## example file, you can copy this file to setup.env and update its values ## # Dashboard domain. e.g. app.mydomain.com NETBIRD_DOMAIN="" # e.g. https://dev-24vkclam.us.auth0.com/ or https://YOUR-KEYCLOAK-HOST:8080/realms/netbird NETBIRD_AUTH_AUTHORITY="" # e.g. netbird-client NETBIRD_AUTH_CLIENT_ID="" # indicates whether to use Auth0 or not: true or false NETBIRD_USE_AUTH0="false" # a list of scopes supported e.g. `openid profile email offline_access api` for keycloak or `openid profile email offline_access api email_verified` for Auth0 NETBIRD_AUTH_SUPPORTED_SCOPES="" NETBIRD_AUTH_AUDIENCE="" # URL of the JWT certificates e.g. https://dev-24vkclam.us.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json NETBIRD_AUTH_JWT_CERTS="" # e.g. hello@mydomain.com NETBIRD_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=""