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synced 2025-03-27 16:16:52 +01:00
Adding --external-ip-map and --dns-resolver-address to up command and shorthand option to global flags. Refactor get and read config functions with new ConfigInput type. updated cobra package to latest release.
146 lines
3.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer
146 lines
3.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option go_package = "/proto";
package daemon;
service DaemonService {
// Login uses setup key to prepare configuration for the daemon.
rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns (LoginResponse) {}
// WaitSSOLogin uses the userCode to validate the TokenInfo and
// waits for the user to continue with the login on a browser
rpc WaitSSOLogin(WaitSSOLoginRequest) returns (WaitSSOLoginResponse) {}
// Up starts engine work in the daemon.
rpc Up(UpRequest) returns (UpResponse) {}
// Status of the service.
rpc Status(StatusRequest) returns (StatusResponse) {}
// Down engine work in the daemon.
rpc Down(DownRequest) returns (DownResponse) {}
// GetConfig of the daemon.
rpc GetConfig(GetConfigRequest) returns (GetConfigResponse) {}
message LoginRequest {
// setupKey wiretrustee setup key.
string setupKey = 1;
// preSharedKey for wireguard setup.
string preSharedKey = 2;
// managementUrl to authenticate.
string managementUrl = 3;
// adminUrl to manage keys.
string adminURL = 4;
// natExternalIPs map list of external IPs
repeated string natExternalIPs = 5;
// cleanNATExternalIPs clean map list of external IPs.
// This is needed because the generated code
// omits initialized empty slices due to omitempty tags
bool cleanNATExternalIPs = 6;
bytes customDNSAddress = 7;
message LoginResponse {
bool needsSSOLogin = 1;
string userCode = 2;
string verificationURI = 3;
string verificationURIComplete = 4;
message WaitSSOLoginRequest {
string userCode = 1;
message WaitSSOLoginResponse {}
message UpRequest {}
message UpResponse {}
message StatusRequest{
bool getFullPeerStatus = 1;
message StatusResponse{
// status of the server.
string status = 1;
FullStatus fullStatus = 2;
// NetBird daemon version
string daemonVersion = 3;
message DownRequest {}
message DownResponse {}
message GetConfigRequest {}
message GetConfigResponse {
// managementUrl settings value.
string managementUrl = 1;
// configFile settings value.
string configFile = 2;
// logFile settings value.
string logFile = 3;
// preSharedKey settings value.
string preSharedKey = 4;
// adminURL settings value.
string adminURL = 5;
// PeerState contains the latest state of a peer
message PeerState {
string IP = 1;
string pubKey = 2;
string connStatus = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp connStatusUpdate = 4;
bool relayed = 5;
bool direct = 6;
string localIceCandidateType = 7;
string remoteIceCandidateType =8;
string fqdn = 9;
// LocalPeerState contains the latest state of the local peer
message LocalPeerState {
string IP = 1;
string pubKey = 2;
bool kernelInterface =3;
string fqdn = 4;
// SignalState contains the latest state of a signal connection
message SignalState {
string URL = 1;
bool connected = 2;
// ManagementState contains the latest state of a management connection
message ManagementState {
string URL = 1;
bool connected = 2;
// FullStatus contains the full state held by the Status instance
message FullStatus {
ManagementState managementState = 1;
SignalState signalState = 2;
LocalPeerState localPeerState = 3;
repeated PeerState peers = 4;
} |