Neovim has some nice additions like honoring the blinking cursor from
kitty when in insert mode. I don't remember why I used vim instead of
neovim here, but neovim is mature enough that it should be an excellent
choice to use for many years to come.
I am personally not amused by some of the defaults that firefox ships
with and would rather not have to deal with them on new configurations.
Although it's possible to sync settings across devices or simply copy
the profile directory, the advantages of librewolf outweigh the cons for
my individual use case, at least for now.
Now that I've read the man pages for `stow` and actually know how to use
it properly, I can organize my repositiory by using a separate dots
directory specifically for my dotfiles.
Additionally, similar dotfiles are now grouped together. This means less
stow work for me with files that would otherwise only be used in one
environment (e.g. bspwm).
As much as one would like to show off browsing the internet with w3m,
such a setup is highly impractical for daily use. Remembering the
keybindings I set up was also becoming an issue, so I simply removed
them in favor of the defaults, assuming I ever need to use w3m at a
later date (probably not).
As much as I enjoyed using Waterfox, the update to Firefox (and its
developer tools) is pretty nice. Since many add-ons now support this
new version of Firefox, I think it's now time to make the switch.