From e407fe02c5730d09939f838f5ec3ae32b737e65b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Zolt=C3=A1n=20Papp?= <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 17:52:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Separate lifecircle of handshake, ice, relay connections

- fix Stun, Turn address update thread safety issue
- move conn worker login into peer package
 client/internal/engine.go              |  189 +----
 client/internal/peer/conn.go           | 1072 ++++++------------------
 client/internal/peer/conn_ice.go       |  436 ++++++++++
 client/internal/peer/conn_relay.go     |  115 +++
 client/internal/peer/conn_test.go      |   10 +-
 client/internal/peer/handshaker.go     |  210 +++++
 client/internal/peer/stdnet.go         |    4 +-
 client/internal/peer/stdnet_android.go |    4 +-
 client/internal/signaler.go            |   71 ++
 relay/client/manager.go                |    4 +
 signal/client/client.go                |    4 +-
 11 files changed, 1139 insertions(+), 980 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 client/internal/peer/conn_ice.go
 create mode 100644 client/internal/peer/conn_relay.go
 create mode 100644 client/internal/peer/handshaker.go
 create mode 100644 client/internal/signaler.go

diff --git a/client/internal/engine.go b/client/internal/engine.go
index a2f395ea0..d80d1f235 100644
--- a/client/internal/engine.go
+++ b/client/internal/engine.go
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
+	"sync/atomic"
@@ -95,7 +96,8 @@ type EngineConfig struct {
 // Engine is a mechanism responsible for reacting on Signal and Management stream events and managing connections to the remote peers.
 type Engine struct {
 	// signal is a Signal Service client
-	signal signal.Client
+	signal   signal.Client
+	signaler *Signaler
 	// mgmClient is a Management Service client
 	mgmClient mgm.Client
 	// peerConns is a map that holds all the peers that are known to this peer
@@ -116,7 +118,8 @@ type Engine struct {
 	// STUNs is a list of STUN servers used by ICE
 	STUNs []*stun.URI
 	// TURNs is a list of STUN servers used by ICE
-	TURNs []*stun.URI
+	TURNs    []*stun.URI
+	StunTurn atomic.Value
 	// clientRoutes is the most recent list of clientRoutes received from the Management Service
 	clientRoutes   route.HAMap
@@ -154,8 +157,6 @@ type Engine struct {
 	relayProbe  *Probe
 	wgProbe     *Probe
-	wgConnWorker sync.WaitGroup
 	relayManager *relayClient.Manager
@@ -207,11 +208,11 @@ func NewEngineWithProbes(
 	relayProbe *Probe,
 	wgProbe *Probe,
 ) *Engine {
 	return &Engine{
 		clientCtx:      clientCtx,
 		clientCancel:   clientCancel,
 		signal:         signalClient,
+		signaler:       NewSignaler(signalClient, config.WgPrivateKey),
 		mgmClient:      mgmClient,
 		relayManager:   relayManager,
 		peerConns:      make(map[string]*peer.Conn),
@@ -258,7 +259,6 @@ func (e *Engine) Stop() error {
 	time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
-	e.wgConnWorker.Wait()
 	log.Infof("stopped Netbird Engine")
 	return nil
@@ -457,72 +457,11 @@ func (e *Engine) removePeer(peerKey string) error {
 	conn, exists := e.peerConns[peerKey]
 	if exists {
 		delete(e.peerConns, peerKey)
-		err := conn.Close()
-		if err != nil {
-			switch err.(type) {
-			case *peer.ConnectionAlreadyClosedError:
-				return nil
-			default:
-				return err
-			}
-		}
+		conn.Close()
 	return nil
-func signalCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate, myKey wgtypes.Key, remoteKey wgtypes.Key, s signal.Client) error {
-	err := s.Send(&sProto.Message{
-		Key:       myKey.PublicKey().String(),
-		RemoteKey: remoteKey.String(),
-		Body: &sProto.Body{
-			Type:    sProto.Body_CANDIDATE,
-			Payload: candidate.Marshal(),
-		},
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
-func sendSignal(message *sProto.Message, s signal.Client) error {
-	return s.Send(message)
-// SignalOfferAnswer signals either an offer or an answer to remote peer
-func SignalOfferAnswer(offerAnswer peer.OfferAnswer, myKey wgtypes.Key, remoteKey wgtypes.Key, s signal.Client,
-	isAnswer bool) error {
-	var t sProto.Body_Type
-	if isAnswer {
-		t = sProto.Body_ANSWER
-	} else {
-		t = sProto.Body_OFFER
-	}
-	msg, err := signal.MarshalCredential(
-		myKey,
-		offerAnswer.WgListenPort,
-		remoteKey, &signal.Credential{
-			UFrag: offerAnswer.IceCredentials.UFrag,
-			Pwd:   offerAnswer.IceCredentials.Pwd,
-		},
-		t,
-		offerAnswer.RosenpassPubKey,
-		offerAnswer.RosenpassAddr,
-		offerAnswer.RelaySrvAddress)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = s.Send(msg)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
 func (e *Engine) handleSync(update *mgmProto.SyncResponse) error {
 	defer e.syncMsgMux.Unlock()
@@ -538,6 +477,11 @@ func (e *Engine) handleSync(update *mgmProto.SyncResponse) error {
 			return err
+		var stunTurn []*stun.URI
+		stunTurn = append(stunTurn, e.STUNs...)
+		stunTurn = append(stunTurn, e.TURNs...)
+		e.StunTurn.Store(stunTurn)
 		// todo update relay address in the relay manager
 		// todo update signal
@@ -893,57 +837,10 @@ func (e *Engine) addNewPeer(peerConfig *mgmProto.RemotePeerConfig) error {
 		if err != nil {
 			log.Warnf("error adding peer %s to status recorder, got error: %v", peerKey, err)
-		e.wgConnWorker.Add(1)
-		go e.connWorker(conn, peerKey)
 	return nil
-func (e *Engine) connWorker(conn *peer.Conn, peerKey string) {
-	defer e.wgConnWorker.Done()
-	for {
-		// randomize starting time a bit
-		min := 500
-		max := 2000
-		duration := time.Duration(rand.Intn(max-min)+min) * time.Millisecond
-		select {
-		case <-e.ctx.Done():
-			return
-		case <-time.After(duration):
-		}
-		// if peer has been removed -> give up
-		if !e.peerExists(peerKey) {
-			log.Debugf("peer %s doesn't exist anymore, won't retry connection", peerKey)
-			return
-		}
-		if !e.signal.Ready() {
-			log.Infof("signal client isn't ready, skipping connection attempt %s", peerKey)
-			continue
-		}
-		// we might have received new STUN and TURN servers meanwhile, so update them
-		e.syncMsgMux.Lock()
-		conn.UpdateStunTurn(append(e.STUNs, e.TURNs...))
-		e.syncMsgMux.Unlock()
-		err := conn.Open(e.ctx)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Debugf("connection to peer %s failed: %v", peerKey, err)
-			var connectionClosedError *peer.ConnectionClosedError
-			switch {
-			case errors.As(err, &connectionClosedError):
-				// conn has been forced to close, so we exit the loop
-				return
-			default:
-			}
-		}
-	}
 func (e *Engine) peerExists(peerKey string) bool {
 	defer e.syncMsgMux.Unlock()
@@ -953,9 +850,6 @@ func (e *Engine) peerExists(peerKey string) bool {
 func (e *Engine) createPeerConn(pubKey string, allowedIPs string) (*peer.Conn, error) {
 	log.Debugf("creating peer connection %s", pubKey)
-	var stunTurn []*stun.URI
-	stunTurn = append(stunTurn, e.STUNs...)
-	stunTurn = append(stunTurn, e.TURNs...)
 	wgConfig := peer.WgConfig{
 		RemoteKey:    pubKey,
@@ -988,52 +882,29 @@ func (e *Engine) createPeerConn(pubKey string, allowedIPs string) (*peer.Conn, e
 	// randomize connection timeout
 	timeout := time.Duration(rand.Intn(PeerConnectionTimeoutMax-PeerConnectionTimeoutMin)+PeerConnectionTimeoutMin) * time.Millisecond
 	config := peer.ConnConfig{
-		Key:                  pubKey,
-		LocalKey:             e.config.WgPrivateKey.PublicKey().String(),
-		StunTurn:             stunTurn,
-		InterfaceBlackList:   e.config.IFaceBlackList,
-		DisableIPv6Discovery: e.config.DisableIPv6Discovery,
-		Timeout:              timeout,
-		UDPMux:               e.udpMux.UDPMuxDefault,
-		UDPMuxSrflx:          e.udpMux,
-		WgConfig:             wgConfig,
-		LocalWgPort:          e.config.WgPort,
-		NATExternalIPs:       e.parseNATExternalIPMappings(),
-		RosenpassPubKey:      e.getRosenpassPubKey(),
-		RosenpassAddr:        e.getRosenpassAddr(),
+		Key:             pubKey,
+		LocalKey:        e.config.WgPrivateKey.PublicKey().String(),
+		Timeout:         timeout,
+		WgConfig:        wgConfig,
+		LocalWgPort:     e.config.WgPort,
+		RosenpassPubKey: e.getRosenpassPubKey(),
+		RosenpassAddr:   e.getRosenpassAddr(),
+		ICEConfig: peer.ICEConfig{
+			StunTurn:             e.StunTurn,
+			InterfaceBlackList:   e.config.IFaceBlackList,
+			DisableIPv6Discovery: e.config.DisableIPv6Discovery,
+			UDPMux:               e.udpMux.UDPMuxDefault,
+			UDPMuxSrflx:          e.udpMux,
+			NATExternalIPs:       e.parseNATExternalIPMappings(),
+		},
-	peerConn, err := peer.NewConn(config, e.statusRecorder, e.wgProxyFactory, e.mobileDep.TunAdapter, e.mobileDep.IFaceDiscover, e.relayManager)
+	peerConn, err := peer.NewConn(e.ctx, config, e.statusRecorder, e.wgProxyFactory, e.signaler, e.mobileDep.IFaceDiscover, e.relayManager)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	wgPubKey, err := wgtypes.ParseKey(pubKey)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	signalOffer := func(offerAnswer peer.OfferAnswer) error {
-		return SignalOfferAnswer(offerAnswer, e.config.WgPrivateKey, wgPubKey, e.signal, false)
-	}
-	signalCandidate := func(candidate ice.Candidate) error {
-		return signalCandidate(candidate, e.config.WgPrivateKey, wgPubKey, e.signal)
-	}
-	signalAnswer := func(offerAnswer peer.OfferAnswer) error {
-		return SignalOfferAnswer(offerAnswer, e.config.WgPrivateKey, wgPubKey, e.signal, true)
-	}
-	peerConn.SetSignalCandidate(signalCandidate)
-	peerConn.SetSignalOffer(signalOffer)
-	peerConn.SetSignalAnswer(signalAnswer)
-	peerConn.SetSendSignalMessage(func(message *sProto.Message) error {
-		return sendSignal(message, e.signal)
-	})
 	if e.rpManager != nil {
@@ -1107,7 +978,7 @@ func (e *Engine) receiveSignalEvents() {
 					return err
-				conn.OnRemoteCandidate(candidate, e.GetClientRoutes())
+				go conn.OnRemoteCandidate(candidate, e.GetClientRoutes())
 			case sProto.Body_MODE:
@@ -1402,7 +1273,7 @@ func (e *Engine) receiveProbeEvents() {
 			for _, peer := range e.peerConns {
 				key := peer.GetKey()
-				wgStats, err := peer.GetConf().WgConfig.WgInterface.GetStats(key)
+				wgStats, err := peer.WgConfig().WgInterface.GetStats(key)
 				if err != nil {
 					log.Debugf("failed to get wg stats for peer %s: %s", key, err)
diff --git a/client/internal/peer/conn.go b/client/internal/peer/conn.go
index b2fb58855..16daf492e 100644
--- a/client/internal/peer/conn.go
+++ b/client/internal/peer/conn.go
@@ -2,37 +2,33 @@ package peer
 import (
-	"fmt"
-	"net/netip"
-	""
 	log ""
+	""
-	""
 	relayClient ""
-	sProto ""
 	nbnet ""
-	""
-const (
-	iceKeepAliveDefault           = 4 * time.Second
-	iceDisconnectedTimeoutDefault = 6 * time.Second
-	// iceRelayAcceptanceMinWaitDefault is the same as in the Pion ICE package
-	iceRelayAcceptanceMinWaitDefault = 2 * time.Second
+type ConnPriority int
+const (
 	defaultWgKeepAlive = 25 * time.Second
+	connPriorityRelay   ConnPriority = 1
+	connPriorityICETurn              = 1
+	connPriorityICEP2P               = 2
 type WgConfig struct {
@@ -45,637 +41,151 @@ type WgConfig struct {
 // ConnConfig is a peer Connection configuration
 type ConnConfig struct {
 	// Key is a public key of a remote peer
 	Key string
 	// LocalKey is a public key of a local peer
 	LocalKey string
-	// StunTurn is a list of STUN and TURN URLs
-	StunTurn []*stun.URI
-	// InterfaceBlackList is a list of machine interfaces that should be filtered out by ICE Candidate gathering
-	// (e.g. if eth0 is in the list, host candidate of this interface won't be used)
-	InterfaceBlackList   []string
-	DisableIPv6Discovery bool
 	Timeout time.Duration
 	WgConfig WgConfig
-	UDPMux      ice.UDPMux
-	UDPMuxSrflx ice.UniversalUDPMux
 	LocalWgPort int
-	NATExternalIPs []string
 	// RosenpassPubKey is this peer's Rosenpass public key
 	RosenpassPubKey []byte
 	// RosenpassPubKey is this peer's RosenpassAddr server address (IP:port)
 	RosenpassAddr string
-// OfferAnswer represents a session establishment offer or answer
-type OfferAnswer struct {
-	IceCredentials IceCredentials
-	// WgListenPort is a remote WireGuard listen port.
-	// This field is used when establishing a direct WireGuard connection without any proxy.
-	// We can set the remote peer's endpoint with this port.
-	WgListenPort int
-	// Version of NetBird Agent
-	Version string
-	// RosenpassPubKey is the Rosenpass public key of the remote peer when receiving this message
-	// This value is the local Rosenpass server public key when sending the message
-	RosenpassPubKey []byte
-	// RosenpassAddr is the Rosenpass server address (IP:port) of the remote peer when receiving this message
-	// This value is the local Rosenpass server address when sending the message
-	RosenpassAddr string
-	// relay server address
-	RelaySrvAddress string
-// IceCredentials ICE protocol credentials struct
-type IceCredentials struct {
-	UFrag string
-	Pwd   string
+	// ICEConfig ICE protocol configuration
+	ICEConfig ICEConfig
 type BeforeAddPeerHookFunc func(connID nbnet.ConnectionID, IP net.IP) error
 type AfterRemovePeerHookFunc func(connID nbnet.ConnectionID) error
 type Conn struct {
-	config ConnConfig
-	mu     sync.Mutex
-	// signalCandidate is a handler function to signal remote peer about local connection candidate
-	signalCandidate func(candidate ice.Candidate) error
-	// signalOffer is a handler function to signal remote peer our connection offer (credentials)
-	signalOffer       func(OfferAnswer) error
-	signalAnswer      func(OfferAnswer) error
-	sendSignalMessage func(message *sProto.Message) error
-	onConnected       func(remoteWireGuardKey string, remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte, wireGuardIP string, remoteRosenpassAddr string)
-	onDisconnected    func(remotePeer string, wgIP string)
-	// remoteOffersCh is a channel used to wait for remote credentials to proceed with the connection
-	remoteOffersCh chan OfferAnswer
-	// remoteAnswerCh is a channel used to wait for remote credentials answer (confirmation of our offer) to proceed with the connection
-	remoteAnswerCh     chan OfferAnswer
-	closeCh            chan struct{}
-	ctx                context.Context
-	notifyDisconnected context.CancelFunc
-	agent  *ice.Agent
-	status ConnStatus
+	log            *log.Entry
+	mu             sync.Mutex
+	ctx            context.Context
+	ctxCancel      context.CancelFunc
+	config         ConnConfig
 	statusRecorder *Status
 	wgProxyFactory *wgproxy.Factory
 	wgProxy        wgproxy.Proxy
+	signaler       *internal.Signaler
+	allowedIPsIP   string
+	handshaker     *Handshaker
+	closeCh        chan struct{}
-	adapter        iface.TunAdapter
-	iFaceDiscover  stdnet.ExternalIFaceDiscover
-	sentExtraSrflx bool
+	onConnected    func(remoteWireGuardKey string, remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte, wireGuardIP string, remoteRosenpassAddr string)
+	onDisconnected func(remotePeer string, wgIP string)
+	status ConnStatus
+	connectorICE   *ConnectorICE
+	connectorRelay *ConnectorRelay
 	connID               nbnet.ConnectionID
 	beforeAddPeerHooks   []BeforeAddPeerHookFunc
 	afterRemovePeerHooks []AfterRemovePeerHookFunc
-	relayManager *relayClient.Manager
+	currentConnType ConnPriority
 // NewConn creates a new not opened Conn to the remote peer.
 // To establish a connection run Conn.Open
-func NewConn(config ConnConfig, statusRecorder *Status, wgProxyFactory *wgproxy.Factory, adapter iface.TunAdapter, iFaceDiscover stdnet.ExternalIFaceDiscover, relayManager *relayClient.Manager) (*Conn, error) {
-	return &Conn{
+func NewConn(engineCtx context.Context, config ConnConfig, statusRecorder *Status, wgProxyFactory *wgproxy.Factory, signaler *internal.Signaler, iFaceDiscover stdnet.ExternalIFaceDiscover, relayManager *relayClient.Manager) (*Conn, error) {
+	_, allowedIPsIP, err := net.ParseCIDR(config.WgConfig.AllowedIps)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Errorf("failed to parse allowedIPS: %v", err)
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithCancel(engineCtx)
+	var conn = &Conn{
+		log:            log.WithField("peer", config.Key),
+		ctx:            ctx,
+		ctxCancel:      ctxCancel,
 		config:         config,
-		mu:             sync.Mutex{},
-		status:         StatusDisconnected,
-		closeCh:        make(chan struct{}),
-		remoteOffersCh: make(chan OfferAnswer),
-		remoteAnswerCh: make(chan OfferAnswer),
 		statusRecorder: statusRecorder,
 		wgProxyFactory: wgProxyFactory,
-		adapter:        adapter,
-		iFaceDiscover:  iFaceDiscover,
-		relayManager:   relayManager,
-	}, nil
+		signaler:       signaler,
+		allowedIPsIP:   allowedIPsIP.String(),
+		handshaker:     NewHandshaker(ctx, config, signaler),
+		status:         StatusDisconnected,
+		closeCh:        make(chan struct{}),
+	}
+	conn.connectorICE = NewConnectorICE(ctx, conn.log, config, config.ICEConfig, signaler, iFaceDiscover, statusRecorder, conn.iCEConnectionIsReady, conn.doHandshake)
+	conn.connectorRelay = NewConnectorRelay(ctx, conn.log, relayManager, config, conn.relayConnectionIsReady, conn.doHandshake)
+	return conn, nil
-// Open opens connection to the remote peer starting ICE candidate gathering process.
-// Blocks until connection has been closed or connection timeout.
-// ConnStatus will be set accordingly
-func (conn *Conn) Open(ctx context.Context) error {
-	log.Debugf("trying to connect to peer %s", conn.config.Key)
+// Open opens connection to the remote peer
+// It will try to establish a connection using ICE and in parallel with relay. The higher priority connection type will
+// be used.
+// todo implement on disconnected event from ICE and relay too.
+func (conn *Conn) Open() {
+	conn.log.Debugf("trying to connect to peer")
 	peerState := State{
 		PubKey:           conn.config.Key,
 		IP:               strings.Split(conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps, "/")[0],
 		ConnStatusUpdate: time.Now(),
-		ConnStatus:       conn.status,
+		ConnStatus:       StatusDisconnected,
 		Mux:              new(sync.RWMutex),
 	err := conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState)
 	if err != nil {
-		log.Warnf("error while updating the state of peer %s,err: %v", conn.config.Key, err)
+		conn.log.Warnf("error while updating the state err: %v", err)
-	defer func() {
-		err := conn.cleanup()
+	/*
+		peerState = State{
+			PubKey:           conn.config.Key,
+			ConnStatus:       StatusConnecting,
+			ConnStatusUpdate: time.Now(),
+			Mux:              new(sync.RWMutex),
+		}
+		err = conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState)
 		if err != nil {
-			log.Warnf("error while cleaning up peer connection %s: %v", conn.config.Key, err)
-			return
+			log.Warnf("error while updating the state of peer %s,err: %v", conn.config.Key, err)
-	}()
-	err = conn.sendOffer()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
+	*/
+	relayIsSupportedLocally := conn.connectorRelay.RelayIsSupported()
+	if relayIsSupportedLocally {
+		go conn.connectorRelay.SetupRelayConnection()
-	log.Debugf("connection offer sent to peer %s, waiting for the confirmation", conn.config.Key)
-	// Only continue once we got a connection confirmation from the remote peer.
-	// The connection timeout could have happened before a confirmation received from the remote.
-	// The connection could have also been closed externally (e.g. when we received an update from the management that peer shouldn't be connected)
-	remoteOfferAnswer, err := conn.waitForRemoteOfferConfirmation()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	log.Debugf("received connection confirmation from peer %s running version %s and with remote WireGuard listen port %d",
-		conn.config.Key, remoteOfferAnswer.Version, remoteOfferAnswer.WgListenPort)
-	// at this point we received offer/answer and we are ready to gather candidates
-	conn.status = StatusConnecting
-	conn.ctx, conn.notifyDisconnected = context.WithCancel(ctx)
-	defer conn.notifyDisconnected()
-	peerState = State{
-		PubKey:           conn.config.Key,
-		ConnStatus:       conn.status,
-		ConnStatusUpdate: time.Now(),
-		Mux:              new(sync.RWMutex),
-	}
-	err = conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warnf("error while updating the state of peer %s,err: %v", conn.config.Key, err)
-	}
-	// in edge case this function can block while the manager set up a new relay server connection
-	relayOperate := conn.setupRelayConnection(remoteOfferAnswer)
-	err = conn.setupICEConnection(remoteOfferAnswer, relayOperate)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Errorf("failed to setup ICE connection: %s", err)
-		if !relayOperate {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	// wait until connection disconnected or has been closed externally (upper layer, e.g. engine)
-	err = conn.waitForDisconnection()
-	return err
-func (conn *Conn) AddBeforeAddPeerHook(hook BeforeAddPeerHookFunc) {
-	conn.beforeAddPeerHooks = append(conn.beforeAddPeerHooks, hook)
-func (conn *Conn) AddAfterRemovePeerHook(hook AfterRemovePeerHookFunc) {
-	conn.afterRemovePeerHooks = append(conn.afterRemovePeerHooks, hook)
-// GetConf returns the connection config
-func (conn *Conn) GetConf() ConnConfig {
-	return conn.config
-// WgConfig returns the WireGuard config
-func (conn *Conn) WgConfig() WgConfig {
-	return conn.config.WgConfig
-// UpdateStunTurn update the turn and stun addresses
-func (conn *Conn) UpdateStunTurn(turnStun []*stun.URI) {
-	conn.config.StunTurn = turnStun
-// SetSignalOffer sets a handler function to be triggered by Conn when a new connection offer has to be signalled to the remote peer
-func (conn *Conn) SetSignalOffer(handler func(offer OfferAnswer) error) {
-	conn.signalOffer = handler
-// SetOnConnected sets a handler function to be triggered by Conn when a new connection to a remote peer established
-func (conn *Conn) SetOnConnected(handler func(remoteWireGuardKey string, remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte, wireGuardIP string, remoteRosenpassAddr string)) {
-	conn.onConnected = handler
-// SetOnDisconnected sets a handler function to be triggered by Conn when a connection to a remote disconnected
-func (conn *Conn) SetOnDisconnected(handler func(remotePeer string, wgIP string)) {
-	conn.onDisconnected = handler
-// SetSignalAnswer sets a handler function to be triggered by Conn when a new connection answer has to be signalled to the remote peer
-func (conn *Conn) SetSignalAnswer(handler func(answer OfferAnswer) error) {
-	conn.signalAnswer = handler
-// SetSignalCandidate sets a handler function to be triggered by Conn when a new ICE local connection candidate has to be signalled to the remote peer
-func (conn *Conn) SetSignalCandidate(handler func(candidate ice.Candidate) error) {
-	conn.signalCandidate = handler
-// SetSendSignalMessage sets a handler function to be triggered by Conn when there is new message to send via signal
-func (conn *Conn) SetSendSignalMessage(handler func(message *sProto.Message) error) {
-	conn.sendSignalMessage = handler
+	go conn.connectorICE.SetupICEConnection(relayIsSupportedLocally)
 // Close closes this peer Conn issuing a close event to the Conn closeCh
-func (conn *Conn) Close() error {
+func (conn *Conn) Close() {
-	defer
-	select {
-	case conn.closeCh <- struct{}{}:
-		return nil
-	default:
-		// probably could happen when peer has been added and removed right after not even starting to connect
-		// todo further investigate
-		// this really happens due to unordered messages coming from management
-		// more importantly it causes inconsistency -> 2 Conn objects for the same peer
-		// e.g. this flow:
-		// update from management has peers: [1,2,3,4]
-		// engine creates a Conn for peers:  [1,2,3,4] and schedules Open in ~1sec
-		// before conn.Open() another update from management arrives with peers: [1,2,3]
-		// engine removes peer 4 and calls conn.Close() which does nothing (this default clause)
-		// before conn.Open() another update from management arrives with peers: [1,2,3,4,5]
-		// engine adds a new Conn for 4 and 5
-		// therefore peer 4 has 2 Conn objects
-		log.Warnf("Connection has been already closed or attempted closing not started connection %s", conn.config.Key)
-		return NewConnectionAlreadyClosed(conn.config.Key)
-	}
-// Status returns current status of the Conn
-func (conn *Conn) Status() ConnStatus {
-	defer
-	return conn.status
-// OnRemoteOffer handles an offer from the remote peer and returns true if the message was accepted, false otherwise
-// doesn't block, discards the message if connection wasn't ready
-func (conn *Conn) OnRemoteOffer(offer OfferAnswer) bool {
-	log.Debugf("OnRemoteOffer from peer %s on status %s", conn.config.Key, conn.status.String())
-	select {
-	case conn.remoteOffersCh <- offer:
-		return true
-	default:
-		log.Debugf("OnRemoteOffer skipping message from peer %s on status %s because is not ready", conn.config.Key, conn.status.String())
-		// connection might not be ready yet to receive so we ignore the message
-		return false
-	}
-// OnRemoteAnswer handles an offer from the remote peer and returns true if the message was accepted, false otherwise
-// doesn't block, discards the message if connection wasn't ready
-func (conn *Conn) OnRemoteAnswer(answer OfferAnswer) bool {
-	log.Debugf("OnRemoteAnswer from peer %s on status %s", conn.config.Key, conn.status.String())
-	select {
-	case conn.remoteAnswerCh <- answer:
-		return true
-	default:
-		// connection might not be ready yet to receive so we ignore the message
-		log.Debugf("OnRemoteAnswer skipping message from peer %s on status %s because is not ready", conn.config.Key, conn.status.String())
-		return false
-	}
-// OnRemoteCandidate Handles ICE connection Candidate provided by the remote peer.
-func (conn *Conn) OnRemoteCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate, haRoutes route.HAMap) {
-	log.Debugf("OnRemoteCandidate from peer %s -> %s", conn.config.Key, candidate.String())
-	go func() {
-		defer
-		if conn.agent == nil {
-			return
-		}
-		if candidateViaRoutes(candidate, haRoutes) {
-			return
-		}
-		err := conn.agent.AddRemoteCandidate(candidate)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Errorf("error while handling remote candidate from peer %s", conn.config.Key)
-			return
-		}
-	}()
-func (conn *Conn) GetKey() string {
-	return conn.config.Key
-func (conn *Conn) reCreateAgent(relaySupport []ice.CandidateType) error {
-	defer
-	failedTimeout := 6 * time.Second
-	var err error
-	transportNet, err := conn.newStdNet()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Errorf("failed to create pion's stdnet: %s", err)
-	}
-	iceKeepAlive := iceKeepAlive()
-	iceDisconnectedTimeout := iceDisconnectedTimeout()
-	iceRelayAcceptanceMinWait := iceRelayAcceptanceMinWait()
-	agentConfig := &ice.AgentConfig{
-		MulticastDNSMode:       ice.MulticastDNSModeDisabled,
-		NetworkTypes:           []ice.NetworkType{ice.NetworkTypeUDP4, ice.NetworkTypeUDP6},
-		Urls:                   conn.config.StunTurn,
-		CandidateTypes:         candidateTypes(),
-		FailedTimeout:          &failedTimeout,
-		InterfaceFilter:        stdnet.InterfaceFilter(conn.config.InterfaceBlackList),
-		UDPMux:                 conn.config.UDPMux,
-		UDPMuxSrflx:            conn.config.UDPMuxSrflx,
-		NAT1To1IPs:             conn.config.NATExternalIPs,
-		Net:                    transportNet,
-		DisconnectedTimeout:    &iceDisconnectedTimeout,
-		KeepaliveInterval:      &iceKeepAlive,
-		RelayAcceptanceMinWait: &iceRelayAcceptanceMinWait,
-	}
-	if conn.config.DisableIPv6Discovery {
-		agentConfig.NetworkTypes = []ice.NetworkType{ice.NetworkTypeUDP4}
-	}
-	conn.agent, err = ice.NewAgent(agentConfig)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = conn.agent.OnCandidate(conn.onICECandidate)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = conn.agent.OnConnectionStateChange(conn.onICEConnectionStateChange)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = conn.agent.OnSelectedCandidatePairChange(conn.onICESelectedCandidatePair)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = conn.agent.OnSuccessfulSelectedPairBindingResponse(func(p *ice.CandidatePair) {
-		err := conn.statusRecorder.UpdateLatency(conn.config.Key, p.Latency())
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Debugf("failed to update latency for peer %s: %s", conn.config.Key, err)
-			return
-		}
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("failed setting binding response callback: %w", err)
-	}
-	return nil
-func (conn *Conn) configureWgConnectionForRelay(remoteConn net.Conn, remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte, remoteRosenpassAddr string) error {
-	defer
-	conn.wgProxy = conn.wgProxyFactory.GetProxy(conn.ctx)
-	endpoint, err := conn.wgProxy.AddTurnConn(remoteConn)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	endpointUdpAddr, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr(endpoint.Network(), endpoint.String())
-	log.Debugf("Conn resolved IP for %s: %s", endpoint, endpointUdpAddr.IP)
-	conn.connID = nbnet.GenerateConnID()
-	for _, hook := range conn.beforeAddPeerHooks {
-		if err := hook(conn.connID, endpointUdpAddr.IP); err != nil {
-			log.Errorf("Before add peer hook failed: %v", err)
-		}
-	}
-	err = conn.config.WgConfig.WgInterface.UpdatePeer(conn.config.WgConfig.RemoteKey, conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps, defaultWgKeepAlive, endpointUdpAddr, conn.config.WgConfig.PreSharedKey)
-	if err != nil {
-		if conn.wgProxy != nil {
-			if err := conn.wgProxy.CloseConn(); err != nil {
-				log.Warnf("Failed to close relay connection: %v", err)
-			}
-		}
-		// todo: is this nil correct?
-		return nil
-	}
-	conn.status = StatusConnected
-	peerState := State{
-		PubKey:                     conn.config.Key,
-		ConnStatus:                 StatusConnected,
-		ConnStatusUpdate:           time.Now(),
-		LocalIceCandidateType:      "",
-		RemoteIceCandidateType:     "",
-		LocalIceCandidateEndpoint:  "",
-		RemoteIceCandidateEndpoint: "",
-		Direct:                     false,
-		RosenpassEnabled:           isRosenpassEnabled(remoteRosenpassPubKey),
-		Mux:                        new(sync.RWMutex),
-		Relayed:                    true,
-	}
-	err = conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warnf("unable to save peer's state, got error: %v", err)
-	}
-	_, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR(conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	if runtime.GOOS == "ios" {
-		runtime.GC()
-	}
-	if conn.onConnected != nil {
-		conn.onConnected(conn.config.Key, remoteRosenpassPubKey, ipNet.IP.String(), remoteRosenpassAddr)
-	}
-	return nil
-// configureConnection starts proxying traffic from/to local Wireguard and sets connection status to StatusConnected
-func (conn *Conn) configureConnection(remoteConn net.Conn, remoteWgPort int, remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte, remoteRosenpassAddr string) (net.Addr, error) {
-	defer
-	pair, err := conn.agent.GetSelectedCandidatePair()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	var endpoint net.Addr
-	if isRelayCandidate(pair.Local) {
-		log.Debugf("setup relay connection")
-		conn.wgProxy = conn.wgProxyFactory.GetProxy(conn.ctx)
-		endpoint, err = conn.wgProxy.AddTurnConn(remoteConn)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		// To support old version's with direct mode we attempt to punch an additional role with the remote WireGuard port
-		go conn.punchRemoteWGPort(pair, remoteWgPort)
-		endpoint = remoteConn.RemoteAddr()
-	}
-	endpointUdpAddr, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr(endpoint.Network(), endpoint.String())
-	log.Debugf("Conn resolved IP for %s: %s", endpoint, endpointUdpAddr.IP)
-	conn.connID = nbnet.GenerateConnID()
-	for _, hook := range conn.beforeAddPeerHooks {
-		if err := hook(conn.connID, endpointUdpAddr.IP); err != nil {
-			log.Errorf("Before add peer hook failed: %v", err)
-		}
-	}
-	err = conn.config.WgConfig.WgInterface.UpdatePeer(conn.config.WgConfig.RemoteKey, conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps, defaultWgKeepAlive, endpointUdpAddr, conn.config.WgConfig.PreSharedKey)
-	if err != nil {
-		if conn.wgProxy != nil {
-			if err := conn.wgProxy.CloseConn(); err != nil {
-				log.Warnf("Failed to close turn connection: %v", err)
-			}
-		}
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("update peer: %w", err)
-	}
-	conn.status = StatusConnected
-	rosenpassEnabled := false
-	if remoteRosenpassPubKey != nil {
-		rosenpassEnabled = true
-	}
-	peerState := State{
-		PubKey:                     conn.config.Key,
-		ConnStatus:                 conn.status,
-		ConnStatusUpdate:           time.Now(),
-		LocalIceCandidateType:      pair.Local.Type().String(),
-		RemoteIceCandidateType:     pair.Remote.Type().String(),
-		LocalIceCandidateEndpoint:  fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", pair.Local.Address(), pair.Local.Port()),
-		RemoteIceCandidateEndpoint: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", pair.Remote.Address(), pair.Remote.Port()),
-		Direct:                     !isRelayCandidate(pair.Local),
-		RosenpassEnabled:           rosenpassEnabled,
-		Mux:                        new(sync.RWMutex),
-	}
-	if pair.Local.Type() == ice.CandidateTypeRelay || pair.Remote.Type() == ice.CandidateTypeRelay {
-		peerState.Relayed = true
-	}
-	err = conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warnf("unable to save peer's state, got error: %v", err)
-	}
-	_, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR(conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if runtime.GOOS == "ios" {
-		runtime.GC()
-	}
-	if conn.onConnected != nil {
-		conn.onConnected(conn.config.Key, remoteRosenpassPubKey, ipNet.IP.String(), remoteRosenpassAddr)
-	}
-	return endpoint, nil
-func (conn *Conn) punchRemoteWGPort(pair *ice.CandidatePair, remoteWgPort int) {
-	// wait local endpoint configuration
-	time.Sleep(time.Second)
-	addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", pair.Remote.Address(), remoteWgPort))
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warnf("got an error while resolving the udp address, err: %s", err)
-		return
-	}
-	mux, ok := conn.config.UDPMuxSrflx.(*bind.UniversalUDPMuxDefault)
-	if !ok {
-		log.Warn("invalid udp mux conversion")
-		return
-	}
-	_, err = mux.GetSharedConn().WriteTo([]byte{0x6e, 0x62}, addr)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warnf("got an error while sending the punch packet, err: %s", err)
-	}
-func (conn *Conn) waitForDisconnection() error {
-	select {
-	case <-conn.closeCh:
-		// closed externally
-		return NewConnectionClosedError(conn.config.Key)
-	case <-conn.ctx.Done():
-		// disconnected from the remote peer
-		return NewConnectionDisconnectedError(conn.config.Key)
-	}
-// cleanup closes all open resources and sets status to StatusDisconnected
-func (conn *Conn) cleanup() error {
-	log.Debugf("trying to cleanup %s", conn.config.Key)
-	defer
-	conn.sentExtraSrflx = false
-	var err1, err2, err3 error
-	if conn.agent != nil {
-		err1 = conn.agent.Close()
-		if err1 == nil {
-			conn.agent = nil
-		}
-	}
+	conn.ctxCancel()
 	if conn.wgProxy != nil {
-		err2 = conn.wgProxy.CloseConn()
+		err := conn.wgProxy.CloseConn()
+		if err != nil {
+			conn.log.Errorf("failed to close wg proxy: %v", err)
+		}
 		conn.wgProxy = nil
 	// todo: is it problem if we try to remove a peer what is never existed?
-	err3 = conn.config.WgConfig.WgInterface.RemovePeer(conn.config.WgConfig.RemoteKey)
+	err := conn.config.WgConfig.WgInterface.RemovePeer(conn.config.WgConfig.RemoteKey)
+	if err != nil {
+		conn.log.Errorf("failed to remove wg endpoint: %v", err)
+	}
 	if conn.connID != "" {
 		for _, hook := range conn.afterRemovePeerHooks {
 			if err := hook(conn.connID); err != nil {
-				log.Errorf("After remove peer hook failed: %v", err)
+				conn.log.Errorf("After remove peer hook failed: %v", err)
-	}
-	conn.connID = ""
-	if conn.notifyDisconnected != nil {
-		conn.notifyDisconnected()
-		conn.notifyDisconnected = nil
+		conn.connID = ""
 	if conn.status == StatusConnected && conn.onDisconnected != nil {
@@ -690,298 +200,240 @@ func (conn *Conn) cleanup() error {
 		ConnStatusUpdate: time.Now(),
 		Mux:              new(sync.RWMutex),
-	err := conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState)
+	err = conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState)
 	if err != nil {
 		// pretty common error because by that time Engine can already remove the peer and status won't be available.
 		// todo rethink status updates
-		log.Debugf("error while updating peer's %s state, err: %v", conn.config.Key, err)
+		conn.log.Debugf("error while updating peer's state, err: %v", err)
 	if err := conn.statusRecorder.UpdateWireGuardPeerState(conn.config.Key, iface.WGStats{}); err != nil {
-		log.Debugf("failed to reset wireguard stats for peer %s: %s", conn.config.Key, err)
+		conn.log.Debugf("failed to reset wireguard stats for peer: %s", err)
-	log.Debugf("cleaned up connection to peer %s", conn.config.Key)
-	if err1 != nil {
-		return err1
-	}
-	if err2 != nil {
-		return err2
-	}
-	return err3
-// onICECandidate is a callback attached to an ICE Agent to receive new local connection candidates
-// and then signals them to the remote peer
-func (conn *Conn) onICECandidate(candidate ice.Candidate) {
-	// nil means candidate gathering has been ended
-	if candidate == nil {
-		return
-	}
-	// TODO: reported port is incorrect for CandidateTypeHost, makes understanding ICE use via logs confusing as port is ignored
-	log.Debugf("discovered local candidate %s", candidate.String())
-	go func() {
-		err := conn.signalCandidate(candidate)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Errorf("failed signaling candidate to the remote peer %s %s", conn.config.Key, err)
-		}
-	}()
-	if !conn.shouldSendExtraSrflxCandidate(candidate) {
-		return
-	}
-	// sends an extra server reflexive candidate to the remote peer with our related port (usually the wireguard port)
-	// this is useful when network has an existing port forwarding rule for the wireguard port and this peer
-	extraSrflx, err := extraSrflxCandidate(candidate)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Errorf("failed creating extra server reflexive candidate %s", err)
-		return
-	}
-	conn.sentExtraSrflx = true
-	go func() {
-		err = conn.signalCandidate(extraSrflx)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Errorf("failed signaling the extra server reflexive candidate to the remote peer %s: %s", conn.config.Key, err)
-		}
-	}()
+// OnRemoteAnswer handles an offer from the remote peer and returns true if the message was accepted, false otherwise
+// doesn't block, discards the message if connection wasn't ready
+func (conn *Conn) OnRemoteAnswer(answer OfferAnswer) bool {
+	conn.log.Debugf("OnRemoteAnswer, status %s", conn.status.String())
+	return conn.handshaker.OnRemoteAnswer(answer)
-func (conn *Conn) onICESelectedCandidatePair(c1 ice.Candidate, c2 ice.Candidate) {
-	log.Debugf("selected candidate pair [local <-> remote] -> [%s <-> %s], peer %s", c1.String(), c2.String(),
-		conn.config.Key)
+// OnRemoteCandidate Handles ICE connection Candidate provided by the remote peer.
+func (conn *Conn) OnRemoteCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate, haRoutes route.HAMap) {
+	conn.connectorICE.OnRemoteCandidate(candidate, haRoutes)
-// onICEConnectionStateChange registers callback of an ICE Agent to track connection state
-func (conn *Conn) onICEConnectionStateChange(state ice.ConnectionState) {
-	log.Debugf("peer %s ICE ConnectionState has changed to %s", conn.config.Key, state.String())
-	if state == ice.ConnectionStateFailed || state == ice.ConnectionStateDisconnected {
-		conn.notifyDisconnected()
-	}
+func (conn *Conn) AddBeforeAddPeerHook(hook BeforeAddPeerHookFunc) {
+	conn.beforeAddPeerHooks = append(conn.beforeAddPeerHooks, hook)
-func (conn *Conn) sendAnswer() error {
+func (conn *Conn) AddAfterRemovePeerHook(hook AfterRemovePeerHookFunc) {
+	conn.afterRemovePeerHooks = append(conn.afterRemovePeerHooks, hook)
+// SetOnConnected sets a handler function to be triggered by Conn when a new connection to a remote peer established
+func (conn *Conn) SetOnConnected(handler func(remoteWireGuardKey string, remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte, wireGuardIP string, remoteRosenpassAddr string)) {
+	conn.onConnected = handler
+// SetOnDisconnected sets a handler function to be triggered by Conn when a connection to a remote disconnected
+func (conn *Conn) SetOnDisconnected(handler func(remotePeer string, wgIP string)) {
+	conn.onDisconnected = handler
+func (conn *Conn) OnRemoteOffer(offer OfferAnswer) bool {
+	conn.log.Debugf("OnRemoteOffer, on status %s", conn.status.String())
+	return conn.handshaker.OnRemoteOffer(offer)
+// WgConfig returns the WireGuard config
+func (conn *Conn) WgConfig() WgConfig {
+	return conn.config.WgConfig
+// Status returns current status of the Conn
+func (conn *Conn) Status() ConnStatus {
+	defer
+	return conn.status
+func (conn *Conn) GetKey() string {
+	return conn.config.Key
+func (conn *Conn) relayConnectionIsReady(rci RelayConnInfo) {
-	localUFrag, localPwd, err := conn.agent.GetLocalUserCredentials()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
+	if conn.ctx.Err() != nil {
+		return
-	log.Debugf("sending answer to %s", conn.config.Key)
-	err = conn.signalAnswer(OfferAnswer{
-		IceCredentials:  IceCredentials{localUFrag, localPwd},
-		WgListenPort:    conn.config.LocalWgPort,
-		Version:         version.NetbirdVersion(),
-		RosenpassPubKey: conn.config.RosenpassPubKey,
-		RosenpassAddr:   conn.config.RosenpassAddr,
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
+	if conn.currentConnType > connPriorityRelay {
+		return
-	return nil
+	wgProxy := conn.wgProxyFactory.GetProxy(conn.ctx)
+	endpoint, err := wgProxy.AddTurnConn(rci.relayedConn)
+	if err != nil {
+		conn.log.Errorf("failed to add relayed net.Conn to local proxy: %v", err)
+		return
+	}
+	endpointUdpAddr, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr(endpoint.Network(), endpoint.String())
+	conn.log.Debugf("conn resolved IP for %s: %s", endpoint, endpointUdpAddr.IP)
+	conn.connID = nbnet.GenerateConnID()
+	for _, hook := range conn.beforeAddPeerHooks {
+		if err := hook(conn.connID, endpointUdpAddr.IP); err != nil {
+			conn.log.Errorf("Before add peer hook failed: %v", err)
+		}
+	}
+	err = conn.config.WgConfig.WgInterface.UpdatePeer(conn.config.WgConfig.RemoteKey, conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps, defaultWgKeepAlive, endpointUdpAddr, conn.config.WgConfig.PreSharedKey)
+	if err != nil {
+		if err := wgProxy.CloseConn(); err != nil {
+			conn.log.Warnf("Failed to close relay connection: %v", err)
+		}
+		conn.log.Errorf("Failed to update wg peer configuration: %v", err)
+		return
+	}
+	if conn.wgProxy != nil {
+		if err := conn.wgProxy.CloseConn(); err != nil {
+			conn.log.Warnf("failed to close depracated wg proxy conn: %v", err)
+		}
+	}
+	conn.wgProxy = wgProxy
+	conn.currentConnType = connPriorityRelay
+	peerState := State{
+		Direct:  false,
+		Relayed: true,
+	}
+	conn.updateStatus(peerState, rci.rosenpassPubKey, rci.rosenpassAddr)
-// sendOffer prepares local user credentials and signals them to the remote peer
-func (conn *Conn) sendOffer() error {
+// configureConnection starts proxying traffic from/to local Wireguard and sets connection status to StatusConnected
+func (conn *Conn) iCEConnectionIsReady(priority ConnPriority, iceConnInfo ICEConnInfo) {
-	localUFrag, localPwd, err := conn.agent.GetLocalUserCredentials()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	oa := OfferAnswer{
-		IceCredentials:  IceCredentials{localUFrag, localPwd},
-		WgListenPort:    conn.config.LocalWgPort,
-		Version:         version.NetbirdVersion(),
-		RosenpassPubKey: conn.config.RosenpassPubKey,
-		RosenpassAddr:   conn.config.RosenpassAddr,
+	if conn.ctx.Err() != nil {
+		return
-	relayIPAddress, err := conn.relayManager.RelayAddress()
-	if err == nil {
-		oa.RelaySrvAddress = relayIPAddress.String()
+	if conn.currentConnType > priority {
+		return
-	return conn.signalOffer(oa)
-func (conn *Conn) shouldSendExtraSrflxCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate) bool {
-	if !conn.sentExtraSrflx && candidate.Type() == ice.CandidateTypeServerReflexive && candidate.Port() != candidate.RelatedAddress().Port {
-		return true
-	}
-	return false
-func (conn *Conn) waitForRemoteOfferConfirmation() (*OfferAnswer, error) {
-	var remoteOfferAnswer OfferAnswer
-	select {
-	case remoteOfferAnswer = <-conn.remoteOffersCh:
-		// received confirmation from the remote peer -> ready to proceed
-		err := conn.sendAnswer()
+	var (
+		endpoint net.Addr
+		wgProxy  wgproxy.Proxy
+	)
+	if iceConnInfo.RelayedOnLocal {
+		conn.log.Debugf("setup ice turn connection")
+		wgProxy = conn.wgProxyFactory.GetProxy(conn.ctx)
+		ep, err := conn.wgProxy.AddTurnConn(iceConnInfo.RemoteConn)
 		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
+			conn.log.Errorf("failed to add turn net.Conn to local proxy: %v", err)
+			return
-	case remoteOfferAnswer = <-conn.remoteAnswerCh:
-	case <-time.After(conn.config.Timeout):
-		return nil, NewConnectionTimeoutError(conn.config.Key, conn.config.Timeout)
-	case <-conn.closeCh:
-		// closed externally
-		return nil, NewConnectionClosedError(conn.config.Key)
-	}
-	return &remoteOfferAnswer, nil
-func (conn *Conn) turnAgentDial(remoteOfferAnswer *OfferAnswer) (*ice.Conn, error) {
-	isControlling := conn.config.LocalKey > conn.config.Key
-	if isControlling {
-		return conn.agent.Dial(conn.ctx, remoteOfferAnswer.IceCredentials.UFrag, remoteOfferAnswer.IceCredentials.Pwd)
+		endpoint = ep
 	} else {
-		return conn.agent.Accept(conn.ctx, remoteOfferAnswer.IceCredentials.UFrag, remoteOfferAnswer.IceCredentials.Pwd)
-	}
-func (conn *Conn) setupRelayConnection(remoteOfferAnswer *OfferAnswer) bool {
-	if !isRelaySupported(remoteOfferAnswer) {
-		return false
+		endpoint = iceConnInfo.RemoteConn.RemoteAddr()
-	currentRelayAddress, err := conn.relayManager.RelayAddress()
-	if err != nil {
-		return false
-	}
+	endpointUdpAddr, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr(endpoint.Network(), endpoint.String())
+	conn.log.Debugf("Conn resolved IP for %s: %s", endpoint, endpointUdpAddr.IP)
-	conn.preferredRelayServer(currentRelayAddress.String(), remoteOfferAnswer.RelaySrvAddress)
-	relayConn, err := conn.relayManager.OpenConn(remoteOfferAnswer.RelaySrvAddress, conn.config.Key)
-	if err != nil {
-		return false
-	}
-	err = conn.configureWgConnectionForRelay(relayConn, remoteOfferAnswer.RosenpassPubKey, remoteOfferAnswer.RosenpassAddr)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Errorf("failed to configure WireGuard connection for relay: %s", err)
-		return false
-	}
-	return true
-func (conn *Conn) preferredRelayServer(myRelayAddress, remoteRelayAddress string) string {
-	if conn.config.LocalKey > conn.config.Key {
-		return myRelayAddress
-	}
-	return remoteRelayAddress
-func (conn *Conn) setupICEConnection(remoteOfferAnswer *OfferAnswer, relayOperate bool) error {
-	var preferredCandidateTypes []ice.CandidateType
-	if relayOperate {
-		preferredCandidateTypes = candidateTypesP2P()
-	} else {
-		preferredCandidateTypes = candidateTypes()
-	}
-	err := conn.reCreateAgent(preferredCandidateTypes)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = conn.agent.GatherCandidates()
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("gather candidates: %v", err)
-	}
-	// will block until connection succeeded
-	// but it won't release if ICE Agent went into Disconnected or Failed state,
-	// so we have to cancel it with the provided context once agent detected a broken connection
-	remoteConn, err := conn.turnAgentDial(remoteOfferAnswer)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// dynamically set remote WireGuard port if other side specified a different one from the default one
-	remoteWgPort := iface.DefaultWgPort
-	if remoteOfferAnswer.WgListenPort != 0 {
-		remoteWgPort = remoteOfferAnswer.WgListenPort
-	}
-	// the ice connection has been established successfully so we are ready to start the proxy
-	remoteAddr, err := conn.configureConnection(remoteConn, remoteWgPort, remoteOfferAnswer.RosenpassPubKey,
-		remoteOfferAnswer.RosenpassAddr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	log.Infof("connected to peer %s, endpoint address: %s", conn.config.Key, remoteAddr.String())
-	return nil
-func extraSrflxCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate) (*ice.CandidateServerReflexive, error) {
-	relatedAdd := candidate.RelatedAddress()
-	return ice.NewCandidateServerReflexive(&ice.CandidateServerReflexiveConfig{
-		Network:   candidate.NetworkType().String(),
-		Address:   candidate.Address(),
-		Port:      relatedAdd.Port,
-		Component: candidate.Component(),
-		RelAddr:   relatedAdd.Address,
-		RelPort:   relatedAdd.Port,
-	})
-func candidateViaRoutes(candidate ice.Candidate, clientRoutes route.HAMap) bool {
-	var routePrefixes []netip.Prefix
-	for _, routes := range clientRoutes {
-		if len(routes) > 0 && routes[0] != nil {
-			routePrefixes = append(routePrefixes, routes[0].Network)
+	conn.connID = nbnet.GenerateConnID()
+	for _, hook := range conn.beforeAddPeerHooks {
+		if err := hook(conn.connID, endpointUdpAddr.IP); err != nil {
+			conn.log.Errorf("Before add peer hook failed: %v", err)
-	addr, err := netip.ParseAddr(candidate.Address())
+	err := conn.config.WgConfig.WgInterface.UpdatePeer(conn.config.WgConfig.RemoteKey, conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps, defaultWgKeepAlive, endpointUdpAddr, conn.config.WgConfig.PreSharedKey)
 	if err != nil {
-		log.Errorf("Failed to parse IP address %s: %v", candidate.Address(), err)
-		return false
+		if wgProxy != nil {
+			if err := wgProxy.CloseConn(); err != nil {
+				conn.log.Warnf("Failed to close turn connection: %v", err)
+			}
+		}
+		conn.log.Warnf("Failed to update wg peer configuration: %v", err)
+		return
-	for _, prefix := range routePrefixes {
-		// default route is
-		if prefix.Bits() == 0 {
-			continue
-		}
-		if prefix.Contains(addr) {
-			log.Debugf("Ignoring candidate [%s], its address is part of routed network %s", candidate.String(), prefix)
-			return true
+	if conn.wgProxy != nil {
+		if err := conn.wgProxy.CloseConn(); err != nil {
+			conn.log.Warnf("failed to close depracated wg proxy conn: %v", err)
-	return false
+	conn.wgProxy = wgProxy
+	conn.currentConnType = priority
+	peerState := State{
+		LocalIceCandidateType:      iceConnInfo.LocalIceCandidateType,
+		RemoteIceCandidateType:     iceConnInfo.RemoteIceCandidateType,
+		LocalIceCandidateEndpoint:  iceConnInfo.LocalIceCandidateEndpoint,
+		RemoteIceCandidateEndpoint: iceConnInfo.RemoteIceCandidateEndpoint,
+		Direct:                     iceConnInfo.Direct,
+		Relayed:                    iceConnInfo.Relayed,
+	}
+	conn.updateStatus(peerState, iceConnInfo.RosenpassPubKey, iceConnInfo.RosenpassAddr)
-func candidateTypes() []ice.CandidateType {
-	if hasICEForceRelayConn() {
-		return []ice.CandidateType{ice.CandidateTypeRelay}
+func (conn *Conn) updateStatus(peerState State, remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte, remoteRosenpassAddr string) {
+	conn.status = StatusConnected
+	peerState.PubKey = conn.config.Key
+	peerState.ConnStatus = StatusConnected
+	peerState.ConnStatusUpdate = time.Now()
+	peerState.RosenpassEnabled = isRosenpassEnabled(remoteRosenpassPubKey)
+	peerState.Mux = new(sync.RWMutex)
+	err := conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState)
+	if err != nil {
+		conn.log.Warnf("unable to save peer's state, got error: %v", err)
-	// TODO: remove this once we have refactored userspace proxy into the bind package
 	if runtime.GOOS == "ios" {
-		return []ice.CandidateType{ice.CandidateTypeHost, ice.CandidateTypeServerReflexive}
+		runtime.GC()
-	return []ice.CandidateType{ice.CandidateTypeHost, ice.CandidateTypeServerReflexive, ice.CandidateTypeRelay}
+	if conn.onConnected != nil {
+		conn.onConnected(conn.config.Key, remoteRosenpassPubKey, conn.allowedIPsIP, remoteRosenpassAddr)
+	}
+	return
-func candidateTypesP2P() []ice.CandidateType {
-	return []ice.CandidateType{ice.CandidateTypeHost, ice.CandidateTypeServerReflexive}
+func (conn *Conn) doHandshake() (*OfferAnswer, error) {
+	if !conn.signaler.Ready() {
+		return nil, ErrSignalIsNotReady
+	}
-func isRelayCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate) bool {
-	return candidate.Type() == ice.CandidateTypeRelay
+	uFreg, pwd, err := conn.connectorICE.GetLocalUserCredentials()
+	if err != nil {
+		conn.log.Errorf("failed to get local user credentials: %v", err)
+	}
-// todo check my side too
-func isRelaySupported(answer *OfferAnswer) bool {
-	return answer.RelaySrvAddress != ""
+	addr, err := conn.connectorRelay.RelayAddress()
+	if err != nil {
+		conn.log.Errorf("failed to get local relay address: %v", err)
+	}
+	return conn.handshaker.Handshake(HandshakeArgs{
+		uFreg,
+		pwd,
+		addr.String(),
+	})
 func isRosenpassEnabled(remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte) bool {
diff --git a/client/internal/peer/conn_ice.go b/client/internal/peer/conn_ice.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3d33a4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/internal/peer/conn_ice.go
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+package peer
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"math/rand"
+	"net"
+	"net/netip"
+	"runtime"
+	"sync/atomic"
+	"time"
+	""
+	""
+	log ""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+const (
+	iceKeepAliveDefault           = 4 * time.Second
+	iceDisconnectedTimeoutDefault = 6 * time.Second
+	// iceRelayAcceptanceMinWaitDefault is the same as in the Pion ICE package
+	iceRelayAcceptanceMinWaitDefault = 2 * time.Second
+type ICEConfig struct {
+	// StunTurn is a list of STUN and TURN URLs
+	StunTurn atomic.Value // []*stun.URI
+	// InterfaceBlackList is a list of machine interfaces that should be filtered out by ICE Candidate gathering
+	// (e.g. if eth0 is in the list, host candidate of this interface won't be used)
+	InterfaceBlackList   []string
+	DisableIPv6Discovery bool
+	UDPMux      ice.UDPMux
+	UDPMuxSrflx ice.UniversalUDPMux
+	NATExternalIPs []string
+type OnICEConnReadyCallback func(ConnPriority, ICEConnInfo)
+type ICEConnInfo struct {
+	RemoteConn                 net.Conn
+	RosenpassPubKey            []byte
+	RosenpassAddr              string
+	LocalIceCandidateType      string
+	RemoteIceCandidateType     string
+	RemoteIceCandidateEndpoint string
+	LocalIceCandidateEndpoint  string
+	Direct                     bool
+	Relayed                    bool
+	RelayedOnLocal             bool
+type ConnectorICE struct {
+	ctx            context.Context
+	log            *log.Entry
+	config         ConnConfig
+	configICE      ICEConfig
+	signaler       *internal.Signaler
+	iFaceDiscover  stdnet.ExternalIFaceDiscover
+	statusRecorder *Status
+	onICEConnReady OnICEConnReadyCallback
+	doHandshakeFn  DoHandshake
+	connPriority ConnPriority
+	agent *ice.Agent
+	StunTurn []*stun.URI
+	sentExtraSrflx bool
+func NewConnectorICE(ctx context.Context, log *log.Entry, config ConnConfig, configICE ICEConfig, signaler *internal.Signaler, ifaceDiscover stdnet.ExternalIFaceDiscover, statusRecorder *Status, onICEConnReady OnICEConnReadyCallback, doHandshakeFn DoHandshake) *ConnectorICE {
+	cice := &ConnectorICE{
+		ctx:            ctx,
+		log:            log,
+		config:         config,
+		configICE:      configICE,
+		signaler:       signaler,
+		iFaceDiscover:  ifaceDiscover,
+		statusRecorder: statusRecorder,
+		onICEConnReady: onICEConnReady,
+		doHandshakeFn:  doHandshakeFn,
+	}
+	return cice
+// SetupICEConnection sets up an ICE connection with the remote peer.
+// If the relay mode is supported then try to connect in p2p way only.
+// It is trying to reconnection in a loop until the context is canceled.
+// In case of success connection it will call the onICEConnReady callback.
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) SetupICEConnection(relayMode bool) {
+	var preferredCandidateTypes []ice.CandidateType
+	if relayMode {
+		conn.connPriority = connPriorityICEP2P
+		preferredCandidateTypes = candidateTypesP2P()
+	} else {
+		conn.connPriority = connPriorityICETurn
+		preferredCandidateTypes = candidateTypes()
+	}
+	for {
+		if !conn.waitForReconnectTry() {
+			return
+		}
+		remoteOfferAnswer, err := conn.doHandshakeFn()
+		if err != nil {
+			if errors.Is(err, ErrSignalIsNotReady) {
+				conn.log.Infof("signal client isn't ready, skipping connection attempt")
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithCancel(conn.ctx)
+		agent, err := conn.reCreateAgent(ctxCancel, preferredCandidateTypes)
+		if err != nil {
+			ctxCancel()
+			continue
+		}
+		conn.agent = agent
+		err = conn.agent.GatherCandidates()
+		if err != nil {
+			ctxCancel()
+			continue
+		}
+		// will block until connection succeeded
+		// but it won't release if ICE Agent went into Disconnected or Failed state,
+		// so we have to cancel it with the provided context once agent detected a broken connection
+		remoteConn, err := conn.turnAgentDial(remoteOfferAnswer)
+		if err != nil {
+			ctxCancel()
+			continue
+		}
+		pair, err := conn.agent.GetSelectedCandidatePair()
+		if err != nil {
+			ctxCancel()
+			continue
+		}
+		if !isRelayCandidate(pair.Local) {
+			// dynamically set remote WireGuard port if other side specified a different one from the default one
+			remoteWgPort := iface.DefaultWgPort
+			if remoteOfferAnswer.WgListenPort != 0 {
+				remoteWgPort = remoteOfferAnswer.WgListenPort
+			}
+			// To support old version's with direct mode we attempt to punch an additional role with the remote WireGuard port
+			go conn.punchRemoteWGPort(pair, remoteWgPort)
+		}
+		ci := ICEConnInfo{
+			RemoteConn:                 remoteConn,
+			RosenpassPubKey:            remoteOfferAnswer.RosenpassPubKey,
+			RosenpassAddr:              remoteOfferAnswer.RosenpassAddr,
+			LocalIceCandidateType:      pair.Local.Type().String(),
+			RemoteIceCandidateType:     pair.Remote.Type().String(),
+			LocalIceCandidateEndpoint:  fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", pair.Local.Address(), pair.Local.Port()),
+			RemoteIceCandidateEndpoint: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", pair.Remote.Address(), pair.Remote.Port()),
+			Direct:                     !isRelayCandidate(pair.Local),
+			Relayed:                    isRelayed(pair),
+			RelayedOnLocal:             isRelayCandidate(pair.Local),
+		}
+		go conn.onICEConnReady(conn.connPriority, ci)
+		<-ctx.Done()
+		ctxCancel()
+		_ = conn.agent.Close()
+	}
+// OnRemoteCandidate Handles ICE connection Candidate provided by the remote peer.
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) OnRemoteCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate, haRoutes route.HAMap) {
+	conn.log.Debugf("OnRemoteCandidate from peer %s -> %s", conn.config.Key, candidate.String())
+	if conn.agent == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	if candidateViaRoutes(candidate, haRoutes) {
+		return
+	}
+	err := conn.agent.AddRemoteCandidate(candidate)
+	if err != nil {
+		conn.log.Errorf("error while handling remote candidate")
+		return
+	}
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) GetLocalUserCredentials() (frag string, pwd string, err error) {
+	if conn.agent == nil {
+		return "", "", errors.New("ICE Agent is not initialized")
+	}
+	return conn.agent.GetLocalUserCredentials()
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) reCreateAgent(ctxCancel context.CancelFunc, relaySupport []ice.CandidateType) (*ice.Agent, error) {
+	failedTimeout := 6 * time.Second
+	transportNet, err := conn.newStdNet()
+	if err != nil {
+		conn.log.Errorf("failed to create pion's stdnet: %s", err)
+	}
+	iceKeepAlive := iceKeepAlive()
+	iceDisconnectedTimeout := iceDisconnectedTimeout()
+	iceRelayAcceptanceMinWait := iceRelayAcceptanceMinWait()
+	agentConfig := &ice.AgentConfig{
+		MulticastDNSMode:       ice.MulticastDNSModeDisabled,
+		NetworkTypes:           []ice.NetworkType{ice.NetworkTypeUDP4, ice.NetworkTypeUDP6},
+		Urls:                   conn.configICE.StunTurn.Load().([]*stun.URI),
+		CandidateTypes:         relaySupport,
+		FailedTimeout:          &failedTimeout,
+		InterfaceFilter:        stdnet.InterfaceFilter(conn.configICE.InterfaceBlackList),
+		UDPMux:                 conn.configICE.UDPMux,
+		UDPMuxSrflx:            conn.configICE.UDPMuxSrflx,
+		NAT1To1IPs:             conn.configICE.NATExternalIPs,
+		Net:                    transportNet,
+		DisconnectedTimeout:    &iceDisconnectedTimeout,
+		KeepaliveInterval:      &iceKeepAlive,
+		RelayAcceptanceMinWait: &iceRelayAcceptanceMinWait,
+	}
+	if conn.configICE.DisableIPv6Discovery {
+		agentConfig.NetworkTypes = []ice.NetworkType{ice.NetworkTypeUDP4}
+	}
+	conn.sentExtraSrflx = false
+	agent, err := ice.NewAgent(agentConfig)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	err = agent.OnCandidate(conn.onICECandidate)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	err = agent.OnConnectionStateChange(func(state ice.ConnectionState) {
+		conn.log.Debugf("ICE ConnectionState has changed to %s", state.String())
+		if state == ice.ConnectionStateFailed || state == ice.ConnectionStateDisconnected {
+			ctxCancel()
+		}
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	err = agent.OnSelectedCandidatePairChange(conn.onICESelectedCandidatePair)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	err = agent.OnSuccessfulSelectedPairBindingResponse(func(p *ice.CandidatePair) {
+		err := conn.statusRecorder.UpdateLatency(conn.config.Key, p.Latency())
+		if err != nil {
+			conn.log.Debugf("failed to update latency for peer: %s", err)
+			return
+		}
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed setting binding response callback: %w", err)
+	}
+	return agent, nil
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) punchRemoteWGPort(pair *ice.CandidatePair, remoteWgPort int) {
+	// wait local endpoint configuration
+	time.Sleep(time.Second)
+	addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", pair.Remote.Address(), remoteWgPort))
+	if err != nil {
+		conn.log.Warnf("got an error while resolving the udp address, err: %s", err)
+		return
+	}
+	mux, ok := conn.configICE.UDPMuxSrflx.(*bind.UniversalUDPMuxDefault)
+	if !ok {
+		conn.log.Warn("invalid udp mux conversion")
+		return
+	}
+	_, err = mux.GetSharedConn().WriteTo([]byte{0x6e, 0x62}, addr)
+	if err != nil {
+		conn.log.Warnf("got an error while sending the punch packet, err: %s", err)
+	}
+// onICECandidate is a callback attached to an ICE Agent to receive new local connection candidates
+// and then signals them to the remote peer
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) onICECandidate(candidate ice.Candidate) {
+	// nil means candidate gathering has been ended
+	if candidate == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	// TODO: reported port is incorrect for CandidateTypeHost, makes understanding ICE use via logs confusing as port is ignored
+	conn.log.Debugf("discovered local candidate %s", candidate.String())
+	go func() {
+		err := conn.signaler.SignalICECandidate(candidate, conn.config.Key)
+		if err != nil {
+			conn.log.Errorf("failed signaling candidate to the remote peer %s %s", conn.config.Key, err)
+		}
+	}()
+	if !conn.shouldSendExtraSrflxCandidate(candidate) {
+		return
+	}
+	// sends an extra server reflexive candidate to the remote peer with our related port (usually the wireguard port)
+	// this is useful when network has an existing port forwarding rule for the wireguard port and this peer
+	extraSrflx, err := extraSrflxCandidate(candidate)
+	if err != nil {
+		conn.log.Errorf("failed creating extra server reflexive candidate %s", err)
+		return
+	}
+	conn.sentExtraSrflx = true
+	go func() {
+		err = conn.signaler.SignalICECandidate(extraSrflx, conn.config.Key)
+		if err != nil {
+			conn.log.Errorf("failed signaling the extra server reflexive candidate: %s", err)
+		}
+	}()
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) onICESelectedCandidatePair(c1 ice.Candidate, c2 ice.Candidate) {
+	conn.log.Debugf("selected candidate pair [local <-> remote] -> [%s <-> %s], peer %s", c1.String(), c2.String(),
+		conn.config.Key)
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) shouldSendExtraSrflxCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate) bool {
+	if !conn.sentExtraSrflx && candidate.Type() == ice.CandidateTypeServerReflexive && candidate.Port() != candidate.RelatedAddress().Port {
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) turnAgentDial(remoteOfferAnswer *OfferAnswer) (*ice.Conn, error) {
+	isControlling := conn.config.LocalKey > conn.config.Key
+	if isControlling {
+		return conn.agent.Dial(conn.ctx, remoteOfferAnswer.IceCredentials.UFrag, remoteOfferAnswer.IceCredentials.Pwd)
+	} else {
+		return conn.agent.Accept(conn.ctx, remoteOfferAnswer.IceCredentials.UFrag, remoteOfferAnswer.IceCredentials.Pwd)
+	}
+// waitForReconnectTry waits for a random duration before trying to reconnect
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) waitForReconnectTry() bool {
+	minWait := 500
+	maxWait := 2000
+	duration := time.Duration(rand.Intn(maxWait-minWait)+minWait) * time.Millisecond
+	select {
+	case <-conn.ctx.Done():
+		return false
+	case <-time.After(duration):
+		return true
+	}
+func extraSrflxCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate) (*ice.CandidateServerReflexive, error) {
+	relatedAdd := candidate.RelatedAddress()
+	return ice.NewCandidateServerReflexive(&ice.CandidateServerReflexiveConfig{
+		Network:   candidate.NetworkType().String(),
+		Address:   candidate.Address(),
+		Port:      relatedAdd.Port,
+		Component: candidate.Component(),
+		RelAddr:   relatedAdd.Address,
+		RelPort:   relatedAdd.Port,
+	})
+func candidateViaRoutes(candidate ice.Candidate, clientRoutes route.HAMap) bool {
+	var routePrefixes []netip.Prefix
+	for _, routes := range clientRoutes {
+		if len(routes) > 0 && routes[0] != nil {
+			routePrefixes = append(routePrefixes, routes[0].Network)
+		}
+	}
+	addr, err := netip.ParseAddr(candidate.Address())
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Errorf("Failed to parse IP address %s: %v", candidate.Address(), err)
+		return false
+	}
+	for _, prefix := range routePrefixes {
+		// default route is
+		if prefix.Bits() == 0 {
+			continue
+		}
+		if prefix.Contains(addr) {
+			log.Debugf("Ignoring candidate [%s], its address is part of routed network %s", candidate.String(), prefix)
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+func candidateTypes() []ice.CandidateType {
+	if hasICEForceRelayConn() {
+		return []ice.CandidateType{ice.CandidateTypeRelay}
+	}
+	// TODO: remove this once we have refactored userspace proxy into the bind package
+	if runtime.GOOS == "ios" {
+		return []ice.CandidateType{ice.CandidateTypeHost, ice.CandidateTypeServerReflexive}
+	}
+	return []ice.CandidateType{ice.CandidateTypeHost, ice.CandidateTypeServerReflexive, ice.CandidateTypeRelay}
+func candidateTypesP2P() []ice.CandidateType {
+	return []ice.CandidateType{ice.CandidateTypeHost, ice.CandidateTypeServerReflexive}
+func isRelayCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate) bool {
+	return candidate.Type() == ice.CandidateTypeRelay
+func isRelayed(pair *ice.CandidatePair) bool {
+	if pair.Local.Type() == ice.CandidateTypeRelay || pair.Remote.Type() == ice.CandidateTypeRelay {
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
diff --git a/client/internal/peer/conn_relay.go b/client/internal/peer/conn_relay.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23bc47263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/internal/peer/conn_relay.go
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+package peer
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"math/rand"
+	"net"
+	"time"
+	log ""
+	relayClient ""
+type OnRelayReadyCallback func(info RelayConnInfo)
+type RelayConnInfo struct {
+	relayedConn     net.Conn
+	rosenpassPubKey []byte
+	rosenpassAddr   string
+type ConnectorRelay struct {
+	ctx                context.Context
+	log                *log.Entry
+	relayManager       *relayClient.Manager
+	config             ConnConfig
+	onRelayConnReadyFN OnRelayReadyCallback
+	doHandshakeFn      DoHandshake
+func NewConnectorRelay(ctx context.Context, log *log.Entry, relayManager *relayClient.Manager, config ConnConfig, onRelayConnReadyFN OnRelayReadyCallback, doHandshakeFn DoHandshake) *ConnectorRelay {
+	return &ConnectorRelay{
+		ctx:                ctx,
+		log:                log,
+		relayManager:       relayManager,
+		config:             config,
+		onRelayConnReadyFN: onRelayConnReadyFN,
+		doHandshakeFn:      doHandshakeFn,
+	}
+// SetupRelayConnection todo: this function is not completed. Make no sense to put it in a for loop because we are not waiting for any event
+func (conn *ConnectorRelay) SetupRelayConnection() {
+	for {
+		if !conn.waitForReconnectTry() {
+			return
+		}
+		remoteOfferAnswer, err := conn.doHandshakeFn()
+		if err != nil {
+			if errors.Is(err, ErrSignalIsNotReady) {
+				conn.log.Infof("signal client isn't ready, skipping connection attempt")
+			}
+			conn.log.Errorf("failed to do handshake: %v", err)
+			continue
+		}
+		if !conn.isRelaySupported(remoteOfferAnswer) {
+			// todo should we retry?
+			continue
+		}
+		// the relayManager will return with error in case if the connection has lost with relay server
+		currentRelayAddress, err := conn.relayManager.RelayAddress()
+		if err != nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		srv := conn.preferredRelayServer(currentRelayAddress.String(), remoteOfferAnswer.RelaySrvAddress)
+		relayedConn, err := conn.relayManager.OpenConn(srv, conn.config.Key)
+		if err != nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		go conn.onRelayConnReadyFN(RelayConnInfo{
+			relayedConn:     relayedConn,
+			rosenpassPubKey: remoteOfferAnswer.RosenpassPubKey,
+			rosenpassAddr:   remoteOfferAnswer.RosenpassAddr,
+		})
+	}
+func (conn *ConnectorRelay) RelayAddress() (net.Addr, error) {
+	return conn.relayManager.RelayAddress()
+// todo check my side too
+func (conn *ConnectorRelay) isRelaySupported(answer *OfferAnswer) bool {
+	return answer.RelaySrvAddress != ""
+func (conn *ConnectorRelay) preferredRelayServer(myRelayAddress, remoteRelayAddress string) string {
+	if conn.config.LocalKey > conn.config.Key {
+		return myRelayAddress
+	}
+	return remoteRelayAddress
+func (conn *ConnectorRelay) RelayIsSupported() bool {
+	return conn.relayManager.IsSupported()
+// waitForReconnectTry waits for a random duration before trying to reconnect
+func (conn *ConnectorRelay) waitForReconnectTry() bool {
+	minWait := 500
+	maxWait := 2000
+	duration := time.Duration(rand.Intn(maxWait-minWait)+minWait) * time.Millisecond
+	select {
+	case <-conn.ctx.Done():
+		return false
+	case <-time.After(duration):
+		return true
+	}
diff --git a/client/internal/peer/conn_test.go b/client/internal/peer/conn_test.go
index c16134808..10f1ac5ef 100644
--- a/client/internal/peer/conn_test.go
+++ b/client/internal/peer/conn_test.go
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func TestConn_GetKey(t *testing.T) {
 	defer func() {
 		_ = wgProxyFactory.Free()
-	conn, err := NewConn(connConf, nil, wgProxyFactory, nil, nil)
+	conn, err := NewConn(connConf, nil, wgProxyFactory, nil, nil, nil)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ func TestConn_OnRemoteOffer(t *testing.T) {
 	defer func() {
 		_ = wgProxyFactory.Free()
-	conn, err := NewConn(connConf, NewRecorder("https://mgm"), wgProxyFactory, nil, nil)
+	conn, err := NewConn(connConf, NewRecorder("https://mgm"), wgProxyFactory, nil, nil, nil)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ func TestConn_OnRemoteAnswer(t *testing.T) {
 	defer func() {
 		_ = wgProxyFactory.Free()
-	conn, err := NewConn(connConf, NewRecorder("https://mgm"), wgProxyFactory, nil, nil)
+	conn, err := NewConn(connConf, NewRecorder("https://mgm"), wgProxyFactory, nil, nil, nil)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ func TestConn_Status(t *testing.T) {
 	defer func() {
 		_ = wgProxyFactory.Free()
-	conn, err := NewConn(connConf, NewRecorder("https://mgm"), wgProxyFactory, nil, nil)
+	conn, err := NewConn(connConf, NewRecorder("https://mgm"), wgProxyFactory, nil, nil, nil)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ func TestConn_Close(t *testing.T) {
 	defer func() {
 		_ = wgProxyFactory.Free()
-	conn, err := NewConn(connConf, NewRecorder("https://mgm"), wgProxyFactory, nil, nil)
+	conn, err := NewConn(connConf, NewRecorder("https://mgm"), wgProxyFactory, nil, nil, nil)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/client/internal/peer/handshaker.go b/client/internal/peer/handshaker.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6562c12e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/internal/peer/handshaker.go
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+package peer
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	log ""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+const (
+	handshakeCacheTimeout = 3 * time.Second
+var (
+	ErrSignalIsNotReady = errors.New("signal is not ready")
+type DoHandshake func() (*OfferAnswer, error)
+// IceCredentials ICE protocol credentials struct
+type IceCredentials struct {
+	UFrag string
+	Pwd   string
+// OfferAnswer represents a session establishment offer or answer
+type OfferAnswer struct {
+	IceCredentials IceCredentials
+	// WgListenPort is a remote WireGuard listen port.
+	// This field is used when establishing a direct WireGuard connection without any proxy.
+	// We can set the remote peer's endpoint with this port.
+	WgListenPort int
+	// Version of NetBird Agent
+	Version string
+	// RosenpassPubKey is the Rosenpass public key of the remote peer when receiving this message
+	// This value is the local Rosenpass server public key when sending the message
+	RosenpassPubKey []byte
+	// RosenpassAddr is the Rosenpass server address (IP:port) of the remote peer when receiving this message
+	// This value is the local Rosenpass server address when sending the message
+	RosenpassAddr string
+	// relay server address
+	RelaySrvAddress string
+type HandshakeArgs struct {
+	IceUFrag  string
+	IcePwd    string
+	RelayAddr string
+type Handshaker struct {
+	mu       sync.Mutex
+	ctx      context.Context
+	config   ConnConfig
+	signaler *internal.Signaler
+	// remoteOffersCh is a channel used to wait for remote credentials to proceed with the connection
+	remoteOffersCh chan OfferAnswer
+	// remoteAnswerCh is a channel used to wait for remote credentials answer (confirmation of our offer) to proceed with the connection
+	remoteAnswerCh chan OfferAnswer
+	remoteOfferAnswer        *OfferAnswer
+	remoteOfferAnswerCreated time.Time
+func NewHandshaker(ctx context.Context, config ConnConfig, signaler *internal.Signaler) *Handshaker {
+	return &Handshaker{
+		ctx:            ctx,
+		config:         config,
+		signaler:       signaler,
+		remoteOffersCh: make(chan OfferAnswer),
+		remoteAnswerCh: make(chan OfferAnswer),
+	}
+func (h *Handshaker) Handshake(args HandshakeArgs) (*OfferAnswer, error) {
+	defer
+	cachedOfferAnswer, ok := h.cachedHandshake()
+	if ok {
+		return cachedOfferAnswer, nil
+	}
+	err := h.sendOffer(args)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// Only continue once we got a connection confirmation from the remote peer.
+	// The connection timeout could have happened before a confirmation received from the remote.
+	// The connection could have also been closed externally (e.g. when we received an update from the management that peer shouldn't be connected)
+	remoteOfferAnswer, err := h.waitForRemoteOfferConfirmation()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	h.storeRemoteOfferAnswer(remoteOfferAnswer)
+	log.Debugf("received connection confirmation from peer %s running version %s and with remote WireGuard listen port %d",
+		h.config.Key, remoteOfferAnswer.Version, remoteOfferAnswer.WgListenPort)
+	return remoteOfferAnswer, nil
+// OnRemoteOffer handles an offer from the remote peer and returns true if the message was accepted, false otherwise
+// doesn't block, discards the message if connection wasn't ready
+func (h *Handshaker) OnRemoteOffer(offer OfferAnswer) bool {
+	select {
+	case h.remoteOffersCh <- offer:
+		return true
+	default:
+		log.Debugf("OnRemoteOffer skipping message from peer %s on status %s because is not ready", h.config.Key, conn.status.String())
+		// connection might not be ready yet to receive so we ignore the message
+		return false
+	}
+// OnRemoteAnswer handles an offer from the remote peer and returns true if the message was accepted, false otherwise
+// doesn't block, discards the message if connection wasn't ready
+func (h *Handshaker) OnRemoteAnswer(answer OfferAnswer) bool {
+	select {
+	case h.remoteAnswerCh <- answer:
+		return true
+	default:
+		// connection might not be ready yet to receive so we ignore the message
+		log.Debugf("OnRemoteAnswer skipping message from peer %s on status %s because is not ready", h.config.Key, conn.status.String())
+		return false
+	}
+// sendOffer prepares local user credentials and signals them to the remote peer
+func (h *Handshaker) sendOffer(args HandshakeArgs) error {
+	offer := OfferAnswer{
+		IceCredentials:  IceCredentials{args.IceUFrag, args.IcePwd},
+		WgListenPort:    h.config.LocalWgPort,
+		Version:         version.NetbirdVersion(),
+		RosenpassPubKey: h.config.RosenpassPubKey,
+		RosenpassAddr:   h.config.RosenpassAddr,
+		RelaySrvAddress: args.RelayAddr,
+	}
+	return h.signaler.SignalOffer(offer, h.config.Key)
+func (h *Handshaker) sendAnswer() error {
+	localUFrag, localPwd, err := conn.connectorICE.GetLocalUserCredentials()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	log.Debugf("sending answer to %s", h.config.Key)
+	answer := OfferAnswer{
+		IceCredentials:  IceCredentials{localUFrag, localPwd},
+		WgListenPort:    h.config.LocalWgPort,
+		Version:         version.NetbirdVersion(),
+		RosenpassPubKey: h.config.RosenpassPubKey,
+		RosenpassAddr:   h.config.RosenpassAddr,
+	}
+	err = h.signaler.SignalAnswer(answer, h.config.Key)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
+func (h *Handshaker) waitForRemoteOfferConfirmation() (*OfferAnswer, error) {
+	select {
+	case remoteOfferAnswer := <-h.remoteOffersCh:
+		// received confirmation from the remote peer -> ready to proceed
+		err := h.sendAnswer()
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		return &remoteOfferAnswer, nil
+	case remoteOfferAnswer := <-h.remoteAnswerCh:
+		return &remoteOfferAnswer, nil
+	case <-time.After(h.config.Timeout):
+		return nil, NewConnectionTimeoutError(h.config.Key, h.config.Timeout)
+	case <-h.ctx.Done():
+		// closed externally
+		return nil, NewConnectionClosedError(h.config.Key)
+	}
+func (h *Handshaker) storeRemoteOfferAnswer(answer *OfferAnswer) {
+	h.remoteOfferAnswer = answer
+	h.remoteOfferAnswerCreated = time.Now()
+func (h *Handshaker) cachedHandshake() (*OfferAnswer, bool) {
+	if h.remoteOfferAnswer == nil {
+		return nil, false
+	}
+	if time.Since(h.remoteOfferAnswerCreated) > handshakeCacheTimeout {
+		return nil, false
+	}
+	return h.remoteOfferAnswer, true
diff --git a/client/internal/peer/stdnet.go b/client/internal/peer/stdnet.go
index 13f5886f5..06b484010 100644
--- a/client/internal/peer/stdnet.go
+++ b/client/internal/peer/stdnet.go
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ import (
-func (conn *Conn) newStdNet() (*stdnet.Net, error) {
-	return stdnet.NewNet(conn.config.InterfaceBlackList)
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) newStdNet() (*stdnet.Net, error) {
+	return stdnet.NewNet(conn.configICE.InterfaceBlackList)
diff --git a/client/internal/peer/stdnet_android.go b/client/internal/peer/stdnet_android.go
index 8a2454371..dba94375f 100644
--- a/client/internal/peer/stdnet_android.go
+++ b/client/internal/peer/stdnet_android.go
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ package peer
 import ""
-func (conn *Conn) newStdNet() (*stdnet.Net, error) {
-	return stdnet.NewNetWithDiscover(conn.iFaceDiscover, conn.config.InterfaceBlackList)
+func (conn *ConnectorICE) newStdNet() (*stdnet.Net, error) {
+	return stdnet.NewNetWithDiscover(conn.iFaceDiscover, conn.configICE.InterfaceBlackList)
diff --git a/client/internal/signaler.go b/client/internal/signaler.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd466784d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/internal/signaler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+package internal
+import (
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	signal ""
+	sProto ""
+type Signaler struct {
+	signal       signal.Client
+	wgPrivateKey wgtypes.Key
+func NewSignaler(signal signal.Client, wgPrivateKey wgtypes.Key) *Signaler {
+	return &Signaler{
+		signal:       signal,
+		wgPrivateKey: wgPrivateKey,
+	}
+func (s *Signaler) SignalOffer(offer peer.OfferAnswer, remoteKey string) error {
+	return s.signalOfferAnswer(offer, remoteKey, sProto.Body_OFFER)
+func (s *Signaler) SignalAnswer(offer peer.OfferAnswer, remoteKey string) error {
+	return s.signalOfferAnswer(offer, remoteKey, sProto.Body_ANSWER)
+func (s *Signaler) SignalICECandidate(candidate ice.Candidate, remoteKey string) error {
+	return s.signal.Send(&sProto.Message{
+		Key:       s.wgPrivateKey.PublicKey().String(),
+		RemoteKey: remoteKey,
+		Body: &sProto.Body{
+			Type:    sProto.Body_CANDIDATE,
+			Payload: candidate.Marshal(),
+		},
+	})
+func (s *Signaler) Ready() bool {
+	return s.signal.Ready()
+// SignalOfferAnswer signals either an offer or an answer to remote peer
+func (s *Signaler) signalOfferAnswer(offerAnswer peer.OfferAnswer, remoteKey string, bodyType sProto.Body_Type) error {
+	msg, err := signal.MarshalCredential(
+		s.wgPrivateKey,
+		offerAnswer.WgListenPort,
+		remoteKey,
+		&signal.Credential{
+			UFrag: offerAnswer.IceCredentials.UFrag,
+			Pwd:   offerAnswer.IceCredentials.Pwd,
+		},
+		bodyType,
+		offerAnswer.RosenpassPubKey,
+		offerAnswer.RosenpassAddr,
+		offerAnswer.RelaySrvAddress)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	err = s.signal.Send(msg)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/relay/client/manager.go b/relay/client/manager.go
index 6b816c4fb..97a791936 100644
--- a/relay/client/manager.go
+++ b/relay/client/manager.go
@@ -108,6 +108,10 @@ func (m *Manager) RelayAddress() (net.Addr, error) {
 	return m.relayClient.RelayRemoteAddress()
+func (m *Manager) IsSupported() bool {
+	return m.srvAddress != ""
 func (m *Manager) openConnVia(serverAddress, peerKey string) (net.Conn, error) {
 	// check if already has a connection to the desired relay server
diff --git a/signal/client/client.go b/signal/client/client.go
index 7c54178e2..ced3fb7d0 100644
--- a/signal/client/client.go
+++ b/signal/client/client.go
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ func UnMarshalCredential(msg *proto.Message) (*Credential, error) {
 // MarshalCredential marshal a Credential instance and returns a Message object
-func MarshalCredential(myKey wgtypes.Key, myPort int, remoteKey wgtypes.Key, credential *Credential, t proto.Body_Type, rosenpassPubKey []byte, rosenpassAddr string, relaySrvAddress string) (*proto.Message, error) {
+func MarshalCredential(myKey wgtypes.Key, myPort int, remoteKey string, credential *Credential, t proto.Body_Type, rosenpassPubKey []byte, rosenpassAddr string, relaySrvAddress string) (*proto.Message, error) {
 	return &proto.Message{
 		Key:       myKey.PublicKey().String(),
-		RemoteKey: remoteKey.String(),
+		RemoteKey: remoteKey,
 		Body: &proto.Body{
 			Type:           t,
 			Payload:        fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", credential.UFrag, credential.Pwd),