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synced 2024-11-23 00:23:36 +01:00
This PR removes the GetAccount and SaveAccount operations from the AddPeer and instead makes use of gorm.Transaction to add the new peer.
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package server
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
nbgroup "github.com/netbirdio/netbird/management/server/group"
nbpeer "github.com/netbirdio/netbird/management/server/peer"
type LockingStrength string
const (
LockingStrengthUpdate LockingStrength = "UPDATE" // Strongest lock, preventing any changes by other transactions until your transaction completes.
LockingStrengthShare LockingStrength = "SHARE" // Allows reading but prevents changes by other transactions.
LockingStrengthNoKeyUpdate LockingStrength = "NO KEY UPDATE" // Similar to UPDATE but allows changes to related rows.
LockingStrengthKeyShare LockingStrength = "KEY SHARE" // Protects against changes to primary/unique keys but allows other updates.
type Store interface {
GetAllAccounts(ctx context.Context) []*Account
GetAccount(ctx context.Context, accountID string) (*Account, error)
DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, account *Account) error
GetAccountByUser(ctx context.Context, userID string) (*Account, error)
GetAccountByPeerPubKey(ctx context.Context, peerKey string) (*Account, error)
GetAccountIDByPeerPubKey(ctx context.Context, peerKey string) (string, error)
GetAccountIDByUserID(peerKey string) (string, error)
GetAccountIDBySetupKey(ctx context.Context, peerKey string) (string, error)
GetAccountByPeerID(ctx context.Context, peerID string) (*Account, error)
GetAccountBySetupKey(ctx context.Context, setupKey string) (*Account, error) // todo use key hash later
GetAccountByPrivateDomain(ctx context.Context, domain string) (*Account, error)
GetTokenIDByHashedToken(ctx context.Context, secret string) (string, error)
GetUserByTokenID(ctx context.Context, tokenID string) (*User, error)
GetUserByUserID(ctx context.Context, lockStrength LockingStrength, userID string) (*User, error)
GetAccountGroups(ctx context.Context, accountID string) ([]*nbgroup.Group, error)
GetPostureCheckByChecksDefinition(accountID string, checks *posture.ChecksDefinition) (*posture.Checks, error)
SaveAccount(ctx context.Context, account *Account) error
SaveUsers(accountID string, users map[string]*User) error
SaveGroups(accountID string, groups map[string]*nbgroup.Group) error
DeleteHashedPAT2TokenIDIndex(hashedToken string) error
DeleteTokenID2UserIDIndex(tokenID string) error
GetInstallationID() string
SaveInstallationID(ctx context.Context, ID string) error
// AcquireWriteLockByUID should attempt to acquire a lock for write purposes and return a function that releases the lock
AcquireWriteLockByUID(ctx context.Context, uniqueID string) func()
// AcquireReadLockByUID should attempt to acquire lock for read purposes and return a function that releases the lock
AcquireReadLockByUID(ctx context.Context, uniqueID string) func()
// AcquireGlobalLock should attempt to acquire a global lock and return a function that releases the lock
AcquireGlobalLock(ctx context.Context) func()
SavePeer(ctx context.Context, accountID string, peer *nbpeer.Peer) error
SavePeerStatus(accountID, peerID string, status nbpeer.PeerStatus) error
SavePeerLocation(accountID string, peer *nbpeer.Peer) error
SaveUserLastLogin(ctx context.Context, accountID, userID string, lastLogin time.Time) error
// Close should close the store persisting all unsaved data.
Close(ctx context.Context) error
// GetStoreEngine should return StoreEngine of the current store implementation.
// This is also a method of metrics.DataSource interface.
GetStoreEngine() StoreEngine
GetPeerByPeerPubKey(ctx context.Context, lockStrength LockingStrength, peerKey string) (*nbpeer.Peer, error)
GetAccountSettings(ctx context.Context, lockStrength LockingStrength, accountID string) (*Settings, error)
GetSetupKeyBySecret(ctx context.Context, lockStrength LockingStrength, key string) (*SetupKey, error)
GetTakenIPs(ctx context.Context, lockStrength LockingStrength, accountId string) ([]net.IP, error)
IncrementSetupKeyUsage(ctx context.Context, setupKeyID string) error
AddPeerToAllGroup(ctx context.Context, accountID string, peerID string) error
GetPeerLabelsInAccount(ctx context.Context, lockStrength LockingStrength, accountId string) ([]string, error)
AddPeerToGroup(ctx context.Context, accountId string, peerId string, groupID string) error
AddPeerToAccount(ctx context.Context, peer *nbpeer.Peer) error
IncrementNetworkSerial(ctx context.Context, accountId string) error
GetAccountNetwork(ctx context.Context, lockStrength LockingStrength, accountId string) (*Network, error)
ExecuteInTransaction(ctx context.Context, f func(store Store) error) error
type StoreEngine string
const (
FileStoreEngine StoreEngine = "jsonfile"
SqliteStoreEngine StoreEngine = "sqlite"
PostgresStoreEngine StoreEngine = "postgres"
func getStoreEngineFromEnv() StoreEngine {
// NETBIRD_STORE_ENGINE supposed to be used in tests. Otherwise, rely on the config file.
kind, ok := os.LookupEnv("NETBIRD_STORE_ENGINE")
if !ok {
return ""
value := StoreEngine(strings.ToLower(kind))
if value == SqliteStoreEngine || value == PostgresStoreEngine {
return value
return SqliteStoreEngine
// getStoreEngine determines the store engine to use.
// If no engine is specified, it attempts to retrieve it from the environment.
// If still not specified, it defaults to using SQLite.
// Additionally, it handles the migration from a JSON store file to SQLite if applicable.
func getStoreEngine(ctx context.Context, dataDir string, kind StoreEngine) StoreEngine {
if kind == "" {
kind = getStoreEngineFromEnv()
if kind == "" {
kind = SqliteStoreEngine
// Migrate if it is the first run with a JSON file existing and no SQLite file present
jsonStoreFile := filepath.Join(dataDir, storeFileName)
sqliteStoreFile := filepath.Join(dataDir, storeSqliteFileName)
if util.FileExists(jsonStoreFile) && !util.FileExists(sqliteStoreFile) {
log.WithContext(ctx).Warnf("unsupported store engine specified, but found %s. Automatically migrating to SQLite.", jsonStoreFile)
// Attempt to migrate from JSON store to SQLite
if err := MigrateFileStoreToSqlite(ctx, dataDir); err != nil {
log.WithContext(ctx).Errorf("failed to migrate filestore to SQLite: %v", err)
kind = FileStoreEngine
return kind
// NewStore creates a new store based on the provided engine type, data directory, and telemetry metrics
func NewStore(ctx context.Context, kind StoreEngine, dataDir string, metrics telemetry.AppMetrics) (Store, error) {
kind = getStoreEngine(ctx, dataDir, kind)
if err := checkFileStoreEngine(kind, dataDir); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch kind {
case SqliteStoreEngine:
log.WithContext(ctx).Info("using SQLite store engine")
return NewSqliteStore(ctx, dataDir, metrics)
case PostgresStoreEngine:
log.WithContext(ctx).Info("using Postgres store engine")
return newPostgresStore(ctx, metrics)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported kind of store: %s", kind)
func checkFileStoreEngine(kind StoreEngine, dataDir string) error {
if kind == FileStoreEngine {
storeFile := filepath.Join(dataDir, storeFileName)
if util.FileExists(storeFile) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not supported. Please refer to the documentation for migrating to SQLite: "+
"https://docs.netbird.io/selfhosted/sqlite-store#migrating-from-json-store-to-sq-lite-store", FileStoreEngine)
return nil
// migrate migrates the SQLite database to the latest schema
func migrate(ctx context.Context, db *gorm.DB) error {
migrations := getMigrations(ctx)
for _, m := range migrations {
if err := m(db); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func getMigrations(ctx context.Context) []migrationFunc {
return []migrationFunc{
func(db *gorm.DB) error {
return migration.MigrateFieldFromGobToJSON[Account, net.IPNet](ctx, db, "network_net")
func(db *gorm.DB) error {
return migration.MigrateFieldFromGobToJSON[route.Route, netip.Prefix](ctx, db, "network")
func(db *gorm.DB) error {
return migration.MigrateFieldFromGobToJSON[route.Route, []string](ctx, db, "peer_groups")
func(db *gorm.DB) error {
return migration.MigrateNetIPFieldFromBlobToJSON[nbpeer.Peer](ctx, db, "location_connection_ip", "")
func(db *gorm.DB) error {
return migration.MigrateNetIPFieldFromBlobToJSON[nbpeer.Peer](ctx, db, "ip", "idx_peers_account_id_ip")
// NewTestStoreFromJson is only used in tests
func NewTestStoreFromJson(ctx context.Context, dataDir string) (Store, func(), error) {
fstore, err := NewFileStore(ctx, dataDir, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// if store engine is not set in the config we first try to evaluate NETBIRD_STORE_ENGINE
kind := getStoreEngineFromEnv()
if kind == "" {
kind = SqliteStoreEngine
var (
store Store
cleanUp func()
if kind == PostgresStoreEngine {
cleanUp, err = testutil.CreatePGDB()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
dsn, ok := os.LookupEnv(postgresDsnEnv)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not set", postgresDsnEnv)
store, err = NewPostgresqlStoreFromFileStore(ctx, fstore, dsn, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
} else {
store, err = NewSqliteStoreFromFileStore(ctx, fstore, dataDir, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cleanUp = func() { store.Close(ctx) }
return store, cleanUp, nil
// MigrateFileStoreToSqlite migrates the file store to the SQLite store.
func MigrateFileStoreToSqlite(ctx context.Context, dataDir string) error {
fileStorePath := path.Join(dataDir, storeFileName)
if _, err := os.Stat(fileStorePath); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return fmt.Errorf("%s doesn't exist, couldn't continue the operation", fileStorePath)
sqlStorePath := path.Join(dataDir, storeSqliteFileName)
if _, err := os.Stat(sqlStorePath); err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s already exists, couldn't continue the operation", sqlStorePath)
fstore, err := NewFileStore(ctx, dataDir, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed creating file store: %s: %v", dataDir, err)
fsStoreAccounts := len(fstore.GetAllAccounts(ctx))
log.WithContext(ctx).Infof("%d account will be migrated from file store %s to sqlite store %s",
fsStoreAccounts, fileStorePath, sqlStorePath)
store, err := NewSqliteStoreFromFileStore(ctx, fstore, dataDir, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed creating file store: %s: %v", dataDir, err)
sqliteStoreAccounts := len(store.GetAllAccounts(ctx))
if fsStoreAccounts != sqliteStoreAccounts {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to migrate accounts from file to sqlite. Expected accounts: %d, got: %d",
fsStoreAccounts, sqliteStoreAccounts)
return nil