mirror of
synced 2024-12-16 03:40:57 +01:00
fix: Migrate remaining kitty config to nix
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
map d scroll_to next-page
map u scroll_to prev-page
map g scroll_to start
map G scroll_to end
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
# New Start: A modern Arch workflow built with an emphasis on functionality.
# Copyright (C) 2018 Donovan Glover
# Use the colors generated by wal
include ${HOME}/.cache/wal/kitty
# =============================
# ========== General ==========
# =============================
# Use the best shell
shell fish
# Don't use a blinking cursor
cursor_blink_interval 0
# Set the font family
font_family Maple Mono
# Don't show title bar (necessary for Wayland)
hide_window_decorations yes
# Font size (respects DPI)
font_size 11
# Hide the mouse after 1 second (doesn't work sometimes)
mouse_hide_wait 1
# Copy text on select
copy_on_select clipboard
# Set the wayland title bar to the same color as the terminal window
wayland_titlebar_color background
# Use the master-stack layout
enabled_layouts stack
# Set the default background opacity
background_opacity 0.95
# Enable changing the background with "kitty @ set-background-opacity <value>"
dynamic_background_opacity yes
# Allow remote control so the above command can be executed
allow_remote_control yes
# Listen for remote control commands outside of kitty (required for scripts)
listen_on unix:/tmp/kitty
# Don't make noise in the terminal, such as when scrolling to the bottom of a man page
enable_audio_bell no
# Use a consistent window size for floating windows
# remember_window_size no
# Only use tabs and keep the current directory
action_alias launch_tab launch --type=tab --cwd=current
map ctrl+shift+enter launch_tab
# Use a slightly large window size by default
initial_window_width 144c
initial_window_height 40c
# Don't limit frames per second to the monitor's refresh rate
# sync_to_monitor no
# Close kitty windows when their corresponding shells exit
close_on_child_death yes
# Open URLs with the browser below
open_url_with librewolf
# =============================
# ========== Spacing ==========
# =============================
# Add padding (spacing) inside of each kitty window
window_padding_width 10.0
# Make the tab bar margin the same as the window padding
tab_bar_margin_width 10.0
# Use shorter tab titles
tab_title_template "{index}: {title[title.rfind('/')+1:]}"
# vim:ft=conf
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
# ============================
# ========== Colors ==========
# ============================
foreground {foreground}
background {background}
cursor {cursor}
selection_foreground {background}
selection_background {foreground}
active_border_color {color7}
inactive_border_color {color8}
bell_border_color {color8}
color0 {color0}
color1 {color1}
color2 {color2}
color3 {color3}
color4 {color4}
color5 {color5}
color6 {color6}
color7 {color7}
color8 {color8}
color9 {color9}
color10 {color10}
color11 {color11}
color12 {color12}
color13 {color13}
color14 {color14}
color15 {color15}
active_tab_foreground {color2}
active_tab_background {background}
active_tab_font_style normal
inactive_tab_foreground {foreground}
inactive_tab_background {background}
# vim:ft=conf
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# kitty
[kitty][kitty] is a new terminal emulator built from the ground up to support all modern terminal features.
## Use Cases
kitty can be used to:
- View images in the terminal, without the visual inconsistencies of w3m
- Change background opacity on the fly (without opening a new terminal)
- View emoji and other special symbols in the terminal
- View all icon fonts in the terminal
- Change the entire color scheme on the fly (both the terminal and kitty itself)
- Display over 16 million different colors at the same time (also known as 24-bit true color support)
You should not use kitty if:
- You should use kitty.
[kitty]: https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty
@ -3,18 +3,26 @@
home-manager.users.user = { pkgs, ... }: {
programs.kitty = {
enable = true;
font = {
package = pkgs."maple-mono-NF";
name = "MapleMono-NF";
settings = {
enable_audio_bell = false;
allow_remote_control = true;
dynamic_background_opacity = true;
background_opacity = "0.9";
background_opacity = "0.95";
close_on_child_death = true;
cursor_blink_interval = 0;
wayland_titlebar_color = "background";
listen_on = "unix:/tmp/kitty";
open_url_with = "librewolf";
window_padding_width = 10;
tab_bar_margin_width = 10;
xdg.configFile."kitty/diff.conf".text = ''
map d scroll_to next-page
map u scroll_to prev-page
map g scroll_to start
map G scroll_to end
programs.swaylock = {
package = pkgs."swaylock-effects";
settings = {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user