Use stdout and stderr log path only if on Linux and attempt to create the path
Update status system with FQDN fields and
status command to display the domain names of remote and local peers
Set some DNS logs to tracing
update readme file
Added host configurators for Linux, Windows, and macOS.
The host configurator will update the peer system configuration
directing DNS queries according to its capabilities.
Some Linux distributions don't support split (match) DNS or custom ports,
and that will be reported to our management system in another PR
Due to peer reconnects when restarting the Management service,
there are lots of SaveStore operations to update peer status.
Store.SavePeerStatus stores peer status separately and the
FileStore implementation stores it in memory.
Added DNS update protocol message
Added sync to clients
Update nameserver API with new fields
Added default NS groups
Added new dns-name flag for the management service append to peer DNS label
If the gateway address would be nil which is
the case on macOS, we return the preferredSrc
added tests for getExistingRIBRouteGateway function
update log message
* Seticon only when status changes
This prevents a memory leak with the systray lib
when setting the icon every 2 seconds causes a large memory consumption
* Use fork with permanent fix
* Add additional check for needed kernel modules
* Check if wireguard and tun modules are loaded
If modules are loaded return true, otherwise attempt to load them
* fix state check
* Add module function tests
* Add test execution in container
* run client package tests on docker
* add package comment to new file
* force entrypoint
* add --privileged flag
* clean only if tables where created
* run from within the directories
Handle routes updates from management
Manage routing firewall rules
Manage peer RIB table
Add get peer and get notification channel from the status recorder
Update interface peers allowed IPs
Added additional common blacklisted interfaces
Updated the signal protocol to pass the peer port and netbird version
Co-authored-by: braginini <>
Support Generic OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant
as per RFC specification
The previous version supported only Auth0 as an IDP backend.
This implementation enables the Interactive SSO Login feature
for any IDP compatible with the specification, e.g., Keycloak.
This PR fixes a race condition that happens
when agents connect to a Signal stream, multiple
times within a short amount of time. Common on
slow and unstable internet connections.
Every time an agent establishes a new connection
to Signal, Signal creates a Stream and writes an entry
to the registry of connected peers storing the stream.
Every time an agent disconnects, Signal removes the
stream from the registry.
Due to unstable connections, the agent could detect
a broken connection, and attempt to reconnect to Signal.
Signal will override the stream, but it might detect
the old broken connection later, causing peer deregistration.
It will deregister the peer leaving the client thinking
it is still connected, rejecting any messages.
All the existing agents by default connect to port 33073 of the
Management service. This value is also stored in the local config.
All the agents won't switch to the new port 443
unless explicitly specified in the config.
We want the transition to be smooth for our users, therefore
this PR adds logic to check whether the old port 33073 can be
changed to 443 and updates the config automatically.
This PR is a part of an effort to use standard ports (443 or 80) that are usually allowed by default in most of the environments.
Right now Management Service runs the Let'sEncrypt manager on port 443, HTTP API server on port 33071,
and a gRPC server on port 33073. There are three separate listeners.
This PR combines these listeners into one.
With this change, the HTTP and gRPC server runs on either 443 with TLS or 80 without TLS
by default (no --port specified).
Let's Encrypt manager always runs on port 443 if enabled.
The backward compatibility server runs on port 33073 (with TLS or without).
HTTP port 33071 is obsolete and not used anymore.
Newly installed agents will connect to port 443 by default instead of port 33073 if not specified otherwise.
When building client without CGO, user.Lookup
attempts to get user from /etc/passwd
Which doesn't have the user as MacOS uses
opendirectoryd as user directory
This PR fixes issues with the terminal when
running netbird ssh to a remote agent.
Every session looks up a user and loads its
profile. If no user is found, the connection is rejected.
The default user is root.
The Management client will try reconnecting in case.
of network issues or non-permanent errors.
If the device was off-boarded, then the client will stop retrying.