syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; option go_package = "/proto"; package daemon; service DaemonService { // Login uses setup key to prepare configuration for the daemon. rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse) {} // WaitSSOLogin uses the userCode to validate the TokenInfo and // waits for the user to continue with the login on a browser rpc WaitSSOLogin(WaitSSOLoginRequest) returns (WaitSSOLoginResponse) {} // Up starts engine work in the daemon. rpc Up(UpRequest) returns (UpResponse) {} // Status of the service. rpc Status(StatusRequest) returns (StatusResponse) {} // Down engine work in the daemon. rpc Down(DownRequest) returns (DownResponse) {} // GetConfig of the daemon. rpc GetConfig(GetConfigRequest) returns (GetConfigResponse) {} }; message LoginRequest { // setupKey wiretrustee setup key. string setupKey = 1; // preSharedKey for wireguard setup. string preSharedKey = 2; // managementUrl to authenticate. string managementUrl = 3; // adminUrl to manage keys. string adminURL = 4; } message LoginResponse { bool needsSSOLogin = 1; string userCode = 2; string verificationURI = 3; string verificationURIComplete = 4; } message WaitSSOLoginRequest { string userCode = 1; } message WaitSSOLoginResponse {} message UpRequest {} message UpResponse {} message StatusRequest{ bool getFullPeerStatus = 1; } message StatusResponse{ // status of the server. string status = 1; FullStatus fullStatus = 2; // NetBird daemon version string daemonVersion = 3; } message DownRequest {} message DownResponse {} message GetConfigRequest {} message GetConfigResponse { // managementUrl settings value. string managementUrl = 1; // configFile settings value. string configFile = 2; // logFile settings value. string logFile = 3; // preSharedKey settings value. string preSharedKey = 4; // adminURL settings value. string adminURL = 5; } // PeerState contains the latest state of a peer message PeerState { string IP = 1; string pubKey = 2; string connStatus = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp connStatusUpdate = 4; bool relayed = 5; bool direct = 6; string localIceCandidateType = 7; string remoteIceCandidateType =8; string fqdn = 9; } // LocalPeerState contains the latest state of the local peer message LocalPeerState { string IP = 1; string pubKey = 2; bool kernelInterface =3; string fqdn = 4; } // SignalState contains the latest state of a signal connection message SignalState { string URL = 1; bool connected = 2; } // ManagementState contains the latest state of a management connection message ManagementState { string URL = 1; bool connected = 2; } // FullStatus contains the full state held by the Status instance message FullStatus { ManagementState managementState = 1; SignalState signalState = 2; LocalPeerState localPeerState = 3; repeated PeerState peers = 4; }