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synced 2025-03-19 17:56:41 +01:00
This PR showcases the implementation of additional linter rules. I've updated the golangci-lint GitHub Actions to the latest available version. This update makes sure that the tool works the same way locally - assuming being updated regularly - and with the GitHub Actions. I've also taken care of keeping all the GitHub Actions up to date, which helps our code stay current. But there's one part, goreleaser that's a bit tricky to test on our computers. So, it's important to take a close look at that. To make it easier to understand what I've done, I've made separate changes for each thing that the new linters found. This should help the people reviewing the changes see what's going on more clearly. Some of the changes might not be obvious at first glance. Things to consider for the future CI runs on Ubuntu so the static analysis only happens for Linux. Consider running it for the rest: Darwin, Windows
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436 lines
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package cmd
import (
type peerStateDetailOutput struct {
FQDN string `json:"fqdn" yaml:"fqdn"`
IP string `json:"netbirdIp" yaml:"netbirdIp"`
PubKey string `json:"publicKey" yaml:"publicKey"`
Status string `json:"status" yaml:"status"`
LastStatusUpdate time.Time `json:"lastStatusUpdate" yaml:"lastStatusUpdate"`
ConnType string `json:"connectionType" yaml:"connectionType"`
Direct bool `json:"direct" yaml:"direct"`
IceCandidateType iceCandidateType `json:"iceCandidateType" yaml:"iceCandidateType"`
type peersStateOutput struct {
Total int `json:"total" yaml:"total"`
Connected int `json:"connected" yaml:"connected"`
Details []peerStateDetailOutput `json:"details" yaml:"details"`
type signalStateOutput struct {
URL string `json:"url" yaml:"url"`
Connected bool `json:"connected" yaml:"connected"`
type managementStateOutput struct {
URL string `json:"url" yaml:"url"`
Connected bool `json:"connected" yaml:"connected"`
type iceCandidateType struct {
Local string `json:"local" yaml:"local"`
Remote string `json:"remote" yaml:"remote"`
type statusOutputOverview struct {
Peers peersStateOutput `json:"peers" yaml:"peers"`
CliVersion string `json:"cliVersion" yaml:"cliVersion"`
DaemonVersion string `json:"daemonVersion" yaml:"daemonVersion"`
ManagementState managementStateOutput `json:"management" yaml:"management"`
SignalState signalStateOutput `json:"signal" yaml:"signal"`
IP string `json:"netbirdIp" yaml:"netbirdIp"`
PubKey string `json:"publicKey" yaml:"publicKey"`
KernelInterface bool `json:"usesKernelInterface" yaml:"usesKernelInterface"`
FQDN string `json:"fqdn" yaml:"fqdn"`
var (
detailFlag bool
ipv4Flag bool
jsonFlag bool
yamlFlag bool
ipsFilter []string
statusFilter string
ipsFilterMap map[string]struct{}
var statusCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "status",
Short: "status of the Netbird Service",
RunE: statusFunc,
func init() {
ipsFilterMap = make(map[string]struct{})
statusCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&detailFlag, "detail", "d", false, "display detailed status information in human-readable format")
statusCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&jsonFlag, "json", false, "display detailed status information in json format")
statusCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&yamlFlag, "yaml", false, "display detailed status information in yaml format")
statusCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&ipv4Flag, "ipv4", false, "display only NetBird IPv4 of this peer, e.g., --ipv4 will output")
statusCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive("detail", "json", "yaml", "ipv4")
statusCmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVar(&ipsFilter, "filter-by-ips", []string{}, "filters the detailed output by a list of one or more IPs, e.g., --filter-by-ips,")
statusCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&statusFilter, "filter-by-status", "", "filters the detailed output by connection status(connected|disconnected), e.g., --filter-by-status connected")
func statusFunc(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
err := parseFilters()
if err != nil {
return err
err = util.InitLog(logLevel, "console")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed initializing log %v", err)
ctx := internal.CtxInitState(context.Background())
resp, err := getStatus(ctx, cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.GetStatus() == string(internal.StatusNeedsLogin) || resp.GetStatus() == string(internal.StatusLoginFailed) {
cmd.Printf("Daemon status: %s\n\n"+
"Run UP command to log in with SSO (interactive login):\n\n"+
" netbird up \n\n"+
"If you are running a self-hosted version and no SSO provider has been configured in your Management Server,\n"+
"you can use a setup-key:\n\n netbird up --management-url <YOUR_MANAGEMENT_URL> --setup-key <YOUR_SETUP_KEY>\n\n"+
"More info: https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/register-machines-using-setup-keys\n\n",
return nil
if ipv4Flag {
return nil
outputInformationHolder := convertToStatusOutputOverview(resp)
var statusOutputString string
switch {
case detailFlag:
statusOutputString = parseToFullDetailSummary(outputInformationHolder)
case jsonFlag:
statusOutputString, err = parseToJSON(outputInformationHolder)
case yamlFlag:
statusOutputString, err = parseToYAML(outputInformationHolder)
statusOutputString = parseGeneralSummary(outputInformationHolder, false)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func getStatus(ctx context.Context, cmd *cobra.Command) (*proto.StatusResponse, error) {
conn, err := DialClientGRPCServer(ctx, daemonAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to connect to daemon error: %v\n"+
"If the daemon is not running please run: "+
"\nnetbird service install \nnetbird service start\n", err)
defer conn.Close()
resp, err := proto.NewDaemonServiceClient(conn).Status(cmd.Context(), &proto.StatusRequest{GetFullPeerStatus: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("status failed: %v", status.Convert(err).Message())
return resp, nil
func parseFilters() error {
switch strings.ToLower(statusFilter) {
case "", "disconnected", "connected":
return fmt.Errorf("wrong status filter, should be one of connected|disconnected, got: %s", statusFilter)
if len(ipsFilter) > 0 {
for _, addr := range ipsFilter {
_, err := netip.ParseAddr(addr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("got an invalid IP address in the filter: address %s, error %s", addr, err)
ipsFilterMap[addr] = struct{}{}
return nil
func convertToStatusOutputOverview(resp *proto.StatusResponse) statusOutputOverview {
pbFullStatus := resp.GetFullStatus()
managementState := pbFullStatus.GetManagementState()
managementOverview := managementStateOutput{
URL: managementState.GetURL(),
Connected: managementState.GetConnected(),
signalState := pbFullStatus.GetSignalState()
signalOverview := signalStateOutput{
URL: signalState.GetURL(),
Connected: signalState.GetConnected(),
peersOverview := mapPeers(resp.GetFullStatus().GetPeers())
overview := statusOutputOverview{
Peers: peersOverview,
CliVersion: version.NetbirdVersion(),
DaemonVersion: resp.GetDaemonVersion(),
ManagementState: managementOverview,
SignalState: signalOverview,
IP: pbFullStatus.GetLocalPeerState().GetIP(),
PubKey: pbFullStatus.GetLocalPeerState().GetPubKey(),
KernelInterface: pbFullStatus.GetLocalPeerState().GetKernelInterface(),
FQDN: pbFullStatus.GetLocalPeerState().GetFqdn(),
return overview
func mapPeers(peers []*proto.PeerState) peersStateOutput {
var peersStateDetail []peerStateDetailOutput
localICE := ""
remoteICE := ""
connType := ""
peersConnected := 0
for _, pbPeerState := range peers {
isPeerConnected := pbPeerState.ConnStatus == peer.StatusConnected.String()
if skipDetailByFilters(pbPeerState, isPeerConnected) {
if isPeerConnected {
peersConnected = peersConnected + 1
localICE = pbPeerState.GetLocalIceCandidateType()
remoteICE = pbPeerState.GetRemoteIceCandidateType()
connType = "P2P"
if pbPeerState.Relayed {
connType = "Relayed"
timeLocal := pbPeerState.GetConnStatusUpdate().AsTime().Local()
peerState := peerStateDetailOutput{
IP: pbPeerState.GetIP(),
PubKey: pbPeerState.GetPubKey(),
Status: pbPeerState.GetConnStatus(),
LastStatusUpdate: timeLocal,
ConnType: connType,
Direct: pbPeerState.GetDirect(),
IceCandidateType: iceCandidateType{
Local: localICE,
Remote: remoteICE,
FQDN: pbPeerState.GetFqdn(),
peersStateDetail = append(peersStateDetail, peerState)
peersOverview := peersStateOutput{
Total: len(peersStateDetail),
Connected: peersConnected,
Details: peersStateDetail,
return peersOverview
func sortPeersByIP(peersStateDetail []peerStateDetailOutput) {
if len(peersStateDetail) > 0 {
sort.SliceStable(peersStateDetail, func(i, j int) bool {
iAddr, _ := netip.ParseAddr(peersStateDetail[i].IP)
jAddr, _ := netip.ParseAddr(peersStateDetail[j].IP)
return iAddr.Compare(jAddr) == -1
func parseInterfaceIP(interfaceIP string) string {
ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(interfaceIP)
if err != nil {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", ip)
func parseToJSON(overview statusOutputOverview) (string, error) {
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(overview)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("json marshal failed")
return string(jsonBytes), err
func parseToYAML(overview statusOutputOverview) (string, error) {
yamlBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(overview)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("yaml marshal failed")
return string(yamlBytes), nil
func parseGeneralSummary(overview statusOutputOverview, showURL bool) string {
managementConnString := "Disconnected"
if overview.ManagementState.Connected {
managementConnString = "Connected"
if showURL {
managementConnString = fmt.Sprintf("%s to %s", managementConnString, overview.ManagementState.URL)
signalConnString := "Disconnected"
if overview.SignalState.Connected {
signalConnString = "Connected"
if showURL {
signalConnString = fmt.Sprintf("%s to %s", signalConnString, overview.SignalState.URL)
interfaceTypeString := "Userspace"
interfaceIP := overview.IP
if overview.KernelInterface {
interfaceTypeString = "Kernel"
} else if overview.IP == "" {
interfaceTypeString = "N/A"
interfaceIP = "N/A"
peersCountString := fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d Connected", overview.Peers.Connected, overview.Peers.Total)
summary := fmt.Sprintf(
"Daemon version: %s\n"+
"CLI version: %s\n"+
"Management: %s\n"+
"Signal: %s\n"+
"FQDN: %s\n"+
"NetBird IP: %s\n"+
"Interface type: %s\n"+
"Peers count: %s\n",
return summary
func parseToFullDetailSummary(overview statusOutputOverview) string {
parsedPeersString := parsePeers(overview.Peers)
summary := parseGeneralSummary(overview, true)
return fmt.Sprintf(
"Peers detail:"+
func parsePeers(peers peersStateOutput) string {
var (
peersString = ""
for _, peerState := range peers.Details {
localICE := "-"
if peerState.IceCandidateType.Local != "" {
localICE = peerState.IceCandidateType.Local
remoteICE := "-"
if peerState.IceCandidateType.Remote != "" {
remoteICE = peerState.IceCandidateType.Remote
peerString := fmt.Sprintf(
"\n %s:\n"+
" NetBird IP: %s\n"+
" Public key: %s\n"+
" Status: %s\n"+
" -- detail --\n"+
" Connection type: %s\n"+
" Direct: %t\n"+
" ICE candidate (Local/Remote): %s/%s\n"+
" Last connection update: %s\n",
peerState.LastStatusUpdate.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
peersString = peersString + peerString
return peersString
func skipDetailByFilters(peerState *proto.PeerState, isConnected bool) bool {
statusEval := false
ipEval := false
if statusFilter != "" {
lowerStatusFilter := strings.ToLower(statusFilter)
if lowerStatusFilter == "disconnected" && isConnected {
statusEval = true
} else if lowerStatusFilter == "connected" && !isConnected {
statusEval = true
if len(ipsFilter) > 0 {
_, ok := ipsFilterMap[peerState.IP]
if !ok {
ipEval = true
return statusEval || ipEval