2024-05-06 14:47:49 +02:00

1241 lines
32 KiB

package server
import (
nbgroup ""
nbpeer ""
const (
peer1Key = "BhRPtynAAYRDy08+q4HTMsos8fs4plTP4NOSh7C1ry8="
peer2Key = "/yF0+vCfv+mRR5k0dca0TrGdO/oiNeAI58gToZm5NyI="
peer3Key = "ayF0+vCfv+mRR5k0dca0TrGdO/oiNeAI58gToZm5NaF="
peer4Key = "ayF0+vCfv+mRR5k0dca0TrGdO/oiNeAI58gToZm5acc="
peer5Key = "ayF0+vCfv+mRR5k0dca0TrGdO/oiNeAI58gToZm5a55="
peer1ID = "peer-1-id"
peer2ID = "peer-2-id"
peer3ID = "peer-3-id"
peer4ID = "peer-4-id"
peer5ID = "peer-5-id"
routeGroup1 = "routeGroup1"
routeGroup2 = "routeGroup2"
routeGroup3 = "routeGroup3" // for existing route
routeGroup4 = "routeGroup4" // for existing route
routeGroupHA1 = "routeGroupHA1"
routeGroupHA2 = "routeGroupHA2"
routeInvalidGroup1 = "routeInvalidGroup1"
userID = "testingUser"
existingNetwork = ""
existingRouteID = "random-id"
func TestCreateRoute(t *testing.T) {
type input struct {
network string
netID route.NetID
peerKey string
peerGroupIDs []string
description string
masquerade bool
metric int
enabled bool
groups []string
testCases := []struct {
name string
inputArgs input
createInitRoute bool
shouldCreate bool
errFunc require.ErrorAssertionFunc
expectedRoute *route.Route
name: "Happy Path",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "happy",
peerKey: peer1ID,
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
errFunc: require.NoError,
shouldCreate: true,
expectedRoute: &route.Route{
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
NetID: "happy",
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
name: "Happy Path Peer Groups",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "happy",
peerGroupIDs: []string{routeGroupHA1, routeGroupHA2},
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1, routeGroup2},
errFunc: require.NoError,
shouldCreate: true,
expectedRoute: &route.Route{
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
NetID: "happy",
PeerGroups: []string{routeGroupHA1, routeGroupHA2},
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1, routeGroup2},
name: "Both peer and peer_groups Provided Should Fail",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "happy",
peerKey: peer1ID,
peerGroupIDs: []string{routeGroupHA1},
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Bad Prefix Should Fail",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "happy",
peerKey: peer1ID,
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Bad Peer Should Fail",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "happy",
peerKey: "notExistingPeer",
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Bad Peer already has this route",
inputArgs: input{
network: existingNetwork,
netID: "bad",
peerKey: peer5ID,
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
createInitRoute: true,
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Bad Peers Group already has this route",
inputArgs: input{
network: existingNetwork,
netID: "bad",
peerGroupIDs: []string{routeGroup1, routeGroup3},
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
createInitRoute: true,
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Empty Peer Should Create",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "happy",
peerKey: "",
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: false,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
errFunc: require.NoError,
shouldCreate: true,
expectedRoute: &route.Route{
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
NetID: "happy",
Peer: "",
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: false,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
name: "Large Metric Should Fail",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
peerKey: peer1ID,
netID: "happy",
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 99999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Small Metric Should Fail",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "happy",
peerKey: peer1ID,
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 0,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Large NetID Should Fail",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
peerKey: peer1ID,
netID: "12345678901234567890qwertyuiopqwertyuiop1",
description: "super",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Small NetID Should Fail",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "",
peerKey: peer1ID,
description: "",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeGroup1},
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Empty Group List Should Fail",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "NewId",
peerKey: peer1ID,
description: "",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{},
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Empty Group ID string Should Fail",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "NewId",
peerKey: peer1ID,
description: "",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{""},
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
name: "Invalid Group Should Fail",
inputArgs: input{
network: "",
netID: "NewId",
peerKey: peer1ID,
description: "",
masquerade: false,
metric: 9999,
enabled: true,
groups: []string{routeInvalidGroup1},
errFunc: require.Error,
shouldCreate: false,
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
am, err := createRouterManager(t)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to create account manager")
account, err := initTestRouteAccount(t, am)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to init testing account: %s", err)
if testCase.createInitRoute {
groupAll, errInit := account.GetGroupAll()
if errInit != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to get group all: %s", errInit)
_, errInit = am.CreateRoute(account.Id, existingNetwork, "", []string{routeGroup3, routeGroup4},
"", existingRouteID, false, 1000, []string{groupAll.ID}, true, userID)
if errInit != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to create init route: %s", errInit)
outRoute, err := am.CreateRoute(
testCase.errFunc(t, err)
if !testCase.shouldCreate {
// assign generated ID
testCase.expectedRoute.ID = outRoute.ID
if !testCase.expectedRoute.IsEqual(outRoute) {
t.Errorf("new route didn't match expected route:\nGot %#v\nExpected:%#v\n", outRoute, testCase.expectedRoute)
func TestSaveRoute(t *testing.T) {
validPeer := peer2ID
validUsedPeer := peer5ID
invalidPeer := "nonExisting"
validPrefix := netip.MustParsePrefix("")
invalidPrefix, _ := netip.ParsePrefix("")
validMetric := 1000
invalidMetric := 99999
validNetID := route.NetID("12345678901234567890qw")
invalidNetID := route.NetID("12345678901234567890qwertyuiopqwertyuiop1")
validGroupHA1 := routeGroupHA1
validGroupHA2 := routeGroupHA2
testCases := []struct {
name string
existingRoute *route.Route
createInitRoute bool
newPeer *string
newPeerGroups []string
newMetric *int
newPrefix *netip.Prefix
newGroups []string
skipCopying bool
shouldCreate bool
errFunc require.ErrorAssertionFunc
expectedRoute *route.Route
name: "Happy Path",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newPeer: &validPeer,
newMetric: &validMetric,
newPrefix: &validPrefix,
newGroups: []string{routeGroup2},
errFunc: require.NoError,
shouldCreate: true,
expectedRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: validPrefix,
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: validPeer,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: validMetric,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup2},
name: "Happy Path Peer Groups",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newPeerGroups: []string{validGroupHA1, validGroupHA2},
newMetric: &validMetric,
newPrefix: &validPrefix,
newGroups: []string{routeGroup2},
errFunc: require.NoError,
shouldCreate: true,
expectedRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: validPrefix,
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
PeerGroups: []string{validGroupHA1, validGroupHA2},
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: validMetric,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup2},
name: "Both peer and peers_roup Provided Should Fail",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newPeer: &validPeer,
newPeerGroups: []string{validGroupHA1},
errFunc: require.Error,
name: "Bad Prefix Should Fail",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newPrefix: &invalidPrefix,
errFunc: require.Error,
name: "Bad Peer Should Fail",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newPeer: &invalidPeer,
errFunc: require.Error,
name: "Invalid Metric Should Fail",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newMetric: &invalidMetric,
errFunc: require.Error,
name: "Invalid NetID Should Fail",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: invalidNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newMetric: &invalidMetric,
errFunc: require.Error,
name: "Nil Route Should Fail",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
skipCopying: true,
errFunc: require.Error,
name: "Empty Group List Should Fail",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newGroups: []string{},
errFunc: require.Error,
name: "Empty Group ID String Should Fail",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newGroups: []string{""},
errFunc: require.Error,
name: "Invalid Group Should Fail",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newGroups: []string{routeInvalidGroup1},
errFunc: require.Error,
name: "Allow to modify existing route with new peer",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(existingNetwork),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
newPeer: &validPeer,
errFunc: require.NoError,
shouldCreate: true,
expectedRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(existingNetwork),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: validPeer,
PeerGroups: []string{},
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
name: "Do not allow to modify existing route with a peer from another route",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(existingNetwork),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
createInitRoute: true,
newPeer: &validUsedPeer,
errFunc: require.Error,
name: "Do not allow to modify existing route with a peers group from another route",
existingRoute: &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(existingNetwork),
NetID: validNetID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
PeerGroups: []string{routeGroup3},
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
createInitRoute: true,
newPeerGroups: []string{routeGroup4},
errFunc: require.Error,
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
am, err := createRouterManager(t)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to create account manager")
account, err := initTestRouteAccount(t, am)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to init testing account")
if testCase.createInitRoute {
account.Routes["initRoute"] = &route.Route{
ID: "initRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(existingNetwork),
NetID: existingRouteID,
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
PeerGroups: []string{routeGroup4},
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
account.Routes[testCase.existingRoute.ID] = testCase.existingRoute
err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account)
if err != nil {
t.Error("account should be saved")
var routeToSave *route.Route
if !testCase.skipCopying {
routeToSave = testCase.existingRoute.Copy()
if testCase.newPeer != nil {
routeToSave.Peer = *testCase.newPeer
if len(testCase.newPeerGroups) != 0 {
routeToSave.PeerGroups = testCase.newPeerGroups
if testCase.newMetric != nil {
routeToSave.Metric = *testCase.newMetric
if testCase.newPrefix != nil {
routeToSave.Network = *testCase.newPrefix
if testCase.newGroups != nil {
routeToSave.Groups = testCase.newGroups
err = am.SaveRoute(account.Id, userID, routeToSave)
testCase.errFunc(t, err)
if !testCase.shouldCreate {
account, err = am.Store.GetAccount(account.Id)
if err != nil {
savedRoute, saved := account.Routes[testCase.expectedRoute.ID]
require.True(t, saved)
if !testCase.expectedRoute.IsEqual(savedRoute) {
t.Errorf("new route didn't match expected route:\nGot %#v\nExpected:%#v\n", savedRoute, testCase.expectedRoute)
func TestDeleteRoute(t *testing.T) {
testingRoute := &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1Key,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
am, err := createRouterManager(t)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to create account manager")
account, err := initTestRouteAccount(t, am)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to init testing account")
account.Routes[testingRoute.ID] = testingRoute
err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to save account")
err = am.DeleteRoute(account.Id, testingRoute.ID, userID)
if err != nil {
t.Error("deleting route failed with error: ", err)
savedAccount, err := am.Store.GetAccount(account.Id)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to retrieve saved account with error: ", err)
_, found := savedAccount.Routes[testingRoute.ID]
if found {
t.Error("route shouldn't be found after delete")
func TestGetNetworkMap_RouteSyncPeerGroups(t *testing.T) {
baseRoute := &route.Route{
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: "superNet",
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
PeerGroups: []string{routeGroupHA1, routeGroupHA2},
Description: "ha route",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1, routeGroup2},
am, err := createRouterManager(t)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to create account manager")
account, err := initTestRouteAccount(t, am)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to init testing account")
newAccountRoutes, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer1ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, newAccountRoutes.Routes, 0, "new accounts should have no routes")
newRoute, err := am.CreateRoute(
account.Id, baseRoute.Network.String(), baseRoute.Peer, baseRoute.PeerGroups, baseRoute.Description,
baseRoute.NetID, baseRoute.Masquerade, baseRoute.Metric, baseRoute.Groups, baseRoute.Enabled, userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, newRoute.Enabled, true)
peer1Routes, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer1ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, peer1Routes.Routes, 1, "HA route should have 1 server route")
peer2Routes, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer2ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, peer2Routes.Routes, 1, "HA route should have 1 server route")
peer4Routes, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer4ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, peer4Routes.Routes, 1, "HA route should have 1 server route")
groups, err := am.ListGroups(account.Id)
require.NoError(t, err)
var groupHA1, groupHA2 *nbgroup.Group
for _, group := range groups {
switch group.Name {
case routeGroupHA1:
groupHA1 = group
case routeGroupHA2:
groupHA2 = group
err = am.GroupDeletePeer(account.Id, groupHA1.ID, peer2ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
peer2RoutesAfterDelete, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer2ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, peer2RoutesAfterDelete.Routes, 2, "after peer deletion group should have 2 client routes")
err = am.GroupDeletePeer(account.Id, groupHA2.ID, peer4ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
peer2RoutesAfterDelete, err = am.GetNetworkMap(peer2ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, peer2RoutesAfterDelete.Routes, 1, "after peer deletion group should have only 1 route")
err = am.GroupAddPeer(account.Id, groupHA2.ID, peer4ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
peer1RoutesAfterAdd, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer1ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, peer1RoutesAfterAdd.Routes, 1, "HA route should have more than 1 route")
peer2RoutesAfterAdd, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer2ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, peer2RoutesAfterAdd.Routes, 2, "HA route should have 2 client routes")
err = am.DeleteRoute(account.Id, newRoute.ID, userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
peer1DeletedRoute, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer1ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, peer1DeletedRoute.Routes, 0, "we should receive one route for peer1")
func TestGetNetworkMap_RouteSync(t *testing.T) {
// no routes for peer in different groups
// no routes when route is deleted
baseRoute := &route.Route{
ID: "testingRoute",
Network: netip.MustParsePrefix(""),
NetID: "superNet",
NetworkType: route.IPv4Network,
Peer: peer1ID,
Description: "super",
Masquerade: false,
Metric: 9999,
Enabled: true,
Groups: []string{routeGroup1},
am, err := createRouterManager(t)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to create account manager")
account, err := initTestRouteAccount(t, am)
if err != nil {
t.Error("failed to init testing account")
newAccountRoutes, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer1ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, newAccountRoutes.Routes, 0, "new accounts should have no routes")
createdRoute, err := am.CreateRoute(account.Id, baseRoute.Network.String(), peer1ID, []string{},
baseRoute.Description, baseRoute.NetID, baseRoute.Masquerade, baseRoute.Metric, baseRoute.Groups, false,
require.NoError(t, err)
noDisabledRoutes, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer1ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, noDisabledRoutes.Routes, 0, "no routes for disabled routes")
enabledRoute := createdRoute.Copy()
enabledRoute.Enabled = true
// network map contains route.Route objects that have Route.Peer field filled with Peer.Key instead of Peer.ID
expectedRoute := enabledRoute.Copy()
expectedRoute.Peer = peer1Key
err = am.SaveRoute(account.Id, userID, enabledRoute)
require.NoError(t, err)
peer1Routes, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer1ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, peer1Routes.Routes, 1, "we should receive one route for peer1")
require.True(t, expectedRoute.IsEqual(peer1Routes.Routes[0]), "received route should be equal")
peer2Routes, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer2ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, peer2Routes.Routes, 0, "no routes for peers not in the distribution group")
err = am.GroupAddPeer(account.Id, routeGroup1, peer2ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
peer2Routes, err = am.GetNetworkMap(peer2ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, peer2Routes.Routes, 1, "we should receive one route")
require.True(t, peer1Routes.Routes[0].IsEqual(peer2Routes.Routes[0]), "routes should be the same for peers in the same group")
newGroup := &nbgroup.Group{
ID: xid.New().String(),
Name: "peer1 group",
Peers: []string{peer1ID},
err = am.SaveGroup(account.Id, userID, newGroup)
require.NoError(t, err)
rules, err := am.ListPolicies(account.Id, "testingUser")
require.NoError(t, err)
defaultRule := rules[0]
newPolicy := defaultRule.Copy()
newPolicy.ID = xid.New().String()
newPolicy.Name = "peer1 only"
newPolicy.Rules[0].Sources = []string{newGroup.ID}
newPolicy.Rules[0].Destinations = []string{newGroup.ID}
err = am.SavePolicy(account.Id, userID, newPolicy)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = am.DeletePolicy(account.Id, defaultRule.ID, userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
peer1GroupRoutes, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer1ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, peer1GroupRoutes.Routes, 1, "we should receive one route for peer1")
peer2GroupRoutes, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer2ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, peer2GroupRoutes.Routes, 0, "we should not receive routes for peer2")
err = am.DeleteRoute(account.Id, enabledRoute.ID, userID)
require.NoError(t, err)
peer1DeletedRoute, err := am.GetNetworkMap(peer1ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, peer1DeletedRoute.Routes, 0, "we should receive one route for peer1")
func createRouterManager(t *testing.T) (*DefaultAccountManager, error) {
store, err := createRouterStore(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
eventStore := &activity.InMemoryEventStore{}
return BuildManager(store, NewPeersUpdateManager(nil), nil, "", "netbird.selfhosted", eventStore, nil, false, MocIntegratedValidator{})
func createRouterStore(t *testing.T) (Store, error) {
dataDir := t.TempDir()
store, err := NewStoreFromJson(dataDir, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return store, nil
func initTestRouteAccount(t *testing.T, am *DefaultAccountManager) (*Account, error) {
accountID := "testingAcc"
domain := ""
account := newAccountWithId(accountID, userID, domain)
err := am.Store.SaveAccount(account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ips := account.getTakenIPs()
peer1IP, err := AllocatePeerIP(account.Network.Net, ips)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
peer1 := &nbpeer.Peer{
IP: peer1IP,
ID: peer1ID,
Key: peer1Key,
Name: "",
UserID: userID,
Meta: nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta{
Hostname: "",
GoOS: "linux",
Kernel: "Linux",
Core: "21.04",
Platform: "x86_64",
OS: "Ubuntu",
WtVersion: "development",
UIVersion: "development",
Status: &nbpeer.PeerStatus{},
account.Peers[peer1.ID] = peer1
ips = account.getTakenIPs()
peer2IP, err := AllocatePeerIP(account.Network.Net, ips)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
peer2 := &nbpeer.Peer{
IP: peer2IP,
ID: peer2ID,
Key: peer2Key,
Name: "",
UserID: userID,
Meta: nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta{
Hostname: "",
GoOS: "linux",
Kernel: "Linux",
Core: "21.04",
Platform: "x86_64",
OS: "Ubuntu",
WtVersion: "development",
UIVersion: "development",
Status: &nbpeer.PeerStatus{},
account.Peers[peer2.ID] = peer2
ips = account.getTakenIPs()
peer3IP, err := AllocatePeerIP(account.Network.Net, ips)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
peer3 := &nbpeer.Peer{
IP: peer3IP,
ID: peer3ID,
Key: peer3Key,
Name: "",
UserID: userID,
Meta: nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta{
Hostname: "",
GoOS: "darwin",
Kernel: "Darwin",
Core: "13.4.1",
Platform: "arm64",
OS: "darwin",
WtVersion: "development",
UIVersion: "development",
Status: &nbpeer.PeerStatus{},
account.Peers[peer3.ID] = peer3
ips = account.getTakenIPs()
peer4IP, err := AllocatePeerIP(account.Network.Net, ips)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
peer4 := &nbpeer.Peer{
IP: peer4IP,
ID: peer4ID,
Key: peer4Key,
Name: "",
UserID: userID,
Meta: nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta{
Hostname: "",
GoOS: "linux",
Kernel: "Linux",
Core: "21.04",
Platform: "x86_64",
OS: "Ubuntu",
WtVersion: "development",
UIVersion: "development",
Status: &nbpeer.PeerStatus{},
account.Peers[peer4.ID] = peer4
ips = account.getTakenIPs()
peer5IP, err := AllocatePeerIP(account.Network.Net, ips)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
peer5 := &nbpeer.Peer{
IP: peer5IP,
ID: peer5ID,
Key: peer5Key,
Name: "",
UserID: userID,
Meta: nbpeer.PeerSystemMeta{
Hostname: "",
GoOS: "linux",
Kernel: "Linux",
Core: "21.04",
Platform: "x86_64",
OS: "Ubuntu",
WtVersion: "development",
UIVersion: "development",
Status: &nbpeer.PeerStatus{},
account.Peers[peer5.ID] = peer5
err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
groupAll, err := account.GetGroupAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = am.GroupAddPeer(accountID, groupAll.ID, peer1ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = am.GroupAddPeer(accountID, groupAll.ID, peer2ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = am.GroupAddPeer(accountID, groupAll.ID, peer3ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = am.GroupAddPeer(accountID, groupAll.ID, peer4ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newGroup := []*nbgroup.Group{
ID: routeGroup1,
Name: routeGroup1,
Peers: []string{peer1.ID},
ID: routeGroup2,
Name: routeGroup2,
Peers: []string{peer2.ID},
ID: routeGroup3,
Name: routeGroup3,
Peers: []string{peer5.ID},
ID: routeGroup4,
Name: routeGroup4,
Peers: []string{peer5.ID},
ID: routeGroupHA1,
Name: routeGroupHA1,
Peers: []string{peer1.ID, peer2.ID, peer3.ID}, // we have one non Linux peer, see peer3
ID: routeGroupHA2,
Name: routeGroupHA2,
Peers: []string{peer1.ID, peer4.ID},
for _, group := range newGroup {
err = am.SaveGroup(accountID, userID, group)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return am.Store.GetAccount(account.Id)