If a peer connection switches from Relayed to ICE P2P, the Relayed proxy still consumes the data the other peer sends. Because the proxy is operating, the WireGuard switches back to the Relayed proxy automatically, thanks to the roaming feature.
Extend the Proxy implementation with pause/resume functions. Before switching to the p2p connection, pause the WireGuard proxy operation to prevent unnecessary package sources.
Consider waiting some milliseconds after the pause to be sure the WireGuard engine already processed all UDP msg in from the pipe.
In case the 53 UDP port is not an option to bind then we hijack the DNS traffic with eBPF, and we forward the traffic to the listener on a custom port. With this implementation, we should be able to listen to DNS queries on any address and still set the local host system to send queries to the custom address on port 53.
Because we tried to attach multiple XDP programs to the same interface, I did a refactor in the WG traffic forward code also.
* Move ebpf code to its own package to avoid crash issues in Android
Older versions of android crashes because of the bytecode files
Even when they aren't loaded as it was our case
* move c file to own folder
* fix lint