package peer import ( "context" "net" "runtime" "strings" "sync" "time" "" log "" "" "" "" "" relayClient "" "" nbnet "" ) type ConnPriority int const ( defaultWgKeepAlive = 25 * time.Second connPriorityRelay ConnPriority = 1 connPriorityICETurn = 1 connPriorityICEP2P = 2 ) type WgConfig struct { WgListenPort int RemoteKey string WgInterface *iface.WGIface AllowedIps string PreSharedKey *wgtypes.Key } // ConnConfig is a peer Connection configuration type ConnConfig struct { // Key is a public key of a remote peer Key string // LocalKey is a public key of a local peer LocalKey string Timeout time.Duration WgConfig WgConfig LocalWgPort int // RosenpassPubKey is this peer's Rosenpass public key RosenpassPubKey []byte // RosenpassPubKey is this peer's RosenpassAddr server address (IP:port) RosenpassAddr string // ICEConfig ICE protocol configuration ICEConfig ICEConfig } type BeforeAddPeerHookFunc func(connID nbnet.ConnectionID, IP net.IP) error type AfterRemovePeerHookFunc func(connID nbnet.ConnectionID) error type Conn struct { log *log.Entry mu sync.Mutex ctx context.Context ctxCancel context.CancelFunc config ConnConfig statusRecorder *Status wgProxyFactory *wgproxy.Factory wgProxy wgproxy.Proxy signaler *Signaler allowedIPsIP string handshaker *Handshaker closeCh chan struct{} onConnected func(remoteWireGuardKey string, remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte, wireGuardIP string, remoteRosenpassAddr string) onDisconnected func(remotePeer string, wgIP string) status ConnStatus workerICE *WorkerICE workerRelay *WorkerRelay connID nbnet.ConnectionID beforeAddPeerHooks []BeforeAddPeerHookFunc afterRemovePeerHooks []AfterRemovePeerHookFunc currentConnType ConnPriority } // NewConn creates a new not opened Conn to the remote peer. // To establish a connection run Conn.Open func NewConn(engineCtx context.Context, config ConnConfig, statusRecorder *Status, wgProxyFactory *wgproxy.Factory, signaler *Signaler, iFaceDiscover stdnet.ExternalIFaceDiscover, relayManager *relayClient.Manager) (*Conn, error) { _, allowedIPsIP, err := net.ParseCIDR(config.WgConfig.AllowedIps) if err != nil { log.Errorf("failed to parse allowedIPS: %v", err) return nil, err } ctx, ctxCancel := context.WithCancel(engineCtx) var conn = &Conn{ log: log.WithField("peer", config.Key), ctx: ctx, ctxCancel: ctxCancel, config: config, statusRecorder: statusRecorder, wgProxyFactory: wgProxyFactory, signaler: signaler, allowedIPsIP: allowedIPsIP.String(), handshaker: NewHandshaker(ctx, config, signaler), status: StatusDisconnected, closeCh: make(chan struct{}), } conn.workerICE = NewWorkerICE(ctx, conn.log, config, config.ICEConfig, signaler, iFaceDiscover, statusRecorder, conn.iCEConnectionIsReady, conn.doHandshake) conn.workerRelay = NewWorkerRelay(ctx, conn.log, relayManager, config, conn.relayConnectionIsReady, conn.doHandshake) return conn, nil } // Open opens connection to the remote peer // It will try to establish a connection using ICE and in parallel with relay. The higher priority connection type will // be used. // todo implement on disconnected event from ICE and relay too. func (conn *Conn) Open() { conn.log.Debugf("trying to connect to peer") peerState := State{ PubKey: conn.config.Key, IP: strings.Split(conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps, "/")[0], ConnStatusUpdate: time.Now(), ConnStatus: StatusDisconnected, Mux: new(sync.RWMutex), } err := conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState) if err != nil { conn.log.Warnf("error while updating the state err: %v", err) } /* peerState = State{ PubKey: conn.config.Key, ConnStatus: StatusConnecting, ConnStatusUpdate: time.Now(), Mux: new(sync.RWMutex), } err = conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState) if err != nil { log.Warnf("error while updating the state of peer %s,err: %v", conn.config.Key, err) } */ relayIsSupportedLocally := conn.workerRelay.RelayIsSupportedLocally() if relayIsSupportedLocally { go conn.workerRelay.SetupRelayConnection() } go conn.workerICE.SetupICEConnection(relayIsSupportedLocally) } // Close closes this peer Conn issuing a close event to the Conn closeCh func (conn *Conn) Close() { conn.ctxCancel() if conn.wgProxy != nil { err := conn.wgProxy.CloseConn() if err != nil { conn.log.Errorf("failed to close wg proxy: %v", err) } conn.wgProxy = nil } // todo: is it problem if we try to remove a peer what is never existed? err := conn.config.WgConfig.WgInterface.RemovePeer(conn.config.WgConfig.RemoteKey) if err != nil { conn.log.Errorf("failed to remove wg endpoint: %v", err) } if conn.connID != "" { for _, hook := range conn.afterRemovePeerHooks { if err := hook(conn.connID); err != nil { conn.log.Errorf("After remove peer hook failed: %v", err) } } conn.connID = "" } if conn.status == StatusConnected && conn.onDisconnected != nil { conn.onDisconnected(conn.config.WgConfig.RemoteKey, conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps) } conn.status = StatusDisconnected peerState := State{ PubKey: conn.config.Key, ConnStatus: conn.status, ConnStatusUpdate: time.Now(), Mux: new(sync.RWMutex), } err = conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState) if err != nil { // pretty common error because by that time Engine can already remove the peer and status won't be available. // todo rethink status updates conn.log.Debugf("error while updating peer's state, err: %v", err) } if err := conn.statusRecorder.UpdateWireGuardPeerState(conn.config.Key, iface.WGStats{}); err != nil { conn.log.Debugf("failed to reset wireguard stats for peer: %s", err) } } // OnRemoteAnswer handles an offer from the remote peer and returns true if the message was accepted, false otherwise // doesn't block, discards the message if connection wasn't ready func (conn *Conn) OnRemoteAnswer(answer OfferAnswer) bool { conn.log.Debugf("OnRemoteAnswer, status %s", conn.status.String()) return conn.handshaker.OnRemoteAnswer(answer) } // OnRemoteCandidate Handles ICE connection Candidate provided by the remote peer. func (conn *Conn) OnRemoteCandidate(candidate ice.Candidate, haRoutes route.HAMap) { conn.workerICE.OnRemoteCandidate(candidate, haRoutes) } func (conn *Conn) AddBeforeAddPeerHook(hook BeforeAddPeerHookFunc) { conn.beforeAddPeerHooks = append(conn.beforeAddPeerHooks, hook) } func (conn *Conn) AddAfterRemovePeerHook(hook AfterRemovePeerHookFunc) { conn.afterRemovePeerHooks = append(conn.afterRemovePeerHooks, hook) } // SetOnConnected sets a handler function to be triggered by Conn when a new connection to a remote peer established func (conn *Conn) SetOnConnected(handler func(remoteWireGuardKey string, remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte, wireGuardIP string, remoteRosenpassAddr string)) { conn.onConnected = handler } // SetOnDisconnected sets a handler function to be triggered by Conn when a connection to a remote disconnected func (conn *Conn) SetOnDisconnected(handler func(remotePeer string, wgIP string)) { conn.onDisconnected = handler } func (conn *Conn) OnRemoteOffer(offer OfferAnswer) bool { conn.log.Debugf("OnRemoteOffer, on status %s", conn.status.String()) return conn.handshaker.OnRemoteOffer(offer) } // WgConfig returns the WireGuard config func (conn *Conn) WgConfig() WgConfig { return conn.config.WgConfig } // Status returns current status of the Conn func (conn *Conn) Status() ConnStatus { defer return conn.status } func (conn *Conn) GetKey() string { return conn.config.Key } func (conn *Conn) relayConnectionIsReady(rci RelayConnInfo) { defer if conn.ctx.Err() != nil { return } if conn.currentConnType > connPriorityRelay { return } wgProxy := conn.wgProxyFactory.GetProxy(conn.ctx) endpoint, err := wgProxy.AddTurnConn(rci.relayedConn) if err != nil { conn.log.Errorf("failed to add relayed net.Conn to local proxy: %v", err) return } endpointUdpAddr, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr(endpoint.Network(), endpoint.String()) conn.log.Debugf("conn resolved IP for %s: %s", endpoint, endpointUdpAddr.IP) conn.connID = nbnet.GenerateConnID() for _, hook := range conn.beforeAddPeerHooks { if err := hook(conn.connID, endpointUdpAddr.IP); err != nil { conn.log.Errorf("Before add peer hook failed: %v", err) } } err = conn.config.WgConfig.WgInterface.UpdatePeer(conn.config.WgConfig.RemoteKey, conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps, defaultWgKeepAlive, endpointUdpAddr, conn.config.WgConfig.PreSharedKey) if err != nil { if err := wgProxy.CloseConn(); err != nil { conn.log.Warnf("Failed to close relay connection: %v", err) } conn.log.Errorf("Failed to update wg peer configuration: %v", err) return } if conn.wgProxy != nil { if err := conn.wgProxy.CloseConn(); err != nil { conn.log.Warnf("failed to close depracated wg proxy conn: %v", err) } } conn.wgProxy = wgProxy conn.currentConnType = connPriorityRelay peerState := State{ Direct: false, Relayed: true, } conn.updateStatus(peerState, rci.rosenpassPubKey, rci.rosenpassAddr) } // configureConnection starts proxying traffic from/to local Wireguard and sets connection status to StatusConnected func (conn *Conn) iCEConnectionIsReady(priority ConnPriority, iceConnInfo ICEConnInfo) { defer if conn.ctx.Err() != nil { return } if conn.currentConnType > priority { return } var ( endpoint net.Addr wgProxy wgproxy.Proxy ) if iceConnInfo.RelayedOnLocal { conn.log.Debugf("setup ice turn connection") wgProxy = conn.wgProxyFactory.GetProxy(conn.ctx) ep, err := conn.wgProxy.AddTurnConn(iceConnInfo.RemoteConn) if err != nil { conn.log.Errorf("failed to add turn net.Conn to local proxy: %v", err) return } endpoint = ep } else { endpoint = iceConnInfo.RemoteConn.RemoteAddr() } endpointUdpAddr, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr(endpoint.Network(), endpoint.String()) conn.log.Debugf("Conn resolved IP for %s: %s", endpoint, endpointUdpAddr.IP) conn.connID = nbnet.GenerateConnID() for _, hook := range conn.beforeAddPeerHooks { if err := hook(conn.connID, endpointUdpAddr.IP); err != nil { conn.log.Errorf("Before add peer hook failed: %v", err) } } err := conn.config.WgConfig.WgInterface.UpdatePeer(conn.config.WgConfig.RemoteKey, conn.config.WgConfig.AllowedIps, defaultWgKeepAlive, endpointUdpAddr, conn.config.WgConfig.PreSharedKey) if err != nil { if wgProxy != nil { if err := wgProxy.CloseConn(); err != nil { conn.log.Warnf("Failed to close turn connection: %v", err) } } conn.log.Warnf("Failed to update wg peer configuration: %v", err) return } if conn.wgProxy != nil { if err := conn.wgProxy.CloseConn(); err != nil { conn.log.Warnf("failed to close depracated wg proxy conn: %v", err) } } conn.wgProxy = wgProxy conn.currentConnType = priority peerState := State{ LocalIceCandidateType: iceConnInfo.LocalIceCandidateType, RemoteIceCandidateType: iceConnInfo.RemoteIceCandidateType, LocalIceCandidateEndpoint: iceConnInfo.LocalIceCandidateEndpoint, RemoteIceCandidateEndpoint: iceConnInfo.RemoteIceCandidateEndpoint, Direct: iceConnInfo.Direct, Relayed: iceConnInfo.Relayed, } conn.updateStatus(peerState, iceConnInfo.RosenpassPubKey, iceConnInfo.RosenpassAddr) } func (conn *Conn) updateStatus(peerState State, remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte, remoteRosenpassAddr string) { conn.status = StatusConnected peerState.PubKey = conn.config.Key peerState.ConnStatus = StatusConnected peerState.ConnStatusUpdate = time.Now() peerState.RosenpassEnabled = isRosenpassEnabled(remoteRosenpassPubKey) peerState.Mux = new(sync.RWMutex) err := conn.statusRecorder.UpdatePeerState(peerState) if err != nil { conn.log.Warnf("unable to save peer's state, got error: %v", err) } if runtime.GOOS == "ios" { runtime.GC() } if conn.onConnected != nil { conn.onConnected(conn.config.Key, remoteRosenpassPubKey, conn.allowedIPsIP, remoteRosenpassAddr) } return } func (conn *Conn) doHandshake() (*OfferAnswer, error) { if !conn.signaler.Ready() { return nil, ErrSignalIsNotReady } uFreg, pwd, err := conn.workerICE.GetLocalUserCredentials() if err != nil { conn.log.Errorf("failed to get local user credentials: %v", err) } addr, err := conn.workerRelay.RelayAddress() if err != nil { conn.log.Errorf("failed to get local relay address: %v", err) } return conn.handshaker.Handshake(HandshakeArgs{ uFreg, pwd, addr.String(), }) } func isRosenpassEnabled(remoteRosenpassPubKey []byte) bool { return remoteRosenpassPubKey != nil }