
566 lines
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package server_test
import (
sync2 "sync"
pb "" //nolint
. ""
. ""
log ""
2023-04-03 15:09:35 +02:00
2023-04-03 15:09:35 +02:00
mgmtProto ""
nbpeer ""
2023-04-03 15:09:35 +02:00
const (
ValidSetupKey = "A2C8E62B-38F5-4553-B31E-DD66C696CEBB"
AccountKey = "bf1c8084-ba50-4ce7-9439-34653001fc3b"
var _ = Describe("Management service", func() {
var (
addr string
s *grpc.Server
dataDir string
client mgmtProto.ManagementServiceClient
serverPubKey wgtypes.Key
conn *grpc.ClientConn
BeforeEach(func() {
level, _ := log.ParseLevel("Debug")
var err error
dataDir, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "wiretrustee_mgmt_test_tmp_*")
var listener net.Listener
config := &server.Config{}
_, err = util.ReadJson("testdata/management.json", config)
config.Datadir = dataDir
s, listener = startServer(config, dataDir, "testdata/store.sql")
addr = listener.Addr().String()
client, conn = createRawClient(addr)
// s public key
resp, err := client.GetServerKey(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.Empty{})
serverPubKey, err = wgtypes.ParseKey(resp.Key)
AfterEach(func() {
err := conn.Close()
Context("when calling IsHealthy endpoint", func() {
Specify("a non-error result is returned", func() {
healthy, err := client.IsHealthy(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.Empty{})
Context("when calling Sync endpoint", func() {
Context("when there is a new peer registered", func() {
Specify("a proper configuration is returned", func() {
key, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key, client)
Release 0.28.0 (#2092) * compile client under freebsd (#1620) Compile netbird client under freebsd and now support netstack and userspace modes. Refactoring linux specific code to share same code with FreeBSD, move to *_unix.go files. Not implemented yet: Kernel mode not supported DNS probably does not work yet Routing also probably does not work yet SSH support did not tested yet Lack of test environment for freebsd (dedicated VM for github runners under FreeBSD required) Lack of tests for freebsd specific code info reporting need to review and also implement, for example OS reported as GENERIC instead of FreeBSD (lack of FreeBSD icon in management interface) Lack of proper client setup under FreeBSD Lack of FreeBSD port/package * Add DNS routes (#1943) Given domains are resolved periodically and resolved IPs are replaced with the new ones. Unless the flag keep_route is set to true, then only new ones are added. This option is helpful if there are long-running connections that might still point to old IP addresses from changed DNS records. * Add process posture check (#1693) Introduces a process posture check to validate the existence and active status of specific binaries on peer systems. The check ensures that files are present at specified paths, and that corresponding processes are running. This check supports Linux, Windows, and macOS systems. Co-authored-by: Evgenii <> Co-authored-by: Pascal Fischer <> Co-authored-by: Zoltan Papp <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Liu <> Co-authored-by: Bethuel Mmbaga <>
2024-06-13 13:24:24 +02:00
syncReq := &mgmtProto.SyncRequest{Meta: &mgmtProto.PeerSystemMeta{}}
encryptedBytes, err := encryption.EncryptMessage(serverPubKey, key, syncReq)
sync, err := client.Sync(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{
WgPubKey: key.PublicKey().String(),
Body: encryptedBytes,
encryptedResponse := &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{}
err = sync.RecvMsg(encryptedResponse)
resp := &mgmtProto.SyncResponse{}
err = encryption.DecryptMessage(serverPubKey, key, encryptedResponse.Body, resp)
expectedSignalConfig := &mgmtProto.HostConfig{
Uri: "",
Protocol: mgmtProto.HostConfig_HTTP,
expectedStunsConfig := &mgmtProto.HostConfig{
Uri: "",
Protocol: mgmtProto.HostConfig_UDP,
expectedTRUNHost := &mgmtProto.HostConfig{
Uri: "",
Protocol: mgmtProto.HostConfig_UDP,
// TURN validation is special because credentials are dynamically generated
actualTURN := resp.WiretrusteeConfig.Turns[0]
Expect(len(actualTURN.User) > 0).To(BeTrue())
Expect(len(resp.NetworkMap.OfflinePeers) == 0).To(BeTrue())
Context("when there are 3 peers registered under one account", func() {
Specify("a list containing other 2 peers is returned", func() {
key, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
key1, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
key2, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key, client)
loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key1, client)
loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key2, client)
Release 0.28.0 (#2092) * compile client under freebsd (#1620) Compile netbird client under freebsd and now support netstack and userspace modes. Refactoring linux specific code to share same code with FreeBSD, move to *_unix.go files. Not implemented yet: Kernel mode not supported DNS probably does not work yet Routing also probably does not work yet SSH support did not tested yet Lack of test environment for freebsd (dedicated VM for github runners under FreeBSD required) Lack of tests for freebsd specific code info reporting need to review and also implement, for example OS reported as GENERIC instead of FreeBSD (lack of FreeBSD icon in management interface) Lack of proper client setup under FreeBSD Lack of FreeBSD port/package * Add DNS routes (#1943) Given domains are resolved periodically and resolved IPs are replaced with the new ones. Unless the flag keep_route is set to true, then only new ones are added. This option is helpful if there are long-running connections that might still point to old IP addresses from changed DNS records. * Add process posture check (#1693) Introduces a process posture check to validate the existence and active status of specific binaries on peer systems. The check ensures that files are present at specified paths, and that corresponding processes are running. This check supports Linux, Windows, and macOS systems. Co-authored-by: Evgenii <> Co-authored-by: Pascal Fischer <> Co-authored-by: Zoltan Papp <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Liu <> Co-authored-by: Bethuel Mmbaga <>
2024-06-13 13:24:24 +02:00
messageBytes, err := pb.Marshal(&mgmtProto.SyncRequest{Meta: &mgmtProto.PeerSystemMeta{}})
encryptedBytes, err := encryption.Encrypt(messageBytes, serverPubKey, key)
sync, err := client.Sync(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{
WgPubKey: key.PublicKey().String(),
Body: encryptedBytes,
encryptedResponse := &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{}
err = sync.RecvMsg(encryptedResponse)
decryptedBytes, err := encryption.Decrypt(encryptedResponse.Body, serverPubKey, key)
resp := &mgmtProto.SyncResponse{}
err = pb.Unmarshal(decryptedBytes, resp)
peers := []string{resp.GetRemotePeers()[0].WgPubKey, resp.GetRemotePeers()[1].WgPubKey}
Expect(peers).To(ContainElements(key1.PublicKey().String(), key2.PublicKey().String()))
Context("when there is a new peer registered", func() {
Specify("an update is returned", func() {
// register only a single peer
key, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key, client)
Release 0.28.0 (#2092) * compile client under freebsd (#1620) Compile netbird client under freebsd and now support netstack and userspace modes. Refactoring linux specific code to share same code with FreeBSD, move to *_unix.go files. Not implemented yet: Kernel mode not supported DNS probably does not work yet Routing also probably does not work yet SSH support did not tested yet Lack of test environment for freebsd (dedicated VM for github runners under FreeBSD required) Lack of tests for freebsd specific code info reporting need to review and also implement, for example OS reported as GENERIC instead of FreeBSD (lack of FreeBSD icon in management interface) Lack of proper client setup under FreeBSD Lack of FreeBSD port/package * Add DNS routes (#1943) Given domains are resolved periodically and resolved IPs are replaced with the new ones. Unless the flag keep_route is set to true, then only new ones are added. This option is helpful if there are long-running connections that might still point to old IP addresses from changed DNS records. * Add process posture check (#1693) Introduces a process posture check to validate the existence and active status of specific binaries on peer systems. The check ensures that files are present at specified paths, and that corresponding processes are running. This check supports Linux, Windows, and macOS systems. Co-authored-by: Evgenii <> Co-authored-by: Pascal Fischer <> Co-authored-by: Zoltan Papp <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Liu <> Co-authored-by: Bethuel Mmbaga <>
2024-06-13 13:24:24 +02:00
messageBytes, err := pb.Marshal(&mgmtProto.SyncRequest{Meta: &mgmtProto.PeerSystemMeta{}})
encryptedBytes, err := encryption.Encrypt(messageBytes, serverPubKey, key)
sync, err := client.Sync(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{
WgPubKey: key.PublicKey().String(),
Body: encryptedBytes,
// after the initial sync call we have 0 peer updates
encryptedResponse := &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{}
err = sync.RecvMsg(encryptedResponse)
decryptedBytes, err := encryption.Decrypt(encryptedResponse.Body, serverPubKey, key)
resp := &mgmtProto.SyncResponse{}
err = pb.Unmarshal(decryptedBytes, resp)
wg := sync2.WaitGroup{}
// continue listening on updates for a peer
go func() {
err = sync.RecvMsg(encryptedResponse)
decryptedBytes, err = encryption.Decrypt(encryptedResponse.Body, serverPubKey, key)
resp = &mgmtProto.SyncResponse{}
err = pb.Unmarshal(decryptedBytes, resp)
// register a new peer
key1, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key1, client)
Context("when calling GetServerKey endpoint", func() {
Specify("a public Wireguard key of the service is returned", func() {
resp, err := client.GetServerKey(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.Empty{})
// check if the key is a valid Wireguard key
key, err := wgtypes.ParseKey(resp.Key)
Context("when calling Login endpoint", func() {
Context("with an invalid setup key", func() {
Specify("an error is returned", func() {
key, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
message, err := encryption.EncryptMessage(serverPubKey, key, &mgmtProto.LoginRequest{SetupKey: "invalid setup key",
Meta: &mgmtProto.PeerSystemMeta{}})
resp, err := client.Login(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{
WgPubKey: key.PublicKey().String(),
Body: message,
Context("with a valid setup key", func() {
It("a non error result is returned", func() {
key, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
resp := loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key, client)
Context("with a registered peer", func() {
It("a non error result is returned", func() {
key, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
regResp := loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key, client)
// just login without registration
message, err := encryption.EncryptMessage(serverPubKey, key, &mgmtProto.LoginRequest{Meta: &mgmtProto.PeerSystemMeta{}})
loginResp, err := client.Login(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{
WgPubKey: key.PublicKey().String(),
Body: message,
decryptedResp := &mgmtProto.LoginResponse{}
err = encryption.DecryptMessage(serverPubKey, key, loginResp.Body, decryptedResp)
expectedSignalConfig := &mgmtProto.HostConfig{
Uri: "",
Protocol: mgmtProto.HostConfig_HTTP,
expectedStunsConfig := &mgmtProto.HostConfig{
Uri: "",
Protocol: mgmtProto.HostConfig_UDP,
expectedTurnsConfig := &mgmtProto.ProtectedHostConfig{
HostConfig: &mgmtProto.HostConfig{
Uri: "",
Protocol: mgmtProto.HostConfig_UDP,
User: "some_user",
Password: "some_password",
Context("when there are 10 peers registered under one account", func() {
Context("when there are 10 more peers registered under the same account", func() {
Specify("all of the 10 peers will get updates of 10 newly registered peers", func() {
initialPeers := 10
additionalPeers := 10
var peers []wgtypes.Key
for i := 0; i < initialPeers; i++ {
key, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key, client)
peers = append(peers, key)
wg := sync2.WaitGroup{}
wg.Add(initialPeers + initialPeers*additionalPeers)
var clients []mgmtProto.ManagementService_SyncClient
for _, peer := range peers {
Release 0.28.0 (#2092) * compile client under freebsd (#1620) Compile netbird client under freebsd and now support netstack and userspace modes. Refactoring linux specific code to share same code with FreeBSD, move to *_unix.go files. Not implemented yet: Kernel mode not supported DNS probably does not work yet Routing also probably does not work yet SSH support did not tested yet Lack of test environment for freebsd (dedicated VM for github runners under FreeBSD required) Lack of tests for freebsd specific code info reporting need to review and also implement, for example OS reported as GENERIC instead of FreeBSD (lack of FreeBSD icon in management interface) Lack of proper client setup under FreeBSD Lack of FreeBSD port/package * Add DNS routes (#1943) Given domains are resolved periodically and resolved IPs are replaced with the new ones. Unless the flag keep_route is set to true, then only new ones are added. This option is helpful if there are long-running connections that might still point to old IP addresses from changed DNS records. * Add process posture check (#1693) Introduces a process posture check to validate the existence and active status of specific binaries on peer systems. The check ensures that files are present at specified paths, and that corresponding processes are running. This check supports Linux, Windows, and macOS systems. Co-authored-by: Evgenii <> Co-authored-by: Pascal Fischer <> Co-authored-by: Zoltan Papp <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Liu <> Co-authored-by: Bethuel Mmbaga <>
2024-06-13 13:24:24 +02:00
messageBytes, err := pb.Marshal(&mgmtProto.SyncRequest{Meta: &mgmtProto.PeerSystemMeta{}})
encryptedBytes, err := encryption.Encrypt(messageBytes, serverPubKey, peer)
// open stream
sync, err := client.Sync(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{
WgPubKey: peer.PublicKey().String(),
Body: encryptedBytes,
clients = append(clients, sync)
// receive stream
peer := peer
go func() {
for {
encryptedResponse := &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{}
err = sync.RecvMsg(encryptedResponse)
if err != nil {
decryptedBytes, err := encryption.Decrypt(encryptedResponse.Body, serverPubKey, peer)
resp := &mgmtProto.SyncResponse{}
err = pb.Unmarshal(decryptedBytes, resp)
if len(resp.GetRemotePeers()) > 0 {
// only consider peer updates
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
for i := 0; i < additionalPeers; i++ {
key, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key, client)
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
n := r.Intn(200)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(n) * time.Millisecond)
for _, syncClient := range clients {
err := syncClient.CloseSend()
Context("when there are peers registered under one account concurrently", func() {
Specify("then there are no duplicate IPs", func() {
initialPeers := 30
ipChannel := make(chan string, 20)
for i := 0; i < initialPeers; i++ {
go func() {
defer GinkgoRecover()
key, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key, client)
Release 0.28.0 (#2092) * compile client under freebsd (#1620) Compile netbird client under freebsd and now support netstack and userspace modes. Refactoring linux specific code to share same code with FreeBSD, move to *_unix.go files. Not implemented yet: Kernel mode not supported DNS probably does not work yet Routing also probably does not work yet SSH support did not tested yet Lack of test environment for freebsd (dedicated VM for github runners under FreeBSD required) Lack of tests for freebsd specific code info reporting need to review and also implement, for example OS reported as GENERIC instead of FreeBSD (lack of FreeBSD icon in management interface) Lack of proper client setup under FreeBSD Lack of FreeBSD port/package * Add DNS routes (#1943) Given domains are resolved periodically and resolved IPs are replaced with the new ones. Unless the flag keep_route is set to true, then only new ones are added. This option is helpful if there are long-running connections that might still point to old IP addresses from changed DNS records. * Add process posture check (#1693) Introduces a process posture check to validate the existence and active status of specific binaries on peer systems. The check ensures that files are present at specified paths, and that corresponding processes are running. This check supports Linux, Windows, and macOS systems. Co-authored-by: Evgenii <> Co-authored-by: Pascal Fischer <> Co-authored-by: Zoltan Papp <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Liu <> Co-authored-by: Bethuel Mmbaga <>
2024-06-13 13:24:24 +02:00
syncReq := &mgmtProto.SyncRequest{Meta: &mgmtProto.PeerSystemMeta{}}
encryptedBytes, err := encryption.EncryptMessage(serverPubKey, key, syncReq)
// open stream
sync, err := client.Sync(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{
WgPubKey: key.PublicKey().String(),
Body: encryptedBytes,
encryptedResponse := &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{}
err = sync.RecvMsg(encryptedResponse)
resp := &mgmtProto.SyncResponse{}
err = encryption.DecryptMessage(serverPubKey, key, encryptedResponse.Body, resp)
ipChannel <- resp.GetPeerConfig().Address
ips := make(map[string]struct{})
for ip := range ipChannel {
if _, ok := ips[ip]; ok {
Fail("found duplicate IP: " + ip)
ips[ip] = struct{}{}
if len(ips) == initialPeers {
Context("after login two peers", func() {
Specify("then they receive the same network", func() {
key, _ := wgtypes.GenerateKey()
firstLogin := loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key, client)
key, _ = wgtypes.GenerateKey()
secondLogin := loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey, key, client)
_, firstLoginNetwork, err := net.ParseCIDR(firstLogin.GetPeerConfig().GetAddress())
_, secondLoginNetwork, err := net.ParseCIDR(secondLogin.GetPeerConfig().GetAddress())
type MocIntegratedValidator struct {
func (a MocIntegratedValidator) ValidateExtraSettings(_ context.Context, newExtraSettings *account.ExtraSettings, oldExtraSettings *account.ExtraSettings, peers map[string]*nbpeer.Peer, userID string, accountID string) error {
return nil
func (a MocIntegratedValidator) ValidatePeer(_ context.Context, update *nbpeer.Peer, peer *nbpeer.Peer, userID string, accountID string, dnsDomain string, peersGroup []string, extraSettings *account.ExtraSettings) (*nbpeer.Peer, bool, error) {
return update, false, nil
func (a MocIntegratedValidator) GetValidatedPeers(accountID string, groups map[string]*group.Group, peers map[string]*nbpeer.Peer, extraSettings *account.ExtraSettings) (map[string]struct{}, error) {
validatedPeers := make(map[string]struct{})
for p := range peers {
validatedPeers[p] = struct{}{}
return validatedPeers, nil
func (MocIntegratedValidator) PreparePeer(_ context.Context, accountID string, peer *nbpeer.Peer, peersGroup []string, extraSettings *account.ExtraSettings) *nbpeer.Peer {
return peer
func (MocIntegratedValidator) IsNotValidPeer(_ context.Context, accountID string, peer *nbpeer.Peer, peersGroup []string, extraSettings *account.ExtraSettings) (bool, bool, error) {
return false, false, nil
func (MocIntegratedValidator) PeerDeleted(_ context.Context, _, _ string) error {
return nil
func (MocIntegratedValidator) SetPeerInvalidationListener(func(accountID string)) {
func (MocIntegratedValidator) Stop(_ context.Context) {}
func loginPeerWithValidSetupKey(serverPubKey wgtypes.Key, key wgtypes.Key, client mgmtProto.ManagementServiceClient) *mgmtProto.LoginResponse {
defer GinkgoRecover()
meta := &mgmtProto.PeerSystemMeta{
Hostname: key.PublicKey().String(),
GoOS: runtime.GOOS,
OS: runtime.GOOS,
Core: "core",
Platform: "platform",
Kernel: "kernel",
WiretrusteeVersion: "",
message, err := encryption.EncryptMessage(serverPubKey, key, &mgmtProto.LoginRequest{SetupKey: ValidSetupKey, Meta: meta})
resp, err := client.Login(context.TODO(), &mgmtProto.EncryptedMessage{
WgPubKey: key.PublicKey().String(),
Body: message,
loginResp := &mgmtProto.LoginResponse{}
err = encryption.DecryptMessage(serverPubKey, key, resp.Body, loginResp)
return loginResp
func createRawClient(addr string) (mgmtProto.ManagementServiceClient, *grpc.ClientConn) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, addr,
Time: 10 * time.Second,
Timeout: 2 * time.Second,
return mgmtProto.NewManagementServiceClient(conn), conn
2024-10-03 15:50:35 +02:00
func startServer(config *server.Config, dataDir string, testFile string) (*grpc.Server, net.Listener) {
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0")
s := grpc.NewServer()
store, _, err := store.NewTestStoreFromSQL(context.Background(), testFile, dataDir)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed creating a store: %s: %v", config.Datadir, err)
peersUpdateManager := server.NewPeersUpdateManager(nil)
eventStore := &activity.InMemoryEventStore{}
metrics, err := telemetry.NewDefaultAppMetrics(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed creating metrics: %v", err)
accountManager, err := server.BuildManager(context.Background(), store, peersUpdateManager, nil, "", "netbird.selfhosted", eventStore, nil, false, MocIntegratedValidator{}, metrics)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed creating a manager: %v", err)
secretsManager := server.NewTimeBasedAuthSecretsManager(peersUpdateManager, config.TURNConfig, config.Relay)
mgmtServer, err := server.NewServer(context.Background(), config, accountManager, peersUpdateManager, secretsManager, nil, nil)
mgmtProto.RegisterManagementServiceServer(s, mgmtServer)
go func() {
if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
return s, lis