mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 00:41:11 +01:00
Works only with userspace implementation: 1. Configure host to solve DNS requests via a fake DSN server address in the Netbird network. 2. Add to firewall catch rule for these DNS requests. 3. Resolve these DNS requests and respond by writing directly to wireguard device.
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378 lines
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package acl
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
mgmProto "github.com/netbirdio/netbird/management/proto"
// IFaceMapper defines subset methods of interface required for manager
type IFaceMapper interface {
Name() string
Address() iface.WGAddress
IsUserspaceBind() bool
SetFilter(iface.PacketFilter) error
// Manager is a ACL rules manager
type Manager interface {
ApplyFiltering(networkMap *mgmProto.NetworkMap)
// DefaultManager uses firewall manager to handle
type DefaultManager struct {
manager firewall.Manager
rulesPairs map[string][]firewall.Rule
mutex sync.Mutex
// ApplyFiltering firewall rules to the local firewall manager processed by ACL policy.
// If allowByDefault is ture it appends allow ALL traffic rules to input and output chains.
func (d *DefaultManager) ApplyFiltering(networkMap *mgmProto.NetworkMap) {
defer d.mutex.Unlock()
if d.manager == nil {
log.Debug("firewall manager is not supported, skipping firewall rules")
rules, squashedProtocols := d.squashAcceptRules(networkMap)
enableSSH := (networkMap.PeerConfig != nil &&
networkMap.PeerConfig.SshConfig != nil &&
if _, ok := squashedProtocols[mgmProto.FirewallRule_ALL]; ok {
enableSSH = enableSSH && !ok
if _, ok := squashedProtocols[mgmProto.FirewallRule_TCP]; ok {
enableSSH = enableSSH && !ok
// if TCP protocol rules not squashed and SSH enabled
// we add default firewall rule which accepts connection to any peer
// in the network by SSH (TCP 22 port).
if enableSSH {
rules = append(rules, &mgmProto.FirewallRule{
PeerIP: "",
Direction: mgmProto.FirewallRule_IN,
Action: mgmProto.FirewallRule_ACCEPT,
Protocol: mgmProto.FirewallRule_TCP,
Port: strconv.Itoa(ssh.DefaultSSHPort),
// if we got empty rules list but management not set networkMap.FirewallRulesIsEmpty flag
// we have old version of management without rules handling, we should allow all traffic
if len(networkMap.FirewallRules) == 0 && !networkMap.FirewallRulesIsEmpty {
log.Warn("this peer is connected to a NetBird Management service with an older version. Allowing all traffic from connected peers")
rules = append(rules,
PeerIP: "",
Direction: mgmProto.FirewallRule_IN,
Action: mgmProto.FirewallRule_ACCEPT,
Protocol: mgmProto.FirewallRule_ALL,
PeerIP: "",
Direction: mgmProto.FirewallRule_OUT,
Action: mgmProto.FirewallRule_ACCEPT,
Protocol: mgmProto.FirewallRule_ALL,
applyFailed := false
newRulePairs := make(map[string][]firewall.Rule)
for _, r := range rules {
rulePair, err := d.protoRuleToFirewallRule(r)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to apply firewall rule: %+v, %v", r, err)
applyFailed = true
newRulePairs[rulePair[0].GetRuleID()] = rulePair
if applyFailed {
log.Error("failed to apply firewall rules, rollback ACL to previous state")
for _, rules := range newRulePairs {
for _, rule := range rules {
if err := d.manager.DeleteRule(rule); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to delete new firewall rule (id: %v) during rollback: %v", rule.GetRuleID(), err)
for pairID, rules := range d.rulesPairs {
if _, ok := newRulePairs[pairID]; !ok {
for _, rule := range rules {
if err := d.manager.DeleteRule(rule); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to delete firewall rule: %v", err)
delete(d.rulesPairs, pairID)
d.rulesPairs = newRulePairs
// Stop ACL controller and clear firewall state
func (d *DefaultManager) Stop() {
defer d.mutex.Unlock()
if err := d.manager.Reset(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("reset firewall state")
func (d *DefaultManager) protoRuleToFirewallRule(r *mgmProto.FirewallRule) ([]firewall.Rule, error) {
ip := net.ParseIP(r.PeerIP)
if ip == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid IP address, skipping firewall rule")
protocol := convertToFirewallProtocol(r.Protocol)
if protocol == firewall.ProtocolUnknown {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid protocol type: %d, skipping firewall rule", r.Protocol)
action := convertFirewallAction(r.Action)
if action == firewall.ActionUnknown {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid action type: %d, skipping firewall rule", r.Action)
var port *firewall.Port
if r.Port != "" {
value, err := strconv.Atoi(r.Port)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid port, skipping firewall rule")
port = &firewall.Port{
Values: []int{value},
var rules []firewall.Rule
var err error
switch r.Direction {
case mgmProto.FirewallRule_IN:
rules, err = d.addInRules(ip, protocol, port, action, "")
case mgmProto.FirewallRule_OUT:
rules, err = d.addOutRules(ip, protocol, port, action, "")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid direction, skipping firewall rule")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d.rulesPairs[rules[0].GetRuleID()] = rules
return rules, nil
func (d *DefaultManager) addInRules(ip net.IP, protocol firewall.Protocol, port *firewall.Port, action firewall.Action, comment string) ([]firewall.Rule, error) {
var rules []firewall.Rule
rule, err := d.manager.AddFiltering(ip, protocol, nil, port, firewall.RuleDirectionIN, action, comment)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to add firewall rule: %v", err)
rules = append(rules, rule)
if shouldSkipInvertedRule(protocol, port) {
return rules, nil
rule, err = d.manager.AddFiltering(ip, protocol, port, nil, firewall.RuleDirectionOUT, action, comment)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to add firewall rule: %v", err)
return append(rules, rule), nil
func (d *DefaultManager) addOutRules(ip net.IP, protocol firewall.Protocol, port *firewall.Port, action firewall.Action, comment string) ([]firewall.Rule, error) {
var rules []firewall.Rule
rule, err := d.manager.AddFiltering(ip, protocol, nil, port, firewall.RuleDirectionOUT, action, comment)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to add firewall rule: %v", err)
rules = append(rules, rule)
if shouldSkipInvertedRule(protocol, port) {
return rules, nil
rule, err = d.manager.AddFiltering(ip, protocol, port, nil, firewall.RuleDirectionIN, action, comment)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to add firewall rule: %v", err)
return append(rules, rule), nil
// squashAcceptRules does complex logic to convert many rules which allows connection by traffic type
// to all peers in the network map to one rule which just accepts that type of the traffic.
// NOTE: It will not squash two rules for same protocol if one covers all peers in the network,
// but other has port definitions or has drop policy.
func (d *DefaultManager) squashAcceptRules(
networkMap *mgmProto.NetworkMap,
) ([]*mgmProto.FirewallRule, map[mgmProto.FirewallRuleProtocol]struct{}) {
totalIPs := 0
for _, p := range networkMap.RemotePeers {
for range p.AllowedIps {
type protoMatch map[mgmProto.FirewallRuleProtocol]map[string]int
in := protoMatch{}
out := protoMatch{}
// this function we use to do calculation, can we squash the rules by protocol or not.
// We summ amount of Peers IP for given protocol we found in original rules list.
// But we zeroed the IP's for protocol if:
// 1. Any of the rule has DROP action type.
// 2. Any of rule contains Port.
// We zeroed this to notify squash function that this protocol can't be squashed.
addRuleToCalculationMap := func(i int, r *mgmProto.FirewallRule, protocols protoMatch) {
drop := r.Action == mgmProto.FirewallRule_DROP || r.Port != ""
if drop {
protocols[r.Protocol] = map[string]int{}
if _, ok := protocols[r.Protocol]; !ok {
protocols[r.Protocol] = map[string]int{}
match := protocols[r.Protocol]
if _, ok := match[r.PeerIP]; ok {
match[r.PeerIP] = i
for i, r := range networkMap.FirewallRules {
// calculate squash for different directions
if r.Direction == mgmProto.FirewallRule_IN {
addRuleToCalculationMap(i, r, in)
} else {
addRuleToCalculationMap(i, r, out)
// order of squashing by protocol is important
// only for ther first element ALL, it must be done first
protocolOrders := []mgmProto.FirewallRuleProtocol{
// trace which type of protocols was squashed
squashedRules := []*mgmProto.FirewallRule{}
squashedProtocols := map[mgmProto.FirewallRuleProtocol]struct{}{}
squash := func(matches protoMatch, direction mgmProto.FirewallRuleDirection) {
for _, protocol := range protocolOrders {
if ipset, ok := matches[protocol]; !ok || len(ipset) != totalIPs || len(ipset) < 2 {
// don't squash if :
// 1. Rules not cover all peers in the network
// 2. Rules cover only one peer in the network.
// add special rule which allows all IP's in our firewall implementations
squashedRules = append(squashedRules, &mgmProto.FirewallRule{
PeerIP: "",
Direction: direction,
Action: mgmProto.FirewallRule_ACCEPT,
Protocol: protocol,
squashedProtocols[protocol] = struct{}{}
if protocol == mgmProto.FirewallRule_ALL {
// if we have ALL traffic type squashed rule
// it allows all other type of traffic, so we can stop processing
squash(in, mgmProto.FirewallRule_IN)
squash(out, mgmProto.FirewallRule_OUT)
// if all protocol was squashed everything is allow and we can ignore all other rules
if _, ok := squashedProtocols[mgmProto.FirewallRule_ALL]; ok {
return squashedRules, squashedProtocols
if len(squashedRules) == 0 {
return networkMap.FirewallRules, squashedProtocols
var rules []*mgmProto.FirewallRule
// filter out rules which was squashed from final list
// if we also have other not squashed rules.
for i, r := range networkMap.FirewallRules {
if _, ok := squashedProtocols[r.Protocol]; ok {
if m, ok := in[r.Protocol]; ok && m[r.PeerIP] == i {
} else if m, ok := out[r.Protocol]; ok && m[r.PeerIP] == i {
rules = append(rules, r)
return append(rules, squashedRules...), squashedProtocols
func convertToFirewallProtocol(protocol mgmProto.FirewallRuleProtocol) firewall.Protocol {
switch protocol {
case mgmProto.FirewallRule_TCP:
return firewall.ProtocolTCP
case mgmProto.FirewallRule_UDP:
return firewall.ProtocolUDP
case mgmProto.FirewallRule_ICMP:
return firewall.ProtocolICMP
case mgmProto.FirewallRule_ALL:
return firewall.ProtocolALL
return firewall.ProtocolUnknown
func shouldSkipInvertedRule(protocol firewall.Protocol, port *firewall.Port) bool {
return protocol == firewall.ProtocolALL || protocol == firewall.ProtocolICMP || port == nil
func convertFirewallAction(action mgmProto.FirewallRuleAction) firewall.Action {
switch action {
case mgmProto.FirewallRule_ACCEPT:
return firewall.ActionAccept
case mgmProto.FirewallRule_DROP:
return firewall.ActionDrop
return firewall.ActionUnknown