mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 13:03:56 +01:00
On macOS use the recommended settings for providing split DNS. As per the docs an empty string will force the configuration to be the default. In order to to support split DNS an additional service config is added for the local server and search domain settings. see: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicemanagement/vpn/dns
356 lines
10 KiB
356 lines
10 KiB
//go:build !ios
package dns
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const (
netbirdDNSStateKeyFormat = "State:/Network/Service/NetBird-%s/DNS"
globalIPv4State = "State:/Network/Global/IPv4"
primaryServiceStateKeyFormat = "State:/Network/Service/%s/DNS"
keySupplementalMatchDomains = "SupplementalMatchDomains"
keySupplementalMatchDomainsNoSearch = "SupplementalMatchDomainsNoSearch"
keyServerAddresses = "ServerAddresses"
keyServerPort = "ServerPort"
arraySymbol = "* "
digitSymbol = "# "
scutilPath = "/usr/sbin/scutil"
searchSuffix = "Search"
matchSuffix = "Match"
localSuffix = "Local"
type systemConfigurator struct {
createdKeys map[string]struct{}
systemDNSSettings SystemDNSSettings
func newHostManager() (hostManager, error) {
return &systemConfigurator{
createdKeys: make(map[string]struct{}),
}, nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) supportCustomPort() bool {
return true
func (s *systemConfigurator) applyDNSConfig(config HostDNSConfig) error {
var err error
// create a file for unclean shutdown detection
if err := createUncleanShutdownIndicator(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to create unclean shutdown file: %s", err)
var (
searchDomains []string
matchDomains []string
err = s.recordSystemDNSSettings(true)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("unable to update record of System's DNS config: %s", err.Error())
if config.RouteAll {
searchDomains = append(searchDomains, "\"\"")
err = s.addLocalDNS()
if err != nil {
log.Infof("failed to enable split DNS")
for _, dConf := range config.Domains {
if dConf.Disabled {
if dConf.MatchOnly {
matchDomains = append(matchDomains, dConf.Domain)
searchDomains = append(searchDomains, dConf.Domain)
matchKey := getKeyWithInput(netbirdDNSStateKeyFormat, matchSuffix)
if len(matchDomains) != 0 {
err = s.addMatchDomains(matchKey, strings.Join(matchDomains, " "), config.ServerIP, config.ServerPort)
} else {
log.Infof("removing match domains from the system")
err = s.removeKeyFromSystemConfig(matchKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("add match domains: %w", err)
searchKey := getKeyWithInput(netbirdDNSStateKeyFormat, searchSuffix)
if len(searchDomains) != 0 {
err = s.addSearchDomains(searchKey, strings.Join(searchDomains, " "), config.ServerIP, config.ServerPort)
} else {
log.Infof("removing search domains from the system")
err = s.removeKeyFromSystemConfig(searchKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("add search domains: %w", err)
return nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) restoreHostDNS() error {
lines := ""
for key := range s.createdKeys {
lines += buildRemoveKeyOperation(key)
keyType := "search"
if strings.Contains(key, matchSuffix) {
keyType = "match"
log.Infof("removing %s domains from system", keyType)
_, err := runSystemConfigCommand(wrapCommand(lines))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("got an error while cleaning the system configuration: %s", err)
return fmt.Errorf("clean system: %w", err)
if err := removeUncleanShutdownIndicator(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to remove unclean shutdown file: %s", err)
return nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) removeKeyFromSystemConfig(key string) error {
line := buildRemoveKeyOperation(key)
_, err := runSystemConfigCommand(wrapCommand(line))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("remove key: %w", err)
delete(s.createdKeys, key)
return nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) addLocalDNS() error {
if s.systemDNSSettings.ServerIP == "" || len(s.systemDNSSettings.Domains) == 0 {
err := s.recordSystemDNSSettings(true)
log.Errorf("Unable to get system DNS configuration")
return err
localKey := getKeyWithInput(netbirdDNSStateKeyFormat, localSuffix)
if s.systemDNSSettings.ServerIP != "" && len(s.systemDNSSettings.Domains) != 0 {
err := s.addSearchDomains(localKey, strings.Join(s.systemDNSSettings.Domains, " "), s.systemDNSSettings.ServerIP, s.systemDNSSettings.ServerPort)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't add local network DNS conf: %w", err)
} else {
log.Info("Not enabling local DNS server")
return nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) recordSystemDNSSettings(force bool) error {
if s.systemDNSSettings.ServerIP != "" && len(s.systemDNSSettings.Domains) != 0 && !force {
return nil
systemDNSSettings, err := s.getSystemDNSSettings()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get current DNS config: %w", err)
s.systemDNSSettings = systemDNSSettings
return nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) getSystemDNSSettings() (SystemDNSSettings, error) {
primaryServiceKey, _, err := s.getPrimaryService()
if err != nil || primaryServiceKey == "" {
return SystemDNSSettings{}, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find the primary service key: %w", err)
dnsServiceKey := getKeyWithInput(primaryServiceStateKeyFormat, primaryServiceKey)
line := buildCommandLine("show", dnsServiceKey, "")
stdinCommands := wrapCommand(line)
b, err := runSystemConfigCommand(stdinCommands)
if err != nil {
return SystemDNSSettings{}, fmt.Errorf("sending the command: %w", err)
var dnsSettings SystemDNSSettings
inSearchDomainsArray := false
inServerAddressesArray := false
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(b))
for scanner.Scan() {
line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(line, "DomainName :"):
domainName := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(line, ":")[1])
dnsSettings.Domains = append(dnsSettings.Domains, domainName)
case line == "SearchDomains : <array> {":
inSearchDomainsArray = true
case line == "ServerAddresses : <array> {":
inServerAddressesArray = true
case line == "}":
inSearchDomainsArray = false
inServerAddressesArray = false
if inSearchDomainsArray {
searchDomains := strings.Split(line, " : ")
dnsSettings.Domains = append(dnsSettings.Domains, searchDomains...)
} else if inServerAddressesArray {
address := strings.Split(line, " : ")[1]
if ip := net.ParseIP(address); ip != nil && ip.To4() != nil {
dnsSettings.ServerIP = address
inServerAddressesArray = false // Stop reading after finding the first IPv4 address
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return dnsSettings, err
// default to 53 port
dnsSettings.ServerPort = 53
return dnsSettings, nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) addSearchDomains(key, domains string, ip string, port int) error {
err := s.addDNSState(key, domains, ip, port, true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("add dns state: %w", err)
log.Infof("added %d search domains to the state. Domain list: %s", len(strings.Split(domains, " ")), domains)
s.createdKeys[key] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) addMatchDomains(key, domains, dnsServer string, port int) error {
err := s.addDNSState(key, domains, dnsServer, port, false)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("add dns state: %w", err)
log.Infof("added %d match domains to the state. Domain list: %s", len(strings.Split(domains, " ")), domains)
s.createdKeys[key] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) addDNSState(state, domains, dnsServer string, port int, enableSearch bool) error {
noSearch := "1"
if enableSearch {
noSearch = "0"
lines := buildAddCommandLine(keySupplementalMatchDomains, arraySymbol+domains)
lines += buildAddCommandLine(keySupplementalMatchDomainsNoSearch, digitSymbol+noSearch)
lines += buildAddCommandLine(keyServerAddresses, arraySymbol+dnsServer)
lines += buildAddCommandLine(keyServerPort, digitSymbol+strconv.Itoa(port))
addDomainCommand := buildCreateStateWithOperation(state, lines)
stdinCommands := wrapCommand(addDomainCommand)
_, err := runSystemConfigCommand(stdinCommands)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("applying state for domains %s, error: %w", domains, err)
return nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) getPrimaryService() (string, string, error) {
line := buildCommandLine("show", globalIPv4State, "")
stdinCommands := wrapCommand(line)
b, err := runSystemConfigCommand(stdinCommands)
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("sending the command: %w", err)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(b))
primaryService := ""
router := ""
for scanner.Scan() {
text := scanner.Text()
if strings.Contains(text, "PrimaryService") {
primaryService = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(text, ":")[1])
if strings.Contains(text, "Router") {
router = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(text, ":")[1])
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return primaryService, router, fmt.Errorf("scan: %w", err)
return primaryService, router, nil
func (s *systemConfigurator) restoreUncleanShutdownDNS(*netip.Addr) error {
if err := s.restoreHostDNS(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("restoring dns via scutil: %w", err)
return nil
func getKeyWithInput(format, key string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format, key)
func buildAddCommandLine(key, value string) string {
return buildCommandLine("d.add", key, value)
func buildCommandLine(action, key, value string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s\n", action, key, value)
func wrapCommand(commands string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("open\n%s\nquit\n", commands)
func buildRemoveKeyOperation(key string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("remove %s\n", key)
func buildCreateStateWithOperation(state, commands string) string {
return buildWriteStateOperation("set", state, commands)
func buildWriteStateOperation(operation, state, commands string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("d.init\n%s %s\n%s\nset %s\n", operation, state, commands, state)
func runSystemConfigCommand(command string) ([]byte, error) {
cmd := exec.Command(scutilPath)
cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(command)
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("running system configuration command: \"%s\", error: %w", command, err)
return out, nil