# Milhouse's neomutt setup * `milhouse@work.tld` * `milhouse@home.tld` * `milhouse@linux.tld` ## getmail For each address Milhouse has one setup like "~/.getmail/config/work.rc" [retriever] type = SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever server = imap.server.tld username = user password = password mailboxes = ("INBOX","Archive","Trash", "Spam", "Sent Items") [destination] type = MDA_external path = /usr/bin/procmail arguments = ("-f", "%(sender)", "~/.procmail/work.rc") [options] verbose = 1 read_all = false delete = false delete_after = 7 message_log = ~/.getmail/log Milhouse can decide for each account, which mailboxes should be used. How long the emails shall stay on the server and which rules should be apply (procmail). ## procmail For each address Milhouse has a procmail config-file ~/.procmail/work.rc: DATE_YEAR_MONTH=`date +'%Y-%m'` MAILDIR=$HOME/.maildir PMDIR=$HOME/.procmail LOGFILE=$PMDIR/work.log LOGABSTRACT=yes VERBOSE=on DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/Accounts/Work/Archiv-${DATE_YEAR_MONTH}/ For this Work-Account he likes to have the mails in an Archiv-Folder like: * Archiv-2018-01/ * Archiv-2018-02/ * Archiv-2018-03/ ## procmail rules Milhouse use his linux adress to subscribe to Mailinglisten like neomutt, debian,... ##################################################################### # Neomutt ##################################################################### # Neomutt-Users :0 * ^List-Id:.*neomutt-users-neomutt\.org Mailinglist/NeoMutt/Neomutt-Users/ # Neomutt Developers :0 * ^List-Id:.*neomutt-devel-neomutt\.org Mailinglist/NeoMutt/Neomutt-Devel/ Those E-Mails will be sorted via procmail. ## notmuch He has a notmuch tagging file: ~/.notmuch-tagging +work -- from:@work.tld +Neomutt +Neomutt-Users -- folder:Mailinglist/NeoMutt/Neomutt-Users/ +Neomutt +Neomutt-Devel -- folder:Mailinglist/NeoMutt/Neomutt-Devel/ ## neomutt virtual-mailboxes "My Inbox" "notmuch://?query=tag:inbox" virtual-mailboxes "Colleagues" "notmuch://?query=tag:work" virtual-mailboxes "Neomutt-Users" "notmuch://?query=tag:Neomutt-Users" virtual-mailboxes "Neomutt-Devel" "notmuch://?query=tag:Neomutt-Devel" virtual-mailboxes "E-Mails von heute" "notmuch://?query=date:today" virtual-mailboxes "E-Mails von gestern" "notmuch://?query=date:yesterday" virtual-mailboxes "E-Mails von dieser Woche" "notmuch://?query=date:week.." virtual-mailboxes "E-Mails von diesem Monat" "notmuch://?query=date:month.." virtual-mailboxes "E-Mails mit PDF" "notmuch://?query=attachment:\.pdf" virtual-mailboxes "E-Mails mit JPG" "notmuch://?query=attachment:\.jpg%20or%20attachment:\.png" subscribe -group Neomutt neomutt-users@neomutt.org subscribe -group Neomutt neomutt-devel@neomutt.org color index_author default yellow '%f Neomutt' send-hook "%C Neomutt" 'source ~/.neomutt/profile.linux' ## Profile For each address Milhouse has a profile config for neomutt (~/.neomutt/profile.work). Above you can see the send-hook `"%C Neomutt" 'source ~/.neomutt/profile.linux`. When Milhouse sends a mail to an E-Mail address which belongs to the Group Neomutt, neomutt will read the profile config for "the his linux account". In this config file all setting for the linux account will be done: set from = "milhouse@linux.tld" set realname = "Milhouse the Linux nerd" set signature = "~/.neomutt/signature.linux" set gpg_sign_as = 0x1234567 ... SMTP Setting ...