#!/bin/bash if ! which curl > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "This script uses curl fetch OpenID configuration from IDP." echo "Please install curl and re-run the script https://curl.se/" echo "" exit 1 fi if ! which jq > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "This script uses jq to load OpenID configuration from IDP." echo "Please install jq and re-run the script https://stedolan.github.io/jq/" echo "" exit 1 fi source setup.env source base.setup.env if ! which envsubst > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "envsubst is needed to run this script" if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]] then echo "you can install it with homebrew (https://brew.sh):" echo "brew install gettext" else if which apt-get > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "you can install it by running" echo "apt-get update && apt-get install gettext-base" else echo "you can install it by installing the package gettext with your package manager" fi fi exit 1 fi if [[ "x-$NETBIRD_DOMAIN" == "x-" ]] then echo NETBIRD_DOMAIN is not set, please update your setup.env file echo If you are migrating from old versions, you migh need to update your variables prefixes from echo WIRETRUSTEE_.. TO NETBIRD_ exit 1 fi # local development or tests if [[ $NETBIRD_DOMAIN == "localhost" || $NETBIRD_DOMAIN == "" ]] then export NETBIRD_MGMT_SINGLE_ACCOUNT_MODE_DOMAIN="netbird.selfhosted" export NETBIRD_MGMT_API_ENDPOINT=http://$NETBIRD_DOMAIN:$NETBIRD_MGMT_API_PORT unset NETBIRD_MGMT_API_CERT_FILE unset NETBIRD_MGMT_API_CERT_KEY_FILE fi # if not provided, we generate a turn password if [[ "x-$TURN_PASSWORD" == "x-" ]] then export TURN_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32|sed 's/=//g') fi MGMT_VOLUMENAME="${VOLUME_PREFIX}${MGMT_VOLUMESUFFIX}" SIGNAL_VOLUMENAME="${VOLUME_PREFIX}${SIGNAL_VOLUMESUFFIX}" LETSENCRYPT_VOLUMENAME="${VOLUME_PREFIX}${LETSENCRYPT_VOLUMESUFFIX}" # if volume with wiretrustee- prefix already exists, use it, else create new with netbird- OLD_PREFIX='wiretrustee-' if docker volume ls | grep -q "${OLD_PREFIX}${MGMT_VOLUMESUFFIX}"; then MGMT_VOLUMENAME="${OLD_PREFIX}${MGMT_VOLUMESUFFIX}" fi if docker volume ls | grep -q "${OLD_PREFIX}${SIGNAL_VOLUMESUFFIX}"; then SIGNAL_VOLUMENAME="${OLD_PREFIX}${SIGNAL_VOLUMESUFFIX}" fi if docker volume ls | grep -q "${OLD_PREFIX}${LETSENCRYPT_VOLUMESUFFIX}"; then LETSENCRYPT_VOLUMENAME="${OLD_PREFIX}${LETSENCRYPT_VOLUMESUFFIX}" fi export MGMT_VOLUMENAME export SIGNAL_VOLUMENAME export LETSENCRYPT_VOLUMENAME #backwards compatibility after migrating to generic OIDC with Auth0 if [[ -z "${NETBIRD_AUTH_OIDC_CONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${NETBIRD_AUTH0_DOMAIN}" ]]; then # not a backward compatible state echo "NETBIRD_AUTH_OIDC_CONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT property must be set in the setup.env file" exit 1 fi echo "It seems like you provided an old setup.env file." echo "Since the release of v0.8.10, we introduced a new set of properties." echo "The script is backward compatible and will continue automatically." echo "In the future versions it will be deprecated. Please refer to the documentation to learn about the changes http://netbird.io/docs/getting-started/self-hosting" export NETBIRD_AUTH_OIDC_CONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT="https://${NETBIRD_AUTH0_DOMAIN}/.well-known/openid-configuration" export NETBIRD_USE_AUTH0="true" export NETBIRD_AUTH_AUDIENCE=${NETBIRD_AUTH0_AUDIENCE} export NETBIRD_AUTH_CLIENT_ID=${NETBIRD_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID} fi echo "loading OpenID configuration from ${NETBIRD_AUTH_OIDC_CONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT} to the openid-configuration.json file" curl "${NETBIRD_AUTH_OIDC_CONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT}" -q -o openid-configuration.json export NETBIRD_AUTH_AUTHORITY=$( jq -r '.issuer' openid-configuration.json ) export NETBIRD_AUTH_JWT_CERTS=$( jq -r '.jwks_uri' openid-configuration.json ) export NETBIRD_AUTH_SUPPORTED_SCOPES=$( jq -r '.scopes_supported | join(" ")' openid-configuration.json ) export NETBIRD_AUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT=$( jq -r '.token_endpoint' openid-configuration.json ) export NETBIRD_AUTH_DEVICE_AUTH_ENDPOINT=$( jq -r '.device_authorization_endpoint' openid-configuration.json ) if [ $NETBIRD_USE_AUTH0 == "true" ] then export NETBIRD_AUTH_SUPPORTED_SCOPES="openid profile email offline_access api email_verified" else export NETBIRD_AUTH_SUPPORTED_SCOPES="openid profile email offline_access api" fi if [[ ! -z "${NETBIRD_AUTH_DEVICE_AUTH_CLIENT_ID}" ]]; then # user enabled Device Authorization Grant feature export NETBIRD_AUTH_DEVICE_AUTH_PROVIDER="hosted" fi # Check if letsencrypt was disabled if [[ "$NETBIRD_DISABLE_LETSENCRYPT" == "true" ]] then export NETBIRD_DASHBOARD_ENDPOINT="https://$NETBIRD_DOMAIN:443" export NETBIRD_SIGNAL_ENDPOINT="https://$NETBIRD_DOMAIN:$NETBIRD_SIGNAL_PORT" echo "Letsencrypt was disabled, the Https-endpoints cannot be used anymore" echo " and a reverse-proxy with Https needs to be placed in front of netbird!" echo "The following forwards have to be setup:" echo "- $NETBIRD_DASHBOARD_ENDPOINT -http-> dashboard:80" echo "- $NETBIRD_MGMT_API_ENDPOINT/api -http-> management:$NETBIRD_MGMT_API_PORT" echo "- $NETBIRD_MGMT_API_ENDPOINT/management.ManagementService/ -grpc-> management:$NETBIRD_MGMT_API_PORT" echo "- $NETBIRD_SIGNAL_ENDPOINT/signalexchange.SignalExchange/ -grpc-> signal:80" echo "You most likely also have to change NETBIRD_MGMT_API_ENDPOINT in base.setup.env and port-mappings in docker-compose.yml.tmpl and rerun this script." echo " The target of the forwards depends on your setup. Beware of the gRPC protocol instead of http for management and signal!" echo "You are also free to remove any occurences of the Letsencrypt-volume $LETSENCRYPT_VOLUMENAME" echo "" export NETBIRD_SIGNAL_PROTOCOL="https" unset NETBIRD_LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN unset NETBIRD_MGMT_API_CERT_FILE unset NETBIRD_MGMT_API_CERT_KEY_FILE else export NETBIRD_LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN="$NETBIRD_DOMAIN" fi env | grep NETBIRD envsubst < docker-compose.yml.tmpl > docker-compose.yml envsubst < management.json.tmpl > management.json envsubst < turnserver.conf.tmpl > turnserver.conf