Wiretrustee is an open-source platform that can be self-hosted on your servers.
It relies on components developed by Wiretrustee Authors [Management Service](https://github.com/wiretrustee/wiretrustee/tree/main/management), [Management UI Dashboard](https://github.com/wiretrustee/wiretrustee-dashboard), [Signal Service](https://github.com/wiretrustee/wiretrustee/tree/main/signal),
a 3rd party open-source STUN/TURN service [Coturn](https://github.com/coturn/coturn) and a 3rd party service [Auth0](https://auth0.com/).
All the components can be self-hosted except for the Auth0 service.
We chose Auth0 to "outsource" the user management part of the platform because we believe that implementing a proper user auth requires significant amount of time to make it right.
- Wiretrustee Open ports ```443, 33071, 33073, 10000``` (Dashboard, Management HTTP API, Management gRpc API, Signal gRpc) on your server.
- Coturn is used for relay using the STUN/TURN protocols. It requires a listening port, ```UDP 3478```, and range of ports,```UDP 49152-65535```, for dynamic relay connections.
To simplify the setup we have prepared a script to substitute required properties in the [turnserver.conf.tmpl](../infrastructure_files/turnserver.conf.tmpl),[docker-compose.yml.tmpl](../infrastructure_files/docker-compose.yml.tmpl) and [management.json.tmpl](../infrastructure_files/management.json.tmpl) files.
* To obtain these, please use [Auth0 React SDK Guide](https://auth0.com/docs/quickstart/spa/react/01-login#configure-auth0) up until "Install the Auth0 React SDK".
:grey_exclamation: Use ```https://YOUR DOMAIN``` as ````Allowed Callback URLs````, ```Allowed Logout URLs```, ```Allowed Web Origins``` and ```Allowed Origins (CORS)```
7. Make sure all the properties set in the ```setup.env``` file and run:
This will export all the properties as environment variables and generate ```docker-compose.yml``` and ```management.json``` files substituting required variables.
10. Once the server is running, you can access the dashboard by https://$WIRETRUSTEE_DOMAIN
11. Adding a peer will require you to enter the management URL by following the steps in the page https://$WIRETRUSTEE_DOMAIN/add-peer and in the 3rd step:
sudo wiretrustee up --setup-key <PASTE-SETUP-KEY> --management-url https://$WIRETRUSTEE_DOMAIN:33073