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synced 2025-03-03 09:21:12 +01:00
Support search domain on Android - pass list of search domains to Android SDK - throw notification in case of search domain changes
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package dns
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
nbdns "github.com/netbirdio/netbird/dns"
// ReadyListener is a notification mechanism what indicate the server is ready to handle host dns address changes
type ReadyListener interface {
// Server is a dns server interface
type Server interface {
Initialize() error
DnsIP() string
UpdateDNSServer(serial uint64, update nbdns.Config) error
OnUpdatedHostDNSServer(strings []string)
SearchDomains() []string
type registeredHandlerMap map[string]handlerWithStop
// DefaultServer dns server object
type DefaultServer struct {
ctx context.Context
ctxCancel context.CancelFunc
mux sync.Mutex
service service
dnsMuxMap registeredHandlerMap
localResolver *localResolver
wgInterface WGIface
hostManager hostManager
updateSerial uint64
previousConfigHash uint64
currentConfig hostDNSConfig
// permanent related properties
permanent bool
hostsDnsList []string
hostsDnsListLock sync.Mutex
// make sense on mobile only
searchDomainNotifier *notifier
type handlerWithStop interface {
type muxUpdate struct {
domain string
handler handlerWithStop
// NewDefaultServer returns a new dns server
func NewDefaultServer(ctx context.Context, wgInterface WGIface, customAddress string) (*DefaultServer, error) {
var addrPort *netip.AddrPort
if customAddress != "" {
parsedAddrPort, err := netip.ParseAddrPort(customAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse the custom dns address, got error: %s", err)
addrPort = &parsedAddrPort
var dnsService service
if wgInterface.IsUserspaceBind() {
dnsService = newServiceViaMemory(wgInterface)
} else {
dnsService = newServiceViaListener(wgInterface, addrPort)
return newDefaultServer(ctx, wgInterface, dnsService), nil
// NewDefaultServerPermanentUpstream returns a new dns server. It optimized for mobile systems
func NewDefaultServerPermanentUpstream(ctx context.Context, wgInterface WGIface, hostsDnsList []string, config nbdns.Config, listener listener.NetworkChangeListener) *DefaultServer {
log.Debugf("host dns address list is: %v", hostsDnsList)
ds := newDefaultServer(ctx, wgInterface, newServiceViaMemory(wgInterface))
ds.permanent = true
ds.hostsDnsList = hostsDnsList
ds.currentConfig = dnsConfigToHostDNSConfig(config, ds.service.RuntimeIP(), ds.service.RuntimePort())
ds.searchDomainNotifier = newNotifier(ds.SearchDomains())
return ds
func newDefaultServer(ctx context.Context, wgInterface WGIface, dnsService service) *DefaultServer {
ctx, stop := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defaultServer := &DefaultServer{
ctx: ctx,
ctxCancel: stop,
service: dnsService,
dnsMuxMap: make(registeredHandlerMap),
localResolver: &localResolver{
registeredMap: make(registrationMap),
wgInterface: wgInterface,
return defaultServer
// Initialize instantiate host manager and the dns service
func (s *DefaultServer) Initialize() (err error) {
defer s.mux.Unlock()
if s.hostManager != nil {
return nil
if s.permanent {
err = s.service.Listen()
if err != nil {
return err
s.hostManager, err = newHostManager(s.wgInterface)
// DnsIP returns the DNS resolver server IP address
// When kernel space interface used it return real DNS server listener IP address
// For bind interface, fake DNS resolver address returned (second last IP address from Nebird network)
func (s *DefaultServer) DnsIP() string {
return s.service.RuntimeIP()
// Stop stops the server
func (s *DefaultServer) Stop() {
defer s.mux.Unlock()
if s.hostManager != nil {
err := s.hostManager.restoreHostDNS()
if err != nil {
// OnUpdatedHostDNSServer update the DNS servers addresses for root zones
// It will be applied if the mgm server do not enforce DNS settings for root zone
func (s *DefaultServer) OnUpdatedHostDNSServer(hostsDnsList []string) {
defer s.hostsDnsListLock.Unlock()
s.hostsDnsList = hostsDnsList
_, ok := s.dnsMuxMap[nbdns.RootZone]
if ok {
log.Debugf("on new host DNS config but skip to apply it")
log.Debugf("update host DNS settings: %+v", hostsDnsList)
// UpdateDNSServer processes an update received from the management service
func (s *DefaultServer) UpdateDNSServer(serial uint64, update nbdns.Config) error {
select {
case <-s.ctx.Done():
log.Infof("not updating DNS server as context is closed")
return s.ctx.Err()
if serial < s.updateSerial {
return fmt.Errorf("not applying dns update, error: "+
"network update is %d behind the last applied update", s.updateSerial-serial)
defer s.mux.Unlock()
if s.hostManager == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dns service is not initialized yet")
hash, err := hashstructure.Hash(update, hashstructure.FormatV2, &hashstructure.HashOptions{
ZeroNil: true,
IgnoreZeroValue: true,
SlicesAsSets: true,
UseStringer: true,
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to hash the dns configuration update, got error: %s", err)
if s.previousConfigHash == hash {
log.Debugf("not applying the dns configuration update as there is nothing new")
s.updateSerial = serial
return nil
if err := s.applyConfiguration(update); err != nil {
return err
s.updateSerial = serial
s.previousConfigHash = hash
return nil
func (s *DefaultServer) SearchDomains() []string {
var searchDomains []string
for _, dConf := range s.currentConfig.domains {
if dConf.disabled {
if dConf.matchOnly {
searchDomains = append(searchDomains, dConf.domain)
return searchDomains
func (s *DefaultServer) applyConfiguration(update nbdns.Config) error {
// is the service should be disabled, we stop the listener or fake resolver
// and proceed with a regular update to clean up the handlers and records
if update.ServiceEnable {
_ = s.service.Listen()
} else if !s.permanent {
localMuxUpdates, localRecords, err := s.buildLocalHandlerUpdate(update.CustomZones)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("not applying dns update, error: %v", err)
upstreamMuxUpdates, err := s.buildUpstreamHandlerUpdate(update.NameServerGroups)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("not applying dns update, error: %v", err)
muxUpdates := append(localMuxUpdates, upstreamMuxUpdates...)
s.currentConfig = dnsConfigToHostDNSConfig(update, s.service.RuntimeIP(), s.service.RuntimePort())
hostUpdate := s.currentConfig
if s.service.RuntimePort() != defaultPort && !s.hostManager.supportCustomPort() {
log.Warnf("the DNS manager of this peer doesn't support custom port. Disabling primary DNS setup. " +
"Learn more at: https://docs.netbird.io/how-to/manage-dns-in-your-network#local-resolver")
hostUpdate.routeAll = false
if err = s.hostManager.applyDNSConfig(hostUpdate); err != nil {
if s.searchDomainNotifier != nil {
return nil
func (s *DefaultServer) buildLocalHandlerUpdate(customZones []nbdns.CustomZone) ([]muxUpdate, map[string]nbdns.SimpleRecord, error) {
var muxUpdates []muxUpdate
localRecords := make(map[string]nbdns.SimpleRecord, 0)
for _, customZone := range customZones {
if len(customZone.Records) == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("received an empty list of records")
muxUpdates = append(muxUpdates, muxUpdate{
domain: customZone.Domain,
handler: s.localResolver,
for _, record := range customZone.Records {
var class uint16 = dns.ClassINET
if record.Class != nbdns.DefaultClass {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("received an invalid class type: %s", record.Class)
key := buildRecordKey(record.Name, class, uint16(record.Type))
localRecords[key] = record
return muxUpdates, localRecords, nil
func (s *DefaultServer) buildUpstreamHandlerUpdate(nameServerGroups []*nbdns.NameServerGroup) ([]muxUpdate, error) {
var muxUpdates []muxUpdate
for _, nsGroup := range nameServerGroups {
if len(nsGroup.NameServers) == 0 {
log.Warn("received a nameserver group with empty nameserver list")
handler := newUpstreamResolver(s.ctx)
for _, ns := range nsGroup.NameServers {
if ns.NSType != nbdns.UDPNameServerType {
log.Warnf("skipping nameserver %s with type %s, this peer supports only %s",
ns.IP.String(), ns.NSType.String(), nbdns.UDPNameServerType.String())
handler.upstreamServers = append(handler.upstreamServers, getNSHostPort(ns))
if len(handler.upstreamServers) == 0 {
log.Errorf("received a nameserver group with an invalid nameserver list")
// when upstream fails to resolve domain several times over all it servers
// it will calls this hook to exclude self from the configuration and
// reapply DNS settings, but it not touch the original configuration and serial number
// because it is temporal deactivation until next try
// after some period defined by upstream it tries to reactivate self by calling this hook
// everything we need here is just to re-apply current configuration because it already
// contains this upstream settings (temporal deactivation not removed it)
handler.deactivate, handler.reactivate = s.upstreamCallbacks(nsGroup, handler)
if nsGroup.Primary {
muxUpdates = append(muxUpdates, muxUpdate{
domain: nbdns.RootZone,
handler: handler,
if len(nsGroup.Domains) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received a non primary nameserver group with an empty domain list")
for _, domain := range nsGroup.Domains {
if domain == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received a nameserver group with an empty domain element")
muxUpdates = append(muxUpdates, muxUpdate{
domain: domain,
handler: handler,
return muxUpdates, nil
func (s *DefaultServer) updateMux(muxUpdates []muxUpdate) {
muxUpdateMap := make(registeredHandlerMap)
var isContainRootUpdate bool
for _, update := range muxUpdates {
s.service.RegisterMux(update.domain, update.handler)
muxUpdateMap[update.domain] = update.handler
if existingHandler, ok := s.dnsMuxMap[update.domain]; ok {
if update.domain == nbdns.RootZone {
isContainRootUpdate = true
for key, existingHandler := range s.dnsMuxMap {
_, found := muxUpdateMap[key]
if !found {
if !isContainRootUpdate && key == nbdns.RootZone {
} else {
s.dnsMuxMap = muxUpdateMap
func (s *DefaultServer) updateLocalResolver(update map[string]nbdns.SimpleRecord) {
for key := range s.localResolver.registeredMap {
_, found := update[key]
if !found {
updatedMap := make(registrationMap)
for key, record := range update {
err := s.localResolver.registerRecord(record)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("got an error while registering the record (%s), error: %v", record.String(), err)
updatedMap[key] = struct{}{}
s.localResolver.registeredMap = updatedMap
func getNSHostPort(ns nbdns.NameServer) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ns.IP.String(), ns.Port)
// upstreamCallbacks returns two functions, the first one is used to deactivate
// the upstream resolver from the configuration, the second one is used to
// reactivate it. Not allowed to call reactivate before deactivate.
func (s *DefaultServer) upstreamCallbacks(
nsGroup *nbdns.NameServerGroup,
handler dns.Handler,
) (deactivate func(), reactivate func()) {
var removeIndex map[string]int
deactivate = func() {
defer s.mux.Unlock()
l := log.WithField("nameservers", nsGroup.NameServers)
l.Info("temporary deactivate nameservers group due timeout")
removeIndex = make(map[string]int)
for _, domain := range nsGroup.Domains {
removeIndex[domain] = -1
if nsGroup.Primary {
removeIndex[nbdns.RootZone] = -1
s.currentConfig.routeAll = false
for i, item := range s.currentConfig.domains {
if _, found := removeIndex[item.domain]; found {
s.currentConfig.domains[i].disabled = true
removeIndex[item.domain] = i
if err := s.hostManager.applyDNSConfig(s.currentConfig); err != nil {
l.WithError(err).Error("fail to apply nameserver deactivation on the host")
reactivate = func() {
defer s.mux.Unlock()
for domain, i := range removeIndex {
if i == -1 || i >= len(s.currentConfig.domains) || s.currentConfig.domains[i].domain != domain {
s.currentConfig.domains[i].disabled = false
s.service.RegisterMux(domain, handler)
l := log.WithField("nameservers", nsGroup.NameServers)
l.Debug("reactivate temporary disabled nameserver group")
if nsGroup.Primary {
s.currentConfig.routeAll = true
if err := s.hostManager.applyDNSConfig(s.currentConfig); err != nil {
l.WithError(err).Error("reactivate temporary disabled nameserver group, DNS update apply")
func (s *DefaultServer) addHostRootZone() {
handler := newUpstreamResolver(s.ctx)
handler.upstreamServers = make([]string, len(s.hostsDnsList))
for n, ua := range s.hostsDnsList {
handler.upstreamServers[n] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:53", ua)
handler.deactivate = func() {}
handler.reactivate = func() {}
s.service.RegisterMux(nbdns.RootZone, handler)