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synced 2025-03-04 09:51:16 +01:00
Send Desktop UI client version as user-agent to daemon This is sent on every login request to the management Parse the GRPC context on the system package and retrieves the user-agent Management receives the new UIVersion field and store in the Peer's system meta
202 lines
6.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer
202 lines
6.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option go_package = "/proto";
package management;
service ManagementService {
// Login logs in peer. In case server returns codes.PermissionDenied this endpoint can be used to register Peer providing LoginRequest.setupKey
// Returns encrypted LoginResponse in EncryptedMessage.Body
rpc Login(EncryptedMessage) returns (EncryptedMessage) {}
// Sync enables peer synchronization. Each peer that is connected to this stream will receive updates from the server.
// For example, if a new peer has been added to an account all other connected peers will receive this peer's Wireguard public key as an update
// The initial SyncResponse contains all of the available peers so the local state can be refreshed
// Returns encrypted SyncResponse in EncryptedMessage.Body
rpc Sync(EncryptedMessage) returns (stream EncryptedMessage) {}
// Exposes a Wireguard public key of the Management service.
// This key is used to support message encryption between client and server
rpc GetServerKey(Empty) returns (ServerKeyResponse) {}
// health check endpoint
rpc isHealthy(Empty) returns (Empty) {}
// Exposes a device authorization flow information
// This is used for initiating a Oauth 2 device authorization grant flow
// which will be used by our clients to Login.
// EncryptedMessage of the request has a body of DeviceAuthorizationFlowRequest.
// EncryptedMessage of the response has a body of DeviceAuthorizationFlow.
rpc GetDeviceAuthorizationFlow(EncryptedMessage) returns (EncryptedMessage) {}
message EncryptedMessage {
// Wireguard public key
string wgPubKey = 1;
// encrypted message Body
bytes body = 2;
// Version of the Wiretrustee Management Service protocol
int32 version = 3;
message SyncRequest {}
// SyncResponse represents a state that should be applied to the local peer (e.g. Wiretrustee servers config as well as local peer and remote peers configs)
message SyncResponse {
// Global config
WiretrusteeConfig wiretrusteeConfig = 1;
// Deprecated. Use NetworkMap.PeerConfig
PeerConfig peerConfig = 2;
// Deprecated. Use NetworkMap.RemotePeerConfig
repeated RemotePeerConfig remotePeers = 3;
// Indicates whether remotePeers array is empty or not to bypass protobuf null and empty array equality.
// Deprecated. Use NetworkMap.remotePeersIsEmpty
bool remotePeersIsEmpty = 4;
NetworkMap NetworkMap = 5;
message LoginRequest {
// Pre-authorized setup key (can be empty)
string setupKey = 1;
// Meta data of the peer (e.g. name, os_name, os_version,
PeerSystemMeta meta = 2;
// SSO token (can be empty)
string jwtToken = 3;
// Peer machine meta data
message PeerSystemMeta {
string hostname = 1;
string goOS = 2;
string kernel = 3;
string core = 4;
string platform = 5;
string OS = 6;
string wiretrusteeVersion = 7;
string uiVersion = 8;
message LoginResponse {
// Global config
WiretrusteeConfig wiretrusteeConfig = 1;
// Peer local config
PeerConfig peerConfig = 2;
message ServerKeyResponse {
// Server's Wireguard public key
string key = 1;
// Key expiration timestamp after which the key should be fetched again by the client
google.protobuf.Timestamp expiresAt = 2;
// Version of the Wiretrustee Management Service protocol
int32 version = 3;
message Empty {}
// WiretrusteeConfig is a common configuration of any Wiretrustee peer. It contains STUN, TURN, Signal and Management servers configurations
message WiretrusteeConfig {
// a list of STUN servers
repeated HostConfig stuns = 1;
// a list of TURN servers
repeated ProtectedHostConfig turns = 2;
// a Signal server config
HostConfig signal = 3;
// HostConfig describes connection properties of some server (e.g. STUN, Signal, Management)
message HostConfig {
// URI of the resource e.g. turns://stun.wiretrustee.com:4430 or signal.wiretrustee.com:10000
string uri = 1;
Protocol protocol = 2;
enum Protocol {
UDP = 0;
TCP = 1;
HTTP = 2;
HTTPS = 3;
DTLS = 4;
// ProtectedHostConfig is similar to HostConfig but has additional user and password
// Mostly used for TURN servers
message ProtectedHostConfig {
HostConfig hostConfig = 1;
string user = 2;
string password = 3;
// PeerConfig represents a configuration of a "our" peer.
// The properties are used to configure local Wireguard
message PeerConfig {
// Peer's virtual IP address within the Wiretrustee VPN (a Wireguard address config)
string address = 1;
// Wiretrustee DNS server (a Wireguard DNS config)
string dns = 2;
// NetworkMap represents a network state of the peer with the corresponding configuration parameters to establish peer-to-peer connections
message NetworkMap {
// Serial is an ID of the network state to be used by clients to order updates.
// The larger the Serial the newer the configuration.
// E.g. the client app should keep track of this id locally and discard all the configurations with a lower value
uint64 Serial = 1;
// PeerConfig represents configuration of a peer
PeerConfig peerConfig = 2;
// RemotePeerConfig represents a list of remote peers that the receiver can connect to
repeated RemotePeerConfig remotePeers = 3;
// Indicates whether remotePeers array is empty or not to bypass protobuf null and empty array equality.
bool remotePeersIsEmpty = 4;
// RemotePeerConfig represents a configuration of a remote peer.
// The properties are used to configure Wireguard Peers sections
message RemotePeerConfig {
// A Wireguard public key of a remote peer
string wgPubKey = 1;
// Wireguard allowed IPs of a remote peer e.g. []
repeated string allowedIps = 2;
// DeviceAuthorizationFlowRequest empty struct for future expansion
message DeviceAuthorizationFlowRequest {}
// DeviceAuthorizationFlow represents Device Authorization Flow information
// that can be used by the client to login initiate a Oauth 2.0 device authorization grant flow
// see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628
message DeviceAuthorizationFlow {
// An IDP provider , (eg. Auth0)
provider Provider = 1;
ProviderConfig ProviderConfig = 2;
enum provider {
// ProviderConfig has all attributes needed to initiate a device authorization flow
message ProviderConfig {
// An IDP application client id
string ClientID = 1;
// An IDP application client secret
string ClientSecret = 2;
// An IDP API domain
string Domain =3;
// An Audience for validation
string Audience = 4;