package server import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "net/netip" "testing" "time" "" "" nbdns "" "" "" "" ) const ( groupAdminUserID = "testingAdminUser" ) func TestDefaultAccountManager_CreateGroup(t *testing.T) { am, err := createManager(t) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to create account manager") } _, account, err := initTestGroupAccount(am) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to init testing account: %s", err) } for _, group := range account.Groups { group.Issued = types.GroupIssuedIntegration err = am.SaveGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, groupAdminUserID, group) if err != nil { t.Errorf("should allow to create %s groups", types.GroupIssuedIntegration) } } for _, group := range account.Groups { group.Issued = types.GroupIssuedJWT err = am.SaveGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, groupAdminUserID, group) if err != nil { t.Errorf("should allow to create %s groups", types.GroupIssuedJWT) } } for _, group := range account.Groups { group.Issued = types.GroupIssuedAPI group.ID = "" err = am.SaveGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, groupAdminUserID, group) if err == nil { t.Errorf("should not create api group with the same name, %s", group.Name) } } } func TestDefaultAccountManager_DeleteGroup(t *testing.T) { am, err := createManager(t) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to create account manager: %s", err) } _, account, err := initTestGroupAccount(am) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to init testing account: %s", err) } testCases := []struct { name string groupID string expectedReason string }{ { "route", "grp-for-route", "route", }, { "route with peer groups", "grp-for-route2", "route", }, { "name server groups", "grp-for-name-server-grp", "name server groups", }, { "policy", "grp-for-policies", "policy", }, { "setup keys", "grp-for-keys", "setup key", }, { "users", "grp-for-users", "user", }, { "integration", "grp-for-integration", "only service users with admin power can delete integration group", }, } for _, testCase := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { err = am.DeleteGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, groupAdminUserID, testCase.groupID) if err == nil { t.Errorf("delete %s group successfully", testCase.groupID) return } var sErr *status.Error if errors.As(err, &sErr) { if sErr.Message != testCase.expectedReason { t.Errorf("invalid error case: %s, expected: %s", sErr.Message, testCase.expectedReason) } return } var gErr *GroupLinkError ok := errors.As(err, &gErr) if !ok { t.Error("invalid error type") return } if gErr.Resource != testCase.expectedReason { t.Errorf("invalid error case: %s, expected: %s", gErr.Resource, testCase.expectedReason) } }) } } func TestDefaultAccountManager_DeleteGroups(t *testing.T) { am, err := createManager(t) assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed to create account manager") manager, account, err := initTestGroupAccount(am) assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed to init testing account") groups := make([]*types.Group, 10) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { groups[i] = &types.Group{ ID: fmt.Sprintf("group-%d", i+1), AccountID: account.Id, Name: fmt.Sprintf("group-%d", i+1), Issued: types.GroupIssuedAPI, } } err = manager.SaveGroups(context.Background(), account.Id, groupAdminUserID, groups) assert.NoError(t, err, "Failed to save test groups") testCases := []struct { name string groupIDs []string expectedReasons []string expectedDeleted []string expectedNotDeleted []string }{ { name: "route", groupIDs: []string{"grp-for-route"}, expectedReasons: []string{"route"}, }, { name: "route with peer groups", groupIDs: []string{"grp-for-route2"}, expectedReasons: []string{"route"}, }, { name: "name server groups", groupIDs: []string{"grp-for-name-server-grp"}, expectedReasons: []string{"name server groups"}, }, { name: "policy", groupIDs: []string{"grp-for-policies"}, expectedReasons: []string{"policy"}, }, { name: "setup keys", groupIDs: []string{"grp-for-keys"}, expectedReasons: []string{"setup key"}, }, { name: "users", groupIDs: []string{"grp-for-users"}, expectedReasons: []string{"user"}, }, { name: "integration", groupIDs: []string{"grp-for-integration"}, expectedReasons: []string{"only service users with admin power can delete integration group"}, }, { name: "successfully delete multiple groups", groupIDs: []string{"group-1", "group-2"}, expectedDeleted: []string{"group-1", "group-2"}, }, { name: "delete non-existent group", groupIDs: []string{"non-existent-group"}, expectedReasons: []string{"group: non-existent-group not found"}, }, { name: "delete multiple groups with mixed results", groupIDs: []string{"group-3", "grp-for-policies", "group-4", "grp-for-users"}, expectedReasons: []string{"policy", "user"}, expectedDeleted: []string{"group-3", "group-4"}, expectedNotDeleted: []string{"grp-for-policies", "grp-for-users"}, }, { name: "delete groups with multiple errors", groupIDs: []string{"grp-for-policies", "grp-for-users"}, expectedReasons: []string{"policy", "user"}, expectedNotDeleted: []string{"grp-for-policies", "grp-for-users"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { err = am.DeleteGroups(context.Background(), account.Id, groupAdminUserID, tc.groupIDs) if len(tc.expectedReasons) > 0 { assert.Error(t, err) var foundExpectedErrors int wrappedErr, ok := err.(interface{ Unwrap() []error }) assert.Equal(t, ok, true) for _, e := range wrappedErr.Unwrap() { var sErr *status.Error if errors.As(e, &sErr) { assert.Contains(t, tc.expectedReasons, sErr.Message, "unexpected error message") foundExpectedErrors++ } var gErr *GroupLinkError if errors.As(e, &gErr) { assert.Contains(t, tc.expectedReasons, gErr.Resource, "unexpected error resource") foundExpectedErrors++ } } assert.Equal(t, len(tc.expectedReasons), foundExpectedErrors, "not all expected errors were found") } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } for _, groupID := range tc.expectedDeleted { _, err := am.GetGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, groupID, groupAdminUserID) assert.Error(t, err, "group should have been deleted: %s", groupID) } for _, groupID := range tc.expectedNotDeleted { group, err := am.GetGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, groupID, groupAdminUserID) assert.NoError(t, err, "group should not have been deleted: %s", groupID) assert.NotNil(t, group, "group should exist: %s", groupID) } }) } } func initTestGroupAccount(am *DefaultAccountManager) (*DefaultAccountManager, *types.Account, error) { accountID := "testingAcc" domain := "" groupForRoute := &types.Group{ ID: "grp-for-route", AccountID: "account-id", Name: "Group for route", Issued: types.GroupIssuedAPI, Peers: make([]string, 0), } groupForRoute2 := &types.Group{ ID: "grp-for-route2", AccountID: "account-id", Name: "Group for route", Issued: types.GroupIssuedAPI, Peers: make([]string, 0), } groupForNameServerGroups := &types.Group{ ID: "grp-for-name-server-grp", AccountID: "account-id", Name: "Group for name server groups", Issued: types.GroupIssuedAPI, Peers: make([]string, 0), } groupForPolicies := &types.Group{ ID: "grp-for-policies", AccountID: "account-id", Name: "Group for policies", Issued: types.GroupIssuedAPI, Peers: make([]string, 0), } groupForSetupKeys := &types.Group{ ID: "grp-for-keys", AccountID: "account-id", Name: "Group for setup keys", Issued: types.GroupIssuedAPI, Peers: make([]string, 0), } groupForUsers := &types.Group{ ID: "grp-for-users", AccountID: "account-id", Name: "Group for users", Issued: types.GroupIssuedAPI, Peers: make([]string, 0), } groupForIntegration := &types.Group{ ID: "grp-for-integration", AccountID: "account-id", Name: "Group for users integration", Issued: types.GroupIssuedIntegration, Peers: make([]string, 0), } routeResource := &route.Route{ ID: "example route", Groups: []string{groupForRoute.ID}, } routePeerGroupResource := &route.Route{ ID: "example route with peer groups", PeerGroups: []string{groupForRoute2.ID}, } nameServerGroup := &nbdns.NameServerGroup{ ID: "example name server group", Groups: []string{groupForNameServerGroups.ID}, } policy := &types.Policy{ ID: "example policy", Rules: []*types.PolicyRule{ { ID: "example policy rule", Destinations: []string{groupForPolicies.ID}, }, }, } setupKey := &types.SetupKey{ Id: "example setup key", AutoGroups: []string{groupForSetupKeys.ID}, UpdatedAt: time.Now(), } user := &types.User{ Id: "example user", AutoGroups: []string{groupForUsers.ID}, } account := newAccountWithId(context.Background(), accountID, groupAdminUserID, domain) account.Routes[routeResource.ID] = routeResource account.Routes[routePeerGroupResource.ID] = routePeerGroupResource account.NameServerGroups[nameServerGroup.ID] = nameServerGroup account.Policies = append(account.Policies, policy) account.SetupKeys[setupKey.Id] = setupKey account.Users[user.Id] = user err := am.Store.SaveAccount(context.Background(), account) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } _ = am.SaveGroup(context.Background(), accountID, groupAdminUserID, groupForRoute) _ = am.SaveGroup(context.Background(), accountID, groupAdminUserID, groupForRoute2) _ = am.SaveGroup(context.Background(), accountID, groupAdminUserID, groupForNameServerGroups) _ = am.SaveGroup(context.Background(), accountID, groupAdminUserID, groupForPolicies) _ = am.SaveGroup(context.Background(), accountID, groupAdminUserID, groupForSetupKeys) _ = am.SaveGroup(context.Background(), accountID, groupAdminUserID, groupForUsers) _ = am.SaveGroup(context.Background(), accountID, groupAdminUserID, groupForIntegration) acc, err := am.Store.GetAccount(context.Background(), account.Id) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } return am, acc, nil } func TestGroupAccountPeersUpdate(t *testing.T) { manager, account, peer1, peer2, peer3 := setupNetworkMapTest(t) err := manager.SaveGroups(context.Background(), account.Id, userID, []*types.Group{ { ID: "groupA", Name: "GroupA", Peers: []string{peer1.ID, peer2.ID}, }, { ID: "groupB", Name: "GroupB", Peers: []string{}, }, { ID: "groupC", Name: "GroupC", Peers: []string{peer1.ID, peer3.ID}, }, { ID: "groupD", Name: "GroupD", Peers: []string{}, }, }) assert.NoError(t, err) updMsg := manager.peersUpdateManager.CreateChannel(context.Background(), peer1.ID) t.Cleanup(func() { manager.peersUpdateManager.CloseChannel(context.Background(), peer1.ID) }) // Saving a group that is not linked to any resource should not update account peers t.Run("saving unlinked group", func(t *testing.T) { done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { peerShouldNotReceiveUpdate(t, updMsg) close(done) }() err := manager.SaveGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, userID, &types.Group{ ID: "groupB", Name: "GroupB", Peers: []string{peer1.ID, peer2.ID}, }) assert.NoError(t, err) select { case <-done: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("timeout waiting for peerShouldNotReceiveUpdate") } }) // Adding a peer to a group that is not linked to any resource should not update account peers // and not send peer update t.Run("adding peer to unlinked group", func(t *testing.T) { done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { peerShouldNotReceiveUpdate(t, updMsg) close(done) }() err := manager.GroupAddPeer(context.Background(), account.Id, "groupB", peer3.ID) assert.NoError(t, err) select { case <-done: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("timeout waiting for peerShouldNotReceiveUpdate") } }) // Removing a peer from a group that is not linked to any resource should not update account peers // and not send peer update t.Run("removing peer from unliked group", func(t *testing.T) { done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { peerShouldNotReceiveUpdate(t, updMsg) close(done) }() err := manager.GroupDeletePeer(context.Background(), account.Id, "groupB", peer3.ID) assert.NoError(t, err) select { case <-done: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("timeout waiting for peerShouldNotReceiveUpdate") } }) // Deleting group should not update account peers and not send peer update t.Run("deleting group", func(t *testing.T) { done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { peerShouldNotReceiveUpdate(t, updMsg) close(done) }() err := manager.DeleteGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, userID, "groupB") assert.NoError(t, err) select { case <-done: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("timeout waiting for peerShouldNotReceiveUpdate") } }) // adding a group to policy _, err = manager.SavePolicy(context.Background(), account.Id, userID, &types.Policy{ Enabled: true, Rules: []*types.PolicyRule{ { Enabled: true, Sources: []string{"groupA"}, Destinations: []string{"groupA"}, Bidirectional: true, Action: types.PolicyTrafficActionAccept, }, }, }) assert.NoError(t, err) // Saving a group linked to policy should update account peers and send peer update t.Run("saving linked group to policy", func(t *testing.T) { done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { peerShouldReceiveUpdate(t, updMsg) close(done) }() err := manager.SaveGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, userID, &types.Group{ ID: "groupA", Name: "GroupA", Peers: []string{peer1.ID, peer2.ID}, }) assert.NoError(t, err) select { case <-done: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("timeout waiting for peerShouldReceiveUpdate") } }) // adding peer to a used group should update account peers and send peer update t.Run("adding peer to linked group", func(t *testing.T) { done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { peerShouldReceiveUpdate(t, updMsg) close(done) }() err := manager.GroupAddPeer(context.Background(), account.Id, "groupA", peer3.ID) assert.NoError(t, err) select { case <-done: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("timeout waiting for peerShouldReceiveUpdate") } }) // removing peer from a linked group should update account peers and send peer update t.Run("removing peer from linked group", func(t *testing.T) { done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { peerShouldReceiveUpdate(t, updMsg) close(done) }() err := manager.GroupDeletePeer(context.Background(), account.Id, "groupA", peer3.ID) assert.NoError(t, err) select { case <-done: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("timeout waiting for peerShouldReceiveUpdate") } }) // Saving a group linked to name server group should update account peers and send peer update t.Run("saving group linked to name server group", func(t *testing.T) { _, err = manager.CreateNameServerGroup( context.Background(), account.Id, "nsGroup", "nsGroup", []nbdns.NameServer{{ IP: netip.MustParseAddr(""), NSType: nbdns.UDPNameServerType, Port: nbdns.DefaultDNSPort, }}, []string{"groupC"}, true, nil, true, userID, false, ) assert.NoError(t, err) done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { peerShouldReceiveUpdate(t, updMsg) close(done) }() err := manager.SaveGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, userID, &types.Group{ ID: "groupC", Name: "GroupC", Peers: []string{peer1.ID, peer3.ID}, }) assert.NoError(t, err) select { case <-done: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("timeout waiting for peerShouldReceiveUpdate") } }) // Saving a group linked to route should update account peers and send peer update t.Run("saving group linked to route", func(t *testing.T) { newRoute := route.Route{ ID: "route", Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""), NetID: "superNet", NetworkType: route.IPv4Network, PeerGroups: []string{"groupA"}, Description: "super", Masquerade: false, Metric: 9999, Enabled: true, Groups: []string{"groupC"}, } _, err := manager.CreateRoute( context.Background(), account.Id, newRoute.Network, newRoute.NetworkType, newRoute.Domains, newRoute.Peer, newRoute.PeerGroups, newRoute.Description, newRoute.NetID, newRoute.Masquerade, newRoute.Metric, newRoute.Groups, []string{}, true, userID, newRoute.KeepRoute, ) require.NoError(t, err) done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { peerShouldReceiveUpdate(t, updMsg) close(done) }() err = manager.SaveGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, userID, &types.Group{ ID: "groupA", Name: "GroupA", Peers: []string{peer1.ID, peer2.ID, peer3.ID}, }) assert.NoError(t, err) select { case <-done: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("timeout waiting for peerShouldReceiveUpdate") } }) // Saving a group linked to dns settings should update account peers and send peer update t.Run("saving group linked to dns settings", func(t *testing.T) { err := manager.SaveDNSSettings(context.Background(), account.Id, userID, &types.DNSSettings{ DisabledManagementGroups: []string{"groupD"}, }) assert.NoError(t, err) done := make(chan struct{}) go func() { peerShouldReceiveUpdate(t, updMsg) close(done) }() err = manager.SaveGroup(context.Background(), account.Id, userID, &types.Group{ ID: "groupD", Name: "GroupD", Peers: []string{peer1.ID}, }) assert.NoError(t, err) select { case <-done: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Error("timeout waiting for peerShouldReceiveUpdate") } }) }