Due to peer reconnects when restarting the Management service,
there are lots of SaveStore operations to update peer status.
Store.SavePeerStatus stores peer status separately and the
FileStore implementation stores it in memory.
Added DNS update protocol message
Added sync to clients
Update nameserver API with new fields
Added default NS groups
Added new dns-name flag for the management service append to peer DNS label
This PR simplifies Store and FileStore
by keeping just the Get and Save account methods.
The AccountManager operates mostly around
a single account, so it makes sense to fetch
the whole account object from the store.
This PR brings open-telemetry metrics to the
Management service.
The Management service exposes new HTTP endpoint
/metrics on 8081 port by default.
The port can be changed by specifying
--metrics-port PORT flag when starting the service.
This will help us understand usage on self-hosted deployments
The collection may be disabled by using the flag --disable-anonymous-metrics or
This PR brings user invites logic to the Management service
The POST /users/ API endpoint creates a new user in the Idp
and then in the local storage.
Once the invited user signs ups, the account invitation is redeemed.
There are a few limitations.
This works only with an enabled IdP manager.
Users that already have a registered account can't be invited.
Add DNS package and Nameserver group objects
Add CRUD operations for Nameserver Groups to account manager
Add Routes and Nameservers to Account Copy method
Run docker tests with timeout and serial flags
Support Generic OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant
as per RFC specification https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8628.
The previous version supported only Auth0 as an IDP backend.
This implementation enables the Interactive SSO Login feature
for any IDP compatible with the specification, e.g., Keycloak.
This PR is a part of an effort to use standard ports (443 or 80) that are usually allowed by default in most of the environments.
Right now Management Service runs the Let'sEncrypt manager on port 443, HTTP API server on port 33071,
and a gRPC server on port 33073. There are three separate listeners.
This PR combines these listeners into one.
With this change, the HTTP and gRPC server runs on either 443 with TLS or 80 without TLS
by default (no --port specified).
Let's Encrypt manager always runs on port 443 if enabled.
The backward compatibility server runs on port 33073 (with TLS or without).
HTTP port 33071 is obsolete and not used anymore.
Newly installed agents will connect to port 443 by default instead of port 33073 if not specified otherwise.
* Send netmask from account network
Added the GetPeerNetwork method to account manager
Pass a copy of the network to the toPeerConfig function
to retrieve the netmask from the network instead of constant
updated methods and added test
* check if the network is the same for 2 peers
* Use expect with BeEquivalentTo
This PR adds support for SSH access through the NetBird network
without managing SSH skeys.
NetBird client app has an embedded SSH server (Linux/Mac only)
and a netbird ssh command.
Introduced an OpenAPI specification.
Updated API handlers to use the specification types.
Added patch operation for rules and groups
and methods to the account manager.
HTTP PUT operations require id, fail if not provided.
Use snake_case for HTTP request and response body