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synced 2025-03-09 12:21:15 +01:00
* compile client under freebsd (#1620) Compile netbird client under freebsd and now support netstack and userspace modes. Refactoring linux specific code to share same code with FreeBSD, move to *_unix.go files. Not implemented yet: Kernel mode not supported DNS probably does not work yet Routing also probably does not work yet SSH support did not tested yet Lack of test environment for freebsd (dedicated VM for github runners under FreeBSD required) Lack of tests for freebsd specific code info reporting need to review and also implement, for example OS reported as GENERIC instead of FreeBSD (lack of FreeBSD icon in management interface) Lack of proper client setup under FreeBSD Lack of FreeBSD port/package * Add DNS routes (#1943) Given domains are resolved periodically and resolved IPs are replaced with the new ones. Unless the flag keep_route is set to true, then only new ones are added. This option is helpful if there are long-running connections that might still point to old IP addresses from changed DNS records. * Add process posture check (#1693) Introduces a process posture check to validate the existence and active status of specific binaries on peer systems. The check ensures that files are present at specified paths, and that corresponding processes are running. This check supports Linux, Windows, and macOS systems. Co-authored-by: Evgenii <mail@skillcoder.com> Co-authored-by: Pascal Fischer <pascal@netbird.io> Co-authored-by: Zoltan Papp <zoltan.pmail@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Viktor Liu <17948409+lixmal@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Bethuel Mmbaga <bethuelmbaga12@gmail.com>
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//go:build !android
package dns
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
nbdns "github.com/netbirdio/netbird/dns"
const (
systemdDbusManagerInterface = "org.freedesktop.resolve1.Manager"
systemdResolvedDest = "org.freedesktop.resolve1"
systemdDbusObjectNode = "/org/freedesktop/resolve1"
systemdDbusGetLinkMethod = systemdDbusManagerInterface + ".GetLink"
systemdDbusFlushCachesMethod = systemdDbusManagerInterface + ".FlushCaches"
systemdDbusResolvConfModeProperty = systemdDbusManagerInterface + ".ResolvConfMode"
systemdDbusLinkInterface = "org.freedesktop.resolve1.Link"
systemdDbusRevertMethodSuffix = systemdDbusLinkInterface + ".Revert"
systemdDbusSetDNSMethodSuffix = systemdDbusLinkInterface + ".SetDNS"
systemdDbusSetDefaultRouteMethodSuffix = systemdDbusLinkInterface + ".SetDefaultRoute"
systemdDbusSetDomainsMethodSuffix = systemdDbusLinkInterface + ".SetDomains"
systemdDbusResolvConfModeForeign = "foreign"
dbusErrorUnknownObject = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject"
type systemdDbusConfigurator struct {
dbusLinkObject dbus.ObjectPath
routingAll bool
// the types below are based on dbus specification, each field is mapped to a dbus type
// see https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#basic-types for more details on dbus types
// see https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/org.freedesktop.resolve1.html on resolve1 input types
// systemdDbusDNSInput maps to a (iay) dbus input for SetDNS method
type systemdDbusDNSInput struct {
Family int32
Address []byte
// systemdDbusLinkDomainsInput maps to a (sb) dbus input for SetDomains method
type systemdDbusLinkDomainsInput struct {
Domain string
MatchOnly bool
func newSystemdDbusConfigurator(wgInterface string) (hostManager, error) {
iface, err := net.InterfaceByName(wgInterface)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("get interface: %w", err)
obj, closeConn, err := getDbusObject(systemdResolvedDest, systemdDbusObjectNode)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("get dbus resolved dest: %w", err)
defer closeConn()
var s string
err = obj.Call(systemdDbusGetLinkMethod, dbusDefaultFlag, iface.Index).Store(&s)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("get dbus link method: %w", err)
log.Debugf("got dbus Link interface: %s from net interface %s and index %d", s, iface.Name, iface.Index)
return &systemdDbusConfigurator{
dbusLinkObject: dbus.ObjectPath(s),
}, nil
func (s *systemdDbusConfigurator) supportCustomPort() bool {
return true
func (s *systemdDbusConfigurator) applyDNSConfig(config HostDNSConfig) error {
parsedIP, err := netip.ParseAddr(config.ServerIP)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse ip address, error: %w", err)
ipAs4 := parsedIP.As4()
defaultLinkInput := systemdDbusDNSInput{
Family: unix.AF_INET,
Address: ipAs4[:],
err = s.callLinkMethod(systemdDbusSetDNSMethodSuffix, []systemdDbusDNSInput{defaultLinkInput})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting the interface DNS server %s:%d failed with error: %w", config.ServerIP, config.ServerPort, err)
var (
searchDomains []string
matchDomains []string
domainsInput []systemdDbusLinkDomainsInput
for _, dConf := range config.Domains {
if dConf.Disabled {
domainsInput = append(domainsInput, systemdDbusLinkDomainsInput{
Domain: dns.Fqdn(dConf.Domain),
MatchOnly: dConf.MatchOnly,
if dConf.MatchOnly {
matchDomains = append(matchDomains, dConf.Domain)
searchDomains = append(searchDomains, dConf.Domain)
if config.RouteAll {
log.Infof("configured %s:%d as main DNS forwarder for this peer", config.ServerIP, config.ServerPort)
err = s.callLinkMethod(systemdDbusSetDefaultRouteMethodSuffix, true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting link as default dns router, failed with error: %w", err)
domainsInput = append(domainsInput, systemdDbusLinkDomainsInput{
Domain: nbdns.RootZone,
MatchOnly: true,
s.routingAll = true
} else if s.routingAll {
log.Infof("removing %s:%d as main DNS forwarder for this peer", config.ServerIP, config.ServerPort)
// create a backup for unclean shutdown detection before adding domains, as these might end up in the resolv.conf file.
// The file content itself is not important for systemd restoration
if err := createUncleanShutdownIndicator(defaultResolvConfPath, systemdManager, parsedIP.String()); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to create unclean shutdown resolv.conf backup: %s", err)
log.Infof("adding %d search domains and %d match domains. Search list: %s , Match list: %s", len(searchDomains), len(matchDomains), searchDomains, matchDomains)
err = s.setDomainsForInterface(domainsInput)
if err != nil {
return nil
func (s *systemdDbusConfigurator) setDomainsForInterface(domainsInput []systemdDbusLinkDomainsInput) error {
err := s.callLinkMethod(systemdDbusSetDomainsMethodSuffix, domainsInput)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting domains configuration failed with error: %w", err)
return s.flushCaches()
func (s *systemdDbusConfigurator) restoreHostDNS() error {
log.Infof("reverting link settings and flushing cache")
if !isDbusListenerRunning(systemdResolvedDest, s.dbusLinkObject) {
return nil
// this call is required for DNS cleanup, even if it fails
err := s.callLinkMethod(systemdDbusRevertMethodSuffix, nil)
if err != nil {
var dbusErr dbus.Error
if errors.As(err, &dbusErr) && dbusErr.Name == dbusErrorUnknownObject {
// interface is gone already
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unable to revert link configuration, got error: %w", err)
if err := removeUncleanShutdownIndicator(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to remove unclean shutdown resolv.conf backup: %s", err)
return s.flushCaches()
func (s *systemdDbusConfigurator) flushCaches() error {
obj, closeConn, err := getDbusObject(systemdResolvedDest, systemdDbusObjectNode)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("attempting to retrieve the object %s, err: %w", systemdDbusObjectNode, err)
defer closeConn()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
err = obj.CallWithContext(ctx, systemdDbusFlushCachesMethod, dbusDefaultFlag).Store()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("calling the FlushCaches method with context, err: %w", err)
return nil
func (s *systemdDbusConfigurator) callLinkMethod(method string, value any) error {
obj, closeConn, err := getDbusObject(systemdResolvedDest, s.dbusLinkObject)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("attempting to retrieve the object, err: %w", err)
defer closeConn()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if value != nil {
err = obj.CallWithContext(ctx, method, dbusDefaultFlag, value).Store()
} else {
err = obj.CallWithContext(ctx, method, dbusDefaultFlag).Store()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("calling command with context, err: %w", err)
return nil
func (s *systemdDbusConfigurator) restoreUncleanShutdownDNS(*netip.Addr) error {
if err := s.restoreHostDNS(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("restoring dns via systemd: %w", err)
return nil
func getSystemdDbusProperty(property string, store any) error {
obj, closeConn, err := getDbusObject(systemdResolvedDest, systemdDbusObjectNode)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("attempting to retrieve the systemd dns manager object, error: %w", err)
defer closeConn()
v, e := obj.GetProperty(property)
if e != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting property %s: %w", property, e)
return v.Store(store)
func isSystemdResolvedRunning() bool {
return isDbusListenerRunning(systemdResolvedDest, systemdDbusObjectNode)
func isSystemdResolveConfMode() bool {
if !isDbusListenerRunning(systemdResolvedDest, systemdDbusObjectNode) {
return false
var value string
if err := getSystemdDbusProperty(systemdDbusResolvConfModeProperty, &value); err != nil {
log.Errorf("got an error while checking systemd resolv conf mode, error: %s", err)
return false
if value == systemdDbusResolvConfModeForeign {
return true
return false