mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 12:21:15 +01:00
This update adds new relay integration for NetBird clients. The new relay is based on web sockets and listens on a single port. - Adds new relay implementation with websocket with single port relaying mechanism - refactor peer connection logic, allowing upgrade and downgrade from/to P2P connection - peer connections are faster since it connects first to relay and then upgrades to P2P - maintains compatibility with old clients by not using the new relay - updates infrastructure scripts with new relay service
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package routemanager
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
firewall "github.com/netbirdio/netbird/client/firewall/manager"
relayClient "github.com/netbirdio/netbird/relay/client"
nbnet "github.com/netbirdio/netbird/util/net"
// Manager is a route manager interface
type Manager interface {
Init() (nbnet.AddHookFunc, nbnet.RemoveHookFunc, error)
UpdateRoutes(updateSerial uint64, newRoutes []*route.Route) (map[route.ID]*route.Route, route.HAMap, error)
GetRouteSelector() *routeselector.RouteSelector
SetRouteChangeListener(listener listener.NetworkChangeListener)
InitialRouteRange() []string
EnableServerRouter(firewall firewall.Manager) error
// DefaultManager is the default instance of a route manager
type DefaultManager struct {
ctx context.Context
stop context.CancelFunc
mux sync.Mutex
clientNetworks map[route.HAUniqueID]*clientNetwork
routeSelector *routeselector.RouteSelector
serverRouter serverRouter
sysOps *systemops.SysOps
statusRecorder *peer.Status
relayMgr *relayClient.Manager
wgInterface iface.IWGIface
pubKey string
notifier *notifier.Notifier
routeRefCounter *refcounter.RouteRefCounter
allowedIPsRefCounter *refcounter.AllowedIPsRefCounter
dnsRouteInterval time.Duration
func NewManager(
ctx context.Context,
pubKey string,
dnsRouteInterval time.Duration,
wgInterface iface.IWGIface,
statusRecorder *peer.Status,
relayMgr *relayClient.Manager,
initialRoutes []*route.Route,
) *DefaultManager {
mCTX, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
notifier := notifier.NewNotifier()
sysOps := systemops.NewSysOps(wgInterface, notifier)
dm := &DefaultManager{
ctx: mCTX,
stop: cancel,
dnsRouteInterval: dnsRouteInterval,
clientNetworks: make(map[route.HAUniqueID]*clientNetwork),
relayMgr: relayMgr,
routeSelector: routeselector.NewRouteSelector(),
sysOps: sysOps,
statusRecorder: statusRecorder,
wgInterface: wgInterface,
pubKey: pubKey,
notifier: notifier,
dm.routeRefCounter = refcounter.New(
func(prefix netip.Prefix, _ any) (any, error) {
return nil, sysOps.AddVPNRoute(prefix, wgInterface.ToInterface())
func(prefix netip.Prefix, _ any) error {
return sysOps.RemoveVPNRoute(prefix, wgInterface.ToInterface())
dm.allowedIPsRefCounter = refcounter.New(
func(prefix netip.Prefix, peerKey string) (string, error) {
// save peerKey to use it in the remove function
return peerKey, wgInterface.AddAllowedIP(peerKey, prefix.String())
func(prefix netip.Prefix, peerKey string) error {
if err := wgInterface.RemoveAllowedIP(peerKey, prefix.String()); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, iface.ErrPeerNotFound) && !errors.Is(err, iface.ErrAllowedIPNotFound) {
return err
log.Tracef("Remove allowed IPs %s for %s: %v", prefix, peerKey, err)
return nil
if runtime.GOOS == "android" {
cr := dm.clientRoutes(initialRoutes)
return dm
// Init sets up the routing
func (m *DefaultManager) Init() (nbnet.AddHookFunc, nbnet.RemoveHookFunc, error) {
if nbnet.CustomRoutingDisabled() {
return nil, nil, nil
if err := m.sysOps.CleanupRouting(); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed cleaning up routing: %v", err)
initialAddresses := []string{m.statusRecorder.GetManagementState().URL, m.statusRecorder.GetSignalState().URL}
if m.relayMgr != nil {
initialAddresses = append(initialAddresses, m.relayMgr.ServerURLs()...)
ips := resolveURLsToIPs(initialAddresses)
beforePeerHook, afterPeerHook, err := m.sysOps.SetupRouting(ips)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("setup routing: %w", err)
log.Info("Routing setup complete")
return beforePeerHook, afterPeerHook, nil
func (m *DefaultManager) EnableServerRouter(firewall firewall.Manager) error {
var err error
m.serverRouter, err = newServerRouter(m.ctx, m.wgInterface, firewall, m.statusRecorder)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Stop stops the manager watchers and clean firewall rules
func (m *DefaultManager) Stop() {
if m.serverRouter != nil {
if m.routeRefCounter != nil {
if err := m.routeRefCounter.Flush(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error flushing route ref counter: %v", err)
if m.allowedIPsRefCounter != nil {
if err := m.allowedIPsRefCounter.Flush(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error flushing allowed IPs ref counter: %v", err)
if !nbnet.CustomRoutingDisabled() {
if err := m.sysOps.CleanupRouting(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error cleaning up routing: %v", err)
} else {
log.Info("Routing cleanup complete")
m.ctx = nil
// UpdateRoutes compares received routes with existing routes and removes, updates or adds them to the client and server maps
func (m *DefaultManager) UpdateRoutes(updateSerial uint64, newRoutes []*route.Route) (map[route.ID]*route.Route, route.HAMap, error) {
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
log.Infof("not updating routes as context is closed")
return nil, nil, m.ctx.Err()
defer m.mux.Unlock()
newServerRoutesMap, newClientRoutesIDMap := m.classifyRoutes(newRoutes)
filteredClientRoutes := m.routeSelector.FilterSelected(newClientRoutesIDMap)
m.updateClientNetworks(updateSerial, filteredClientRoutes)
if m.serverRouter != nil {
err := m.serverRouter.updateRoutes(newServerRoutesMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("update routes: %w", err)
return newServerRoutesMap, newClientRoutesIDMap, nil
// SetRouteChangeListener set RouteListener for route change Notifier
func (m *DefaultManager) SetRouteChangeListener(listener listener.NetworkChangeListener) {
// InitialRouteRange return the list of initial routes. It used by mobile systems
func (m *DefaultManager) InitialRouteRange() []string {
return m.notifier.GetInitialRouteRanges()
// GetRouteSelector returns the route selector
func (m *DefaultManager) GetRouteSelector() *routeselector.RouteSelector {
return m.routeSelector
// GetClientRoutes returns the client routes
func (m *DefaultManager) GetClientRoutes() map[route.HAUniqueID]*clientNetwork {
return m.clientNetworks
// TriggerSelection triggers the selection of routes, stopping deselected watchers and starting newly selected ones
func (m *DefaultManager) TriggerSelection(networks route.HAMap) {
defer m.mux.Unlock()
networks = m.routeSelector.FilterSelected(networks)
for id, routes := range networks {
if _, found := m.clientNetworks[id]; found {
// don't touch existing client network watchers
clientNetworkWatcher := newClientNetworkWatcher(m.ctx, m.dnsRouteInterval, m.wgInterface, m.statusRecorder, routes[0], m.routeRefCounter, m.allowedIPsRefCounter)
m.clientNetworks[id] = clientNetworkWatcher
go clientNetworkWatcher.peersStateAndUpdateWatcher()
clientNetworkWatcher.sendUpdateToClientNetworkWatcher(routesUpdate{routes: routes})
// stopObsoleteClients stops the client network watcher for the networks that are not in the new list
func (m *DefaultManager) stopObsoleteClients(networks route.HAMap) {
for id, client := range m.clientNetworks {
if _, ok := networks[id]; !ok {
log.Debugf("Stopping client network watcher, %s", id)
delete(m.clientNetworks, id)
func (m *DefaultManager) updateClientNetworks(updateSerial uint64, networks route.HAMap) {
// removing routes that do not exist as per the update from the Management service.
for id, routes := range networks {
clientNetworkWatcher, found := m.clientNetworks[id]
if !found {
clientNetworkWatcher = newClientNetworkWatcher(m.ctx, m.dnsRouteInterval, m.wgInterface, m.statusRecorder, routes[0], m.routeRefCounter, m.allowedIPsRefCounter)
m.clientNetworks[id] = clientNetworkWatcher
go clientNetworkWatcher.peersStateAndUpdateWatcher()
update := routesUpdate{
updateSerial: updateSerial,
routes: routes,
func (m *DefaultManager) classifyRoutes(newRoutes []*route.Route) (map[route.ID]*route.Route, route.HAMap) {
newClientRoutesIDMap := make(route.HAMap)
newServerRoutesMap := make(map[route.ID]*route.Route)
ownNetworkIDs := make(map[route.HAUniqueID]bool)
for _, newRoute := range newRoutes {
haID := newRoute.GetHAUniqueID()
if newRoute.Peer == m.pubKey {
ownNetworkIDs[haID] = true
// only linux is supported for now
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
log.Warnf("received a route to manage, but agent doesn't support router mode on %s OS", runtime.GOOS)
newServerRoutesMap[newRoute.ID] = newRoute
for _, newRoute := range newRoutes {
haID := newRoute.GetHAUniqueID()
if !ownNetworkIDs[haID] {
if !isRouteSupported(newRoute) {
newClientRoutesIDMap[haID] = append(newClientRoutesIDMap[haID], newRoute)
return newServerRoutesMap, newClientRoutesIDMap
func (m *DefaultManager) clientRoutes(initialRoutes []*route.Route) []*route.Route {
_, crMap := m.classifyRoutes(initialRoutes)
rs := make([]*route.Route, 0, len(crMap))
for _, routes := range crMap {
rs = append(rs, routes...)
return rs
func isRouteSupported(route *route.Route) bool {
if !nbnet.CustomRoutingDisabled() || route.IsDynamic() {
return true
// If prefix is too small, lets assume it is a possible default prefix which is not yet supported
// we skip this prefix management
if route.Network.Bits() <= vars.MinRangeBits {
log.Warnf("This agent version: %s, doesn't support default routes, received %s, skipping this prefix",
version.NetbirdVersion(), route.Network)
return false
return true
// resolveURLsToIPs takes a slice of URLs, resolves them to IP addresses and returns a slice of IPs.
func resolveURLsToIPs(urls []string) []net.IP {
var ips []net.IP
for _, rawurl := range urls {
u, err := url.Parse(rawurl)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to parse url %s: %v", rawurl, err)
ipAddrs, err := net.LookupIP(u.Hostname())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to resolve host %s: %v", u.Hostname(), err)
ips = append(ips, ipAddrs...)
return ips