var data = (function() { var _saveName = "nitghTab"; var set = function(key, data) { localStorage.setItem(key, data); }; var get = function(key) { return localStorage.getItem(key); }; var remove = function(key) { localStorage.removeItem(key); }; var save = function() { var data = { nighttab: true, version: version.get(), state: state.get(), bookmarks: bookmarks.get() }; set(_saveName, JSON.stringify(data)); }; var wipe = function() { remove(_saveName); }; var load = function() { return JSON.parse(get(_saveName)); }; var restore = function(data) { if (data) { if (!("version" in data) || data.version != version.get()) { console.log("data version " + data.version + " found less than current"); data =; set(_saveName, JSON.stringify(data)); } else { console.log("data version " + version.get() + " no need to run update"); set(_saveName, JSON.stringify(data)); }; } else { console.log("no data found to load"); }; }; var importData = function() { // get files from input var fileList = helper.e(".control-data-import").files; // if file was added if (fileList.length > 0) { // validate the file _validateJsonFile(fileList); }; }; var exportData = function() { var tempAchor = helper.node("a"); var timeStamp = helper.getDateTime(); var _timeStampPrefix = function(value) { if (value < 10) { value = "0" + value; }; return value }; timeStamp.hours = _timeStampPrefix(timeStamp.hours); timeStamp.minutes = _timeStampPrefix(timeStamp.minutes); timeStamp.seconds = _timeStampPrefix(timeStamp.seconds); = _timeStampPrefix(; timeStamp.month = _timeStampPrefix(timeStamp.month + 1); timeStamp.year = _timeStampPrefix(timeStamp.year); timeStamp = timeStamp.hours + " " + timeStamp.minutes + " " + timeStamp.seconds + " - " + + "." + timeStamp.month + "." + timeStamp.year; console.log(timeStamp); var fileName = "nightTab backup - " + timeStamp + ".json"; var exportData = "data:text/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(load())); tempAchor.setAttribute("href", exportData); tempAchor.setAttribute("download", fileName); helper.e("html").appendChild(tempAchor);; tempAchor.remove(); }; var clearData = function() { var clearContent = helper.node("div"); var para1 = helper.node("p:Are you sure you want to clear all nightTab Bookmarks and Settings?. nightTab will restore to the default state."); var para2 = helper.node("p:This can not be undone."); clearContent.appendChild(para1); clearContent.appendChild(para2); modal.render({ heading: "Clear all nightTab data?", content: clearContent, successAction: function() { wipe(); location.reload(); }, actionText: "Clear all data", size: "small" }); }; var _validateJsonFile = function(fileList) { var controlDataImportFeedback = helper.e(".control-data-import-feedback"); var feedbackMessage = { success: "Success! Restoring nightTab Bookmarks and Settings.", fail: { notNightTabJson: "Not the right kind of JSON file. Make sure the selected file came from nightTab.", notJson: "Not a JSON file. Make sure the selected file came from nightTab." } }; var _feedback = function(message, animationClass) { while (controlDataImportFeedback.lastChild) { controlDataImportFeedback.removeChild(controlDataImportFeedback.lastChild); }; var name = helper.node("p:" + fileList[0].name); var messageText = helper.node("p:" + message + "|class:muted small"); controlDataImportFeedback.appendChild(name); controlDataImportFeedback.appendChild(messageText); controlDataImportFeedback.addEventListener("animationend", _resetFeedback, false); helper.removeClass(controlDataImportFeedback, "is-hidden"); helper.addClass(controlDataImportFeedback, animationClass); }; var _resetFeedback = function() { helper.removeClass(controlDataImportFeedback, "is-shake"); helper.removeClass(controlDataImportFeedback, "is-pop"); controlDataImportFeedback.removeEventListener("animationend", _resetFeedback, false); }; // make new file reader var reader = new FileReader(); // define the on load event for the reader reader.onload = function(event) { // is this a JSON file if (helper.isJsonString( { // is this a nightTab JSON if (JSON.parse( { // console.log("is a JSON and a nightTab file"); _feedback(feedbackMessage.success, "is-pop"); controlDataImportFeedback.addEventListener("animationend", function() { restore(JSON.parse(; location.reload(); }, false); } else { // console.log("is a JSON file but not a nightTab file"); _feedback(, "is-shake"); }; } else { // console.log("not a JSON file"); _feedback(, "is-shake"); }; }; // invoke the reader reader.readAsText(fileList.item(0)); }; var init = function() { restore(data.load()); }; return { init: init, save: save, remove: remove, set: set, get: get, load: load, wipe: wipe, restore: restore, importData: importData, exportData: exportData, clearData: clearData }; })();