### How to run This will only work on Linux 1. Run netcat listening on the UDP port 51820. This is going to be our external process: ```bash nc -kluvw 1 51820 ``` 2. Build and run the example Go code: ```bash go build -o sharedsock && sudo ./sharedsock ``` 3. Test the logic by sending a STUN binding request ```bash STUN_PACKET="000100002112A4425454" echo -n $STUN_PACKET | xxd -r -p | nc -u -w 1 localhost 51820 ``` 4. You should see a similar output of the Go program. Note that you'll see some binary output in the netcat server too. This is due to the fact that kernel copies packets to both processes. ```bash read a STUN packet of size 18 from ... ``` 5. Send a non-STUN packet ```bash echo -n 'hello' | nc -u -w 1 localhost 51820 ``` 6. The Go program won't print anything.