Yury Gargay bb40325977
Update GitHub Actions and Enhance golangci-lint (#1075)
This PR showcases the implementation of additional linter rules. I've updated the golangci-lint GitHub Actions to the latest available version. This update makes sure that the tool works the same way locally - assuming being updated regularly - and with the GitHub Actions.

I've also taken care of keeping all the GitHub Actions up to date, which helps our code stay current. But there's one part, goreleaser that's a bit tricky to test on our computers. So, it's important to take a close look at that.

To make it easier to understand what I've done, I've made separate changes for each thing that the new linters found. This should help the people reviewing the changes see what's going on more clearly. Some of the changes might not be obvious at first glance.

Things to consider for the future
CI runs on Ubuntu so the static analysis only happens for Linux. Consider running it for the rest: Darwin, Windows
2023-09-04 17:03:44 +02:00

419 lines
12 KiB

package server
import (
log ""
const (
// UpdateRouteDescription indicates a route description update operation
UpdateRouteDescription RouteUpdateOperationType = iota
// UpdateRouteNetwork indicates a route IP update operation
// UpdateRoutePeer indicates a route peer update operation
// UpdateRouteMetric indicates a route metric update operation
// UpdateRouteMasquerade indicates a route masquerade update operation
// UpdateRouteEnabled indicates a route enabled update operation
// UpdateRouteNetworkIdentifier indicates a route net ID update operation
// UpdateRouteGroups indicates a group list update operation
// RouteUpdateOperationType operation type
type RouteUpdateOperationType int
func (t RouteUpdateOperationType) String() string {
switch t {
case UpdateRouteDescription:
return "UpdateRouteDescription"
case UpdateRouteNetwork:
return "UpdateRouteNetwork"
case UpdateRoutePeer:
return "UpdateRoutePeer"
case UpdateRouteMetric:
return "UpdateRouteMetric"
case UpdateRouteMasquerade:
return "UpdateRouteMasquerade"
case UpdateRouteEnabled:
return "UpdateRouteEnabled"
case UpdateRouteNetworkIdentifier:
return "UpdateRouteNetworkIdentifier"
case UpdateRouteGroups:
return "UpdateRouteGroups"
return "InvalidOperation"
// RouteUpdateOperation operation object with type and values to be applied
type RouteUpdateOperation struct {
Type RouteUpdateOperationType
Values []string
// GetRoute gets a route object from account and route IDs
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) GetRoute(accountID, routeID, userID string) (*route.Route, error) {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
user, err := account.FindUser(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !user.IsAdmin() {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.PermissionDenied, "Only administrators can view Network Routes")
wantedRoute, found := account.Routes[routeID]
if found {
return wantedRoute, nil
return nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "route with ID %s not found", routeID)
// checkPrefixPeerExists checks the combination of prefix and peer id, if it exists returns an error, otherwise returns nil
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) checkPrefixPeerExists(accountID, peerID string, prefix netip.Prefix) error {
if peerID == "" {
return nil
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return err
routesWithPrefix := account.GetRoutesByPrefix(prefix)
for _, prefixRoute := range routesWithPrefix {
if prefixRoute.Peer == peerID {
return status.Errorf(status.AlreadyExists, "failed to add route with prefix %s - peer already has this route", prefix.String())
return nil
// CreateRoute creates and saves a new route
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) CreateRoute(accountID string, network, peerID, description, netID string, masquerade bool, metric int, groups []string, enabled bool, userID string) (*route.Route, error) {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if peerID != "" {
peer := account.GetPeer(peerID)
if peer == nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "peer with ID %s not found", peerID)
var newRoute route.Route
prefixType, newPrefix, err := route.ParseNetwork(network)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "failed to parse IP %s", network)
err = am.checkPrefixPeerExists(accountID, peerID, newPrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if metric < route.MinMetric || metric > route.MaxMetric {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "metric should be between %d and %d", route.MinMetric, route.MaxMetric)
if utf8.RuneCountInString(netID) > route.MaxNetIDChar || netID == "" {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "identifier should be between 1 and %d", route.MaxNetIDChar)
err = validateGroups(groups, account.Groups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newRoute.Peer = peerID
newRoute.ID = xid.New().String()
newRoute.Network = newPrefix
newRoute.NetworkType = prefixType
newRoute.Description = description
newRoute.NetID = netID
newRoute.Masquerade = masquerade
newRoute.Metric = metric
newRoute.Enabled = enabled
newRoute.Groups = groups
if account.Routes == nil {
account.Routes = make(map[string]*route.Route)
account.Routes[newRoute.ID] = &newRoute
if err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account); err != nil {
return nil, err
err = am.updateAccountPeers(account)
if err != nil {
return &newRoute, status.Errorf(status.Internal, "failed to update peers after create route %s", newPrefix)
am.storeEvent(userID, newRoute.ID, accountID, activity.RouteCreated, newRoute.EventMeta())
return &newRoute, nil
// SaveRoute saves route
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) SaveRoute(accountID, userID string, routeToSave *route.Route) error {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
if routeToSave == nil {
return status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "route provided is nil")
if !routeToSave.Network.IsValid() {
return status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "invalid Prefix %s", routeToSave.Network.String())
if routeToSave.Metric < route.MinMetric || routeToSave.Metric > route.MaxMetric {
return status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "metric should be between %d and %d", route.MinMetric, route.MaxMetric)
if utf8.RuneCountInString(routeToSave.NetID) > route.MaxNetIDChar || routeToSave.NetID == "" {
return status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "identifier should be between 1 and %d", route.MaxNetIDChar)
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return err
if routeToSave.Peer != "" {
peer := account.GetPeer(routeToSave.Peer)
if peer == nil {
return status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "peer with ID %s not found", routeToSave.Peer)
err = validateGroups(routeToSave.Groups, account.Groups)
if err != nil {
return err
account.Routes[routeToSave.ID] = routeToSave
if err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account); err != nil {
return err
err = am.updateAccountPeers(account)
if err != nil {
return err
am.storeEvent(userID, routeToSave.ID, accountID, activity.RouteUpdated, routeToSave.EventMeta())
return nil
// UpdateRoute updates existing route with set of operations
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) UpdateRoute(accountID, routeID string, operations []RouteUpdateOperation) (*route.Route, error) {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
routeToUpdate, ok := account.Routes[routeID]
if !ok {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "route %s no longer exists", routeID)
newRoute := routeToUpdate.Copy()
for _, operation := range operations {
if len(operation.Values) != 1 {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "operation %s contains invalid number of values, it should be 1", operation.Type.String())
switch operation.Type {
case UpdateRouteDescription:
newRoute.Description = operation.Values[0]
case UpdateRouteNetworkIdentifier:
if utf8.RuneCountInString(operation.Values[0]) > route.MaxNetIDChar || operation.Values[0] == "" {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "identifier should be between 1 and %d", route.MaxNetIDChar)
newRoute.NetID = operation.Values[0]
case UpdateRouteNetwork:
prefixType, prefix, err := route.ParseNetwork(operation.Values[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "failed to parse IP %s", operation.Values[0])
err = am.checkPrefixPeerExists(accountID, routeToUpdate.Peer, prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newRoute.Network = prefix
newRoute.NetworkType = prefixType
case UpdateRoutePeer:
if operation.Values[0] != "" {
peer := account.GetPeer(operation.Values[0])
if peer == nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "peer with ID %s not found", operation.Values[0])
err = am.checkPrefixPeerExists(accountID, operation.Values[0], routeToUpdate.Network)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newRoute.Peer = operation.Values[0]
case UpdateRouteMetric:
metric, err := strconv.Atoi(operation.Values[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "failed to parse metric %s, not int", operation.Values[0])
if metric < route.MinMetric || metric > route.MaxMetric {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "failed to parse metric %s, value should be %d > N < %d",
newRoute.Metric = metric
case UpdateRouteMasquerade:
masquerade, err := strconv.ParseBool(operation.Values[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "failed to parse masquerade %s, not boolean", operation.Values[0])
newRoute.Masquerade = masquerade
case UpdateRouteEnabled:
enabled, err := strconv.ParseBool(operation.Values[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.InvalidArgument, "failed to parse enabled %s, not boolean", operation.Values[0])
newRoute.Enabled = enabled
case UpdateRouteGroups:
err = validateGroups(operation.Values, account.Groups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newRoute.Groups = operation.Values
account.Routes[routeID] = newRoute
if err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account); err != nil {
return nil, err
err = am.updateAccountPeers(account)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.Internal, "failed to update account peers")
return newRoute, nil
// DeleteRoute deletes route with routeID
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) DeleteRoute(accountID, routeID, userID string) error {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return err
routy := account.Routes[routeID]
if routy == nil {
return status.Errorf(status.NotFound, "route with ID %s doesn't exist", routeID)
delete(account.Routes, routeID)
if err = am.Store.SaveAccount(account); err != nil {
return err
am.storeEvent(userID, routy.ID, accountID, activity.RouteRemoved, routy.EventMeta())
return am.updateAccountPeers(account)
// ListRoutes returns a list of routes from account
func (am *DefaultAccountManager) ListRoutes(accountID, userID string) ([]*route.Route, error) {
unlock := am.Store.AcquireAccountLock(accountID)
defer unlock()
account, err := am.Store.GetAccount(accountID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
user, err := account.FindUser(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !user.IsAdmin() {
return nil, status.Errorf(status.PermissionDenied, "Only administrators can view Network Routes")
routes := make([]*route.Route, 0, len(account.Routes))
for _, item := range account.Routes {
routes = append(routes, item)
return routes, nil
func toProtocolRoute(route *route.Route) *proto.Route {
return &proto.Route{
ID: route.ID,
NetID: route.NetID,
Network: route.Network.String(),
NetworkType: int64(route.NetworkType),
Peer: route.Peer,
Metric: int64(route.Metric),
Masquerade: route.Masquerade,
func toProtocolRoutes(routes []*route.Route) []*proto.Route {
protoRoutes := make([]*proto.Route, 0)
for _, r := range routes {
protoRoutes = append(protoRoutes, toProtocolRoute(r))
return protoRoutes