# Wiretrustee Signal Server This is a Wiretrustee signal-exchange server and client library to exchange connection information between Wiretrustee peers ## Command Options The CLI accepts the command **management** with the following options: ```shell start Wiretrustee Signal Server daemon Usage: wiretrustee-signal run [flags] Flags: -h, --help help for run --letsencrypt-domain string a domain to issue Let's Encrypt certificate for. Enables TLS using Let's Encrypt. Will fetch and renew certificate, and run the server with TLS --port int Server port to listen on (e.g. 10000) (default 10000) --ssl-dir string server ssl directory location. *Required only for Let's Encrypt certificates. (default "/var/lib/wiretrustee/") Global Flags: --log-level string (default "info") ``` ## Running the Signal service (Docker) We have packed the Signal server into docker image. You can pull the image from Docker Hub and execute it with the following commands: ````shell docker pull wiretrustee/signal:latest docker run -d --name wiretrustee-signal -p 10000:10000 wiretrustee/signal:latest ```` The default log-level is set to INFO, if you need you can change it using by updating the docker cmd as followed: ````shell docker run -d --name wiretrustee-signal -p 10000:10000 wiretrustee/signal:latest --log-level DEBUG ```` ### Run with TLS (Let's Encrypt). By specifying the **--letsencrypt-domain** the daemon will handle SSL certificate request and configuration. In the following example ```10000``` is the signal service **default** port, and ```443``` will be used as port for Let's Encrypt challenge and HTTP API. > The server where you are running a container has to have a public IP (for Let's Encrypt certificate challenge). Replace with your server's public domain (e.g. mydomain.com or subdomain sub.mydomain.com). ```bash # create a volume docker volume create wiretrustee-signal # run the docker container docker run -d --name wiretrustee-management \ -p 10000:10000 \ -p 443:443 \ -v wiretrustee-signal:/var/lib/wiretrustee \ wiretrustee/signal:latest \ --letsencrypt-domain ``` ## For development purposes: The project uses gRpc library and defines service in protobuf file located in: ```proto/signalexchange.proto``` To build the project you have to do the following things. Install golang gRpc tools: ```bash #!/bin/bash go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@v1.26 go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@v1.1 ``` Generate gRpc code: ```bash #!/bin/bash protoc -I proto/ proto/signalexchange.proto --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. ```