Code cleaning around the util/net package. The goal was to write a more understandable source code but modify nothing on the logic.
Protect the WireGuard UDP listeners with marks.
The implementation can support the VPN permission revocation events in thread safe way. It will be important if we start to support the running time route and DNS update features.
- uniformize the file name convention: [struct_name] _ [functions] _ [os].go
- code cleaning in net_linux.go
- move env variables to env.go file
All routes are now installed in a custom netbird routing table.
Management and wireguard traffic is now marked with a custom fwmark.
When the mark is present the traffic is routed via the main routing table, bypassing the VPN.
When the mark is absent the traffic is routed via the netbird routing table, if:
- there's no match in the main routing table
- it would match the default route in the routing table
IPv6 traffic is blocked when a default route IPv4 route is configured to avoid leakage.