var data = (function() { var saveName = "nitghTab"; var set = function(key, data) { localStorage.setItem(key, data); }; var get = function(key) { return localStorage.getItem(key); }; var remove = function(key) { localStorage.removeItem(key); }; var save = function() { var data = { version: version.get(), state: state.get(), bookmarks: bookmarks.get() }; set(saveName, JSON.stringify(data)); // console.log("data saved"); }; var wipe = function() { remove(saveName); }; var load = function() { return JSON.parse(get(saveName)); }; var restore = function(data) { if (data) { if (!("version" in data) || data.version != version.get()) { console.log("data version " + data.version + " found less than current"); data =; set(saveName, JSON.stringify(data)); } else { console.log("data version " + version.get() + " no need to run update"); }; } else { console.log("no data found to load"); }; }; var init = function() { restore(load()); }; return { init: init, save: save, remove: remove, set: set, get: get, load: load, wipe: wipe, restore: restore }; })();