**Wiretrustee is an open-source VPN platform built on top of WireGuard® making it easy to create secure private networks for your organization or home.**
It requires zero configuration effort leaving behind the hassle of opening ports, complex firewall rules, vpn gateways, and so forth.
There is no centralized VPN server with Wiretrustee - your computers, devices, machines, and servers connect to each other directly over a fast encrypted tunnel.
**Note**: The `main` branch may be in an *unstable or even broken state* during development. For stable versions, see [releases](https://github.com/wiretrustee/wiretrustee/releases).
* Wiretrustee uses WebRTC ICE implemented in [pion/ice library](https://github.com/pion/ice) to discover connection candidates when establishing a peer-to-peer connection between devices.
We chose Auth0 to "outsource" the user management part of our platform because we believe that implementing a proper user auth is not a trivial task and requires significant amount of time to make it right. We focused on connectivity instead.
It is worth mentioning that dependency to Auth0 is the only one that cannot be self-hosted.
Configuring Wiretrustee Auth0 integration:
- check [How to run](https://github.com/wiretrustee/wiretrustee-dashboard#how-to-run) to obtain Auth0 environment variables for UI Dashboard
- set these variables in the [environment section of the docker-compose file](https://github.com/wiretrustee/wiretrustee/blob/main/infrastructure_files/docker-compose.yml)
- check [Auth0 Golang API Guide](https://auth0.com/docs/quickstart/backend/golang) to obtain ```AuthIssuer```, ```AuthAudience```, and ```AuthKeysLocation```
- set these properties in the [management config files](https://github.com/wiretrustee/wiretrustee/blob/main/infrastructure_files/management.json#L33)
Under infrastructure_files we have a docker-compose example to run Dashboard, Wiretrustee Management and Signal services, plus an instance of [Coturn](https://github.com/coturn/coturn), it also provides a turnserver.conf file as a simple example of Coturn configuration.
You can edit the turnserver.conf file and change its Realm setting (defaults to wiretrustee.com) to your own domain and user setting (defaults to username1:password1) to **proper credentials**.
The example is set to use the official images from Wiretrustee and Coturn, you can find our documentation to run the signal server in docker in [Running the Signal service](#running-the-signal-service), the management in [Management](./management/README.md), and the Coturn official documentation [here](https://hub.docker.com/r/coturn/coturn).
> Run Coturn at your own risk, we are just providing an example, be sure to follow security best practices and to configure proper credentials as this service can be exploited and you may face large data transfer charges.
Also, if you have an SSL certificate for Coturn, you can modify the docker-compose.yml file to point to its files in your host machine, then switch the domainname to your own SSL domain. If you don't already have an SSL certificate, you can follow [Certbot's](https://certbot.eff.org/docs/intro.html) official documentation
to generate one from [Let’s Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/), or, we found that the example provided by [BigBlueButton](https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/2.2/setup-turn-server.html#generating-tls-certificates) covers the basics to configure Coturn with Let's Encrypt certs.
> The Wiretrustee Management service can generate and maintain the certificates automatically, all you need to do is run the servicein a host with a public IP, configure a valid DNS record pointing to that IP and uncomment the 443 ports and command lines in the docker-compose.yml file.