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synced 2025-03-04 18:01:13 +01:00
We allow service users with user role read-only access to all resources so users can create service user and propagate PATs without having to give full admin permissions.
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package server
import (
func TestDefaultAccountManager_SaveSetupKey(t *testing.T) {
manager, err := createManager(t)
if err != nil {
userID := "testingUser"
account, err := manager.GetOrCreateAccountByUser(userID, "")
if err != nil {
err = manager.SaveGroup(account.Id, userID, &Group{
ID: "group_1",
Name: "group_name_1",
Peers: []string{},
if err != nil {
expiresIn := time.Hour
keyName := "my-test-key"
key, err := manager.CreateSetupKey(account.Id, keyName, SetupKeyReusable, expiresIn, []string{},
SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage, userID, false)
if err != nil {
autoGroups := []string{"group_1", "group_2"}
newKeyName := "my-new-test-key"
revoked := true
newKey, err := manager.SaveSetupKey(account.Id, &SetupKey{
Id: key.Id,
Name: newKeyName,
Revoked: revoked,
AutoGroups: autoGroups,
}, userID)
if err != nil {
assertKey(t, newKey, newKeyName, revoked, "reusable", 0, key.CreatedAt, key.ExpiresAt,
key.Id, time.Now().UTC(), autoGroups)
// check the corresponding events that should have been generated
ev := getEvent(t, account.Id, manager, activity.SetupKeyRevoked)
assert.NotNil(t, ev)
assert.Equal(t, account.Id, ev.AccountID)
assert.Equal(t, newKeyName, ev.Meta["name"])
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprint(key.Type), fmt.Sprint(ev.Meta["type"]))
assert.NotEmpty(t, ev.Meta["key"])
assert.Equal(t, userID, ev.InitiatorID)
assert.Equal(t, key.Id, ev.TargetID)
func TestDefaultAccountManager_CreateSetupKey(t *testing.T) {
manager, err := createManager(t)
if err != nil {
userID := "testingUser"
account, err := manager.GetOrCreateAccountByUser(userID, "")
if err != nil {
err = manager.SaveGroup(account.Id, userID, &Group{
ID: "group_1",
Name: "group_name_1",
Peers: []string{},
if err != nil {
err = manager.SaveGroup(account.Id, userID, &Group{
ID: "group_2",
Name: "group_name_2",
Peers: []string{},
if err != nil {
type testCase struct {
name string
expectedKeyName string
expectedUsedTimes int
expectedType string
expectedGroups []string
expectedCreatedAt time.Time
expectedUpdatedAt time.Time
expectedExpiresAt time.Time
expectedFailure bool // indicates whether key creation should fail
now := time.Now().UTC()
expiresIn := time.Hour
testCase1 := testCase{
name: "Should Create Setup Key successfully",
expectedKeyName: "my-test-key",
expectedUsedTimes: 0,
expectedType: "reusable",
expectedGroups: []string{"group_1", "group_2"},
expectedCreatedAt: now,
expectedUpdatedAt: now,
expectedExpiresAt: now.Add(expiresIn),
expectedFailure: false,
testCase2 := testCase{
name: "Create Setup Key should fail because of unexistent group",
expectedKeyName: "my-test-key",
expectedGroups: []string{"FAKE"},
expectedFailure: true,
for _, tCase := range []testCase{testCase1, testCase2} {
t.Run(tCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
key, err := manager.CreateSetupKey(account.Id, tCase.expectedKeyName, SetupKeyReusable, expiresIn,
tCase.expectedGroups, SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage, userID, false)
if tCase.expectedFailure {
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("expected to fail")
if err != nil {
assertKey(t, key, tCase.expectedKeyName, false, tCase.expectedType, tCase.expectedUsedTimes,
tCase.expectedCreatedAt, tCase.expectedExpiresAt, strconv.Itoa(int(Hash(key.Key))),
tCase.expectedUpdatedAt, tCase.expectedGroups)
// check the corresponding events that should have been generated
ev := getEvent(t, account.Id, manager, activity.SetupKeyCreated)
assert.NotNil(t, ev)
assert.Equal(t, account.Id, ev.AccountID)
assert.Equal(t, tCase.expectedKeyName, ev.Meta["name"])
assert.Equal(t, tCase.expectedType, fmt.Sprint(ev.Meta["type"]))
assert.NotEmpty(t, ev.Meta["key"])
func TestGenerateDefaultSetupKey(t *testing.T) {
expectedName := "Default key"
expectedRevoke := false
expectedType := "reusable"
expectedUsedTimes := 0
expectedCreatedAt := time.Now().UTC()
expectedUpdatedAt := time.Now().UTC()
expectedExpiresAt := time.Now().UTC().Add(24 * 30 * time.Hour)
var expectedAutoGroups []string
key := GenerateDefaultSetupKey()
assertKey(t, key, expectedName, expectedRevoke, expectedType, expectedUsedTimes, expectedCreatedAt,
expectedExpiresAt, strconv.Itoa(int(Hash(key.Key))), expectedUpdatedAt, expectedAutoGroups)
func TestGenerateSetupKey(t *testing.T) {
expectedName := "key"
expectedRevoke := false
expectedType := "one-off"
expectedUsedTimes := 0
expectedCreatedAt := time.Now().UTC()
expectedExpiresAt := time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Hour)
expectedUpdatedAt := time.Now().UTC()
var expectedAutoGroups []string
key := GenerateSetupKey(expectedName, SetupKeyOneOff, time.Hour, []string{}, SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage, false)
assertKey(t, key, expectedName, expectedRevoke, expectedType, expectedUsedTimes, expectedCreatedAt,
expectedExpiresAt, strconv.Itoa(int(Hash(key.Key))), expectedUpdatedAt, expectedAutoGroups)
func TestSetupKey_IsValid(t *testing.T) {
validKey := GenerateSetupKey("valid key", SetupKeyOneOff, time.Hour, []string{}, SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage, false)
if !validKey.IsValid() {
t.Errorf("expected key to be valid, got invalid %v", validKey)
// expired
expiredKey := GenerateSetupKey("invalid key", SetupKeyOneOff, -time.Hour, []string{}, SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage, false)
if expiredKey.IsValid() {
t.Errorf("expected key to be invalid due to expiration, got valid %v", expiredKey)
// revoked
revokedKey := GenerateSetupKey("invalid key", SetupKeyOneOff, time.Hour, []string{}, SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage, false)
revokedKey.Revoked = true
if revokedKey.IsValid() {
t.Errorf("expected revoked key to be invalid, got valid %v", revokedKey)
// overused
overUsedKey := GenerateSetupKey("invalid key", SetupKeyOneOff, time.Hour, []string{}, SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage, false)
overUsedKey.UsedTimes = 1
if overUsedKey.IsValid() {
t.Errorf("expected overused key to be invalid, got valid %v", overUsedKey)
// overused
reusableKey := GenerateSetupKey("valid key", SetupKeyReusable, time.Hour, []string{}, SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage, false)
reusableKey.UsedTimes = 99
if !reusableKey.IsValid() {
t.Errorf("expected reusable key to be valid when used many times, got valid %v", reusableKey)
func assertKey(t *testing.T, key *SetupKey, expectedName string, expectedRevoke bool, expectedType string,
expectedUsedTimes int, expectedCreatedAt time.Time, expectedExpiresAt time.Time, expectedID string,
expectedUpdatedAt time.Time, expectedAutoGroups []string) {
if key.Name != expectedName {
t.Errorf("expected setup key to have Name %v, got %v", expectedName, key.Name)
if key.Revoked != expectedRevoke {
t.Errorf("expected setup key to have Revoke %v, got %v", expectedRevoke, key.Revoked)
if string(key.Type) != expectedType {
t.Errorf("expected setup key to have Type %v, got %v", expectedType, key.Type)
if key.UsedTimes != expectedUsedTimes {
t.Errorf("expected setup key to have UsedTimes = %v, got %v", expectedUsedTimes, key.UsedTimes)
if key.ExpiresAt.Sub(expectedExpiresAt).Round(time.Hour) != 0 {
t.Errorf("expected setup key to have ExpiresAt ~ %v, got %v", expectedExpiresAt, key.ExpiresAt)
if key.UpdatedAt.Sub(expectedUpdatedAt).Round(time.Hour) != 0 {
t.Errorf("expected setup key to have UpdatedAt ~ %v, got %v", expectedUpdatedAt, key.UpdatedAt)
if key.CreatedAt.Sub(expectedCreatedAt).Round(time.Hour) != 0 {
t.Errorf("expected setup key to have CreatedAt ~ %v, got %v", expectedCreatedAt, key.CreatedAt)
_, err := uuid.Parse(key.Key)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected key to be a valid UUID, got %v, %v", key.Key, err)
if key.Id != strconv.Itoa(int(Hash(key.Key))) {
t.Errorf("expected key Id t= %v, got %v", expectedID, key.Id)
if len(key.AutoGroups) != len(expectedAutoGroups) {
t.Errorf("expected key AutoGroups size=%d, got %d", len(expectedAutoGroups), len(key.AutoGroups))
assert.ElementsMatch(t, key.AutoGroups, expectedAutoGroups, "expected key AutoGroups to be equal")
func TestSetupKey_Copy(t *testing.T) {
key := GenerateSetupKey("key name", SetupKeyOneOff, time.Hour, []string{}, SetupKeyUnlimitedUsage, false)
keyCopy := key.Copy()
assertKey(t, keyCopy, key.Name, key.Revoked, string(key.Type), key.UsedTimes, key.CreatedAt, key.ExpiresAt, key.Id,
key.UpdatedAt, key.AutoGroups)