Alacritty does not support MapleMono-NF as a font, whereas kitty does.
kitty also has other nice features such as built-in windows/tabs and
image support.
Note that loading a runtime file in ~/.cache/wal is no longer necessary
since configuration is done declaratively through Nix.
Although this has some downsides, such as the lack of "live reloading"
in some applications, this "feature" wasn't present across all
applications anyway.
Stylix is like a maintained version of pywal but configuration changes
are managed by Nix and Home Manager, thus guaranteeing a certain level
of reproducibility with its declarative nature.
colorizer bugged out presumably due to order being determined by the Nix
language. I did not like cursorline however I did think cursorword was
cool, so I'm keeping that part of it for now.