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synced 2025-03-04 18:01:13 +01:00
We allow service users with user role read-only access to all resources so users can create service user and propagate PATs without having to give full admin permissions.
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package server
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const (
// SetupKeyReusable is a multi-use key (can be used for multiple machines)
SetupKeyReusable SetupKeyType = "reusable"
// SetupKeyOneOff is a single use key (can be used only once)
SetupKeyOneOff SetupKeyType = "one-off"
// DefaultSetupKeyDuration = 1 month
DefaultSetupKeyDuration = 24 * 30 * time.Hour
// DefaultSetupKeyName is a default name of the default setup key
DefaultSetupKeyName = "Default key"
// SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage indicates an unlimited usage of a setup key
SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage = 0
const (
// UpdateSetupKeyName indicates a setup key name update operation
UpdateSetupKeyName SetupKeyUpdateOperationType = iota
// UpdateSetupKeyRevoked indicates a setup key revoked filed update operation
// UpdateSetupKeyAutoGroups indicates a setup key auto-assign groups update operation
// UpdateSetupKeyExpiresAt indicates a setup key expiration time update operation
// SetupKeyUpdateOperationType operation type
type SetupKeyUpdateOperationType int
func (t SetupKeyUpdateOperationType) String() string {
switch t {
case UpdateSetupKeyName:
return "UpdateSetupKeyName"
case UpdateSetupKeyRevoked:
return "UpdateSetupKeyRevoked"
case UpdateSetupKeyAutoGroups:
return "UpdateSetupKeyAutoGroups"
case UpdateSetupKeyExpiresAt:
return "UpdateSetupKeyExpiresAt"
return "InvalidOperation"
// SetupKeyUpdateOperation operation object with type and values to be applied
type SetupKeyUpdateOperation struct {
Type SetupKeyUpdateOperationType
Values []string
// SetupKeyType is the type of setup key
type SetupKeyType string
// SetupKey represents a pre-authorized key used to register machines (peers)
type SetupKey struct {
Id string
// AccountID is a reference to Account that this object belongs
AccountID string `json:"-" gorm:"index"`
Key string
Name string
Type SetupKeyType
CreatedAt time.Time
ExpiresAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time `gorm:"autoUpdateTime:false"`
// Revoked indicates whether the key was revoked or not (we don't remove them for tracking purposes)
Revoked bool
// UsedTimes indicates how many times the key was used
UsedTimes int
// LastUsed last time the key was used for peer registration
LastUsed time.Time
// AutoGroups is a list of Group IDs that are auto assigned to a Peer when it uses this key to register
AutoGroups []string `gorm:"serializer:json"`
// UsageLimit indicates the number of times this key can be used to enroll a machine.
// The value of 0 indicates the unlimited usage.
UsageLimit int
// Ephemeral indicate if the peers will be ephemeral or not
Ephemeral bool
// Copy copies SetupKey to a new object
func (key *SetupKey) Copy() *SetupKey {
autoGroups := make([]string, len(key.AutoGroups))
copy(autoGroups, key.AutoGroups)
if key.UpdatedAt.IsZero() {
key.UpdatedAt = key.CreatedAt
return &SetupKey{
Id: key.Id,
AccountID: key.AccountID,
Key: key.Key,
Name: key.Name,
Type: key.Type,
CreatedAt: key.CreatedAt,
ExpiresAt: key.ExpiresAt,
UpdatedAt: key.UpdatedAt,
Revoked: key.Revoked,
UsedTimes: key.UsedTimes,
LastUsed: key.LastUsed,
AutoGroups: autoGroups,
UsageLimit: key.UsageLimit,
Ephemeral: key.Ephemeral,
// EventMeta returns activity event meta related to the setup key
func (key *SetupKey) EventMeta() map[string]any {
return map[string]any{"name": key.Name, "type": key.Type, "key": key.HiddenCopy(1).Key}
// HiddenCopy returns a copy of the key with a Key value hidden with "*" and a 5 character prefix.
// E.g., "831F6*******************************"
func (key *SetupKey) HiddenCopy(length int) *SetupKey {
k := key.Copy()
prefix := k.Key[0:5]
if length > utf8.RuneCountInString(key.Key) {
length = utf8.RuneCountInString(key.Key) - len(prefix)
k.Key = prefix + strings.Repeat("*", length)
return k
// IncrementUsage makes a copy of a key, increments the UsedTimes by 1 and sets LastUsed to now
func (key *SetupKey) IncrementUsage() *SetupKey {
c := key.Copy()
c.LastUsed = time.Now().UTC()
return c
// IsValid is true if the key was not revoked, is not expired and used not more than it was supposed to
func (key *SetupKey) IsValid() bool {
return !key.IsRevoked() && !key.IsExpired() && !key.IsOverUsed()
// IsRevoked if key was revoked
func (key *SetupKey) IsRevoked() bool {
return key.Revoked
// IsExpired if key was expired
func (key *SetupKey) IsExpired() bool {
return time.Now().After(key.ExpiresAt)
// IsOverUsed if the key was used too many times. SetupKey.UsageLimit == 0 indicates the unlimited usage.
func (key *SetupKey) IsOverUsed() bool {
limit := key.UsageLimit
if key.Type == SetupKeyOneOff {
limit = 1
return limit > 0 && key.UsedTimes >= limit
// GenerateSetupKey generates a new setup key
func GenerateSetupKey(name string, t SetupKeyType, validFor time.Duration, autoGroups []string,
usageLimit int, ephemeral bool) *SetupKey {
key := strings.ToUpper(uuid.New().String())
limit := usageLimit
if t == SetupKeyOneOff {
limit = 1
return &SetupKey{
Id: strconv.Itoa(int(Hash(key))),
Key: key,
Name: name,
Type: t,
CreatedAt: time.Now().UTC(),
ExpiresAt: time.Now().UTC().Add(validFor),
UpdatedAt: time.Now().UTC(),
Revoked: false,
UsedTimes: 0,
AutoGroups: autoGroups,
UsageLimit: limit,
Ephemeral: ephemeral,
// GenerateDefaultSetupKey generates a default reusable setup key with an unlimited usage and 30 days expiration
func GenerateDefaultSetupKey() *SetupKey {
return GenerateSetupKey(DefaultSetupKeyName, SetupKeyReusable, DefaultSetupKeyDuration, []string{},
SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage, false)
func Hash(s string) uint32 {
h := fnv.New32a()
_, err := h.Write([]byte(s))
if err != nil {
return h.Sum32()
// CreateSetupKey generates a new setup key with a given name, type, list of groups IDs to auto-assign to peers registered with this key,
// and adds it to the specified account. A list of autoGroups IDs can be empty.
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreateSetupKey(accountID string, keyName string, keyType SetupKeyType,
expiresIn time.Duration, autoGroups []string, usageLimit int, userID string, ephemeral bool) (*SetupKey, error) {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
keyDuration := DefaultSetupKeyDuration
if expiresIn != 0 {
keyDuration = expiresIn
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, group := range autoGroups {
if _, ok := account.Groups[group]; !ok {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "group %s doesn't exist", group)
setupKey := GenerateSetupKey(keyName, keyType, keyDuration, autoGroups, usageLimit, ephemeral)
account.SetupKeys[setupKey.Key] = setupKey
err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.Internal, "failed adding account key")
am.StoreEvent(userID, setupKey.Id, accountID, activity.SetupKeyCreated, setupKey.EventMeta())
for _, g := range setupKey.AutoGroups {
group := account.GetGroup(g)
if group != nil {
am.StoreEvent(userID, setupKey.Id, accountID, activity.GroupAddedToSetupKey,
map[string]any{"group": group.Name, "group_id": group.ID, "setupkey": setupKey.Name})
} else {
log.Errorf("group %s not found while saving setup key activity event of account %s", g, account.Id)
return setupKey, nil
// SaveSetupKey saves the provided SetupKey to the database overriding the existing one.
// Due to the unique nature of a SetupKey certain properties must not be overwritten
// (e.g. the key itself, creation date, ID, etc).
// These properties are overwritten: Name, AutoGroups, Revoked. The rest is copied from the existing key.
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveSetupKey(accountID string, keyToSave *SetupKey, userID string) (*SetupKey, error) {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
if keyToSave == nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "provided setup key to update is nil")
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var oldKey *SetupKey
for _, key := range account.SetupKeys {
if key.Id == keyToSave.Id {
oldKey = key.Copy()
if oldKey == nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "setup key not found")
// only auto groups, revoked status, and name can be updated for now
newKey := oldKey.Copy()
newKey.Name = keyToSave.Name
newKey.AutoGroups = keyToSave.AutoGroups
newKey.Revoked = keyToSave.Revoked
newKey.UpdatedAt = time.Now().UTC()
account.SetupKeys[newKey.Key] = newKey
if err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !oldKey.Revoked && newKey.Revoked {
am.StoreEvent(userID, newKey.Id, accountID, activity.SetupKeyRevoked, newKey.EventMeta())
defer func() {
addedGroups := difference(newKey.AutoGroups, oldKey.AutoGroups)
removedGroups := difference(oldKey.AutoGroups, newKey.AutoGroups)
for _, g := range removedGroups {
group := account.GetGroup(g)
if group != nil {
am.StoreEvent(userID, oldKey.Id, accountID, activity.GroupRemovedFromSetupKey,
map[string]any{"group": group.Name, "group_id": group.ID, "setupkey": newKey.Name})
} else {
log.Errorf("group %s not found while saving setup key activity event of account %s", g, account.Id)
for _, g := range addedGroups {
group := account.GetGroup(g)
if group != nil {
am.StoreEvent(userID, oldKey.Id, accountID, activity.GroupAddedToSetupKey,
map[string]any{"group": group.Name, "group_id": group.ID, "setupkey": newKey.Name})
} else {
log.Errorf("group %s not found while saving setup key activity event of account %s", g, account.Id)
return newKey, nil
// ListSetupKeys returns a list of all setup keys of the account
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListSetupKeys(accountID, userID string) ([]*SetupKey, error) {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
user, err := account.FindUser(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keys := make([]*SetupKey, 0, len(account.SetupKeys))
for _, key := range account.SetupKeys {
var k *SetupKey
if !(user.HasAdminPower() || user.IsServiceUser) {
k = key.HiddenCopy(999)
} else {
k = key.Copy()
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys, nil
// GetSetupKey looks up a SetupKey by KeyID, returns NotFound error if not found.
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetSetupKey(accountID, userID, keyID string) (*SetupKey, error) {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
user, err := account.FindUser(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var foundKey *SetupKey
for _, key := range account.SetupKeys {
if key.Id == keyID {
foundKey = key.Copy()
if foundKey == nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "setup key not found")
// the UpdatedAt field was introduced later, so there might be that some keys have a Zero value (e.g, null in the store file)
if foundKey.UpdatedAt.IsZero() {
foundKey.UpdatedAt = foundKey.CreatedAt
if !(user.HasAdminPower() || user.IsServiceUser) {
foundKey = foundKey.HiddenCopy(999)
return foundKey, nil