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synced 2025-03-20 02:07:01 +01:00
Update the client's engine to apply firewall rules received from the manager (results of ACL policy).
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package server
import (
b64 "encoding/base64"
cacheStore "github.com/eko/gocache/v3/store"
gocache "github.com/patrickmn/go-cache"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
nbdns "github.com/netbirdio/netbird/dns"
const (
PublicCategory = "public"
PrivateCategory = "private"
UnknownCategory = "unknown"
CacheExpirationMax = 7 * 24 * 3600 * time.Second // 7 days
CacheExpirationMin = 3 * 24 * 3600 * time.Second // 3 days
DefaultPeerLoginExpiration = 24 * time.Hour
func cacheEntryExpiration() time.Duration {
r := rand.Intn(int(CacheExpirationMax.Milliseconds()-CacheExpirationMin.Milliseconds())) + int(CacheExpirationMin.Milliseconds())
return time.Duration(r) * time.Millisecond
type AccountManager interface {
GetOrCreateAccountByUser(userId, domain string) (*Account, error)
CreateSetupKey(accountID string, keyName string, keyType SetupKeyType, expiresIn time.Duration,
autoGroups []string, usageLimit int, userID string) (*SetupKey, error)
SaveSetupKey(accountID string, key *SetupKey, userID string) (*SetupKey, error)
CreateUser(accountID, initiatorUserID string, key *UserInfo) (*UserInfo, error)
DeleteUser(accountID, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string) error
ListSetupKeys(accountID, userID string) ([]*SetupKey, error)
SaveUser(accountID, initiatorUserID string, update *User) (*UserInfo, error)
GetSetupKey(accountID, userID, keyID string) (*SetupKey, error)
GetAccountByUserOrAccountID(userID, accountID, domain string) (*Account, error)
GetAccountFromToken(claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (*Account, *User, error)
GetAccountFromPAT(pat string) (*Account, *User, *PersonalAccessToken, error)
MarkPATUsed(tokenID string) error
GetUser(claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (*User, error)
AccountExists(accountId string) (*bool, error)
GetPeerByKey(peerKey string) (*Peer, error)
GetPeers(accountID, userID string) ([]*Peer, error)
MarkPeerConnected(peerKey string, connected bool) error
DeletePeer(accountID, peerID, userID string) (*Peer, error)
GetPeerByIP(accountId string, peerIP string) (*Peer, error)
UpdatePeer(accountID, userID string, peer *Peer) (*Peer, error)
GetNetworkMap(peerID string) (*NetworkMap, error)
GetPeerNetwork(peerID string) (*Network, error)
AddPeer(setupKey, userID string, peer *Peer) (*Peer, *NetworkMap, error)
CreatePAT(accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string, tokenName string, expiresIn int) (*PersonalAccessTokenGenerated, error)
DeletePAT(accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string, tokenID string) error
GetPAT(accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string, tokenID string) (*PersonalAccessToken, error)
GetAllPATs(accountID string, initiatorUserID string, targetUserID string) ([]*PersonalAccessToken, error)
UpdatePeerSSHKey(peerID string, sshKey string) error
GetUsersFromAccount(accountID, userID string) ([]*UserInfo, error)
GetGroup(accountId, groupID string) (*Group, error)
SaveGroup(accountID, userID string, group *Group) error
UpdateGroup(accountID string, groupID string, operations []GroupUpdateOperation) (*Group, error)
DeleteGroup(accountId, groupID string) error
ListGroups(accountId string) ([]*Group, error)
GroupAddPeer(accountId, groupID, peerID string) error
GroupDeletePeer(accountId, groupID, peerKey string) error
GroupListPeers(accountId, groupID string) ([]*Peer, error)
GetPolicy(accountID, policyID, userID string) (*Policy, error)
SavePolicy(accountID, userID string, policy *Policy) error
DeletePolicy(accountID, policyID, userID string) error
ListPolicies(accountID, userID string) ([]*Policy, error)
GetRoute(accountID, routeID, userID string) (*route.Route, error)
CreateRoute(accountID string, prefix, peerID, description, netID string, masquerade bool, metric int, groups []string, enabled bool, userID string) (*route.Route, error)
SaveRoute(accountID, userID string, route *route.Route) error
UpdateRoute(accountID, routeID string, operations []RouteUpdateOperation) (*route.Route, error)
DeleteRoute(accountID, routeID, userID string) error
ListRoutes(accountID, userID string) ([]*route.Route, error)
GetNameServerGroup(accountID, nsGroupID string) (*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error)
CreateNameServerGroup(accountID string, name, description string, nameServerList []nbdns.NameServer, groups []string, primary bool, domains []string, enabled bool, userID string) (*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error)
SaveNameServerGroup(accountID, userID string, nsGroupToSave *nbdns.NameServerGroup) error
UpdateNameServerGroup(accountID, nsGroupID, userID string, operations []NameServerGroupUpdateOperation) (*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error)
DeleteNameServerGroup(accountID, nsGroupID, userID string) error
ListNameServerGroups(accountID string) ([]*nbdns.NameServerGroup, error)
GetDNSDomain() string
GetEvents(accountID, userID string) ([]*activity.Event, error)
GetDNSSettings(accountID string, userID string) (*DNSSettings, error)
SaveDNSSettings(accountID string, userID string, dnsSettingsToSave *DNSSettings) error
GetPeer(accountID, peerID, userID string) (*Peer, error)
UpdateAccountSettings(accountID, userID string, newSettings *Settings) (*Account, error)
LoginPeer(login PeerLogin) (*Peer, *NetworkMap, error) // used by peer gRPC API
SyncPeer(sync PeerSync) (*Peer, *NetworkMap, error) // used by peer gRPC API
type DefaultAccountManager struct {
Store Store
// cacheMux and cacheLoading helps to make sure that only a single cache reload runs at a time per accountID
cacheMux sync.Mutex
// cacheLoading keeps the accountIDs that are currently reloading. The accountID has to be removed once cache has been reloaded
cacheLoading map[string]chan struct{}
peersUpdateManager *PeersUpdateManager
idpManager idp.Manager
cacheManager cache.CacheInterface[[]*idp.UserData]
ctx context.Context
eventStore activity.Store
// singleAccountMode indicates whether the instance has a single account.
// If true, then every new user will end up under the same account.
// This value will be set to false if management service has more than one account.
singleAccountMode bool
// singleAccountModeDomain is a domain to use in singleAccountMode setup
singleAccountModeDomain string
// dnsDomain is used for peer resolution. This is appended to the peer's name
dnsDomain string
peerLoginExpiry Scheduler
// Settings represents Account settings structure that can be modified via API and Dashboard
type Settings struct {
// PeerLoginExpirationEnabled globally enables or disables peer login expiration
PeerLoginExpirationEnabled bool
// PeerLoginExpiration is a setting that indicates when peer login expires.
// Applies to all peers that have Peer.LoginExpirationEnabled set to true.
PeerLoginExpiration time.Duration
// Copy copies the Settings struct
func (s *Settings) Copy() *Settings {
return &Settings{
PeerLoginExpirationEnabled: s.PeerLoginExpirationEnabled,
PeerLoginExpiration: s.PeerLoginExpiration,
// Account represents a unique account of the system
type Account struct {
Id string
// User.Id it was created by
CreatedBy string
Domain string
DomainCategory string
IsDomainPrimaryAccount bool
SetupKeys map[string]*SetupKey
Network *Network
Peers map[string]*Peer
Users map[string]*User
Groups map[string]*Group
Rules map[string]*Rule
Policies []*Policy
Routes map[string]*route.Route
NameServerGroups map[string]*nbdns.NameServerGroup
DNSSettings *DNSSettings
// Settings is a dictionary of Account settings
Settings *Settings
type UserInfo struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Role string `json:"role"`
AutoGroups []string `json:"auto_groups"`
Status string `json:"-"`
IsServiceUser bool `json:"is_service_user"`
IsBlocked bool `json:"is_blocked"`
// getRoutesToSync returns the enabled routes for the peer ID and the routes
// from the ACL peers that have distribution groups associated with the peer ID.
// Please mind, that the returned route.Route objects will contain Peer.Key instead of Peer.ID.
func (a *Account) getRoutesToSync(peerID string, aclPeers []*Peer) []*route.Route {
routes, peerDisabledRoutes := a.getEnabledAndDisabledRoutesByPeer(peerID)
peerRoutesMembership := make(lookupMap)
for _, r := range append(routes, peerDisabledRoutes...) {
peerRoutesMembership[route.GetHAUniqueID(r)] = struct{}{}
groupListMap := a.getPeerGroups(peerID)
for _, peer := range aclPeers {
activeRoutes, _ := a.getEnabledAndDisabledRoutesByPeer(peer.ID)
groupFilteredRoutes := a.filterRoutesByGroups(activeRoutes, groupListMap)
filteredRoutes := a.filterRoutesFromPeersOfSameHAGroup(groupFilteredRoutes, peerRoutesMembership)
routes = append(routes, filteredRoutes...)
return routes
// filterRoutesByHAMembership filters and returns a list of routes that don't share the same HA route membership
func (a *Account) filterRoutesFromPeersOfSameHAGroup(routes []*route.Route, peerMemberships lookupMap) []*route.Route {
var filteredRoutes []*route.Route
for _, r := range routes {
_, found := peerMemberships[route.GetHAUniqueID(r)]
if !found {
filteredRoutes = append(filteredRoutes, r)
return filteredRoutes
// filterRoutesByGroups returns a list with routes that have distribution groups in the group's map
func (a *Account) filterRoutesByGroups(routes []*route.Route, groupListMap lookupMap) []*route.Route {
var filteredRoutes []*route.Route
for _, r := range routes {
for _, groupID := range r.Groups {
_, found := groupListMap[groupID]
if found {
filteredRoutes = append(filteredRoutes, r)
return filteredRoutes
// getEnabledAndDisabledRoutesByPeer returns the enabled and disabled lists of routes that belong to a peer.
// Please mind, that the returned route.Route objects will contain Peer.Key instead of Peer.ID.
func (a *Account) getEnabledAndDisabledRoutesByPeer(peerID string) ([]*route.Route, []*route.Route) {
var enabledRoutes []*route.Route
var disabledRoutes []*route.Route
for _, r := range a.Routes {
if r.Peer == peerID {
// We need to set Peer.Key instead of Peer.ID because this object will be sent to agents as part of a network map.
// Ideally we should have a separate field for that, but fine for now.
peer := a.GetPeer(peerID)
if peer == nil {
log.Errorf("route %s has peer %s that doesn't exist under account %s", r.ID, peerID, a.Id)
raut := r.Copy()
raut.Peer = peer.Key
if r.Enabled {
enabledRoutes = append(enabledRoutes, raut)
disabledRoutes = append(disabledRoutes, raut)
return enabledRoutes, disabledRoutes
// GetRoutesByPrefix return list of routes by account and route prefix
func (a *Account) GetRoutesByPrefix(prefix netip.Prefix) []*route.Route {
var routes []*route.Route
for _, r := range a.Routes {
if r.Network.String() == prefix.String() {
routes = append(routes, r)
return routes
// GetPeerByIP returns peer by it's IP if exists under account or nil otherwise
func (a *Account) GetPeerByIP(peerIP string) *Peer {
for _, peer := range a.Peers {
if peerIP == peer.IP.String() {
return peer
return nil
// GetGroup returns a group by ID if exists, nil otherwise
func (a *Account) GetGroup(groupID string) *Group {
return a.Groups[groupID]
// GetPeerNetworkMap returns a group by ID if exists, nil otherwise
func (a *Account) GetPeerNetworkMap(peerID, dnsDomain string) *NetworkMap {
aclPeers, firewallRules := a.getPeerConnectionResources(peerID)
// exclude expired peers
var peersToConnect []*Peer
var expiredPeers []*Peer
for _, p := range aclPeers {
expired, _ := p.LoginExpired(a.Settings.PeerLoginExpiration)
if a.Settings.PeerLoginExpirationEnabled && expired {
expiredPeers = append(expiredPeers, p)
peersToConnect = append(peersToConnect, p)
// Please mind, that the returned route.Route objects will contain Peer.Key instead of Peer.ID.
routesUpdate := a.getRoutesToSync(peerID, peersToConnect)
dnsManagementStatus := a.getPeerDNSManagementStatus(peerID)
dnsUpdate := nbdns.Config{
ServiceEnable: dnsManagementStatus,
if dnsManagementStatus {
var zones []nbdns.CustomZone
peersCustomZone := getPeersCustomZone(a, dnsDomain)
if peersCustomZone.Domain != "" {
zones = append(zones, peersCustomZone)
dnsUpdate.CustomZones = zones
dnsUpdate.NameServerGroups = getPeerNSGroups(a, peerID)
return &NetworkMap{
Peers: peersToConnect,
Network: a.Network.Copy(),
Routes: routesUpdate,
DNSConfig: dnsUpdate,
OfflinePeers: expiredPeers,
FirewallRules: firewallRules,
// GetExpiredPeers returns peers that have been expired
func (a *Account) GetExpiredPeers() []*Peer {
var peers []*Peer
for _, peer := range a.GetPeersWithExpiration() {
expired, _ := peer.LoginExpired(a.Settings.PeerLoginExpiration)
if expired {
peers = append(peers, peer)
return peers
// GetNextPeerExpiration returns the minimum duration in which the next peer of the account will expire if it was found.
// If there is no peer that expires this function returns false and a duration of 0.
// This function only considers peers that haven't been expired yet and that are connected.
func (a *Account) GetNextPeerExpiration() (time.Duration, bool) {
peersWithExpiry := a.GetPeersWithExpiration()
if len(peersWithExpiry) == 0 {
return 0, false
var nextExpiry *time.Duration
for _, peer := range peersWithExpiry {
// consider only connected peers because others will require login on connecting to the management server
if peer.Status.LoginExpired || !peer.Status.Connected {
_, duration := peer.LoginExpired(a.Settings.PeerLoginExpiration)
if nextExpiry == nil || duration < *nextExpiry {
nextExpiry = &duration
if nextExpiry == nil {
return 0, false
return *nextExpiry, true
// GetPeersWithExpiration returns a list of peers that have Peer.LoginExpirationEnabled set to true and that were added by a user
func (a *Account) GetPeersWithExpiration() []*Peer {
peers := make([]*Peer, 0)
for _, peer := range a.Peers {
if peer.LoginExpirationEnabled && peer.AddedWithSSOLogin() {
peers = append(peers, peer)
return peers
// GetPeers returns a list of all Account peers
func (a *Account) GetPeers() []*Peer {
var peers []*Peer
for _, peer := range a.Peers {
peers = append(peers, peer)
return peers
// UpdateSettings saves new account settings
func (a *Account) UpdateSettings(update *Settings) *Account {
a.Settings = update.Copy()
return a
// UpdatePeer saves new or replaces existing peer
func (a *Account) UpdatePeer(update *Peer) {
a.Peers[update.ID] = update
// DeletePeer deletes peer from the account cleaning up all the references
func (a *Account) DeletePeer(peerID string) {
// delete peer from groups
for _, g := range a.Groups {
for i, pk := range g.Peers {
if pk == peerID {
g.Peers = append(g.Peers[:i], g.Peers[i+1:]...)
for _, r := range a.Routes {
if r.Peer == peerID {
r.Enabled = false
r.Peer = ""
delete(a.Peers, peerID)
// FindPeerByPubKey looks for a Peer by provided WireGuard public key in the Account or returns error if it wasn't found.
// It will return an object copy of the peer.
func (a *Account) FindPeerByPubKey(peerPubKey string) (*Peer, error) {
for _, peer := range a.Peers {
if peer.Key == peerPubKey {
return peer.Copy(), nil
return nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "peer with the public key %s not found", peerPubKey)
// FindUserPeers returns a list of peers that user owns (created)
func (a *Account) FindUserPeers(userID string) ([]*Peer, error) {
peers := make([]*Peer, 0)
for _, peer := range a.Peers {
if peer.UserID == userID {
peers = append(peers, peer)
return peers, nil
// FindUser looks for a given user in the Account or returns error if user wasn't found.
func (a *Account) FindUser(userID string) (*User, error) {
user := a.Users[userID]
if user == nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "user %s not found", userID)
return user, nil
// FindSetupKey looks for a given SetupKey in the Account or returns error if it wasn't found.
func (a *Account) FindSetupKey(setupKey string) (*SetupKey, error) {
key := a.SetupKeys[setupKey]
if key == nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "setup key not found")
return key, nil
func (a *Account) getUserGroups(userID string) ([]string, error) {
user, err := a.FindUser(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return user.AutoGroups, nil
func (a *Account) getPeerDNSManagementStatus(peerID string) bool {
peerGroups := a.getPeerGroups(peerID)
enabled := true
if a.DNSSettings != nil {
for _, groupID := range a.DNSSettings.DisabledManagementGroups {
_, found := peerGroups[groupID]
if found {
enabled = false
return enabled
func (a *Account) getPeerGroups(peerID string) lookupMap {
groupList := make(lookupMap)
for groupID, group := range a.Groups {
for _, id := range group.Peers {
if id == peerID {
groupList[groupID] = struct{}{}
return groupList
func (a *Account) getSetupKeyGroups(setupKey string) ([]string, error) {
key, err := a.FindSetupKey(setupKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return key.AutoGroups, nil
func (a *Account) getTakenIPs() []net.IP {
var takenIps []net.IP
for _, existingPeer := range a.Peers {
takenIps = append(takenIps, existingPeer.IP)
return takenIps
func (a *Account) getPeerDNSLabels() lookupMap {
existingLabels := make(lookupMap)
for _, peer := range a.Peers {
if peer.DNSLabel != "" {
existingLabels[peer.DNSLabel] = struct{}{}
return existingLabels
func (a *Account) Copy() *Account {
peers := map[string]*Peer{}
for id, peer := range a.Peers {
peers[id] = peer.Copy()
users := map[string]*User{}
for id, user := range a.Users {
users[id] = user.Copy()
setupKeys := map[string]*SetupKey{}
for id, key := range a.SetupKeys {
setupKeys[id] = key.Copy()
groups := map[string]*Group{}
for id, group := range a.Groups {
groups[id] = group.Copy()
rules := map[string]*Rule{}
for id, rule := range a.Rules {
rules[id] = rule.Copy()
policies := []*Policy{}
for _, policy := range a.Policies {
policies = append(policies, policy.Copy())
routes := map[string]*route.Route{}
for id, route := range a.Routes {
routes[id] = route.Copy()
nsGroups := map[string]*nbdns.NameServerGroup{}
for id, nsGroup := range a.NameServerGroups {
nsGroups[id] = nsGroup.Copy()
var dnsSettings *DNSSettings
if a.DNSSettings != nil {
dnsSettings = a.DNSSettings.Copy()
var settings *Settings
if a.Settings != nil {
settings = a.Settings.Copy()
return &Account{
Id: a.Id,
CreatedBy: a.CreatedBy,
Domain: a.Domain,
DomainCategory: a.DomainCategory,
IsDomainPrimaryAccount: a.IsDomainPrimaryAccount,
SetupKeys: setupKeys,
Network: a.Network.Copy(),
Peers: peers,
Users: users,
Groups: groups,
Rules: rules,
Policies: policies,
Routes: routes,
NameServerGroups: nsGroups,
DNSSettings: dnsSettings,
Settings: settings,
func (a *Account) GetGroupAll() (*Group, error) {
for _, g := range a.Groups {
if g.Name == "All" {
return g, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no group ALL found")
// GetPeer looks up a Peer by ID
func (a *Account) GetPeer(peerID string) *Peer {
return a.Peers[peerID]
// BuildManager creates a new DefaultAccountManager with a provided Store
func BuildManager(store Store, peersUpdateManager *PeersUpdateManager, idpManager idp.Manager,
singleAccountModeDomain string, dnsDomain string, eventStore activity.Store,
) (*DefaultAccountManager, error) {
am := &DefaultAccountManager{
Store: store,
peersUpdateManager: peersUpdateManager,
idpManager: idpManager,
ctx: context.Background(),
cacheMux: sync.Mutex{},
cacheLoading: map[string]chan struct{}{},
dnsDomain: dnsDomain,
eventStore: eventStore,
peerLoginExpiry: NewDefaultScheduler(),
allAccounts := store.GetAllAccounts()
// enable single account mode only if configured by user and number of existing accounts is not grater than 1
am.singleAccountMode = singleAccountModeDomain != "" && len(allAccounts) <= 1
if am.singleAccountMode {
if !isDomainValid(singleAccountModeDomain) {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "invalid domain \"%s\" provided for a single account mode. Please review your input for --single-account-mode-domain", singleAccountModeDomain)
am.singleAccountModeDomain = singleAccountModeDomain
log.Infof("single account mode enabled, accounts number %d", len(allAccounts))
} else {
log.Infof("single account mode disabled, accounts number %d", len(allAccounts))
// if account doesn't have a default group
// we create 'all' group and add all peers into it
// also we create default rule with source as destination
for _, account := range allAccounts {
shouldSave := false
_, err := account.GetGroupAll()
if err != nil {
if err := addAllGroup(account); err != nil {
return nil, err
shouldSave = true
if shouldSave {
err = store.SaveAccount(account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
goCacheClient := gocache.New(CacheExpirationMax, 30*time.Minute)
goCacheStore := cacheStore.NewGoCache(goCacheClient)
am.cacheManager = cache.NewLoadable[[]*idp.UserData](am.loadAccount, cache.New[[]*idp.UserData](goCacheStore))
if !isNil(am.idpManager) {
go func() {
err := am.warmupIDPCache()
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed warming up cache due to error: %v", err)
// todo retry?
return am, nil
// UpdateAccountSettings updates Account settings.
// Only users with role UserRoleAdmin can update the account.
// User that performs the update has to belong to the account.
// Returns an updated Account
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdateAccountSettings(accountID, userID string, newSettings *Settings) (*Account, error) {
halfYearLimit := 180 * 24 * time.Hour
if newSettings.PeerLoginExpiration > halfYearLimit {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "peer login expiration can't be larger than 180 days")
if newSettings.PeerLoginExpiration < time.Hour {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "peer login expiration can't be smaller than one hour")
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
account, err := am.Store.GetAccountByUser(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
user, err := account.FindUser(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !user.IsAdmin() {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.PermissionDenied, "user is not allowed to update account")
oldSettings := account.Settings
if oldSettings.PeerLoginExpirationEnabled != newSettings.PeerLoginExpirationEnabled {
event := activity.AccountPeerLoginExpirationEnabled
if !newSettings.PeerLoginExpirationEnabled {
event = activity.AccountPeerLoginExpirationDisabled
} else {
am.storeEvent(userID, accountID, accountID, event, nil)
if oldSettings.PeerLoginExpiration != newSettings.PeerLoginExpiration {
am.storeEvent(userID, accountID, accountID, activity.AccountPeerLoginExpirationDurationUpdated, nil)
updatedAccount := account.UpdateSettings(newSettings)
err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return updatedAccount, nil
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) peerLoginExpirationJob(accountID string) func() (time.Duration, bool) {
return func() (time.Duration, bool) {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed getting account %s expiring peers", account.Id)
return account.GetNextPeerExpiration()
var peerIDs []string
for _, peer := range account.GetExpiredPeers() {
if peer.Status.LoginExpired {
peerIDs = append(peerIDs, peer.ID)
err = am.Store.SavePeerStatus(account.Id, peer.ID, *peer.Status)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed saving peer status while expiring peer %s", peer.ID)
return account.GetNextPeerExpiration()
log.Debugf("discovered %d peers to expire for account %s", len(peerIDs), account.Id)
if len(peerIDs) != 0 {
// this will trigger peer disconnect from the management service
err = am.updateAccountPeers(account)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed updating account peers while expiring peers for account %s", accountID)
return account.GetNextPeerExpiration()
return account.GetNextPeerExpiration()
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) checkAndSchedulePeerLoginExpiration(account *Account) {
if nextRun, ok := account.GetNextPeerExpiration(); ok {
go am.peerLoginExpiry.Schedule(nextRun, account.Id, am.peerLoginExpirationJob(account.Id))
// newAccount creates a new Account with a generated ID and generated default setup keys.
// If ID is already in use (due to collision) we try one more time before returning error
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) newAccount(userID, domain string) (*Account, error) {
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
accountId := xid.New().String()
_, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountId)
statusErr, _ := status.FromError(err)
if err == nil {
log.Warnf("an account with ID already exists, retrying...")
} else if statusErr.Type() == status.NotFound {
newAccount := newAccountWithId(accountId, userID, domain)
am.storeEvent(userID, newAccount.Id, accountId, activity.AccountCreated, nil)
return newAccount, nil
} else {
return nil, err
return nil, status.Errorf(status.Internal, "error while creating new account")
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) warmupIDPCache() error {
userData, err := am.idpManager.GetAllAccounts()
if err != nil {
return err
for accountID, users := range userData {
err = am.cacheManager.Set(am.ctx, accountID, users, cacheStore.WithExpiration(cacheEntryExpiration()))
if err != nil {
return err
log.Infof("warmed up IDP cache with %d entries", len(userData))
return nil
// GetAccountByUserOrAccountID looks for an account by user or accountID, if no account is provided and
// userID doesn't have an account associated with it, one account is created
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountByUserOrAccountID(userID, accountID, domain string) (*Account, error) {
if accountID != "" {
return am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
} else if userID != "" {
account, err := am.GetOrCreateAccountByUser(userID, domain)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "account not found using user id: %s", userID)
err = am.addAccountIDToIDPAppMeta(userID, account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return account, nil
return nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "no valid user or account Id provided")
func isNil(i idp.Manager) bool {
return i == nil || reflect.ValueOf(i).IsNil()
// addAccountIDToIDPAppMeta update user's app metadata in idp manager
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) addAccountIDToIDPAppMeta(userID string, account *Account) error {
if !isNil(am.idpManager) {
// user can be nil if it wasn't found (e.g., just created)
user, err := am.lookupUserInCache(userID, account)
if err != nil {
return err
if user != nil && user.AppMetadata.WTAccountID == account.Id {
// it was already set, so we skip the unnecessary update
log.Debugf("skipping IDP App Meta update because accountID %s has been already set for user %s",
account.Id, userID)
return nil
err = am.idpManager.UpdateUserAppMetadata(userID, idp.AppMetadata{WTAccountID: account.Id})
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(status.Internal, "updating user's app metadata failed with: %v", err)
// refresh cache to reflect the update
_, err = am.refreshCache(account.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) loadAccount(_ context.Context, accountID interface{}) ([]*idp.UserData, error) {
log.Debugf("account %s not found in cache, reloading", accountID)
return am.idpManager.GetAccount(fmt.Sprintf("%v", accountID))
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) lookupUserInCacheByEmail(email string, accountID string) (*idp.UserData, error) {
data, err := am.getAccountFromCache(accountID, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, datum := range data {
if datum.Email == email {
return datum, nil
return nil, nil
// lookupUserInCache looks up user in the IdP cache and returns it. If the user wasn't found, the function returns nil
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) lookupUserInCache(userID string, account *Account) (*idp.UserData, error) {
users := make(map[string]struct{}, len(account.Users))
for _, user := range account.Users {
if !user.IsServiceUser {
users[user.Id] = struct{}{}
log.Debugf("looking up user %s of account %s in cache", userID, account.Id)
userData, err := am.lookupCache(users, account.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, datum := range userData {
if datum.ID == userID {
return datum, nil
return nil, nil
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) refreshCache(accountID string) ([]*idp.UserData, error) {
return am.getAccountFromCache(accountID, true)
// getAccountFromCache returns user data for a given account ensuring that cache load happens only once
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) getAccountFromCache(accountID string, forceReload bool) ([]*idp.UserData, error) {
loadingChan := am.cacheLoading[accountID]
if loadingChan == nil {
loadingChan = make(chan struct{})
am.cacheLoading[accountID] = loadingChan
defer func() {
delete(am.cacheLoading, accountID)
if forceReload {
err := am.cacheManager.Delete(am.ctx, accountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return am.cacheManager.Get(am.ctx, accountID)
log.Debugf("one request to get account %s is already running", accountID)
select {
case <-loadingChan:
// channel has been closed meaning cache was loaded => simply return from cache
return am.cacheManager.Get(am.ctx, accountID)
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
return nil, fmt.Errorf("timeout while waiting for account %s cache to reload", accountID)
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) lookupCache(accountUsers map[string]struct{}, accountID string) ([]*idp.UserData, error) {
data, err := am.getAccountFromCache(accountID, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
userDataMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, datum := range data {
userDataMap[datum.ID] = struct{}{}
// check whether we need to reload the cache
// the accountUsers ID list is the source of truth and all the users should be in the cache
reload := len(accountUsers) != len(data)
for user := range accountUsers {
if _, ok := userDataMap[user]; !ok {
reload = true
if reload {
// reload cache once avoiding loops
data, err = am.refreshCache(accountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, err
// updateAccountDomainAttributes updates the account domain attributes and then, saves the account
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) updateAccountDomainAttributes(account *Account, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims,
primaryDomain bool,
) error {
account.IsDomainPrimaryAccount = primaryDomain
lowerDomain := strings.ToLower(claims.Domain)
userObj := account.Users[claims.UserId]
if account.Domain != lowerDomain && userObj.Role == UserRoleAdmin {
account.Domain = lowerDomain
// prevent updating category for different domain until admin logs in
if account.Domain == lowerDomain {
account.DomainCategory = claims.DomainCategory
err := am.Store.SaveAccount(account)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// handleExistingUserAccount handles existing User accounts and update its domain attributes.
// If there is no primary domain account yet, we set the account as primary for the domain. Otherwise,
// we compare the account's ID with the domain account ID, and if they don't match, we set the account as
// non-primary account for the domain. We don't merge accounts at this stage, because of cases when a domain
// was previously unclassified or classified as public so N users that logged int that time, has they own account
// and peers that shouldn't be lost.
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) handleExistingUserAccount(
existingAcc *Account,
domainAcc *Account,
claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims,
) error {
var err error
if domainAcc != nil && existingAcc.Id != domainAcc.Id {
err = am.updateAccountDomainAttributes(existingAcc, claims, false)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err = am.updateAccountDomainAttributes(existingAcc, claims, true)
if err != nil {
return err
// we should register the account ID to this user's metadata in our IDP manager
err = am.addAccountIDToIDPAppMeta(claims.UserId, existingAcc)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// handleNewUserAccount validates if there is an existing primary account for the domain, if so it adds the new user to that account,
// otherwise it will create a new account and make it primary account for the domain.
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) handleNewUserAccount(domainAcc *Account, claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (*Account, error) {
if claims.UserId == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("user ID is empty")
var (
account *Account
err error
lowerDomain := strings.ToLower(claims.Domain)
// if domain already has a primary account, add regular user
if domainAcc != nil {
account = domainAcc
account.Users[claims.UserId] = NewRegularUser(claims.UserId)
err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
account, err = am.newAccount(claims.UserId, lowerDomain)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = am.updateAccountDomainAttributes(account, claims, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = am.addAccountIDToIDPAppMeta(claims.UserId, account)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
am.storeEvent(claims.UserId, claims.UserId, account.Id, activity.UserJoined, nil)
return account, nil
// redeemInvite checks whether user has been invited and redeems the invite
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) redeemInvite(account *Account, userID string) error {
// only possible with the enabled IdP manager
if am.idpManager == nil {
log.Warnf("invites only work with enabled IdP manager")
return nil
user, err := am.lookupUserInCache(userID, account)
if err != nil {
return err
if user == nil {
return status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "user %s not found in the IdP", userID)
if user.AppMetadata.WTPendingInvite != nil && *user.AppMetadata.WTPendingInvite {
log.Infof("redeeming invite for user %s account %s", userID, account.Id)
// User has already logged in, meaning that IdP should have set wt_pending_invite to false.
// Our job is to just reload cache.
go func() {
_, err = am.refreshCache(account.Id)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed reloading cache when redeeming user %s under account %s", userID, account.Id)
log.Debugf("user %s of account %s redeemed invite", user.ID, account.Id)
am.storeEvent(userID, userID, account.Id, activity.UserJoined, nil)
return nil
// MarkPATUsed marks a personal access token as used
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) MarkPATUsed(tokenID string) error {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireGlobalLock()
user, err := am.Store.GetUserByTokenID(tokenID)
if err != nil {
return err
account, err := am.Store.GetAccountByUser(user.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
unlock = am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(account.Id)
defer unlock()
account, err = am.Store.GetAccountByUser(user.Id)
if err != nil {
return err
pat, ok := account.Users[user.Id].PATs[tokenID]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("token not found")
pat.LastUsed = time.Now().UTC()
return am.Store.SaveAccount(account)
// GetAccountFromPAT returns Account and User associated with a personal access token
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountFromPAT(token string) (*Account, *User, *PersonalAccessToken, error) {
if len(token) != PATLength {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("token has wrong length")
prefix := token[:len(PATPrefix)]
if prefix != PATPrefix {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("token has wrong prefix")
secret := token[len(PATPrefix) : len(PATPrefix)+PATSecretLength]
encodedChecksum := token[len(PATPrefix)+PATSecretLength : len(PATPrefix)+PATSecretLength+PATChecksumLength]
verificationChecksum, err := base62.Decode(encodedChecksum)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("token checksum decoding failed: %w", err)
secretChecksum := crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(secret))
if secretChecksum != verificationChecksum {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("token checksum does not match")
hashedToken := sha256.Sum256([]byte(token))
encodedHashedToken := b64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hashedToken[:])
tokenID, err := am.Store.GetTokenIDByHashedToken(encodedHashedToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
user, err := am.Store.GetUserByTokenID(tokenID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
account, err := am.Store.GetAccountByUser(user.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
pat := user.PATs[tokenID]
if pat == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("personal access token not found")
return account, user, pat, nil
// GetAccountFromToken returns an account associated with this token
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetAccountFromToken(claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (*Account, *User, error) {
if claims.UserId == "" {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("user ID is empty")
if am.singleAccountMode && am.singleAccountModeDomain != "" {
// This section is mostly related to self-hosted installations.
// We override incoming domain claims to group users under a single account.
claims.Domain = am.singleAccountModeDomain
claims.DomainCategory = PrivateCategory
log.Infof("overriding JWT Domain and DomainCategory claims since single account mode is enabled")
account, err := am.getAccountWithAuthorizationClaims(claims)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
user := account.Users[claims.UserId]
if user == nil {
// this is not really possible because we got an account by user ID
return nil, nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "user %s not found", claims.UserId)
if !user.IsServiceUser {
err = am.redeemInvite(account, claims.UserId)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return account, user, nil
// getAccountWithAuthorizationClaims retrievs an account using JWT Claims.
// if domain is of the PrivateCategory category, it will evaluate
// if account is new, existing or if there is another account with the same domain
// Use cases:
// New user + New account + New domain -> create account, user role = admin (if private domain, index domain)
// New user + New account + Existing Private Domain -> add user to the existing account, user role = regular (not admin)
// New user + New account + Existing Public Domain -> create account, user role = admin
// Existing user + Existing account + Existing Domain -> Nothing changes (if private, index domain)
// Existing user + Existing account + Existing Indexed Domain -> Nothing changes
// Existing user + Existing account + Existing domain reclassified Domain as private -> Nothing changes (index domain)
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) getAccountWithAuthorizationClaims(claims jwtclaims.AuthorizationClaims) (*Account, error) {
if claims.UserId == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("user ID is empty")
// if Account ID is part of the claims
// it means that we've already classified the domain and user has an account
if claims.DomainCategory != PrivateCategory || !isDomainValid(claims.Domain) {
return am.GetAccountByUserOrAccountID(claims.UserId, claims.AccountId, claims.Domain)
} else if claims.AccountId != "" {
accountFromID, err := am.Store.GetAccount(claims.AccountId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := accountFromID.Users[claims.UserId]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("user %s is not part of the account id %s", claims.UserId, claims.AccountId)
if accountFromID.DomainCategory == PrivateCategory || claims.DomainCategory != PrivateCategory {
return accountFromID, nil
unlock := am.Store.AcquireGlobalLock()
defer unlock()
// We checked if the domain has a primary account already
domainAccount, err := am.Store.GetAccountByPrivateDomain(claims.Domain)
if err != nil {
// if NotFound we are good to continue, otherwise return error
e, ok := status.FromError(err)
if !ok || e.Type() != status.NotFound {
return nil, err
account, err := am.Store.GetAccountByUser(claims.UserId)
if err == nil {
err = am.handleExistingUserAccount(account, domainAccount, claims)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return account, nil
} else if s, ok := status.FromError(err); ok && s.Type() == status.NotFound {
return am.handleNewUserAccount(domainAccount, claims)
} else {
// other error
return nil, err
func isDomainValid(domain string) bool {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,}$`)
return re.Match([]byte(domain))
// AccountExists checks whether account exists (returns true) or not (returns false)
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) AccountExists(accountID string) (*bool, error) {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
var res bool
_, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
if s, ok := status.FromError(err); ok && s.Type() == status.NotFound {
res = false
return &res, nil
} else {
return nil, err
res = true
return &res, nil
// GetDNSDomain returns the configured dnsDomain
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetDNSDomain() string {
return am.dnsDomain
// addAllGroup to account object if it doesn't exists
func addAllGroup(account *Account) error {
if len(account.Groups) == 0 {
allGroup := &Group{
ID: xid.New().String(),
Name: "All",
for _, peer := range account.Peers {
allGroup.Peers = append(allGroup.Peers, peer.ID)
account.Groups = map[string]*Group{allGroup.ID: allGroup}
defaultRule := &Rule{
ID: xid.New().String(),
Name: DefaultRuleName,
Description: DefaultRuleDescription,
Disabled: false,
Source: []string{allGroup.ID},
Destination: []string{allGroup.ID},
account.Rules = map[string]*Rule{defaultRule.ID: defaultRule}
// TODO: after migration we need to drop rule and create policy directly
defaultPolicy, err := RuleToPolicy(defaultRule)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("convert rule to policy: %w", err)
account.Policies = []*Policy{defaultPolicy}
return nil
// newAccountWithId creates a new Account with a default SetupKey (doesn't store in a Store) and provided id
func newAccountWithId(accountId, userId, domain string) *Account {
log.Debugf("creating new account")
setupKeys := make(map[string]*SetupKey)
defaultKey := GenerateDefaultSetupKey()
oneOffKey := GenerateSetupKey("One-off key", SetupKeyOneOff, DefaultSetupKeyDuration, []string{},
setupKeys[defaultKey.Key] = defaultKey
setupKeys[oneOffKey.Key] = oneOffKey
network := NewNetwork()
peers := make(map[string]*Peer)
users := make(map[string]*User)
routes := make(map[string]*route.Route)
nameServersGroups := make(map[string]*nbdns.NameServerGroup)
users[userId] = NewAdminUser(userId)
dnsSettings := &DNSSettings{
DisabledManagementGroups: make([]string, 0),
log.Debugf("created new account %s with setup key %s", accountId, defaultKey.Key)
acc := &Account{
Id: accountId,
SetupKeys: setupKeys,
Network: network,
Peers: peers,
Users: users,
CreatedBy: userId,
Domain: domain,
Routes: routes,
NameServerGroups: nameServersGroups,
DNSSettings: dnsSettings,
Settings: &Settings{
PeerLoginExpirationEnabled: true,
PeerLoginExpiration: DefaultPeerLoginExpiration,
if err := addAllGroup(acc); err != nil {
log.Errorf("error adding all group to account %s: %v", acc.Id, err)
return acc
func removeFromList(inputList []string, toRemove []string) []string {
toRemoveMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, item := range toRemove {
toRemoveMap[item] = struct{}{}
var resultList []string
for _, item := range inputList {
_, ok := toRemoveMap[item]
if !ok {
resultList = append(resultList, item)
return resultList