<div align="center"> <p align="center"> <img width="234" src="docs/media/logo-full.png"/> </p> <p> <a href="https://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD--3-blue)"> <img src="https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=netbirdio_netbird&metric=alert_status" /> </a> <a href="https://github.com/netbirdio/netbird/blob/main/LICENSE"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD--3-blue" /> </a> <br> <a href="https://join.slack.com/t/netbirdio/shared_invite/zt-2utg2ncdz-W7LEB6toRBLE1Jca37dYpg"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-@netbird-red.svg?logo=slack"/> </a> <br> <a href="https://gurubase.io/g/netbird"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Gurubase-Ask%20NetBird%20Guru-006BFF"/> </a> </p> </div> <p align="center"> <strong> Start using NetBird at <a href="https://netbird.io/pricing">netbird.io</a> <br/> See <a href="https://netbird.io/docs/">Documentation</a> <br/> Join our <a href="https://join.slack.com/t/netbirdio/shared_invite/zt-2utg2ncdz-W7LEB6toRBLE1Jca37dYpg">Slack channel</a> <br/> </strong> </p> <br> **NetBird combines a configuration-free peer-to-peer private network and a centralized access control system in a single platform, making it easy to create secure private networks for your organization or home.** **Connect.** NetBird creates a WireGuard-based overlay network that automatically connects your machines over an encrypted tunnel, leaving behind the hassle of opening ports, complex firewall rules, VPN gateways, and so forth. **Secure.** NetBird enables secure remote access by applying granular access policies while allowing you to manage them intuitively from a single place. Works universally on any infrastructure. ### Open-Source Network Security in a Single Platform  ### NetBird on Lawrence Systems (Video) [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kwrff6h0rEw) ### Key features | Connectivity | Management | Security | Automation | Platforms | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | <ul><li> - \[x] Kernel WireGuard </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [Admin Web UI](https://github.com/netbirdio/dashboard) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [SSO & MFA support](https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/installation#running-net-bird-with-sso-login) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [Public API](https://docs.netbird.io/api) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] Linux </ul></li> | | <ul><li> - \[x] Peer-to-peer connections </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] Auto peer discovery and configuration </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [Access control - groups & rules](https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/manage-network-access) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [Setup keys for bulk network provisioning](https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/register-machines-using-setup-keys) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] Mac </ul></li> | | <ul><li> - \[x] Connection relay fallback </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [IdP integrations](https://docs.netbird.io/selfhosted/identity-providers) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [Activity logging](https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/monitor-system-and-network-activity) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [Self-hosting quickstart script](https://docs.netbird.io/selfhosted/selfhosted-quickstart) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] Windows </ul></li> | | <ul><li> - \[x] [Routes to external networks](https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/routing-traffic-to-private-networks) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [Private DNS](https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/manage-dns-in-your-network) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [Device posture checks](https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/manage-posture-checks) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] IdP groups sync with JWT </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] Android </ul></li> | | <ul><li> - \[x] NAT traversal with BPF </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] [Multiuser support](https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/add-users-to-your-network) </ul></li> | <ul><li> - \[x] Peer-to-peer encryption </ul></li> | | <ul><li> - \[x] iOS </ul></li> | | | | <ul><li> - \[x] [Quantum-resistance with Rosenpass](https://netbird.io/knowledge-hub/the-first-quantum-resistant-mesh-vpn) </ul></li> | | <ul><li> - \[x] OpenWRT </ul></li> | | | | <ui><li> - \[x] [Periodic re-authentication](https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/enforce-periodic-user-authentication)</ul></li> | | <ul><li> - \[x] [Serverless](https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/netbird-on-faas) </ul></li> | | | | | | <ul><li> - \[x] Docker </ul></li> | ### Quickstart with NetBird Cloud - Download and install NetBird at [https://app.netbird.io/install](https://app.netbird.io/install) - Follow the steps to sign-up with Google, Microsoft, GitHub or your email address. - Check NetBird [admin UI](https://app.netbird.io/). - Add more machines. ### Quickstart with self-hosted NetBird > This is the quickest way to try self-hosted NetBird. It should take around 5 minutes to get started if you already have a public domain and a VM. Follow the [Advanced guide with a custom identity provider](https://docs.netbird.io/selfhosted/selfhosted-guide#advanced-guide-with-a-custom-identity-provider) for installations with different IDPs. **Infrastructure requirements:** - A Linux VM with at least **1CPU** and **2GB** of memory. - The VM should be publicly accessible on TCP ports **80** and **443** and UDP ports: **3478**, **49152-65535**. - **Public domain** name pointing to the VM. **Software requirements:** - Docker installed on the VM with the docker-compose plugin ([Docker installation guide](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/)) or docker with docker-compose in version 2 or higher. - [jq](https://jqlang.github.io/jq/) installed. In most distributions Usually available in the official repositories and can be installed with `sudo apt install jq` or `sudo yum install jq` - [curl](https://curl.se/) installed. Usually available in the official repositories and can be installed with `sudo apt install curl` or `sudo yum install curl` **Steps** - Download and run the installation script: ```bash export NETBIRD_DOMAIN=netbird.example.com; curl -fsSL https://github.com/netbirdio/netbird/releases/latest/download/getting-started-with-zitadel.sh | bash ``` - Once finished, you can manage the resources via `docker-compose` ### A bit on NetBird internals - Every machine in the network runs [NetBird Agent (or Client)](client/) that manages WireGuard. - Every agent connects to [Management Service](management/) that holds network state, manages peer IPs, and distributes network updates to agents (peers). - NetBird agent uses WebRTC ICE implemented in [pion/ice library](https://github.com/pion/ice) to discover connection candidates when establishing a peer-to-peer connection between machines. - Connection candidates are discovered with the help of [STUN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STUN) servers. - Agents negotiate a connection through [Signal Service](signal/) passing p2p encrypted messages with candidates. - Sometimes the NAT traversal is unsuccessful due to strict NATs (e.g. mobile carrier-grade NAT) and a p2p connection isn't possible. When this occurs the system falls back to a relay server called [TURN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traversal_Using_Relays_around_NAT), and a secure WireGuard tunnel is established via the TURN server. [Coturn](https://github.com/coturn/coturn) is the one that has been successfully used for STUN and TURN in NetBird setups. <p float="left" align="middle"> <img src="https://docs.netbird.io/docs-static/img/architecture/high-level-dia.png" width="700"/> </p> See a complete [architecture overview](https://docs.netbird.io/about-netbird/how-netbird-works#architecture) for details. ### Community projects - [NetBird installer script](https://github.com/physk/netbird-installer) - [NetBird ansible collection by Dominion Solutions](https://galaxy.ansible.com/ui/repo/published/dominion_solutions/netbird/) **Note**: The `main` branch may be in an *unstable or even broken state* during development. For stable versions, see [releases](https://github.com/netbirdio/netbird/releases). ### Support acknowledgement In November 2022, NetBird joined the [StartUpSecure program](https://www.forschung-it-sicherheit-kommunikationssysteme.de/foerderung/bekanntmachungen/startup-secure) sponsored by The Federal Ministry of Education and Research of The Federal Republic of Germany. Together with [CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security](https://cispa.de/en) NetBird brings the security best practices and simplicity to private networking.  ### Testimonials We use open-source technologies like [WireGuard®](https://www.wireguard.com/), [Pion ICE (WebRTC)](https://github.com/pion/ice), [Coturn](https://github.com/coturn/coturn), and [Rosenpass](https://rosenpass.eu). We very much appreciate the work these guys are doing and we'd greatly appreciate if you could support them in any way (e.g., by giving a star or a contribution). ### Legal _WireGuard_ and the _WireGuard_ logo are [registered trademarks](https://www.wireguard.com/trademark-policy/) of Jason A. Donenfeld.