Commit Graph

24 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Donovan Glover
rofi: Use launchpad theme
This is a slightly modified version of Newman Sánchez's launchpad theme
that adds pywal support and makes the icons bigger.
2023-04-30 18:33:11 -04:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Don't make rofi a normal window
This isn't needed now that I am no longer interested in starting rofi on
a separate desktop for dynamic bspwmm desktops.
2023-04-23 20:44:23 -04:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Revert recent dotfile removals
Although removing these dotfiles gave the repository a clean feeling, it
made it significantly harder to resume using a certain window manager or
other tool at any time.

Instead of removing dotfiles entirely, it's enough to simply not install
the programs you don't want to use, or even install them but not open
2023-03-19 18:02:26 -04:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Remove rofi
Although rofi is an amazing piece of software, I no longer have a need
for it after submitting to the simplicity of GNOME.
2023-01-07 04:37:30 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Support shell commands
This change made it so it was possible to use rofi as a terminal.
2023-01-07 01:30:48 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Show as separate window
This makes it possible to close rofi with the same keybind that is used
to open it. Also got rid of an obsolete drun string.
2023-01-07 01:17:55 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Remove leading text from search 2023-01-07 01:00:05 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Use sans-serif font 2023-01-07 00:59:06 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Add custom wal template
As far as I remember, this was used to prevent the rofi theme from being
unreadable with some pywal color schemes.
2023-01-05 02:09:15 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Make a toggle script
This lets us set the super key to, which handles both opening
rofi and closing it if it's already open.
2022-12-15 10:57:50 -05:00
Donovan Glover
Revert "meta: Remove rofi"
Some programs expect rofi to be installed. Although dmenu is nice, rofi
is more customizable and has the potential to look nicer overall.
2022-11-11 15:12:16 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Remove rofi
rofi was cute, however I no longer have a desire to run an external
interface for simply starting programs. This can be achieved in many
different ways through a shell, and without the disadvantages (such as
having all items listed by default) that rofi came with.
2022-10-26 10:40:22 -04:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Show current focused desktop
This was cute, however knowing which desktop we're on may be irrelevant
in a future workspace implementation. Adding this information to the
fish prompt with starship may also be an option.
2022-10-25 22:13:37 -04:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Show window on focused monitor
This makes rofi work nicely with multi-monitor setups, however I was
planning to remove rofi since I can do everything that rofi can do with
a simple shell, and without having to worry about its inconveniences,
such as unreadable default wal color themes.
2022-10-25 22:08:47 -04:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Add filebrowser mode
The filebrowser in rofi is actually pretty fast, so it can serve as a
quicker keyboard-friendly replacement to nautilus.
2022-04-09 10:25:16 -04:00
Donovan Glover
This was cool when we had KDE-specific applications, but since I'm
prioritizing ranger and nautilus now, dolphin isn't needed. Since I'm
focusing heavily on terminal and web-based applications, there is less
need to customize KDE applications specifically.

Two other advantages to this is that I no longer have to manually update
the colors in kdeglobals, and most if not all of the environment can be
programmatically set up with minimal effort.
2022-03-22 09:34:19 -04:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Switch cursor theme from breeze to phinger
Using phinger is slightly cooler since it's not as stock as other cursor
themes like breeze.
2022-03-08 12:41:55 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Update config to 1.7.0
Now the application launcher plays nicely with the newest version of
2021-11-14 12:10:23 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Launch programs with DPI-based cursor size
Now it is possible to take advantage of different cursor sizes
without restarting the X session.
2018-12-22 15:43:01 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Remove rofi-calc and rofi's window mode
Although rofi-calc was certainly cool to use, it is not in the
official repositories. Instead of trying to rely on it as a
dependency, I've gone ahead and removed it instead.
2018-12-01 19:17:21 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Remove unused modes
It turns out that 'window' (as of this writing) does not work very well
when trying to use it as an alt-tab replacement. It's simply easier to
just use the functionality provided by your window manager instead.

I have never used rofi's 'run' feature, since any time I'd need to run
a command I'd just do it from a terminal, which also lets me see any
output from that program as well.
2018-11-27 19:24:20 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Scale windows pragmatically with
Instead of manually setting the DPI to 192 or other values, we can
just take the value from xrdb instead.

This script, in combination with GTK's settings.ini if you are in a
non-GNOME environment, is everything you need to launch both GTK and
Qt applications at the appropriate DPI, with their respective themes
applied as well.
2018-11-23 14:53:39 -05:00
Donovan Glover
docs: Add READMEs for ncmpcpp, ranger, and rofi 2018-11-18 17:06:18 -05:00
Donovan Glover
stow: Split bspwm into separate packages
It turns out that placing similar config files (i.e. bspwm-related) in
the same directory is not the way to go about handling dotfiles since
each config file (or dotfile) *should* manipulate only a single program.

This was not the case back when I used urxvt (which would require the
old method of .Xresources), but now that I understand more about how
*modern* dotfiles work (with $XDG_CONFIG_HOME), separating dotfiles by
program became the obvious choice.
2018-11-17 14:58:13 -05:00