//go:build android // +build android package system import ( "bytes" "context" "os/exec" "runtime" "strings" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/netbirdio/netbird/version" ) // GetInfo retrieves and parses the system information func GetInfo(ctx context.Context) *Info { kernel := "android" osInfo := uname() if len(osInfo) == 2 { kernel = osInfo[1] } var kernelVersion string if len(osInfo) > 2 { kernelVersion = osInfo[2] } gio := &Info{ GoOS: runtime.GOOS, Kernel: kernel, Platform: "unknown", OS: "Android", OSVersion: osVersion(), Hostname: extractDeviceName(ctx, "android"), CPUs: runtime.NumCPU(), NetbirdVersion: version.NetbirdVersion(), UIVersion: extractUIVersion(ctx), KernelVersion: kernelVersion, SystemSerialNumber: serial(), SystemProductName: productModel(), SystemManufacturer: productManufacturer(), } return gio } // checkFileAndProcess checks if the file path exists and if a process is running at that path. func checkFileAndProcess(paths []string) ([]File, error) { return []File{}, nil } func serial() string { // try to fetch serial ID using different properties properties := []string{"ril.serialnumber", "ro.serialno", "ro.boot.serialno", "sys.serialnumber"} var value string for _, property := range properties { value = getprop(property) if len(value) > 0 { return value } } // unable to get serial ID, fallback to ANDROID_ID return androidId() } func androidId() string { // this is a uniq id defined on first initialization, id will be a new one if user wipes his device return run("/system/bin/settings", "get", "secure", "android_id") } func productModel() string { return getprop("ro.product.model") } func productManufacturer() string { return getprop("ro.product.manufacturer") } func uname() []string { res := run("/system/bin/uname", "-a") return strings.Split(res, " ") } func osVersion() string { return getprop("ro.build.version.release") } func extractUIVersion(ctx context.Context) string { v, ok := ctx.Value(UiVersionCtxKey).(string) if !ok { return "" } return v } func getprop(arg ...string) string { return run("/system/bin/getprop", arg...) } func run(name string, arg ...string) string { cmd := exec.Command(name, arg...) cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("some") var out bytes.Buffer var stderr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out cmd.Stderr = &stderr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { log.Errorf("getInfo: %s", err) } return strings.TrimSpace(out.String()) }