#!/bin/bash # Builds the latest released version # Check if we have everything needed for the build source ./build-functions/check-commands.sh source ./build-functions/gh-functions.sh echo "▶️ $0 $*" CURL_ARGS=( --silent ) ### # Checking for the presence of GITHUB_TOKEN ### if [ -n "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]; then echo "🗝 Performing authenticated Github API calls." CURL_ARGS+=( --header "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ) else echo "🕶 Performing unauthenticated Github API calls. This might result in lower Github rate limits!" fi ### # Checking if PRERELEASE is either unset, 'true' or 'false' ### if [ -n "${PRERELEASE}" ] && { [ "${PRERELEASE}" != "true" ] && [ "${PRERELEASE}" != "false" ]; }; then if [ -z "${DEBUG}" ]; then echo "⚠️ PRERELEASE must be either unset, 'true' or 'false', but was '${PRERELEASE}'!" exit 1 else echo "⚠️ Would exit here with code '1', but DEBUG is enabled." fi fi ### # Calling Github to get the latest version ### ORIGINAL_GITHUB_REPO="netbox-community/netbox" GITHUB_REPO="${GITHUB_REPO-$ORIGINAL_GITHUB_REPO}" URL_RELEASES="https://api.github.com/repos/${GITHUB_REPO}/releases" # Composing the JQ commans to extract the most recent version number JQ_LATEST="group_by(.prerelease) | .[] | sort_by(.published_at) | reverse | .[0] | select(.prerelease==${PRERELEASE-false}) | .tag_name" CURL="curl" # Querying the Github API to fetch the most recent version number VERSION=$($CURL "${CURL_ARGS[@]}" "${URL_RELEASES}" | jq -r "${JQ_LATEST}" 2>/dev/null) ### # Check if the prerelease version is actually higher than stable version ### if [ "${PRERELEASE}" == "true" ]; then JQ_STABLE="group_by(.prerelease) | .[] | sort_by(.published_at) | reverse | .[0] | select(.prerelease==false) | .tag_name" STABLE_VERSION=$($CURL "${CURL_ARGS[@]}" "${URL_RELEASES}" | jq -r "${JQ_STABLE}" 2>/dev/null) MAJOR_STABLE=$(expr "${STABLE_VERSION}" : 'v\([0-9]\+\)') MINOR_STABLE=$(expr "${STABLE_VERSION}" : 'v[0-9]\+\.\([0-9]\+\)') MAJOR_UNSTABLE=$(expr "${VERSION}" : 'v\([0-9]\+\)') MINOR_UNSTABLE=$(expr "${VERSION}" : 'v[0-9]\+\.\([0-9]\+\)') if { [ "${MAJOR_STABLE}" -eq "${MAJOR_UNSTABLE}" ] && [ "${MINOR_STABLE}" -ge "${MINOR_UNSTABLE}" ] } || [ "${MAJOR_STABLE}" -gt "${MAJOR_UNSTABLE}" ]; then echo "❎ Latest unstable version '${VERSION}' is not higher than the latest stable version '$STABLE_VERSION'." if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then gh_out "skipped=true" exit 0 else echo "⚠️ Would exit here with code '0', but DEBUG is enabled." fi fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2068 ./build.sh "${VERSION}" $@ exit $?