
394 lines
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Protocol Buffer
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syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
option go_package = "/proto";
package daemon;
service DaemonService {
// Login uses setup key to prepare configuration for the daemon.
rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse) {}
// WaitSSOLogin uses the userCode to validate the TokenInfo and
// waits for the user to continue with the login on a browser
rpc WaitSSOLogin(WaitSSOLoginRequest) returns (WaitSSOLoginResponse) {}
// Up starts engine work in the daemon.
rpc Up(UpRequest) returns (UpResponse) {}
// Status of the service.
rpc Status(StatusRequest) returns (StatusResponse) {}
// Down engine work in the daemon.
rpc Down(DownRequest) returns (DownResponse) {}
// GetConfig of the daemon.
rpc GetConfig(GetConfigRequest) returns (GetConfigResponse) {}
// List available networks
rpc ListNetworks(ListNetworksRequest) returns (ListNetworksResponse) {}
// Select specific routes
rpc SelectNetworks(SelectNetworksRequest) returns (SelectNetworksResponse) {}
// Deselect specific routes
rpc DeselectNetworks(SelectNetworksRequest) returns (SelectNetworksResponse) {}
// DebugBundle creates a debug bundle
rpc DebugBundle(DebugBundleRequest) returns (DebugBundleResponse) {}
// GetLogLevel gets the log level of the daemon
rpc GetLogLevel(GetLogLevelRequest) returns (GetLogLevelResponse) {}
// SetLogLevel sets the log level of the daemon
rpc SetLogLevel(SetLogLevelRequest) returns (SetLogLevelResponse) {}
// List all states
rpc ListStates(ListStatesRequest) returns (ListStatesResponse) {}
// Clean specific state or all states
rpc CleanState(CleanStateRequest) returns (CleanStateResponse) {}
// Delete specific state or all states
rpc DeleteState(DeleteStateRequest) returns (DeleteStateResponse) {}
// SetNetworkMapPersistence enables or disables network map persistence
rpc SetNetworkMapPersistence(SetNetworkMapPersistenceRequest) returns (SetNetworkMapPersistenceResponse) {}
rpc TracePacket(TracePacketRequest) returns (TracePacketResponse) {}
message LoginRequest {
// setupKey netbird setup key.
string setupKey = 1;
// This is the old PreSharedKey field which will be deprecated in favor of optionalPreSharedKey field that is defined as optional
// to allow clearing of preshared key while being able to persist in the config file.
string preSharedKey = 2 [deprecated = true];
// managementUrl to authenticate.
string managementUrl = 3;
// adminUrl to manage keys.
string adminURL = 4;
// natExternalIPs map list of external IPs
repeated string natExternalIPs = 5;
// cleanNATExternalIPs clean map list of external IPs.
// This is needed because the generated code
// omits initialized empty slices due to omitempty tags
bool cleanNATExternalIPs = 6;
bytes customDNSAddress = 7;
bool isLinuxDesktopClient = 8;
string hostname = 9;
optional bool rosenpassEnabled = 10;
optional string interfaceName = 11;
optional int64 wireguardPort = 12;
optional string optionalPreSharedKey = 13;
optional bool disableAutoConnect = 14;
optional bool serverSSHAllowed = 15;
optional bool rosenpassPermissive = 16;
repeated string extraIFaceBlacklist = 17;
optional bool networkMonitor = 18;
Release 0.28.0 (#2092) * compile client under freebsd (#1620) Compile netbird client under freebsd and now support netstack and userspace modes. Refactoring linux specific code to share same code with FreeBSD, move to *_unix.go files. Not implemented yet: Kernel mode not supported DNS probably does not work yet Routing also probably does not work yet SSH support did not tested yet Lack of test environment for freebsd (dedicated VM for github runners under FreeBSD required) Lack of tests for freebsd specific code info reporting need to review and also implement, for example OS reported as GENERIC instead of FreeBSD (lack of FreeBSD icon in management interface) Lack of proper client setup under FreeBSD Lack of FreeBSD port/package * Add DNS routes (#1943) Given domains are resolved periodically and resolved IPs are replaced with the new ones. Unless the flag keep_route is set to true, then only new ones are added. This option is helpful if there are long-running connections that might still point to old IP addresses from changed DNS records. * Add process posture check (#1693) Introduces a process posture check to validate the existence and active status of specific binaries on peer systems. The check ensures that files are present at specified paths, and that corresponding processes are running. This check supports Linux, Windows, and macOS systems. Co-authored-by: Evgenii <> Co-authored-by: Pascal Fischer <> Co-authored-by: Zoltan Papp <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Liu <> Co-authored-by: Bethuel Mmbaga <>
2024-06-13 13:24:24 +02:00
optional google.protobuf.Duration dnsRouteInterval = 19;
optional bool disable_client_routes = 20;
optional bool disable_server_routes = 21;
optional bool disable_dns = 22;
optional bool disable_firewall = 23;
optional bool block_lan_access = 24;
message LoginResponse {
bool needsSSOLogin = 1;
string userCode = 2;
string verificationURI = 3;
string verificationURIComplete = 4;
message WaitSSOLoginRequest {
string userCode = 1;
string hostname = 2;
message WaitSSOLoginResponse {}
message UpRequest {}
message UpResponse {}
message StatusRequest{
bool getFullPeerStatus = 1;
message StatusResponse{
// status of the server.
string status = 1;
FullStatus fullStatus = 2;
// NetBird daemon version
string daemonVersion = 3;
message DownRequest {}
message DownResponse {}
message GetConfigRequest {}
message GetConfigResponse {
// managementUrl settings value.
string managementUrl = 1;
// configFile settings value.
string configFile = 2;
// logFile settings value.
string logFile = 3;
// preSharedKey settings value.
string preSharedKey = 4;
// adminURL settings value.
string adminURL = 5;
string interfaceName = 6;
int64 wireguardPort = 7;
bool disableAutoConnect = 9;
bool serverSSHAllowed = 10;
bool rosenpassEnabled = 11;
bool rosenpassPermissive = 12;
// PeerState contains the latest state of a peer
message PeerState {
string IP = 1;
string pubKey = 2;
string connStatus = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp connStatusUpdate = 4;
bool relayed = 5;
string localIceCandidateType = 7;
string remoteIceCandidateType = 8;
string fqdn = 9;
string localIceCandidateEndpoint = 10;
string remoteIceCandidateEndpoint = 11;
google.protobuf.Timestamp lastWireguardHandshake = 12;
int64 bytesRx = 13;
int64 bytesTx = 14;
bool rosenpassEnabled = 15;
repeated string networks = 16;
google.protobuf.Duration latency = 17;
string relayAddress = 18;
// LocalPeerState contains the latest state of the local peer
message LocalPeerState {
string IP = 1;
string pubKey = 2;
bool kernelInterface = 3;
string fqdn = 4;
bool rosenpassEnabled = 5;
bool rosenpassPermissive = 6;
repeated string networks = 7;
// SignalState contains the latest state of a signal connection
message SignalState {
string URL = 1;
bool connected = 2;
string error = 3;
// ManagementState contains the latest state of a management connection
message ManagementState {
string URL = 1;
bool connected = 2;
string error = 3;
// RelayState contains the latest state of the relay
message RelayState {
string URI = 1;
bool available = 2;
string error = 3;
message NSGroupState {
repeated string servers = 1;
repeated string domains = 2;
bool enabled = 3;
string error = 4;
// FullStatus contains the full state held by the Status instance
message FullStatus {
ManagementState managementState = 1;
SignalState signalState = 2;
LocalPeerState localPeerState = 3;
repeated PeerState peers = 4;
repeated RelayState relays = 5;
repeated NSGroupState dns_servers = 6;
message ListNetworksRequest {
message ListNetworksResponse {
repeated Network routes = 1;
message SelectNetworksRequest {
repeated string networkIDs = 1;
bool append = 2;
bool all = 3;
message SelectNetworksResponse {
Release 0.28.0 (#2092) * compile client under freebsd (#1620) Compile netbird client under freebsd and now support netstack and userspace modes. Refactoring linux specific code to share same code with FreeBSD, move to *_unix.go files. Not implemented yet: Kernel mode not supported DNS probably does not work yet Routing also probably does not work yet SSH support did not tested yet Lack of test environment for freebsd (dedicated VM for github runners under FreeBSD required) Lack of tests for freebsd specific code info reporting need to review and also implement, for example OS reported as GENERIC instead of FreeBSD (lack of FreeBSD icon in management interface) Lack of proper client setup under FreeBSD Lack of FreeBSD port/package * Add DNS routes (#1943) Given domains are resolved periodically and resolved IPs are replaced with the new ones. Unless the flag keep_route is set to true, then only new ones are added. This option is helpful if there are long-running connections that might still point to old IP addresses from changed DNS records. * Add process posture check (#1693) Introduces a process posture check to validate the existence and active status of specific binaries on peer systems. The check ensures that files are present at specified paths, and that corresponding processes are running. This check supports Linux, Windows, and macOS systems. Co-authored-by: Evgenii <> Co-authored-by: Pascal Fischer <> Co-authored-by: Zoltan Papp <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Liu <> Co-authored-by: Bethuel Mmbaga <>
2024-06-13 13:24:24 +02:00
message IPList {
repeated string ips = 1;
message Network {
string ID = 1;
string range = 2;
bool selected = 3;
Release 0.28.0 (#2092) * compile client under freebsd (#1620) Compile netbird client under freebsd and now support netstack and userspace modes. Refactoring linux specific code to share same code with FreeBSD, move to *_unix.go files. Not implemented yet: Kernel mode not supported DNS probably does not work yet Routing also probably does not work yet SSH support did not tested yet Lack of test environment for freebsd (dedicated VM for github runners under FreeBSD required) Lack of tests for freebsd specific code info reporting need to review and also implement, for example OS reported as GENERIC instead of FreeBSD (lack of FreeBSD icon in management interface) Lack of proper client setup under FreeBSD Lack of FreeBSD port/package * Add DNS routes (#1943) Given domains are resolved periodically and resolved IPs are replaced with the new ones. Unless the flag keep_route is set to true, then only new ones are added. This option is helpful if there are long-running connections that might still point to old IP addresses from changed DNS records. * Add process posture check (#1693) Introduces a process posture check to validate the existence and active status of specific binaries on peer systems. The check ensures that files are present at specified paths, and that corresponding processes are running. This check supports Linux, Windows, and macOS systems. Co-authored-by: Evgenii <> Co-authored-by: Pascal Fischer <> Co-authored-by: Zoltan Papp <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Liu <> Co-authored-by: Bethuel Mmbaga <>
2024-06-13 13:24:24 +02:00
repeated string domains = 4;
map<string, IPList> resolvedIPs = 5;
message DebugBundleRequest {
bool anonymize = 1;
string status = 2;
bool systemInfo = 3;
message DebugBundleResponse {
string path = 1;
enum LogLevel {
PANIC = 1;
FATAL = 2;
ERROR = 3;
WARN = 4;
INFO = 5;
DEBUG = 6;
TRACE = 7;
message GetLogLevelRequest {
message GetLogLevelResponse {
LogLevel level = 1;
message SetLogLevelRequest {
LogLevel level = 1;
message SetLogLevelResponse {
// State represents a daemon state entry
message State {
string name = 1;
// ListStatesRequest is empty as it requires no parameters
message ListStatesRequest {}
// ListStatesResponse contains a list of states
message ListStatesResponse {
repeated State states = 1;
// CleanStateRequest for cleaning states
message CleanStateRequest {
string state_name = 1;
bool all = 2;
// CleanStateResponse contains the result of the clean operation
message CleanStateResponse {
int32 cleaned_states = 1;
// DeleteStateRequest for deleting states
message DeleteStateRequest {
string state_name = 1;
bool all = 2;
// DeleteStateResponse contains the result of the delete operation
message DeleteStateResponse {
int32 deleted_states = 1;
message SetNetworkMapPersistenceRequest {
bool enabled = 1;
message SetNetworkMapPersistenceResponse {}
message TCPFlags {
bool syn = 1;
bool ack = 2;
bool fin = 3;
bool rst = 4;
bool psh = 5;
bool urg = 6;
message TracePacketRequest {
string source_ip = 1;
string destination_ip = 2;
string protocol = 3;
uint32 source_port = 4;
uint32 destination_port = 5;
string direction = 6;
optional TCPFlags tcp_flags = 7;
optional uint32 icmp_type = 8;
optional uint32 icmp_code = 9;
message TraceStage {
string name = 1;
string message = 2;
bool allowed = 3;
optional string forwarding_details = 4;
message TracePacketResponse {
repeated TraceStage stages = 1;
bool final_disposition = 2;