- dupword checks for duplicate words in the source code
- durationcheck checks for two durations multiplied together
- forbidigo forbids identifiers
- mirror reports wrong mirror patterns of bytes/strings usage
- misspell finds commonly misspelled English words in comments
- predeclared finds code that shadows one of Go's predeclared identifiers
- thelper detects Go test helpers without t.Helper() call and checks the consistency of test helpers
Restructure data handling for improved performance and flexibility.
Introduce 'G'-prefixed fields to represent Gorm relations, simplifying resource management.
Eliminate complexity in lookup tables for enhanced query and write speed.
Enable independent operations on data structures, requiring adjustments in the Store interface and Account Manager.
Fix group delete panic
In case if in the db the DNSSettings is null then can cause panic in delete group function
because this field is pointer and it was not checked. Because of in the future implementation
this variable will be filled in any case then make no sense to keep the pointer type.
Fix DNSSettings copy function
Implement user deletion across all IDP-ss. Expires all user peers
when the user is deleted. Users are permanently removed from a local
store, but in IDP, we remove Netbird attributes for the user
untilUserDeleteFromIDPEnabled setting is not enabled.
To test, an admin user should remove any additional users.
Until the UI incorporates this feature, use a curl DELETE request
targeting the /users/<USER_ID> management endpoint. Note that this
request only removes user attributes and doesn't trigger a delete
from the IDP.
To enable user removal from the IdP, set UserDeleteFromIDPEnabled
to true in account settings. Until we have a UI for this, make this
change directly in the store file.
Store the deleted email addresses in encrypted in activity store.
The Management gRPC API has too much business logic
happening while it has to be in the Account manager.
This also needs to make more requests to the store
through the account manager.
Replace Peer.Key as internal identifier with a randomly generated Peer.ID
in the Management service.
Every group now references peers by ID instead of a public key.
Every route now references peers by ID instead of a public key.
FileStore does store.json file migration on startup by generating Peer.ID and replacing
all Peer.Key identifier references .