return None
def thumbnail_url(self):
"""Property used on serializers
Prioritize uploaded_thumbnail, if exists, then thumbnail
that is auto-generated
if self.uploaded_thumbnail:
return helpers.url_from_path(self.uploaded_thumbnail.path)
if self.thumbnail:
return helpers.url_from_path(self.thumbnail.path)
return None
def poster_url(self):
"""Property used on serializers
Prioritize uploaded_poster, if exists, then poster
that is auto-generated
if self.uploaded_poster:
return helpers.url_from_path(self.uploaded_poster.path)
if self.poster:
return helpers.url_from_path(self.poster.path)
return None
def subtitles_info(self):
"""Property used on serializers
Returns subtitles info
ret = []
for subtitle in self.subtitles.all():
"src": helpers.url_from_path(subtitle.subtitle_file.path),
"srclang": subtitle.language.code,
"label": subtitle.language.title,
return ret
def sprites_url(self):
"""Property used on serializers
Returns sprites url
if self.sprites:
return helpers.url_from_path(self.sprites.path)
return None
def preview_url(self):
"""Property used on serializers
Returns preview url
if self.preview_file_path:
return helpers.url_from_path(self.preview_file_path)
# get preview_file out of the encodings, since some times preview_file_path
# is empty but there is the gif encoding!
preview_media = self.encodings.filter(profile__extension="gif").first()
if preview_media and preview_media.media_file:
return helpers.url_from_path(preview_media.media_file.path)
return None
def hls_info(self):
"""Property used on serializers
Returns hls info, curated to be read by video.js
res = {}
if self.hls_file:
if os.path.exists(self.hls_file):
hls_file = self.hls_file
p = os.path.dirname(hls_file)
m3u8_obj = m3u8.load(hls_file)
if os.path.exists(hls_file):
res["master_file"] = helpers.url_from_path(hls_file)
for iframe_playlist in m3u8_obj.iframe_playlists:
uri = os.path.join(p, iframe_playlist.uri)
if os.path.exists(uri):
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
resolution = iframe_playlist.iframe_stream_info.resolution[1]
res["{}_iframe".format(resolution)] = helpers.url_from_path(uri)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
for playlist in m3u8_obj.playlists:
uri = os.path.join(p, playlist.uri)
if os.path.exists(uri):
resolution = playlist.stream_info.resolution[1]
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
res["{}_playlist".format(resolution)] = helpers.url_from_path(uri)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
return res
def author_name(self):
return self.user.name
def author_username(self):
return self.user.username
def author_profile(self):
return self.user.get_absolute_url()
def author_thumbnail(self):
return helpers.url_from_path(self.user.logo.path)
def get_absolute_url(self, api=False, edit=False):
if edit:
return reverse("edit_media") + "?m={0}".format(self.friendly_token)
if api:
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
return reverse("api_get_media", kwargs={"friendly_token": self.friendly_token})
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
return reverse("get_media") + "?m={0}".format(self.friendly_token)
def edit_url(self):
return self.get_absolute_url(edit=True)
def add_subtitle_url(self):
return "/add_subtitle?m=%s" % self.friendly_token
def ratings_info(self):
"""Property used on ratings
If ratings functionality enabled
# to be used if user ratings are allowed
ret = []
if not settings.ALLOW_RATINGS:
return []
for category in self.rating_category.filter(enabled=True):
"score": -1,
# default score, means no score. In case user has already
# rated for this media, it will be populated
"category_id": category.id,
"category_title": category.title,
return ret
class License(models.Model):
"""A Base license model to be used in Media"""
title = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
description = models.TextField(blank=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.title
class Category(models.Model):
"""A Category base model"""
uid = models.UUIDField(unique=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
add_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
title = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True, db_index=True)
description = models.TextField(blank=True)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
user = models.ForeignKey("users.User", on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
is_global = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="global categories or user specific")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
media_count = models.IntegerField(default=0, help_text="number of media")
thumbnail = ProcessedImageField(
processors=[ResizeToFit(width=344, height=None)],
options={"quality": 85},
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
listings_thumbnail = models.CharField(max_length=400, blank=True, null=True, help_text="Thumbnail to show on listings")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
def __str__(self):
return self.title
class Meta:
ordering = ["title"]
verbose_name_plural = "Categories"
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse("search") + "?c={0}".format(self.title)
def update_category_media(self):
"""Set media_count"""
self.media_count = Media.objects.filter(listable=True, category=self).count()
return True
def thumbnail_url(self):
"""Return thumbnail for category
prioritize processed value of listings_thumbnail
then thumbnail
if self.listings_thumbnail:
return self.listings_thumbnail
if self.thumbnail:
return helpers.url_from_path(self.thumbnail.path)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
media = Media.objects.filter(category=self, state="public").order_by("-views").first()
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
if media:
return media.thumbnail_url
return None
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
strip_text_items = ["title", "description"]
for item in strip_text_items:
setattr(self, item, strip_tags(getattr(self, item, None)))
super(Category, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
class Tag(models.Model):
"""A Tag model"""
title = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True, db_index=True)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
user = models.ForeignKey("users.User", on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
media_count = models.IntegerField(default=0, help_text="number of media")
listings_thumbnail = models.CharField(
help_text="Thumbnail to show on listings",
def __str__(self):
return self.title
class Meta:
ordering = ["title"]
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse("search") + "?t={0}".format(self.title)
def update_tag_media(self):
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
self.media_count = Media.objects.filter(state="public", is_reviewed=True, tags=self).count()
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
return True
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.title = slugify(self.title[:99])
strip_text_items = ["title"]
for item in strip_text_items:
setattr(self, item, strip_tags(getattr(self, item, None)))
super(Tag, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def thumbnail_url(self):
if self.listings_thumbnail:
return self.listings_thumbnail
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
media = Media.objects.filter(tags=self, state="public").order_by("-views").first()
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
if media:
return media.thumbnail_url
return None
class EncodeProfile(models.Model):
"""Encode Profile model
keeps information for each profile
name = models.CharField(max_length=90)
extension = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=ENCODE_EXTENSIONS)
resolution = models.IntegerField(choices=ENCODE_RESOLUTIONS, blank=True, null=True)
codec = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=CODECS, blank=True, null=True)
description = models.TextField(blank=True, help_text="description")
active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
class Meta:
ordering = ["resolution"]
class Encoding(models.Model):
"""Encoding Media Instances"""
add_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
commands = models.TextField(blank=True, help_text="commands run")
chunk = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True, help_text="is chunk?")
chunk_file_path = models.CharField(max_length=400, blank=True)
chunks_info = models.TextField(blank=True)
logs = models.TextField(blank=True)
md5sum = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True, null=True)
media = models.ForeignKey(Media, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="encodings")
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
media_file = models.FileField("encoding file", upload_to=encoding_media_file_path, blank=True, max_length=500)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
profile = models.ForeignKey(EncodeProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
progress = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0)
update_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
retries = models.IntegerField(default=0)
size = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
status = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=MEDIA_ENCODING_STATUS, default="pending")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
temp_file = models.CharField(max_length=400, blank=True)
task_id = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)
total_run_time = models.IntegerField(default=0)
worker = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)
def media_encoding_url(self):
if self.media_file:
return helpers.url_from_path(self.media_file.path)
return None
def media_chunk_url(self):
if self.chunk_file_path:
return helpers.url_from_path(self.chunk_file_path)
return None
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.media_file:
cmd = ["stat", "-c", "%s", self.media_file.path]
stdout = helpers.run_command(cmd).get("out")
if stdout:
size = int(stdout.strip())
self.size = helpers.show_file_size(size)
if self.chunk_file_path and not self.md5sum:
cmd = ["md5sum", self.chunk_file_path]
stdout = helpers.run_command(cmd).get("out")
if stdout:
md5sum = stdout.strip().split()[0]
self.md5sum = md5sum
super(Encoding, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def set_progress(self, progress, commit=True):
if isinstance(progress, int):
if 0 <= progress <= 100:
self.progress = progress
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
return "{0}-{1}".format(self.profile.name, self.media.title)
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse("api_get_encoding", kwargs={"encoding_id": self.id})
class Language(models.Model):
"""Language model
to be used with Subtitles
code = models.CharField(max_length=12, help_text="language code")
title = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text="language code")
class Meta:
ordering = ["id"]
def __str__(self):
return "{0}-{1}".format(self.code, self.title)
class Subtitle(models.Model):
"""Subtitles model"""
language = models.ForeignKey(Language, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
media = models.ForeignKey(Media, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="subtitles")
subtitle_file = models.FileField(
"Subtitle/CC file",
help_text="File has to be WebVTT format",
user = models.ForeignKey("users.User", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
def __str__(self):
return "{0}-{1}".format(self.media.title, self.language.title)
class RatingCategory(models.Model):
"""Rating Category
Facilitate user ratings.
One or more rating categories per Category can exist
will be shown to the media if they are enabled
description = models.TextField(blank=True)
enabled = models.BooleanField(default=True)
title = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True, db_index=True)
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Rating Categories"
def __str__(self):
return "{0}".format(self.title)
def validate_rating(value):
if -1 >= value or value > 5:
raise ValidationError("score has to be between 0 and 5")
class Rating(models.Model):
"""User Rating"""
add_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
media = models.ForeignKey(Media, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="ratings")
rating_category = models.ForeignKey(RatingCategory, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
score = models.IntegerField(validators=[validate_rating])
user = models.ForeignKey("users.User", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Ratings"
indexes = [
models.Index(fields=["user", "media"]),
unique_together = ("user", "media", "rating_category")
def __str__(self):
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
return "{0}, rate for {1} for category {2}".format(self.user.username, self.media.title, self.rating_category.title)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
class Playlist(models.Model):
"""Playlists model"""
add_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, db_index=True)
description = models.TextField(blank=True, help_text="description")
friendly_token = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=12, db_index=True)
media = models.ManyToManyField(Media, through="playlistmedia", blank=True)
title = models.CharField(max_length=100, db_index=True)
uid = models.UUIDField(unique=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
user = models.ForeignKey("users.User", on_delete=models.CASCADE, db_index=True, related_name="playlists")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
def __str__(self):
return self.title
def media_count(self):
return self.media.count()
def get_absolute_url(self, api=False):
if api:
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
return reverse("api_get_playlist", kwargs={"friendly_token": self.friendly_token})
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
return reverse("get_playlist", kwargs={"friendly_token": self.friendly_token})
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
def url(self):
return self.get_absolute_url()
def api_url(self):
return self.get_absolute_url(api=True)
def user_thumbnail_url(self):
if self.user.logo:
return helpers.url_from_path(self.user.logo.path)
return None
def set_ordering(self, media, ordering):
if media not in self.media.all():
return False
pm = PlaylistMedia.objects.filter(playlist=self, media=media).first()
if pm and isinstance(ordering, int) and 0 < ordering:
pm.ordering = ordering
return True
return False
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
strip_text_items = ["title", "description"]
for item in strip_text_items:
setattr(self, item, strip_tags(getattr(self, item, None)))
self.title = self.title[:99]
if not self.friendly_token:
while True:
friendly_token = helpers.produce_friendly_token()
if not Playlist.objects.filter(friendly_token=friendly_token):
self.friendly_token = friendly_token
super(Playlist, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def thumbnail_url(self):
pm = self.playlistmedia_set.first()
2021-04-26 15:32:18 +02:00
if pm and pm.media.thumbnail:
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
return helpers.url_from_path(pm.media.thumbnail.path)
return None
class PlaylistMedia(models.Model):
"""Helper model to store playlist specific media"""
action_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
media = models.ForeignKey(Media, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
playlist = models.ForeignKey(Playlist, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
ordering = models.IntegerField(default=1)
class Meta:
ordering = ["ordering", "-action_date"]
class Comment(MPTTModel):
"""Comments model"""
add_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
media = models.ForeignKey(Media, on_delete=models.CASCADE, db_index=True, related_name="comments")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
parent = TreeForeignKey("self", on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, related_name="children")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
text = models.TextField(help_text="text")
uid = models.UUIDField(unique=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
user = models.ForeignKey("users.User", on_delete=models.CASCADE, db_index=True)
class MPTTMeta:
order_insertion_by = ["add_date"]
def __str__(self):
return "On {0} by {1}".format(self.media.title, self.user.username)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
strip_text_items = ["text"]
for item in strip_text_items:
setattr(self, item, strip_tags(getattr(self, item, None)))
if self.text:
self.text = self.text[: settings.MAX_CHARS_FOR_COMMENT]
super(Comment, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse("get_media") + "?m={0}".format(self.media.friendly_token)
def media_url(self):
return self.get_absolute_url()
@receiver(post_save, sender=Media)
def media_save(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
# media_file path is not set correctly until mode is saved
# post_save signal will take care of calling a few functions
# once model is saved
# SOS: do not put anything here, as if more logic is added,
# we have to disconnect signal to avoid infinite recursion
if created:
2021-06-03 17:26:53 +02:00
from .methods import notify_users
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
notify_users(friendly_token=instance.friendly_token, action="media_added")
if instance.category.all():
# this won't catch when a category
# is removed from a media, which is what we want...
for category in instance.category.all():
if instance.tags.all():
for tag in instance.tags.all():
@receiver(pre_delete, sender=Media)
def media_file_pre_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if instance.category.all():
for category in instance.category.all():
if instance.tags.all():
for tag in instance.tags.all():
@receiver(post_delete, sender=Media)
def media_file_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
Deletes file from filesystem
when corresponding `Media` object is deleted.
if instance.media_file:
if instance.thumbnail:
if instance.poster:
if instance.uploaded_thumbnail:
if instance.uploaded_poster:
if instance.sprites:
if instance.hls_file:
p = os.path.dirname(instance.hls_file)
@receiver(m2m_changed, sender=Media.category.through)
def media_m2m(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if instance.category.all():
for category in instance.category.all():
if instance.tags.all():
for tag in instance.tags.all():
@receiver(post_save, sender=Encoding)
def encoding_file_save(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
"""Performs actions on encoding file delete
For example, if encoding is a chunk file, with encoding_status success,
perform a check if this is the final chunk file of a media, then
concatenate chunks, create final encoding file and delete chunks
if instance.chunk and instance.status == "success":
# a chunk got completed
# check if all chunks are OK
# then concatenate to new Encoding - and remove chunks
# this should run only once!
if instance.media_file:
orig_chunks = json.loads(instance.chunks_info).keys()
except BaseException:
return False
chunks = Encoding.objects.filter(
complete = True
# perform validation, make sure everything is there
for chunk in orig_chunks:
if not chunks.filter(chunk_file_path=chunk):
complete = False
for chunk in chunks:
if not (chunk.media_file and chunk.media_file.path):
complete = False
if complete:
# concatenate chunks and create final encoding file
chunks_paths = [f.media_file.path for f in chunks]
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=settings.TEMP_DIRECTORY) as temp_dir:
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
seg_file = helpers.create_temp_file(suffix=".txt", dir=temp_dir)
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
tf = helpers.create_temp_file(suffix=".{0}".format(instance.profile.extension), dir=temp_dir)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
with open(seg_file, "w") as ff:
for f in chunks_paths:
ff.write("file {}\n".format(f))
cmd = [
stdout = helpers.run_command(cmd)
encoding = Encoding(
all_logs = "\n".join([st.logs for st in chunks])
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
encoding.logs = "{0}\n{1}\n{2}".format(chunks_paths, stdout, all_logs)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
workers = list(set([st.worker for st in chunks]))
encoding.worker = json.dumps({"workers": workers})
start_date = min([st.add_date for st in chunks])
end_date = max([st.update_date for st in chunks])
encoding.total_run_time = (end_date - start_date).seconds
with open(tf, "rb") as f:
myfile = File(f)
output_name = "{0}.{1}".format(
encoding.media_file.save(content=myfile, name=output_name)
# encoding is saved, deleting chunks
# and any other encoding that might exist
# first perform one last validation
# to avoid that this is run twice
if (
2021-06-03 17:26:53 +02:00
== Encoding.objects.filter( # noqa
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
# if two chunks are finished at the same time, this
# will be changed
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
who = Encoding.objects.filter(media=encoding.media, profile=encoding.profile).exclude(id=encoding.id)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
if not Encoding.objects.filter(chunks_info=instance.chunks_info):
# TODO: in case of remote workers, files should be deleted
# example
# for worker in workers:
# for chunk in json.loads(instance.chunks_info).keys():
# remove_media_file.delay(media_file=chunk)
for chunk in json.loads(instance.chunks_info).keys():
instance.media.post_encode_actions(encoding=instance, action="add")
elif instance.chunk and instance.status == "fail":
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
encoding = Encoding(media=instance.media, profile=instance.profile, status="fail", progress=100)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
chunks = Encoding.objects.filter(media=instance.media, chunks_info=instance.chunks_info, chunk=True).order_by("add_date")
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
chunks_paths = [f.media_file.path for f in chunks]
all_logs = "\n".join([st.logs for st in chunks])
2021-06-03 17:26:53 +02:00
encoding.logs = "{0}\n{1}".format(chunks_paths, all_logs)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
workers = list(set([st.worker for st in chunks]))
encoding.worker = json.dumps({"workers": workers})
start_date = min([st.add_date for st in chunks])
end_date = max([st.update_date for st in chunks])
encoding.total_run_time = (end_date - start_date).seconds
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
who = Encoding.objects.filter(media=encoding.media, profile=encoding.profile).exclude(id=encoding.id)
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
2021-06-03 17:26:53 +02:00
# TODO: merge with above if, do not repeat code
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
if instance.status in ["fail", "success"]:
instance.media.post_encode_actions(encoding=instance, action="add")
2021-05-26 17:35:21 +02:00
encodings = set([encoding.status for encoding in Encoding.objects.filter(media=instance.media)])
2020-12-15 22:33:43 +01:00
if ("running" in encodings) or ("pending" in encodings):
@receiver(post_delete, sender=Encoding)
def encoding_file_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
Deletes file from filesystem
when corresponding `Encoding` object is deleted.
if instance.media_file:
if not instance.chunk:
instance.media.post_encode_actions(encoding=instance, action="delete")
# delete local chunks, and remote chunks + media file. Only when the
# last encoding of a media is complete